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    The White Wanderer
    "D'you think she knows anything about Faldil?" Felidae said, approaching the crystal prison. "Elf scum such as this tend to stick together, after all."
    She stared at Idris thoughtfully for a moment, before grabbing her saddlebag from beside the fire and retrieving the Wanted poster. She unrolled it and shoved it into the Wood-Elf's face. "You recognize this man?" Felidae snapped, jabbing a clawed finger at the crude image of Faldil.

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    (Whoops, sorry, didn't see that part of your post! Ignore Idris's part of my last post, please. By the way, did Shisha's healing spell come from the idea of Eragon?)

    But it had hurt. Kohl rubbed his shoulder and glanced down at his chest. Blood, but no more wound. It was unnatural, but he was near grateful for it. He retrieved Solar and stalked over to the woman in the crystal prison.

    Idris stared back at the golden-haired woman. Her bow was still strapped to her back, but there was no room to unsheath it and obviously no way to attack the others. Not that she'd feel it'd be a good idea at the time. Well, now, this is exciting, she thought. A slick smile came to her face. She didn't look away for a long time, until she realized she probably couldn't win this staring contest, in which she glanced at the Khajiit, the Breton, and the man with the claymore(what race is Falcion again?).

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Idris stared at the poster. "As a matter of fact, I do," she said. But she said no more, seeming to be amused by this conversation.


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    (Yes, lol I'm a huge fan of the series. I needed some language for her to speak in since she is an ancient race. I don't own it as I said in my fanfic.)

    Shisha glared angrily at Kohl but said nothing. She spoke to the Bosmer. "You know him, now where is he? Tell me, and I might choose not to kill you."


    The White Wanderer
    A look of fury clouded the Khajiit's features and she shoved past Shisha, pressing her face against the cage wall. "Listen here, you miserable little wretch," Felidae spat contemptuously. "I'm not playing games. You're going to tell me where this man is or you're going to suffer, and I mean really suffer. Believe me when I say that you don't know what I'm capable of."

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Idris moved a few inches away from the crystal wall that separated her face from Felidae's. "Aal aan aar ag aaz ahraan(May a servant burn (your) mercy wound(meaning, 'may a peasant salt your wound in mercy' - if you get her mismatched meaning))," she hissed back.

    Kohl stared at Idris in something near horror. He made a soft growl under his breath. "Where did you learn that language?" he demanded. Dragons have not spoken to Tamriel since they first smote ash upon the lands, he thought.

    Idris looked at him and gave a slight grin. So close, so close to what she could not get. The man had no idea how his soul was such a gift, not to be wasted by the mead halls of after-death that the Nords so celebrate. "The life of the forests of Valenwood speak, haal grohiik(hand-wolf)." She returned her attention to Shisha and Felidae. "Fine, fine. The Elf came a couple of weeks or so ago - I have no idea when, so don't bother waggling your bitten tongues about it. Crazed Mer, half out of his wits. A disgrace to the sincerity of Valenwood. No wonder he came here..." She snorted. "He'll be up at the camp. Don't worry about me going after you, though - although I might, just for the thrill of cutting off his Kyne-cursed tongue."

    (Yes, she was speaking in Dragon language. It's because, when the dragons first came to Tamriel, the forests got a taste of their power. I know it sounds weird, but Idris will claim that the trees 'speak to her', that she can 'read them like one may read a book...except without the forbidden stealing of bark for paper'. This may or may not be true, I just needed some native tongue I thought...and I was bored...)


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    Shisha, stood saying nothing. She took one look at Kohl, and was instantly furious. He kept this from everyone even after we said no more secrets. She couldn't take it anymore. {What happen to not keeping anymore secrets!} She said angrily to Kohl through telepathy.

