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    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Kohl's lips twitched upwards slightly. "Then where would he be? Or ... Zeran, for that matter?"


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    (He is losing his chance. lol.)

    Shisha glanced back at Kohl, and smiled. "I do not know actually, it is possible they are together possibly in one of the temple's. As to which one, I have no idea." She paused for a minute. "Kohl, have you...." She stopped her self in mid-sentence. "Never mind." She put the necklace around her neck, and began to put her armor back on, starting with her greaves.

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    (lol he has no idea what to do ... mainly bewildered, I think.)

    He was over the nervousness; Kohl was only a bit twitchy, now. He dared to glance over at her, now, focusing in on her face. "Have I did ... ?" he said. "No. Never. My parents tried to, but.." He shrugged. "Always I pushed them away. I didn't want to be married off to someone without my will, someone I barely get to know as a person, not for their body." He paused. "...why?"



    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    (Lmfao, perfect come back. xD)

    She glanced at him now with those piercing electric blue eyes, and smiled. "Curiosity." She let loose a musical laugh. She finished clothing her self and turned around. "You are a kind man, Kohl."

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    "And you, my Lady Shisha, are a kind woman. I.." He paused. "I'm glad to be traveling with you and Falcion. But I'm worried, Shisha. My head's on the chopping block again and I'm not sure how I'm going to get out of it's way for a third time, much less where to go and who to trust. But it's great to know that I can trust at least you two." Maybe...no.


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    Seeing his reaction, she turned and began walking towards camp. "Come, before they leave without us."

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    "That may be the least of our concerns." He followed her, his pace a bit faster than most Men due to several things, including his various emotions and using the balls of his feet to run and walk.


    The White Wanderer
    Felidae was once more seated on the rock outcrop just outside camp, silently watching the sun as it rose over the mountains, mulling over the strategies of attack.
    The Wood-Elf had mentioned a Fury spell to cause chaos within the Forsworn ranks, but Felidea didn't know a Fury spell, or any spell for that matter. She had never cared much for the arcane arts.
    As for Kohl and Shisha, she had no idea where they had disappeared off to; about twenty minutes before they just upped and left without revealing anything about where they were going. Some comrades they were.
    The frown on Felidae's face deepened as bitter thoughts entered her mind. If they had their own issues to deal with, fine, but she wasn't going to let other people's silly little problems get in the way of her own objective. There was a lot of money to be made out of this, and she wasn't going to let it slip through her fingers.
    But the Bosmer had unfortunately confirmed her suspicions; there was no way she'd get to Faldil unless she had backup, but when that backup decided to just disappear without any explanation or forewarning, then something was definitely amiss. Perhaps it had something to do with the Breton's Beast Blood...?
    Felidae drew her crossbow and squinted into the distance, searching for any sign of her two companions.
    If they didn't return within the next ten minutes then she was going after Faldil without them, no matter what the Bosmer said.

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    As it happened, they did. Kohl lifted his face as the waning light of the campfire blended in with the rising sun. Felidae, he noticed, didn't look particularly happy. 'All secrets are found out, Lord Dale' she had told him. And she was right, but that didn't mean that all knowledge was good, either. The fire in his eyes seemed to 'close' as he walked closer, replaced by a cold vigor. "Did she tell you anything?" he nearly demanded as he paused next to Falcion and Felidae.

    "'She'," Idris scoffed. "'She' did. I'm glad you've taken to mentioning me as a person and not as some skeever." Idris straightened up in her little prison, looking at Kohl and Shisha. "And you might as well take to giving me a name. Please not 'Fluffy' or 'Little Elf', though, or next thing you'll know you'll be a chicken running around with it's head cut off." She looked amused by the prospect. "My name's Idris, thank you very much for your politeness." She wrapped a finger around one of the blades of grass.


