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    Well-Known Member
    Her tone was icy and distant; he realised he might have overstepped the mark, but was too weak to care. Better to have Elsa angry at him, but alive and going to help Kjorvir, than for her soft hand against his cheek to be replaced by a spray of red as they were overrun. Despite his pathetic and decrepit state he had not lost sight of the plan; it now hinged upon Elsas marksmanship and Kjorvirs strength.

    The knight managed two steps before he fell, dashing his head against the stone staircase. Dazed and crawling blindly, he dragged himself fitfully, laboriously onto the rooftop.


    IOK's Token Brit
    By the time the pair had covered a decent distance of the bridge, two more bandits had appeared to greet them. For the briefest moment Elsa felt a flicker of fear slither around her heart. She took a deep breath, acknowledged the emotion for what it was, and stayed close to Kjorvir. She would not let her fear rule her.

    The closest bandit was smaller compared to his partner. He would be an easy kill, his armour light, his eyes brimming with misplaced bravery. He was young and foolish and his need to prove his honour is what got him killed. Kjorvir as planned dropped to one knee, his shield up. Without hesitation Elsa sent an arrow into the younger bandit, the tip piercing the furs that covered his chest. He went down and as Elsa grabbed a second arrow she was glad to see that he stayed down. Of course nothing was that simple as the prior events had already proven.

    The second bandit was far larger, a beast of a man in scuffed armour. He strode over, a warhammer firmly in his grip. Elsa scanned him for a weak spot, a place to shoot her arrow but he was well protected. Kjorvir was once again stood to his full height, in his hand a glass sword. The sight of the weapon made the thief's breath catch in her throat. Fiery embers sparked off the razor thin edge of the blade, a cruel heat emanating from the weapon. Drawing back her bow string Elsa swallowed as Kjorvir launched himself forward, engaging the bandit in combat.

    It was brutal, neither man getting in a decent hit as they blocked each blow with striking accuracy. Elsa had spotted an archer at the top of the tower ahead and fired an arrow in an arch, joy blooming in her chest when it hit its mark. One more threat down it was up to Kjorvir. Stepping back Elsa was at a loss, he two men moving too fast for her to safely shoot at the bandit without risking Kjorvir. "Talos guide his blade, may he stay strong and true."

    The fight began to wane, Kjorvir spotting a weakness in the bandit's offence as the behemoth grew tired from swinging that damn hammer. Releasing an almighty shout the nord swung his sword, the strike perfectly timed. Blood sprayed through the air like some morbid rainbow, the bandit's head rolling to the side on the bridge. Kjorvir stood, catching his breath, bloodied and bruised but still upright and alive, which was more than what could be said for the bandit. Clapping Kjorvir on the shoulder Elsa prodded the body with her boot. "While your kill lacked the style of mine, I must say your methods are efficient."


    xDoctor Bob
    Elsa's light jokes are never unwelcomed, in fact Zhar enjoys having someone around who shares his sense of humor. And her idea of doing something "stupid" seemed to fit her style. Another bit of humor Zhar found enjoyable.

    As Zhar listened to both Nords about Sander's wounding in battle he was relieved he was not dead but a tad furious that the young knight wasn't more careful. Why would a young knight try to use magic in the first place? As Elsa and Kjorvir left for the bridge Zhar climbed the tower in search of the Redguard and it wasn't long until Zhar found him climbing towards the roof. "Now knock off this absurd attempt of aiding the others." Zhar grabbed Sander by the his breastplate and forced him to sit against the wall. "I don't care that you were injured in martial combat, well I do, but I expected as much..." Zhar examined the Reguard for his wounds and any side effects due to exhaustion. Then his left hand began to glow like the midday sun, Zhar pressed him palm against Sander's chest. "But hearing you used magic with presumably no training and in a weaken state really pushed it for me. From now on leave the fire spewing to me. Stand too close to somebody on fire and it might roast you inside that steel can you're wearing." Despite having a jovial message Zhar was firm in what he said; he does not want him attempting to use magic without the proper training. The color faded from the mage's hand but Zhar kept checking Sander's condition. "Now that should make life seem much easier. Do me a favor and rest for a few minutes. I'm gonna check on our friends."

