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  • Simus? Damn, I had no idea you were still around. Don't know if you remember me, I think the only time we wrote together was in Aethalia's What Lurks in the Dark.
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    Reactions: Simus
    Hey man. I do remember you from the What Lurks in the Dark reboot. How’ve you been? It’s been a long time.
    I've been good. Working and all that fun stuff.
    Feeling nostalgic? Couldn't help but notice you were viewing Dusk.
    I was. Wishing I could RP again.
    Well, I know the ooc says closed, but an Era of Dusk could use a writer of your caliber. If you were interested, that is.
    I’ll see.
    So how's it going? Long time no talk.
    Going okay. Job’s going well and i’m Getting engaged next week.
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    Reactions: Madrar
    You, my good man, should un-leave immediately! I'm trying to get the ol' band back together, or at least a mash-up with some old members :D
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    Reactions: Simus
    Hey man! I was passing through and I saw your message! Great to see you again! I wanted to let you know that I live here now:


    Step through the magic portal and join me! Great site with great people and great mods. Unlike here it's completely dedicated to roleplaying so it's just a better site than here.
    I'm Starcaller Simus over there. Make an account and PM me once you're there. It's also important to read the rules as they do a few things differently than SF. Let me know if you have any questions!
    Hale Loneshadow
    Hale Loneshadow
    Will do! I'll make an account/check it out this weekend, my school schedule's been picking up as of late. Glad to see you still pop in though :D
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    Reactions: Simus
    I'd be keen to join a 40k roleplay. Been wanting to do one for a while
    Thank the Emperor then! I have the same RP up on eternalcrusadeforums but I like to see how different sites respond.
    Ysarth the watcher
    Ysarth the watcher
    Captain Ashmire Valkyrie is an actual model I have XD The Space marine has slaughtered so many with his unyielding lucky dice-rolls (or good motion control with the hand)
    Ysarth the watcher
    Ysarth the watcher
    I have special weapon that I converted - plasma pistol with a plasma-dump valve: when the pistol overheats, it emits a short-range yet deadly discharge of plasma vapour (S: 2 AP: 3) but I don't really want to use it in the RP, overpowering and all
    Weighed in two weeks ago and gained 12 pounds back. Feeling really depressed at the moment. Want to give up but can't. Have to keep going.
    Why am I always so hard on myself? Why do I feel I have to be perfect all the time? That I have no right to fail ever? I don't want to feel this way. I caught up with my food for today and on paper I'm in control but because I had to play catchup and may have forgotten a few points I've failed forever? That all-or-nothing thinking is exactly the thing weight watchers says to avoid so why do I do it?
    When will I learn to cut myself a little slack? Maybe never but at least I have the courage to write about my own feelings. That helps a little. Airs them out.
    My Names is Dilya,
    i saw your Profile today and it impress me after going through it i Decided to contact you for Friendship,i will Like to know more about you, location, Occupation, hobbies Age, etc,kindly write me back true my email address, ( Dilyaarnold10@hotmail.com ) ,Remember that Age,region distance or color does not matter when it comes to true friendship, ( Dilyaarnold10@hotmail.com )
    Best Regards Dilya,
    So I weighed in two weeks ago and found out I gained 12 pounds back. Mostly in control now but feeling depressed at the moment.
    25 lbs lost since January thanks to weight watchers and working out. I'm finally doing it!
    It's been over a week since my last RP alert. All of my threads have died. Again. Even the OOC's. Maybe I should just give up writing.
    It's been over a week since my last RP alert. Every thread I'm in has stopped cold. It feels like the site has simply given up and died.
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