18+ World of Darkness - Rise of an Ancient

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    Wauten Dayhil

    Demon Hunter and Wordplay Extraordinaire
    Garr stared at the human who had so brazenly interrupted his pacing. Who in the hell does... Garr sniffed the air. Here, where few people actually strode by, he could get a good smell off of anyone around. And he knew the scent, even with his weaker human nose. Turning his body so that only Vanessa could see his hands, Garr raised his hand up and tapped his nose before forming a gun-like shape with his thumb and index finger.

    Turning back to the hunter, Garr greeted the man with his best attempt at a smile. "Took your.. time, hmm?" Garr turned his head to look at Vanessa, and quirked his eyebrow, waiting for her to react.

    Hellknight Anna

    Empress of the Inferno
    As she was about to respond to Garr's statement of the hideout thinking she understood what he meant, someone approached them and greeted them strangely. The voice was familiar. She saw Garr motion with his hand to his nose and made a gun and she recognized what he meant. It was the hunter. She frowned and turned at the same time Garr did to greet him.

    Ah you're back... did you want something?"

    She couldn't remember much other than the hunter appearing just after she had finished her meeting with the other kindred seeking information on the Antediluvian. The Malkavian insight's seem to be valuable at this point in time, and it annoyed her. She couldn't remember much after that point in time though, it was odd. It was a blur between then and when she was walking across the street to her favorite bar last night.
    The other 'me' must have taken hold. She thought.

    No point in worrying about it now. She waited for the hunter to say his piece, hoping to get a little more information now that the three of them were together again. She also kept wary, looking for any signs of additional hunters in the area in case this might be a trap of some sort.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    “Hey now, less than a day is pretty impressive in my book,” Jin just smiles. “Well your phone number would be nice, baby.” The Hunter throws in a little wink to be cute, needless to say her phone number was not the first thing on his mind. “But in all seriousness, I would invite both of you to come with me, someplace neutral like a café. There is something rather important I feel we can help each other with. And that would be a little issue called the Antediluvian, savvy?”

    Noticing that the woman was glancing around, Jin stepped next to them and smiled as charmingly as he could, slipping his arm over the woman’s shoulder. Logic dictates the dog is more likely to act aggressively, if she reacts badly it has more range. Like a quick nip… “Look, this is awkward for me too. For one, either of you can kill me in less than a blink. I get that, I am used to that. What I am not used to is number two… You guys knowing my position… You may not know who exactly I am associated with, but you know I have an association. I say, let’s keep this business casual. Alright? So how about a quick bite to eat... I know a place that can accommodate your special tastes.”


    You wouldn't believe if i told yea
    After his night at the bar, James retired to a hotel not far from where last nights activities. James unable to fall asleep in his not so comfy hotel bed, pulls out his laptop and begins to search for hot spots for unusual activity in the L.A. area. "Ah I can't stay in doors,not today." James thinks to himself grabbing his coat and heading out the door. James begins to think how he could talk to Jin into information on their armouries and possibly helping James on his mission.

    "I love that car." James says aloud walking to his car, a near by woman giving him a strange look. James promptly turning on his ride as his phone rings.

    "Hello Tempest speaking." James answered the phone is quickly as he saw it was the Lucifuge

    "Tempest we are going to need a update by the end of the week, time is of the essence. And from what we have gathered, you don't have a lot of time." A woman sounding very calm waits James's reply.

    "Well I have a lead, so I will call you when I know what's going on. I am aware of the time frame we have here." James stated ending the phone call. James's turning on his radio to some classic rock.

    James quite content with his Impala's engine roaring and his music blaring, He begins to speed through the city, only to be slowed by the large amount of traffic heading north. James shouting with anger and variety of curse words as he navigates the stress that is L.A. Traffic killing his mood until he sees a vehicle that belonged to a Hunter from last night. "Maybe it's Jin and his task force on a lead, let's see what happens." James not wanting to step on anyone's toes.

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    Hellknight Anna

    Empress of the Inferno
    A bit surprised by the man's forwardness Vanessa catches a sweet and fruity scent from Jin's cologne, but it wasn't overpowering like most mortals like to bathe themselves in it. This cologne on the other hand had more of a 'natural' flavor to it, almost as if to blend in nature's surroundings. She thought it was kind of smart. Smell nice... but don't stick out like a sore thumb to be tracked by predators of the night.