    With this Zhar stood up and climbed the steps of the tower heading for the roof. When he got there he could see Elsa with her hand on Kjorvir's shoulder, the two are admiring Kjorvir's handiwork. Zhar then looked towards the far tower and it looked deserted, a welcoming sight but he was still weary. He turned and made his way down the steps, passing Sander, then walked out onto the bridge. "Well my friends, Sander should be back to normal right now. I'm having him rest up for a few minutes. Let's make our way to the next tower and make sure it's devoid of marauders. Shall we?" Zhar stepped over the dead bandit and walked towards the tower door.


    IOK's Token Brit
    "Well my friends, Sander should be back to normal right now. I'm having him rest up for a few minutes. Let's make our way to the next tower and make sure it's devoid of marauders. Shall we?"

    Feeling the tension flow from her bones Elsa smiled tiredly at Zhar, glad to hear Sander would be okay. "I'm pretty sure we got them all but better safe than sorry." Her voice was bright and easy but Elsa was beginning to feel the familiar tremors of adrenaline rush subsiding. Flexing her bow hand she retracted from Kjorvir, willing herself to find the energy to carry on. As soon as they were certain they had cleared out the damn tower Elsa was going to make a fire, eat something, and promptly pass out.

    Looking to Zhar she dipped into a curtsey, "After you grand mage." Sparing one last glance at the blackened neck of the fallen bandit Elsa exhaled steadily. Just a little bit longer girl, then you can rest.


    xDoctor Bob
    As the trio approached the second tower Zhar's hands began to glow in hues of blue and white. Static formed around his hands, engulfing them in a small vortex of lightning jumping from fingertip to palm, hand to hand. Zhar poked his into the doorway of the second tower and only saw a staircase on the right leading up to the higher levels. Cautiously Zhar climbed the staircase, clenching his hands into fists. At the top of the first staircase there was no signs of life but an archway exited to the cliff side where the bandit archer was sitting by the fire.

    Outside of the tower was the stairway for the third level, and up the group climbed it. When Zhar got to the master room he unclenched his fists and the crackle of lightning faded into oblivion. The towers were clear. Turning to his two comrades Zhar let out a sigh. "We did it... Let's get ready for nightfall. Kjorvir, tend to the horses. Keep them close to the first tower. We will need to take shifts keeping watch over them and on the road. I want you to be first. And make sure to dispose of the body you left on the bridge." With this Kjorvir nodded and walked off to complete his given task. "Elsa, check on the Reguard. Make sure he hasn't gotten himself killed. I'll look around up here for anything of value."


    Well-Known Member
    As the young knight slipped in and out of consciousness, he vaguely acknowledged the presence of the Khajiit at his side.

    He realised too late the cat was attempting a healing spell, and endeavoured to bestir his limbs in mild protestation, but Zhar either did not notice his feeble movements or did not care. Aside from the bruising where the arrow had struck, and the cut to his brow where he had split his head against the inside of his helmet while falling, the Redguard was wholly uninjured, and now these minor hurts too subsided as the Khajiit passed a healing hand over his body.

    The mage then had the temerity to lecture him on magicka usage, and supine and lethargic as he was the Redguard felt a surge of indignation: he was no green initiate to the arcane arts, and had known full well what the spell would cost him once it was cast.

    Almost relieved when the Khajiit departed, Sander lay inert on the exposed tower top.

    The sky above had darkened, a rumble of thunder overhead bringing with it the promise of rain. Far off in the distance, a lightning flash illuminated the plains of Whiterun and the anvils of gathering stormclouds.


    xDoctor Bob
    Zhar searched through what seemed to be the bandit leader's master room for valuable items for his comrades, but the majority of what he found was cheap weapons and armor. There were a few bags of coin and a couple of gems that would be worth money.