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Kohl looked at her in alarm. {Why would I want to share that bit with anyone?! Even after I promised, I ... agh. I doubt I could make you understand. It is a curse, like everything else of my life has been. And I can control it. Nobody would have to know, don't you understand?! Aren't there parts of your past that you wouldn't dare even mutter to Falcion?} He turned his face away from her. As his scars blended in badly with his light skin, it looked as if someone or something had tried to rip apart part of his face - the scar near his nose and mouth. {Why would you care, anyway?} He sounded, mentally, not surprised but hurt by her anger. I'm no soft fool, he thought to himself in annoyance, but this is ridiculous.

    Idris glanced between the two fleetingly before arching an eyebrow at Felidae.


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    She sighed out loud. {Come with me, there is some thing I wish to show you.} She turned and began to walk off towards the direction of the pool.

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Kohl gave Felidae a sharp look and then a shrug, looking annoyed for basically the first time. He gave Idris a meaningful glare, then followed Shisha quietly, glancing at Falcion as he did.

    (Pool? Ok..!)

    Idris watched the two leave, her eyes slitted slightly.


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    (Not like that lmao the springs she was at earlier fair warning its about to get a little awkward for Kohl

    As she lead Kohl to the springs she began to speak. "Your people will suffer for what you have done. You shall be enslaved until we see you are worthy to become flesh." She took a deep breath as the springs came into view. "Thus are the words spoken to me by the god Akatosh himself." The two arrived at the springs, crumbling collumns dotted the area. "You are probably wondering why we are here." She seemed close to tears and anger. "Let me explain, it was here that I waa enslaved." She tuned towards the pool. "It is here that the Elder Scroll lies hidden." She began to strip of her armor. "The springs will not allow me to enter with any possecions. This must be uncomfortable for you, I'm sorry." Scars from what looked like a whip slashed there way across the skin on her back. "Secrets are always found out. Lord Dale." With no possessions, and at these words she dove into the springs.


    The White Wanderer
    Felidae, meanwhile, was still back at camp. She'd rekindled the fire after it went out during the commotion, and she was staring silently into the embers, completely ignoring the presence of Falcion and Idris. The sun was slowly beginning to rise, its soft tendrils of light spreading throughout the morning sky and turning it a deep, blood red. It was going to be a beautiful dawn, but Felidae ignored that too.
    The Breton was a werewolf. She'd known all along that there was something else he'd been hiding from her, something else he'd been keeping in the dark. How could she trust him now?
    She picked up a stick and idly poked the embers. It seemed like he could control the Beast inside him, but how long could he last before it took over and he transformed? She didn't want to present if that happened.
    The sun continued to rise, casting long shadows across the camp. Several birds tweeted in a nearby juniper grove, and a lone wolf howled somewhere over the hill.
    Felidae shivered, but not because of the cold. She'd briefly considered making a dash for Faldil while the two were gone, and then she'd never have to see wolf-boy and his annoying Elf girlfriend ever again.
    But she knew that would be suicide. The camp was still most likely heavily guarded, and she'd either be killed, or worse, taken prisoner.
    She spat dismally into the flames and took a swig from her hip-flask. No, she'd have to wait for them to come back, but the sooner Faldil was dead and she was far away from this lot, the better.
    And of course, she couldn't forget the fact that Kohl had a price on his head. But sorting that out, considering the recent turn of events, was looking to be a bit more difficult than she'd anticipated. But first things first.
    Felidae shook her head and stood up, tossing the stick into the fire. "Hey, Bosmer," she said, knocking on the cage wall to get Idris's attention. "Tell me how I can get to Faldil."

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Kohl's eyes were wide-open, his jaw loose for a moment. Did she just ... oh, confound it all. He jumped in after her.

    (lol 'wolf-boy and his annoying Elf girlfriend'..love it!)