    It's 555-In your dreams." She smirked at him for even jokingly asking for her number. Then getting serious she nods in agreement to the meeting at a neutral place, "Sounds acceptable."

    She looked to Garr for confirmation if he was willing to go along with this as well. Maybe she was too trusting of this hunter, but he did have a good point. They could easily overpower him here especially in such close proximity to each other so they had the advantage. Maybe.. just maybe though they could indeed work together for some mutual advantage.

    Wauten Dayhil

    Demon Hunter and Wordplay Extraordinaire
    Garr stood with his back to the tree, and scanned the landscape as the hunter prattled on. No way he'd come alone... snipers? Seeing nothing though, Garr turned his attention back to Vanessa and her 'suitor' in time to hear "acceptable" and see their eyes on him. Damn. Need to work on paying attention. But, now wasn't the time to ask for information to be repeated. Instead, he nodded sagely and pulled away from the tree to follow the pair as they turned to walk down the little hill. Getting hungry. Wonder what hunter tastes like? Probably chicken. It all tastes like chicken.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    “Well,” Jin laughed and held out his hand where there was suddenly a business card. “Even if you don’t want to share, here is mine.”

    His hand was outstretched holding that flimsy piece of fancy paper as if it was an invitation to something. He personally was a big fan of his cards, this one was one of his favorite aliases plus it was shiny gold imprinting on ivory paper. In the center was the name shining in gold: Anderson Kira. While it was all centered the rest of the card went like so: Con Man, Gangland Hitman, and Arsenal Procurement Specialists, next line his phone number and then the last line line “Only one of the previously stated jobs is untrue.”

    Cost me a fortune to make these out of my own pocket but at least it means I can keep my cover much better than some other agents, Jin lowers his smile and looks at the woman. “Since we are all in agreement, the place is one you may be familiar with...The Musso & Frank. One of the oldest restaurants in Los Angeles. It is slightly upscale, might want to take your dog to the groomers.”

    Jin giggles to himself, and slips out a second card for the werewolf. “In case you need to contact me as well.”

    Hellknight Anna

    Empress of the Inferno
    She reached out and clasped the card in between her fingers while giving him a mischievous smile. He is kind of cute... for a mortal. She thought to herself.

    "The Musso and Frank." She mulled over a bit before nodding in agreement. "That sounds good enough, and Anderson?" She arched a brow looking at the name on his card. "Funny, you don't look like an Anderson. Well if I haven't given it already, I'm Vanessa."

    She held out a hand to shake his. Since they were mostly being civil here, no need to break the courtesy at this point. There was something bothering her though - not about the hunter but rather about the dream she had last night. Someone or something attacked the Princess, and she wasn't sure if it was something that had already happened or is about to happen. She didn't want to wait too long, and she decided after this little meeting between the three of them that she was going to go pay the Princess a visit.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    “That is because I am not an Anderson,” Jin smiled as he took her hand, ignoring the lycan. Jin had a smirk as he took the time to kiss the back of her hand. “Like the card said, one of the jobs on that card is false… You may have figured out which one is true at least.”

    He noticed a strange look in her eye. She was distracted, and if his hunch was correct it was a very bad sign. We should have a surveillance detail follow them, Jin pondered. We had to secure them as assets, plus I like her assets… He bit back the urge to smile at his own joke, knowing it would be bad form.

    “If anything urgent comes up. Call me. I got that heavy artillery,” Jin laughed out loud and then slipped back into the crowd. Everyone is going to need to bring their A game. I absolutely hate the smell of this. Once he walked a few blocks away, Jin pressed his finger to his earpiece.

    “Alright everyone. We need some recon on those two. Keep it gentle, and no contact. With whatever the hell we are dealing with still out and about, we need to lock down this city and play this one careful. Keep it close to the vest, I don’t like the way things have been going. Good luck…”

    Jin began moving through the streets and got into a company car. “Get me to my room, then we go to the armory.”


    You wouldn't believe if i told yea
    "Well there's Jin, I should call him if there is anything on the go." James slightly disappointed in himself after realizing he doesn't actually have Jin's number.James proceeded to step out of his vehicle and walk across the street and in front of Jin's vehicle. James give a slight cutesy wave toward Jin and his men and gave them a symbol to roll down one of the windows. "So I was thinking Mr. Jin, I might need some help getting resources, may it be gear or information. Do you think you can help me with that?" James asks quickly figuring they were probably busy, his hands on the roof of the vehicle.