    In the distance thunder forewarned Zhar of a miserable night. The sun was already below the horizon line and daylight was fading, the dark does not bother Zhar but the rain can complicate things. The floors of the towers are mediocre and there are many missing planks in the layout, rain would inevitably find its way through. Keep away, storm. Tonight is not the night to bring a bounty of water to drown out the land.

    Picking up the gold and gems Zhar put them on the nearby bed, no table offered protection from the possibility of rain so the bed was the best choice. Turning he made his way up the stair case to the overlook, a small table and a chair were placed here. To the west Zhar could see Whiterun and many miles farther to the Reach, to the east the trees of Eastmarch and the Velothi Mountains. Below he saw Kjorvir moving the horses under a large, protective tree, while Elsa made her way across the bridge to check on the knight.

    Zhar began to lessen his cares and thoughts. He sat down on the chair with his elbow on the table, his fingers massaging his forehead. He closed his eyes and let the darkness of his mind envelope him. This made him feel so isolated, free of the problems of Tamriel. His breaths were firm, his body acting as a support for his burdensome head.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Relieved to hear the tower was now empty of any threats Elsa nodded at her instructions. Slowly she made her way across the bridges, limbs heavy from the fight. Upon entering the second tower she began to hum an old tune, distracting her from the incoming storm.

    "Come on Sander, up and at 'em. We've cleared the other tower so how about you come with me and we can set up camp and then I can sleep. Sound good?" Reaching the top of the tower Elsa frowned as she saw the redguard lying in an exposed area. "Oh for the love of...come on you. Don't make me embarrass you by carrying you down." The nord walked over, offering her hands to help Sander stand up. The storm outside was getting closer and Elsa desperately wanted to find shelter for the night before the rain hit.


    Well-Known Member
    The Redguard forced his body into a seated position, shaking his head.

    "You go, find some shelter with the others below. I'll take the first watch."

    As he said so, a jagged white spear of light flashed down out on the plain, followed by a resounding clap of thunder. The first drops of rain began to fall and struck the metal of his armour with tinny echoes, running off his shoulders and helm in rivulets.


    IOK's Token Brit
    "You go, find some shelter with the others below. I'll take the first watch."

    Elsa folded her arms, her expression leaving no space for negotiation. "I'm sorry, let me try that again. You're exhausted, drained and in need of sleep. You will get up and cross the bridge to the other tower and join Zhar at our camp. Kjorvir is taking first shift."

    Crouching in front of Sander Elsa's stare was unwavering, her voice lowered so that if anyone else had been with them on the tower her words would have gone unnoticed. "I wasn't joking when I said I would drag you myself. Now please, just come with me and get some rest."


    Well-Known Member
    Staff member
    "Goodnight you two."

    Kjorvir gently patted Fjori on her cheek as he began his short walk back to the tower. He jumped at the sudden burst of lightning, and pulled his weathered old hood over his head as the raindrops began to find their way through the thin foliage of the trees above. After a minute or so of steady trudging through the muddy puddles that had suddenly sprung up, he heard Sander and Elsa speaking in hushed tones from the top of the first tower.

    After taking a quick precautionary glance of the road, he headed up the tower to see what was going on, and why Sander was still unmoved.

    "Sander, are you okay? Or are Elsa and me gonna have to carry you across this here bridge? I'm sure that would hurt your pride, eh my young lord?"

    Kjorvir had chosen his words carefully, he liked the young Redguard, and he was clearly a capable fighter of great value to the party. But by rushing up the tower before the Nords he'd put himself at risk, and Kjorvir hoped some unwanted teasing would make Sander think a little more carefully in future.

    "Zhar'll be cooking soon, and I'm taking the first watch. Go and rest, we shall need you again in the morning. I prefer another real fighter by my side if we have to travel with two sneak-thieves and a mage, huh?"

    His last sentence clearly offended Elsa, but her mood lifted when she saw Kjorvir put his fingers to his lips and offer a knowing wink. Playing at Sander's sense of pride was the only trick Kjorvir could think of after such a long day, but he intended to use it to his full advantage.

    "You should have the morning watch, I suspect that'll be when we're most likely to get trouble, the hours before first light. You need rest, my boy."