    The White Wanderer
    "She did, actually," Felidae replied to Kohl, without looking at him. She was leaning against the trunk of a tree, casually examining her claws in the glow of the fire and looking just as bored as Idris. "She suggested luring the Forsworn away from the encampment in some form of diversion, then grabbing Faldil while it's at its most vulnerable. She also suggested the use of a Fury spell, to cause extra confusion within the enemy ranks."
    She glanced at Idris, eyes flashing dangerously. "But then of course, she could always be leading us into a trap."


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    Shisha walked over to the prison, and leaned over till she was eye-level to Idris. Her electric blue eye's shining in the morning light. "She knows the Forsworn better then we do. I think we should take her with us, and if she tries to escape I will personally burn her to ashes." Falcion stood up. "Are you serious?! She could stab us in the back or worse!" She looked back at Falcion. "How is she different from me?" Falcion scowled. "That is true....but the difference between her and you is that you just get pissy. She could kill us just because she doesn't like us!" She looked back to Idris. "Fricai onr eka eddyr." The language was smooth and quite beautiful when spoken, Shisha smiled friendly. Falcion rolled his eyes and turned on his heels and began to pack up camp.

    ("Fricai onr eka eddyr." It mean's I am your friend. Jut an FYI.)

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Idris looked annoyed nonetheless. "I'd like you all more if you'd call me by my name," she repeated. "Don't worry; I'm not the kind to stab you in the back without telling you first. That kind of sneakiness is old news. Overrated. Not like you care," she shrugged.

    "You'd have more trouble from me than from her," Kohl muttered. He looked at the Bosmer in the crystal prison. "Just be careful ... Idris. There's trouble competitive with Shisha's power if you dare turn on us." He smiled and turned, helping Falcion pack up. His hair was still a little wet from.


    The White Wanderer
    Felidae couldn't believe what was happening. They were letting the Elf go? Even though she was working with the Forsworn? The Khajiit grimaced with anger and grabbed her saddlebag, eyeing Idris distastefully.
    She was beginning to wonder whether capturing Faldil was worth having to put up with two filthy Mer-people and a werewolf at the same time. It bloody well better be, she thought to herself.
    Kicking dirt over the dying fire, Felidae turned to Kohl and fixed him with an icy glare.
    "I hope you know what you're doing, Breton," she muttered through gritted teeth. "If that Elf turns on us, then I'm holding both you and the Falmer woman accountable for her actions."

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Kohl scowled at her. In the rising light that played against his scars, he for once looked dangerous. "Look. I don't trust the woman any more than you do, but at least I'm looking past the vast glimmer of gold. I don't trust this Idris any more than I should be trusting any of you. I've played a hide and run game with a dagger at my throat for my entire life. The dagger-holder has been numerous people, of course." He looked at her, limiting himself to a softer tone. "So don't speak to me of trust ... with a poised dagger." He snuffed out the small fire burning in an ember left over from the campfire. "Now, are we near ready?" He looked up at the others.


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    She turned suddenly towards Felidae hearing her 'Falmer' comment. "I am not a Falmer, nor are my people who just wanted to save themselves!" She snarled angrily. "I have tried to show kindness to you long enough Kahjiit! Call me Falmer one more time and I will roast you like a boar!" A bright ball of fire erupted in her hand. Resisting the urge to kill the woman, she threw it at a nearby dead tree. It exploded on impact, scorching several feet around the tree. She had a pissed look on her face. "Whoa!" Falcion said with surprise. Shisha took a deep breath and turned back towards Idris. The crystal box disappeared. Freeing Idris, she turned her back and spoke. "Try anything, and that tree will be you." She walked over to where Falcion sat.


    The White Wanderer
    "You don't scare me," Felidae hissed, sheathing and unsheathing her claws. "I've taken on a lot worse than you, Elf. You're nothing; just a mere memory of what you once were. And kindness? Where was kindness while I spent my childhood rotting in some Elven mine?"
    She bared her teeth and went into a slight crouch, eyes fixed furiously on Shisha. Her hand went down to the dagger on her calf. "You Elves have shown me nothing but pain and anguish. If it wasn't for you Mer-filth, I wouldn't be putting my life in danger every day, fighting criminals just to earn a decent living. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be haunted every night by memories of the torment your kind put me through. So be careful what you say to me, Falmer bitch, or in future I might not be so lenient."