    Wauten Dayhil

    Demon Hunter and Wordplay Extraordinaire
    Garr watched the hunter as he headed back into the iron jungle, and saw the hunter get into a car -- and what appeared to be another hunter stop to talk to him as a third stepped out of the car and headed for Garr. A wolf knows a tail, hunter, he thought to himself. Jogging down an alley, Garr kept an ear out for the hunter, and turned into a doorway. As carefully placed, almost muffled steps approached his hiding spot, Garr whipped an arm out and grasped the hunter's neck. Squeezing his windpipe, Garr knocked him out and tossed his unconscious body against the wall. As the hunter dropped down amidst piles of trash bags, Garr turned and bolted out of the group of buildings and back out into the sunshine.

    As he walked down the streets, brushing past humans as they hurried to wherever humans went, Garr headed for a den of wolves in the city, one frequented by those who refused to pay any mind to the rules of the city, and came and went as it pleased them. Perhaps they've noticed a rise in murders here, he thought, taking twists and turns to avoid any other tails the hunters placed on him. Arriving at the run-down house, Garr noticed the front door stood ajar, its hinges bent and the door frame broken. Pushing the door open, Garr was hit with an overpowering smell of blood and sickly sweet death. Gingerly stepping inside, he flipped the switch to turn on the lights, and came face to face with the body of a werewolf, halfway between human and wolf form. An unfinished transformation. He tried to fight back. The body, a young man, was torn open. Nothing consumed, just remorseless and demented evisceration. His mouth hung open in a silent scream, dried blood coating his chin.

    Gulping, Garr used a finger to close the man's mouth, before heading deeper into the den. Furniture was thrown about or outright destroyed, two more bodies lay heaped in the corner, slashes along their arms and sides showing they were entirely on the defensive. The basement door lay on the ground, shattered. Stepping over the debris, Garr descended into the basement of the house. The basement, which had been dug out to be more than thrice the original size, was in chaos. Blood and gore coated the walls, bodies littered the room, and the smell of death permeated everything, soaking into the walls themselves. As he moved about the room, a sound caught his attention. Spinning about, body already starting to transform, Garr stopped to see a girl.

    No more than thirteen, she looked scared half to death - and she was already more than halfway to the grave. Pinned against the wall by the shattered legs of a chair, the girl barely held herself up off the ground as she stood on the tips of her toes. Rushing over, Garr unceremoniously yanked the wooden legs from her arms, drawing a pained whimper from the girl. As she started to drop to the ground, Garr caught her and lay her down on an old, severely destroyed mattress. He could see her little heart beating to the rhythm of a hummingbird's wings, her chest was so completely ripped open. She breathed in rapid gasps, and her pupils were almost the size of pinheads. "Hello?" he asked, waving his hand in front of her face. She didn't move her head, but her eyes darted around the room before shooting over to Garr's face. She locked eyes with him for a moment, and murmured something. "What?" Garr asked, leaning closer.

    "It's coming," she gasped out. Another gasp escaped her, and her body convulsed one last time before the light went out of her.
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    Hellknight Anna

    Empress of the Inferno
    After parting ways from the hunter, Vanessa turned to Garr. "Be safe out there wolfman." She said teasingly. She could tell that nickname bothered him but it was already decided in her mind that that was his new nickname from now on.

    While he headed off to where ever lupins go, Vanessa decided to head back to the tower. She wasn't really anyone important and so meetings with the Princess were rare if ever achieved, but it was just something she had to know. Blending in with the crowds of late night L.A., using her Obfuscate ability to mimic certain people at the right time; it became too easy to escape the cameras and any eyes that were on her at that point. Lost within the flow, she made her way back toward the headquarters to find nothing out of the ordinary - to her relief.

    She walked around to the side entrance where another kindred let her in, and she made her way upstairs to go see the Princess. She didn't know much about her. An old kindred. Perhaps the oldest Vanessa has heard of in a long time. There are some who say she was a viking Shield Maiden who fought in the Battle of Brávellir in the year 750a.d., and if that was so then that would make her a Methuselah - a kindred who has lived over 1,000 years - powerful, and not yet at that age where they constantly sleep in torpor. Of course it was still all hearsay, but it made Vanessa curious if the stories were true.