    Sander had obviously been irked by Kjorvir's tone earlier in the day, especially with the "boy" remarks. Kjorvir meant nothing by it though, it was the first thing that came into the Nord's mind, and he was quite some years younger, and greener it seemed by the day's events. Earning Kjorvir's respect would be comparatively simple for Sander, though; the Nord favoured those who stood up to foes blade to blade more than archers or mages. And while Kjorvir had great respect for Zhar and Elsa in their own rights, Kjorvir believed he could foresee a deeper connection with Sander, as Shield-Brothers and trusted companions in battle - almost a sense of brotherhood.


    IOK's Token Brit
    "Zhar'll be cooking soon, and I'm taking the first watch. Go and rest, we shall need you again in the morning. I prefer another real fighter by my side if we have to travel with two sneak-thieves and a mage, huh?"

    At first Elsa was prepared to fire back with her own retort, insulted to think after everything she had just accomplished she lacked the respect of Kjorvir. But spotting his tell she quickly closed her mouth, simply pursing her lips and glaring at him so as to support his attempt to rouse the young redguard. Standing up Elsa stood back while Kjorvir spoke to Sander, all the while trying to work out just what they were going to do. A bitter night wind was picking up and Elsa wrapped her cloak around her to protect herself from the chill.

    "You should have the morning watch, I suspect that'll be when we're most likely to get trouble, the hours before first light. You need rest, my boy."

    Tapping the sole of Sanders boot with her own Elsa tried her most brilliant smile, letting her teeth chatter as she spoke. "He's right you know, besides I'm not leaving until you come with me, and I'm much smaller than you two. I have less i-i-insulation. I'll catch my death of cold out here. And let's be honest, I'm f-far too pretty to die like t-this." Rubbing her hands over her chest in order to keep warm Elsa looked to Kjorvir, unwilling to leave until Sander agreed to come with her.


    xDoctor Bob
    The first rain drops hitting the canopy of the overlook led Zhar to exhale a long sigh. Rain did not bother Zhar, in fact he loved the smell of it, but he knew it would only lead to complaints from his hired friends, it always does.

    Opening his eyes Zhar gazed out and stared into the distance. He watched the rain fall and he breathed in the moisture it brought with it. Tomorrow's trek will be muddy but that does not bother me, just another obstacle to overcome. The Khajiit slouched in his chair, his hand on his chin as he kept himself busy with vague thoughts, for he enjoyed sitting and watching the world work. The complexity of such a simple plane, this intrigued Zhar. Neither philosopher nor scholar can explain why this happens. Some say gods, some say chance. But in truth does it really matter? There is only the now...


    Well-Known Member
    Staff member
    "He's right you know, besides I'm not leaving until you come with me, and I'm much smaller than you two. I have less i-i-insulation. I'll catch my death of cold out here. And let's be honest, I'm f-far too pretty to die like t-this."

    "You're not gonna deny her that, are you Sander?"

    Thanks for playing along, Elsa. Kjorvir had been wary of upsetting Elsa with his previous comment, but was glad they were on the same wavelength. He knew there was something about her the moment their eyes met in Windhelm. That seemed like days ago now.

    "I think she's gonna need a strong arm to guide her across the bridge in this weather, and I'm supposed to be on watch. I'll see you in a few hours."

    He offered a warm smile to Elsa, and plodded down the stairs, taking an old bed roll and a wooden chair from the makeshift room with him.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Nodding her head at Kjorvir as he left Elsa returned her attention to Sander. "Okay, time to go big guy." Helping Sander to his feet she wrapped his arm over her shoulders to help him as they walked. She had expected him to be heavy considering the levels of his exhaustion, but by The Nine she didn't expect him to be this heavy. "My god Sander how much do you weigh? It's like hauling a mammoth. Just as well though hm? It's good having you and Kjorvir with us, we need a bit of muscle."