    Idris was leaning against one of the walls of the crystal prison, entertaining herself by picking apart blades of grass into various patterns. Every time she picked off a blade, she'd mutter something softly.
    When the prison shivered slightly, she looked up in annoyance and rid of the blade of grass she was working on. She sat up and looked at the bounty-hunter. "It would be hard, even if you were in with the Forsworn's secrets like I was. You could pry them away from their camp and then somehow escape back to their camp and slit his throat before they come back. A Fury spell works wonders, too, if they're stupid enough to fall for it." She watched Felidae closely with her yellow-gold eyes. At least the Khajiit was being respectful this time, mostly. "You're considering leaving the others, of course," she said, her voice turning slightly rough. "But you must know, you need them for at least this. Their experience at arms and such." She returned to leaning on the crystal prison wall. She seemed majorly bored, but not taken aback by being held prisoner. Only bored and a bit twitchy from the time passed just sitting down, not being able to strike back and escape into the woodland hills.
    But she hoped for one thing. The Breton could help her. She had hoped for the wolf-blood since she left home, and this was about the only way so far she could get it. Except for a few other, more painful prospects. Her most frustrating question was how. But she had an idea. She'd just have to find the opportunity to get it done.

    (This is what Kohl looks like as a werewolf ... simply because I hate how werewolves naturally look lol. Sorry, couldn't help it. And, plus, they should have the opportunity to look different depending on what their human selves look like..)


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    (Haha I like it!)

    Swimming far down under the water, she had heard Kohl splash in after her. The springs opened up into a larger cavern, a ball of light lit her way as she searched for her prize. She cast one more spell, water-breathing. Kohl could now breathe freely. She searched the bottom of the cavern for what seemed like an hour, a sparkle in the water caught her eye. A necklace, crafted in Snow-elf fashion, was slightly buried in the sand. Picking it up she had a look of surprise on her face.

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Being under the water for so long was making Kohl's skin prickle nervously. He motioned as best he could if they could go up, possibly, looking curiously at the necklace.


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    She nodded her head, with the necklace she began to swim up to the surface. Reaching the surface she sat upon the edge of the springs, and examined the necklace. It was a small silver image of a bird, the eye having one small diamond. "Xiathan." She scowled slightly. "No wonder I didn't find it."

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Kohl sat down next to her and frowned quizzically at the necklace. On it was an inscribed bird with an eye of a small diamond. "Who, again?" he asked her. "And what does he have to do with the Scroll?" This isn't going along acutely.


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    She bit her lip reluctant to tell him, she took a deep breath. "He was Zeran's best friend, a complete womanizer and a asshole, but he really was a nice guy when you got to know him. He probably took it for safe keeping when the empire fell, he was the only one besides Zeran that knew what happened to me." She ran her fingers over the trinket, and stood up. She laughed. "You probably would prefer for me to be clothed now."

    < That Damned Arrow >

    ... but then I took an arrow to the knee.
    Color swathed Kohl's cheeks, bright yet dark. "Um...yeah," he finally said, getting to his feet as well and trying not to look at her. In truth, Kohl had never seen a woman without clothes on. "Do you still think there's a way to find the Scroll?" he asked her. "I mean, if you could somehow ... bring them back? Of course, I guess the Divines wouldn't look kindly on that. But even they have to realize that Tamriel isn't what it used to be. I'm not the only one who's largely doubted if they exist. And now dragons are coming back and I was nearly killed twice. The Divines will surely forsake me again if I find my neck at doubt again." He laughed dryly and squeezed the water out of his armored hood. "No doubt it's not them who are looking over me anymore, if anyone. The 'Lord' Hircine surely must care for his 'subjects', too." He sounded bitter.


    Neko, Vixen, jailbait
    (Awwwwww! Kohl is still a virgin! How adorable! ^-^)

    She turned her back to him, as she rung the water out of her hair. "It is possible." In the moonlight, the scars across her back could be seen with more detail. They went out in all different directions, they had once been deep wounds. Shisha continued to speak. "The gods, will not kill me for trying to restore my people. For the Snow-elves are not completly obsolite. I will just be healing them of a deadly toxin, but I cannot do that without the scroll. I doubt Xiathan is dead or one of the Betrayed. He always was a sneaky bastard." She laughed at the end part.