    Vanessa made her way up the stairs to the top floor where she was greeted with that of a crime scene. Police tape stretched across the walls, blood was smeared on the walls in strange patterns that depicted of ancient signs that she couldn't decipher. A panic grew in her chest where her heart would normally beat, and she rushed in and under the police tape. One of the detectives who was a ghoul - the result of a human who drinks vampire blood.

    "I'm sorry miss, you can't go in there." He said holding a hand out to try to stop her.

    With furious intent, she shoved him out of the way and proceeded through the door. The shock on her face was a bit of relief rather than horror. The Princess was sitting in her chair being questioned by police - until Vanessa's barging in - and then all eyes were on her. She felt a bit embarrassed. Trying to sort out what was going on she looked around the room a bit more. The blood was not that of the Princesses's, nor of the creature whose eyes she witnesses through yesterday. It was a girl in similar clothing and appearance... a clone? A decoy? Could such a thing really fool such a creature? This only made Vanessa even more aware that what she witnessed yesterday was a vision in real-time events. This was definitely something she had to report...

    The ghoul and another police officer came to pull Vanessa back out of the crime scene, but the Princess lifted a hand. "
    Let her be Dominic. I need to speak to her." They bowed their heads and backed off. Even the cop who was questioning her flipped his notepad and walked out of the room. "So.. I know that look. We need to talk."


    Mistress of Shadows
    The beat of the Electro-pop music thrummed through the crowd in Lush, a small but popular club in the centre of the city. The mixture of sweat, perfume and alcohol was like a miasma to Meridith and her nostrils flared with distaste. But the scents that assaulted her senses
    was nothing compared to the white noise that filled her head. Meridith closed her eyes, hidden behind a black lace veil as they were. She stilled herself on her plush couch that overlooked the throng below and remained so until she was able to block out the noise. Normally, Meridith
    could block the assault of voices in her mind. It was one of her "gifts". She could probe as many minds as were in the room, or single out one target, then sweep them away like fallen autumn leaves.

    But tonight when she had risen from a restless sleep, she felt...off. Something was wrong. Something had happened. And it bothered Meridith that it bothered her. She had dressed in her favourite black leather pants, corset and Christian Louboutin pumps. Finishing off the outfit with a small black lace veil that hung just over her eyes. She needed a shield tonight as she watched the crowd below. For some reason her senses were on high alert and she felt vulnerable.

    Meridith sighed as the noise receded to a far away place in her mind and she opened her eyes. She gave a slight smile to one guest who had been trying to catch her attention for some time now. Just that small gesture was enough for the young man and he beamed in delight at having finally been noticed by the beauty. Meridith was an enigma in Lush. Most people came for her. Just to see her was enough to make their night, but to receive some sort of recognition...well, that was definitely something to talk about for the next few months.

    As much as she thrived on the attention, Meridith had had enough tonight. She stood and straightened out her clothes. Her bodyguard, a brute of a ghoul called Guz, immediately became more alert as he lead the way down the stairs to the dance floor below. Guz cut a wide channel through the crowd of writhing bodies so that Meridith was able to glide gracefully through the crowd.

    "Meridith!" people called out to her as she followed Guz to the back of the room. Guz nodded to the bouncer and he stood to the side, revealing an unassuming door. The Ghoul opened the door and waited for his mistress to pass through. Meridith turned and gave the crowd one last flash of white teeth before releasing them of her passion gift and stepped through the door. When Guz closed the door firmly behind him, the noise of the club was gone and a cool breeze hit Meridith's pale skin. She glided confidently through the black curtains blocking the back room until she came out into a scene from a fairy tale.

    The room was large. Filled with plush pink lounges, piles of cushions, flowing gauzy curtains sectioning off different rooms. The ceiling was also a mass of hanging curtains and small twinkling lights. Flowers and water fountains decorated every available corner. But nothing compared to the
    exquisite beauty of the Fae that inhabited the room. If Meridith wasn't so used to the scene, she would have fell into a trance long ago. She looked upon the Fae as her "babies" to be protected and nurtured in this room. And what the Fae craved most was love. This back room, known only to Kindred and other Supernaturals, was a place for them to come and indulge in a little Fae blood. Highly potent to Kindred and desired by others, the Fae gave it willingly in exchange for the love it evoked in it's recipient. The client paid highly for the pleasure as well. Meridith was allowed to run her business as some of her clients were Kindred of note.