    As they crossed the bridge Elsa tightened her grip on Sander's waist, the metal of his armour cutting into her leathers, but it was a mild discomfort compared to the icy fingers that seemed to claw at her exposed skin, the storm much closer than it was before. The smell of rain was in the air, it was oddly comforting, though, a familiar smell when your childhood was spent in a ramshackle house by the Imperial City Docks. Aiding Sander into the tower she gently helped to lower him to the ground, closing her eyes and exhaling tiredly as she stood up. Smiling wanly at Zhar she removed her bow, quiver and pack, pulling out her bedroll before kneeling down on the ground. Briefly she wondered whether it was worth removing her leathers at least to sleep, but she didn't want to risk being caught off guard during the night. "Zhar, wake me when it's my turn to keep watch."

    With no more fanfare Elsa curled up on her bedroll, her cloak wrapped tightly around her slight frame. Closing her eyes she let her mind slip into darkness, her sharp features softening as she sighed and slipped into a dream.


    xDoctor Bob
    Zhar saw Elsa guiding Sander across the bridge and into the tower. Kjorvir should've helped her carry him back, a woman can hardly carry a man let alone a man with full steel armor. But Zhar remained silent and watched. When he lost sight of them he watched the lightning strike the land, such power in a beautiful form.

    After Elsa set Sander down and got herself ready she asked Zhar to wake her when it was her shift, he nodded to her but did not plan on waking her. Instead he will keep watch, and the storm would be his company for the night. The clouds were a soft source of darkness, just like a thief with a wonderful personality. The rain smelled fresh: the aroma of an attractive woman. The lightning: the piercing eyes of a beautiful Nord. The heat after the strike: the warmth radiating within Zhar. The thunder: a hushed giggle escaping her...

    Zhar waited for Elsa to fall asleep before coming down from the overlook. She was curled into her bedroll trying to keep warm; bending over Zhar lifted her and carried her to the master bed, setting her down gingerly and covered her with the blanket.

    In a few hours the storm dissipated and the night sky could be seen. The moons were high, it was time to let Kjorvir sleep. Zhar moved down the tower and crossed the bridge, the cool night air filled his lungs with clean air. Zhar found Kjorvir and told him to head to bed and that he will take watch, warning him not to wake the others. Zhar himself with tired. It was midnight and he wanted to rest.

    A dark aura of purple and black formed around his hands. Zhar brought his arms into motion, as if it was rehearsed Zhar moved his arms gracefully around him in a half arc then brought them to a halt. With his palms facing upward Zhar channeled his magicka into small orbs in his hands. Then in one lucrative motion he thrusted his right palm towards the ground and conjured a being from another plane. It was made of pieces of rock but was somehow held together by electricity: a storm atronach. Zhar ordered it to guard the tower entrance and the two horse tied up nearby, the alien servant understood the task and did not question. With this Zhar walked back inside the tower, closed the door and fell asleep at the table on the second floor.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Throughout her entire life, Elsa had always been a light sleeper, late to rest and early to rise. It didn't surprise her then, when a loud snore pulled her from sleep, rudely awakening her. Lying very still she looked around her surroundings, the precaution more instinct than active choice. She had moved, no longer resting on her bed roll. She supposed someone had moved her while she slept to the bed. Odd that the movement did not wake her. Sitting up she smiled as her eyes focussed in the dark, spotting Sander fast asleep. Kjorvir too was sleeping on the ground. Perhaps it had been Zhar who moved her. It seemed like something the khajit would do after all.

    Chewing her lip Elsa grabbed her possessions, recklessly slinging her pack over her shoulder, before heading outside. The rain had ceased, the world eerily silent in the hours following the storm. Quietly heading up the stairs she made sure to let her feet drag so as not to startle Zhar. She saw him asleep on the table, his head heavy with rest and she covered her mouth for fear of waking him with her soft laugh. Watching the mage sleep for a moment Elsa gently put down her pack, careful not to rouse him. Making sure he was warm enough Elsa took up spot as watch, distracted by the beauty of the stars in the sky. She tried her best to remember the constellations but quickly found herself tracing her own images in the dark.