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Idris slowly got to her feet, rubbing her wrists slightly and watching the two arguing members quietly. She dropped her hands and set them comfortably on her waist, not sure what to think of this.

    "She wasn't ... there when you- wait, what?" Kohl fastened his eyes on the back of Felidae's head. He gripped Solar's hilt, drawing it so that the beginning of it's blade shone increasingly bright in the rising sun, almost as if it were gleaming with a faint golden hue. "Look, I don't care anymore who's history's what. There are different races of Mer and the Snow Elves were gone way before you were born." His voice was a low growl. "Look, we can 'sort this out' later. But we're leaving now, before I end up wearing you both down." He hissed lowly through his teeth and looked at Falcion like 'I can't believe this is happening right now. Right. Now.' He didn't relax his grip on Solar, watching the two closely just in case they ended up trying to kill each other anyways. Now more than ever, his wolf side snapped at his mortal will. His jaw had tightened, making the teeth on his left side ache slightly, as he thought on this. He knew he had to leave. He was in control now, but later ... I can make up for it at their camp. "I say we just attack. I know it sounds low-minded, but I'm not going to wait for any of us to be betrayed."

    (The prospect of having him (trying?) to be handed over is very interesting...I'm pondering on it with a smile on my face and a twitch in my jaw at this very moment lol)


    The White Wanderer
    "It makes no difference," Felidae screeched, completely ignoring Kohl's last sentence. "Falmer, Dunmer, Bosmer; they're all the same. They're all scum."
    A wild, frenzied look was etched upon Felidae's face, and her eyes were burning with a terrible fury. She seemed to have temporarily forgotten Faldil in her rage.
    "And you..." she snarled, turning on Kohl. "Are just a freak of nature, you dirty great mongrel."

    (Indeed. I'm looking forward to seeing how it'll all turn out.)


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    Shisha had an extremely hurt look on her face at Kohl's words of both of you. She stared at the ground blankly. The words of Felidae and Kohl repeated in her mind. "If you depise me so much, cut me down where I stand. I will not stop you." Falcion had a look of dismay, "You can't be serious?" Shisha just stood where she was and waited.

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Kohl's face was flushed in anger. He unsheathed Solar and tossed it aside; it danced and then remained half-hidden in the grass and dirt, it's glow dulling. His eyes were flashing brightly in the sun - a dull but vicious fire seeming to dance in them of their own accord. His fists curled inward. He looked grim, dangerous ... and very pissed off. plops, he thought. For once, he was about to let the wolf part take over. Forget about the Forsworn, forget about Faldil, forget about the others. A freak of nature, was he? A dirty, great mongrel? He'd teach her the true triumph of the wolf. He now understood what Aela had told him, about it being a gift ... 'Control yourself or it controls you' he remembered her warning him.
    He scowled. Aela had been right, of course ... He was on the tip of a knife, edging between simply leaving or attacking Felidae. Anything could tip him. The last thing Kohl wanted to hear is speech, though. He wanted his own thoughts, his own mind.
    With a loud, humanoid growl, he turned. Sleek, jet-black fur covered his back. Although it couldn't be seen from behind, his chest was becoming covered with the same fur, only white.
    A moment later, a werewolf stood with it's back to the group, a low rumble escaping from his chest, unhelpingly. He turned and glanced at them; small beings, powerful, angry, limited in their emotions ... His werewolf eyes were a deep red, the color of the blood moon at it's height, his chest and muzzle white, contrasting against his otherwise black pelt. His ears were pointed, like a Mer's almost.
    Kohl stared at them for a moment before turning suddenly with a striding run and disappearing over the hill.

    (Sorry, it took so long to write this...fun fun! Again, this is what he looks like in (were)wolf form: http://www.desktopaper.com/wp-content/uploads/unusual-skyrim-werewolf-by-marseh-dpzpvx.jpg)

    Idris couldn't help but smile slightly.