    She felt relaxed in this space as she glided through the room. She opened her mind to them all and gathered up any tantalising pieces of information that came to her. Kindred high on Fae blood were an easy target. She heard the usual things. One had revealed themselves to a human and then drained them dry, another owed a lot of money to a Werewolf Pack. She picked through the minds of them all until one word made her stop dead still.

    "Antediluvians" Meridith swallowed and tried to regain her composure. She delved deep into the minds of her clients, trying not to shake
    as she gathered more and more disturbing information. Information she knew certain people would be wanting very soon.

    "Guz" she said quietly to her guard "Prepare for guests"

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    “Not this asshole again,” Jin looked at the guy with his hands on the front of the Company car. I don’t have time for this and there is no telling how much jeopardy he is going to cause on this job. Jin turned his head to see an inspector getting out of the car. Oh yeah and I forgot, Jin groaned mentally. This asshole is here too.

    Taking out another business card, Jin scribbled Muso and Frank on the back as well as the time of meeting. Putting the card on the parking meter, Jin called out to the Irish lout in the worst faux Asian accent ever, with just an extra twinge of stereotypical Chinese accent.

    “No offense, but fluff you this is a company car. Now I have no idea what you are talking about my name is Phyuck Yu. Antiquities salesmen. I no have this equipment unless you want Ming Dynasty vase. Now leave me to my business you a stupid gaijin!”

    Jin tapped the driver to move and the car began to pull out even with the man on the hood. Hopefully he can figure out the card is important, Jin thought as the other man in the back was looking at a tablet like screen. It was one of the rare Phyuck Yu cards I had. In was so into his sarcastic and racist routine it took the man in the back seat tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

    “Colonel, Sir.”

    Jin looked back with a raised eyebrow.

    “The inspector just got murdered by the ExNorm.”


    “He said he had to take a piss…”


    You wouldn't believe if i told yea
    "Well I am sorry! I just wanted some sushi and rice!" James playing along with Jin's clearly bad impression of a Chinese man. James stepped back and watches the car drive off, he quickly switches his attention to the card on the parking meter. "The Musso and Frank eh? Very well." James running to his car and typing the address into his GPS. The car tires griping into the concrete and thrusting it forward. "This clearly is something important, I can't rush into this. I hope this dinner is plus one!" James chuckled to himself as he turned on his radio to hear Pearl Jam.

    After about an hour of driving, James reached his destination realizing this bar and grill was more then just a simple place but quite the hot spot. "Looks like I will just wait for Jin to show up." James thought to himself. A few minutes later his mind drifted off in the thought of an ancient vampires coming back to create chaos, definitely a terrifying thought and something not to be taking lightly. "These people have no idea of the evil that lurks in the dark, waiting for them to make a mistake."

    Hellknight Anna

    Empress of the Inferno
    "Yes my Princess. What can I do for you?" Melodramatically kneeling and bowing, a twisted smile forms. Vanessa wasn't here right now, but replaced in that instant with her other side.

    "I need you to run an errand for me. We've asked many of the kindred around the city and they're all saying the same thing. That they don't know what it is." She sighed before pulling out an envelope and pushed it to the edge of the desk.

    "I want you to take this to a toreador in her club. Lush. You'll know the place."

    Vanessa's smile grew wider, "Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap?"

    The princess smirked in turn, "That's none of your concern. The main reason I want you to go there, is to snoop around. Ask her if she's... heard anything about this so-called antediluvian." She rolled her eyes.

    "I've been around for a long time, and I've not once seen anything pre-biblical. I doubt it truly exists, but we must be prepared for it if it does."

    "The proof is in the cards, darling. You've only to flip the deck." Vanessa stood up and walked over to the desk to pick up the envelope.

    After picking up the envelope a sudden realization just occurred to her. She looked up, her eyes meeting the Princess's.

    "If you don't believe, then why the double." Her free hand pointing a finger to the body in the corner. "And why did he call you.. 'childe'."

    It was at that moment, the princess's already pale face would seemed to have grown paler. Vanessa was asking too many questions and the situation was beginning to get tense. As the Princess's face grew more serious and angry, Vanessa picked up the envelope and backed away with a mischievious smile.

    "If we find him first. His blood is ours." Before the Princess could retort, Vanessa vanished from sight on her way out of the building hidden in the comforts of the shadows.

    The Princess sighed again and leaned back in her chair, and pulled out one of the drawers where she had a deck of cards and thought. The child of Malkav couldn't have been that literal, could she?