    The night was cold, bitterly so. Checking Zhar was still asleep Elsa relinquished her hold on her bow, checking the area for signs of movement. Dawn was beginning to break, the birds softly chirruping in their nests. Removing her gloves Elsa cupped her hands, her eyes closed as melodic words tripped clumsily off her tongue. She was out of practise and it took several tries to finally form a small ball of flame in her palms. It was not enough to prove dangerous, but it was more than enough to keep her warm. Leaning against the exposed wall of the tower she resumed her watch, flames still dancing and flickering in her hands.


    Well-Known Member
    Sander had barely been lucid as his companions struggled to rouse him, and was in an unfit state to make his own sally into conversation and meet their words as they prodded, poked, cajoled and finally hauled the knight to his feet.

    He barely recalled stumbling across the bridge alongside Elsa, her hip thrust into his side to support the leaden weight of the knight and his armour bearing down upon her. "Gods, but she must be strong," he remembered thinking as she set him down.

    The Redguard lay in the gathering dark, alone with his thoughts, which pressed in upon him, as thick, heavy and insistent as the shadows which now crept into the tower. The cold too stole into the ancient structure, permeating the surrounding stone and seeping slowly into Sanders armour. Instead of numbing it reinvigorated the knight with a refreshing chill; his thoughts became clearer, his mind more alert.

    He waited for Elsa to fall asleep before hauling himself into a corner where he could sit up against the stonework. Watching the Nord, he saw her feral beauty dissolve as she slept, into something more tender, soft and fragile.

    Elsa. He had often compared her to a creature of the forest, first the quiet, tentative grace of the doe, then the swift, powerful shapeliness of a pine marten, at once sleek yet savage.

    There was only one hunter he had ever met who embodied all her qualities, who engendered the same passions in him with her wild, lonely spirit.

    Adrift on the sea of memory, he returned again to that fateful day, when, crossing a glacier in the north-western mountains of Skyrim, bordering High Rock, he had lost his footing and fallen into a deep crevasse within the body of the ice-river itself. Following the trickle of meltwater which flowed there in the dim blue silence, punctuated only by the weird creaks, moans and sighs of the ice all around, the Redguard wandered the length of the glacial trench as the trickle became a flow, then a meander, and finally a freezing waist-deep current which rushed forth into the stark light of a forgotten world.

    Sander had found himself on the banks of a stream, snaking softly through a wet, dripping wood filled by pale trees of a like he had never seen before. Their branches were pearled with moisture, limbs shrouded in the mists of that place, and their leaves were blood red, although retaining all the vibrancy and vigour of a leaf untouched by the seasons.

    The ground was carpeted here and there by flattened lurid pink flowers, their splayed, fleshy petals putting him in mind of some bizarre, botanical sea star. In some areas, taller blooms took precedence over these, raising proud, glowing blossoms with necks like upturned bells, criscrossed by a web of violet veins, which shone with an azure light; clapper-like stamens phosphorescing brighter still.

    Still making his path along the course of the waterway, he came across crumbled ruins from some bygone era, forming an arch over his head. Although the stonework was weathered, the craft and skill of the masons who created it were plain to see; the blocks might have stood here for an age yet the edges were remarkably clean cut. He marvelled briefly at the relict structure, wondering who had settled and built in this alien world, and to what end.

    The stream gushed over granite and what looked to be some ivory flagstones, carved from the same rock as the archway, before spilling again beneath the twisted boughs of the trees and swirling straight into the heart of the woodland. Here, it collected in a deep pool, still and silent, before bubbling and cascading further downstream in a frothing foam at the meres far edge.

    Kneeling to fill his waterskin and take a moments repose, the knight found the serene tranquility shattered by a savage snarl.


    xDoctor Bob
    The darkness of Darkfall Cave had engulfed Zhar. He knew not why he was here nor if he was alone. The stone was bitterly cold, trickles of water could be heard hitting the cavern floor. The cave seemed to be devoid of life, empty life the darkness between stars. The only illumination came from the eerie flora that glowed with hues of pinks, reds, purples, blues, and greens; it was a serene place.

