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Well-Endowed Member
As November is just about here, or for some, already here, i am calling out to all the men (and talented ladies) out there to get involved in Movember and start (or continue) growing a Mo!

As you may or may not know, Movember was started to try and raise awareness about about prostate and testicular cancer and is responsible for raising millions of bucks each year.

Now whether your signing up to be a registered Mo grower or just want an excuse to grow some facial hair (like myself :D) im asking you guys out there to post your Mo's!!

As a young adult, my facial hair growth isnt what you would call exactly...speedy :oops: so for the past couple of weeks iv just been growing my whole beard-sorta-thing so i could get a bit of a headstart! I just shaved it off and i'll give you guys a pre-movember pic now and a 30day later pic in um...30days ;)

So shave of your beards and goatees or start growing that manly tuft above your lip and tell me what you think and show me how its going guys!!!



Well-Endowed Member
Wtf is a mo and its no shave November....

A mo is short for moustache. Ya know, fur above your top lip :)

movember is an aussie thing that started like a decade ago and now its spread to 25countries and raises lots of money for cancer. I didnt know about no shave november but i spose its smiliar!?


Well-Known Member
Staff member

For anyone who asks the question. Good luck, I'm thinking of doing it next year, but want a nice amount of money pledged from colleagues (which I currently don't have (recent graduate)) before growing my nose brush.


Well-Endowed Member

For anyone who asks the question. Good luck, I'm thinking of doing it next year, but want a nice amount of money pledged from colleagues (which I currently don't have (recent graduate)) before growing my nose brush.

Thanks for the link! C'mon buddy, you dont need sponsers to grow some fluff ;) give it a go this year and think of it as training!


Well-Known Member
Staff member

For anyone who asks the question. Good luck, I'm thinking of doing it next year, but want a nice amount of money pledged from colleagues (which I currently don't have (recent graduate)) before growing my nose brush.

Thanks for the link! C'mon buddy, you dont need sponsers to grow some fluff ;) give it a go this year and think of it as training!

I am the generic 'stubbly man,' so I have the capacity to do it :p I was going to do it this year, but I was just too busy to put any work in to get sponsored. When I do it next year, I'll be hounding everyone for funds all through October, so watch this space. ;) I'll probably leave it a couple of weeks, then get rid of the beard for maximum mo-impact, depending on what the consensus is from my donors.

Brizzle Kicks

Welcome To The Underground
Haha mo/muffumber yeah I'm doing it but I look like a tit with just a tash so I'm going for a full on beard pic to follow.


Well-Endowed Member
Ive just read some amazing short stories written by our very own Cordelia and will post a link of 1in particular, which i strongly recommend having a read of. It's hilarious, and although not specificly relating to the moustache or Movember, it is about a magnificant beard. Enjoy Guys n Girls :D


Told ya it was good :p !!


Well-Endowed Member
So as promised, its nearly the end of Movember, and here is my pitiful attempt at a Mo!! I actually dont mind having it and I am seriously considering keeping it. Thats the power of the rugged, manly mo right there!


(btw thats my tough face... i thought it expressed the mo the best!)

Its your turn guys... and maybe girls :p !!!

Brizzle Kicks

Welcome To The Underground
I had to get rid of mine for work my boss said I looked like a tramp gutted is not the word. My gf is still going strong though but I don't know whether to fluff it or cook it it's looking a lot like road kill haha.


Thane of Solitude
So as promised, its nearly the end of Movember, and here is my pitiful attempt at a Mo!! I actually dont mind having it and I am seriously considering keeping it. Thats the power of the rugged, manly mo right there!

View attachment 16672

(btw thats my tough face... i thought it expressed the mo the best!)

Its your turn guys... and maybe girls :p !!!

That has the potential to grow into a nice handlebar 'stache, my Irish friend! :p


Well-Endowed Member
So as promised, its nearly the end of Movember, and here is my pitiful attempt at a Mo!! I actually dont mind having it and I am seriously considering keeping it. Thats the power of the rugged, manly mo right there!

View attachment 16672

(btw thats my tough face... i thought it expressed the mo the best!)

Its your turn guys... and maybe girls :p !!!

That has the potential to grow into a nice handlebar 'stache, my Irish friend! :p

Funny you should say that! Iv been trying to curl up the sides and train it to be a big flowing mo.... obviously im trying in vein :rolleyes:

However! With the recent passing of Chopper Reid (australian infamous criminal) who is famous for his handlebar stash, im thinkin about giving it a go :cool: Wish me Luck fellow kinswoman!