    She picked up the deck and flipped it over to see the King of Hearts with fangs drawn on on the face in permanent marker.

    I'll be damned.. again."

    Wauten Dayhil

    Demon Hunter and Wordplay Extraordinaire
    Garr spent the better part of three hours digging a mass grave. The well-used dirt of the basement made it easy to dig through, but it was still back-breaking work. Laying the bodies in the shallow grave, Garr shoveled the dirt back over them. Once all bodies but one were covered, he shifted and howled. Calling to the dark, grimy ceiling, and any who could hear him through it, announcing the fallen and their trip to the afterlife.

    Once he concluded the rite, Garr returned to his human self and lifted the body of the young girl. Her small shape was made even smaller, rolled into a ball and squeezed into a worn duffel bag. Hefting the surprisingly heavy weight, Garr returned to the openeing of the house and started for the Princess' building...

    Opening the large, glass doors, he made his way to the elevators and reached for the call button. He was stopped, though, by the cold grip of a security guard. "She won't see you now," was all he said. Shrugging, Garr lifted the bag from his shoulder, almost caringly, and shoved it right under the vampire's nose. "Give," Garr told him, smiling, and turned away before the guard could stop him.

    As he reached the door, Garr heard the guard's none-too-pleasant words, and turned around. Still smiling, he saluted the guard with a single finger, and backed his way out into the human world.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Jin watched the city go by as he rode shotgun. Unfortunately, he had been in this city long enough to not find anything resembling beautiful about it. With the way everything had devolved he found himself with a raging headache.

    “Shall we send a drone to watch that Lucifage?”

    “Yeah sure,” Jin groaned as he rubbed his temples.

    He went up to his room and stripped down, taking the time to enjoy a hot shower. Thinking about what he would need to get for this particular mission. From what little information the boys at the lab could gather, his guns would be useless unless he got something with a bit more power. He would probably need a rifle, something he had not carried since his deployment seven years ago.

    It was all a blur, as he got dressed: a crisp white suit with a black waistcoat and a deep crimson dress shirt. He sprayed himself with some of his hunter’s cologne, this one making him smell “like roses.” Opting to slick his hair back, Jin put his custom earpiece back into his ear. It took all his willpower to make his way back down stairs to find a different company car.

    “Armory,” Jin said softly.

    “Got another date, Musashi?” His driver remarked. “I am beginning to think you need to find a nicer type of skirt to chase.”

    “Cute…” Jin said, before breaking into a hearty laugh. “Damn it dude, why do you have to go and do that?”

    “Hey, I saw the profile pictures. She’s hot, though the Lycan is too. Just a little rough around the edges.”

    “She is a bloodsucking vampire… and he is a dog.”

    “So… Like any woman and man?”

    “Just get me to the armory, I need to get some real heavy firepower.” Jin said still trying not to laugh, and failing miserably.

    “You got it bud,” his driver laughed back. Pulling out into traffic to head out to the armory.


    You wouldn't believe if i told yea
    An hour passes by before James wakes, rubbing his eyes softly and stretching with slight yawn. "I might as well get a drink to pass the time." James thought getting out of his car and crossing the street to Musso and Franks. "A nice place, reminds me of a pub back home." James reminisced studying the inside of the eatery, the front part having red booths and a bar spanning the length of the room. To the right a hallway leading into a larger dinning area, which seems to be more formal then the front. The Grill was quite busy and the front was packed with people enjoying their food and company. "Looks like I will be going to the right to enjoy my drink." Chuckled James as he found himself seat fairly close to the end of the bar with a good view of the room.

    "What will I get you to start off with?"
    A female bartender asked politely placing the menu in front of James.

    "A Jameson on the rocks please. Might be a long night!"
    Joked James beginning to look at the menu. "Oh god a jumbo crab cake sounds absolutely amazing right now. I will take it please."

    "Oh why's that?" The Bartender asks handing James his drink and noting his meal on paper.

    "I am here for business and it might not go smoothly. But who knows what will happen in this city." James said before taking a nice sip of his whiskey and leaning back on his stole.

    "Well I hope all goes well sir. And it will just be a few minutes for your food." The Bartender states as her attention is driven to other customers.

    "So do I." Sighed James with a deep breath, his hand gripping the cold glass before taking another sip. "I wonder what this ancient thing wants with Los Angeles."