    Making his way down the corridors of cavern walls, Zhar came upon the large inner sanctum where large glowing fungi grew and the vale creatures roam. The plants would let out a soft hum and the hooves of the deer echoed off the walls. Down by the water there was a figure that caught him off guard, luckily the figure hadn't noticed Zhar. Quietly he casted an invisibility spell and crept his way down towards the figure to get a better look. As he got closer he realized the stranger had on a hood and cloak covering his or her identity. Zhar's curiosity led to a mistake as he accidently kicked a small rock and it went bounding down toward the water. The figure responded to this sign and instinctually spun around, the stranger's identity was revealed: Elsa.

    Zhar's eyelids flung open, his head lying on the table. It was a dream. Lifting his head, Zhar stretched his arms and back until he heard them crack. The sun was beginning to rise above the horizon and it was coloring the sky with orange and purple.

    Sitting near Zhar was Elsa focusing on creating a small ball of flame in her hands. Waking to the sight of her made Zhar smile, he found the thief ridiculous for practicing magic but at the same time he couldn't deny her beauty. She had the look of innocence despite her history.

    Zhar watched Elsa for a minute before getting up from his chair. "If Zhar is not mistaken it is not his birthday yet he has received a wonderful gift to brighten his day." Zhar greeted Elsa with a smile, admiring her interest in the flame as he sat down next to her. "I see you have found a way to keep warm. You could've stayed in bed, much easier to be warm under blankets."


    IOK's Token Brit
    So focussed on feeding the small ball of fire in her hands, Elsa missed hearing Zhar wake and join her. "If Zhar is not mistaken it is not his birthday yet he has received a wonderful gift to brighten his day." Jumping at the sound of his voice Elsa let out a fairly embarrassing yelp, the fire in her hands vanishing in a puff of smoke, her tenuous control of her own magika slipping as she turned to look at the mage. Like a child caught with their hand on the last sweet roll Elsa blushed, guiltily hiding her hands in her lap. "I see you have found a way to keep warm. You could've stayed in bed, much easier to be warm under blankets."

    "I woke up and thought I would check on you. You were asleep so I took up watch. The fire...I don't really do that. I just...it's more challenging than wrapping up in a blanket." Looking away to the horses below she noticed the atronach, clearly Zhar's doing. It made her smile oddly enough. "My father hated magic. Most nords do though. "Don't trust mages" he always said, claimed there was no honour in fighting with magic. He said that kind of power could only corrupt a man, turn him greedy and wicked." Rubbing her hands on her calves she brought up her knees to her chest, her small form swaddled in the folds of her cloak. "I always said he was a stubborn old man, set in his ways. He'd just laugh and ruffle my hair. I only learnt I could practise magic when I left home. Needed to find some way to survive...." Elsa's eyes lost focus as she slipped into an old and well-worn memory. "There was one night, I remember being so...cold. So hungry. I must have been twelve at the time. Maybe younger, I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, I was huddled up, trying to set a fire with some wood I'd collected. But the wood was too damp to light and night was closing in. I was sure I wouldn't make it through till dawn. But this, this old bosmer walked past. I still don't know why he was there, I never asked. He saw me and just like that there was a fire. He'd sparked the kindling with his hands. I was amazed, asked him if he could teach me." Elsa stopped to smile, her fondness for the stranger evident in her eyes. "He saved my life, taught me enough spells to keep me safe. He insisted on accompanying me to the next town. He had a sister there who fed me and found me warm clothes that would fit and then sent me on my way." Elsa's fingers were tugging at the hem of her cloak now, absently picking at a stray thread, lost in thought. She felt self-conscious, unsure whether sharing that part of her past was a good idea. Zhar seemed good enough, he didn't seem like he would turn on her anytime soon at least. She knew to follow her instinct, but often that same instinct would place her outside her comfort zone, like now. "Listen to me rambling on. We should speak to the others, see how they're feeling this morning. I'll just...uh.." Elsa unwrapped herself, holding her bow close to her body as she stood up, seeking comfort in the familiar warmth of the ebony.