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    The Shadow in the Dark.


    young but able

    Dabiene Caristiana

    Your friendly neighborhood weirdo
    I'm alright with it. AND I'M AVAILABLE THIS WHOLE WEEKEND! Hahahah!

    Ahem. Anyway, like I said I'm ok with it. I'm sure Humbugala would be ok with it :) though I can't be too sure. So let me get this straight also, you're gonna fast forward all of us? And Val's little 'family' is still in this right?


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Sounds good. And Znow, I've just a lot of s*** going on right now and not a lot of it is good stuff.

    Dabiene Caristiana

    Your friendly neighborhood weirdo
    We lost our football game today, 2 were sent to the hospital, one for x-rays, and another because he couldn't walk. AT ALL. 1-2 had minor injuries.

    This is why I hate football. I don't hate it with a passion, because I think people do have a right to do what they want. Even if it means fighting over a football and tackling someone and potentially giving them a concussion. :/

    Home (us): 14
    Guest (them, obviously): 56

    Yea, we got pwned. Pretty badly. I think it was our homecoming game too. Or maybe it was the previous game. I can't recall. -_-

    I just hope the two guys who went to the hospital are ok. They were key players too. The mother of the guy who couldn't walk and let alone couldn't move, was most likely hysterical. The mother of the guy that went to get an x-ray, I don't know but she picked him up and went to the hospital (which is like 27 miles away...) and she was already at the game (picture your own kid getting swamped and crushed by a big guy.)

    And most of the guys on our team? Freshmen. The kid that couldn't walk? Was a freshman. >_< There were bigger and older guys on our team (we have a new coach) so maybe they thought that smaller and faster was the way to go. I don't know. I just again, hope they are ok.


    Anyway! I'll be available all weekend. Just post when you can Znow. :)


    I'm sorry Madrar. I hope everything starts to get better for you. :)

    Man, I hope those guys are okay, too, Dabiene. Football is a rough game but soccer, I just have to say it, is rougher. Only pads they got are on their shins and if you get tackled or kicked in the face...it's all on you. Trust me, getting kicked in the face hurtsss.

    But about the RP, my plan was that Val's family would stay there and live while they recovered from whatever trauma they might have while Phoenix gets to where you all are, but she won't be "fast-traveling". She knows people and I'll express that in my next post. What I'm trying to say is that her getting there will be realistically correct according to times. Plus she won't have to stick to the road so that'll cut down on her time as well...if she chooses to stray anyway. It is the beginning of a snow storm..

    Dabiene Caristiana

    Your friendly neighborhood weirdo
    I hope everything goes ok as well Madrar. :/ Life can be suckish... I hope Val and her family are ok too.

    As for soccer, yea it can be brutal. But here, we have 110 fires or so in our area. 110! So imagine the smoke being really thick, and guys are gulping down air are running all over the place. I think the injuries were due to the smoke, because I saw the other team was getting a little weak as well. A couple people were coughing and sniffling and sneezing. Course that could have been the cold air. I could barely see our Cemetery (we live on an incline hill so we can practically see the whole town almost except the South part. The fire between here and the next town (8 miles) is only 30% contained. If you asked me, they should have called it off. Totally unhealthy to have guys being extremely rough, breathing hard and having major injuries while breathing in wildfire smoke is not exactly what I call, "an excellent idea".


    Anyway! Enough of that. I shall know on monday how peoples of the football team/sport be doin'. As for your plan, I agree. I wonder what kinda plan Pheonix has up her sleeve :3


    I'm waiting on you four to post a bit more before I post again. My next post will be a filler I think and then the one after that will be arrival at the inn.

    Dabiene Caristiana

    Your friendly neighborhood weirdo
    Ok, I'll post in a while since I haven't posted in well... A while lol.


    Active Member
    oh wow I got no alerts for any of these posts :sadface:

    and im fine with whatever ideas you guys ahve


    young but able
    We need to post. lol

    Dabiene Caristiana

    Your friendly neighborhood weirdo
    Just did :p Getting the ball rolling again :)


    young but able
    Ok I posted


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Well, no ones' posted yet to make me post and make sense, so...I'm just waiting for everyone else.


    Proud member of PAHAAA.
    Name: Chowder (so original)
    Age: 76.
    Race: Nord.
    Gender: Male.
    Class: ex-knight.
    Weapon preferences/fighting style: He uses his cane. It hurts.
    Skills: Hitting people with his cane. It hurts.


    young but able
    Is it my turn to post?