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    Well-Known Member
    Sander chose to ignore any further exchange, mind set fully to the task at hand.

    Shaking his head again at the older mans barefaced audacity, he glanced over at Dar'Saie. To further his consternation, he found the Khajiit knocking an arrow to his bowstring, clearly having chosen his own interpretation of the plan.

    Muttering a silent prayer to Talos, the knight shifted slightly in the gravel, finding better purchase for his boot and preparing to launch his body into motion.


    xDoctor Bob
    Seeing Dar'Saie with a bow concerned Zhar. He wasn't meant to fire a bow but in case the plan goes awry, this Zhar highly doubted, it would provide good cover.

    Seeing his team in position Zhar summoned a red glow in his right hand, his fist closed in on a red orb forming in his palm, his hand shook with magicka flowing through his veins. Pushing his palm toward the archers on the bridge, a red bolt left his palm with surprising little noise and struck the pack of bandits. As if the plan was a script the archers began throwing punches at one another, their battle cries could be heard from the road. With the diversion underway Zhar turned his head to Elsa and nodded to her, readying a blue aura in his hands as he waited for her to eliminate her target.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Elsa watched in awe as the mage manipulated a ball of red fury in his hands. Shaking her head she returned her attention to her target, her muscles straining as she pulled her bowstring till it was taught. At her signal Elsa laughed deviously, a wide grin on her face as let her arrow loose, the ebony tip finding it's home in the heart of the bandit on the road. As the body fell lifelessly to the dust, Elsa leant back on her haunches and felt the joy of her victory, glad to have made a clean kill.

    Now it was for Dar'Saie to infiltrate the tower and clear it out before she took up space atop the tower, there to provide support for Kjorvir and Sander's attack.


    Well-Known Member
    Staff member
    Kjorvir watched as the mage and archer carried out their tasks to perfection. I knew it, flawless. While the bandits filled the air with noise and confusion, he called across to Dar'Saie who'd decided to go freelance and nock an arrow of his own.

    "Khajiit, clear the tower. We're waiting for you!"

    Dar'Saie continued to pull his string taught, until he unleashed an arrow into the midst of the crowd, striking a bandit in the folds of his armour, and into his torso.

    "Blast. Sander, come with me, there's no point waiting any longer. We'll lose the element of surprise if we're not quick."

    Kjorvir ducked low and hugged the terrain as he scampered closer to the bottom of the tower. He made a quick dash through the open space, after watching one bandit punch another clean off his feet, causing the victim to plummet unconscious into the White River below. I'll have to watch out for that one.

    He made it to cover in time, and briefly surveyed the body of Elsa's first victim. That's a clean shot if ever I saw one. After turning to flash a large grin of approval at Elsa, he swiftly strafed across the door of the bandit tower as a precaution, and entered.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Seeing Dar'Saie let loose his own arrow had Elsa on edge. She tried not to let it distract her from the task at hand however. Letting her bow down she gaped as she saw one bandit seemingly throw another to his watery grave below. Letting out a low whistle she hoped Sander and Kjorvir were as strong as they looked.

    As the burly nord made his move to cover Elsa followed, no longer trusting the khajit thief to stick to the plan. She would hang back in case she had to take on his role. Keeping close to cover Elsa darted through the thick heather, her lithe legs carrying her easily without exposing herself too much. She did however return the grin of approval from Kjorvir, instinctively puffing her chest with that famous nord pride. It was nice to know someone could appreciate her talent with a bow. As she neared the tower she made a break across the road, quickly making it to Kjorvir's side. Bending down to retrieve her arrow from the bandit's chest she inspected the tip, wiping the blood away on her thigh when she saw that it wasn't so damaged that it was unable to be reused.

    "I don't know what Dar'Saie's playing at. If you need me to go ahead and clear the tower you say the word." Her words were light, the nord panting gently from the mixed exertion of climbing that damn tree and then sprinting to the tower. Her adrenaline was running now, the first kill having excited her as it often did. Besides, light was waning fast and they would be stuck if they were left to fight in the dark.


    xDoctor Bob
    Seeing Dar'Saie Loosing an arrow caused anger to grow in Zhar. The thief did not care for the group, only himself and his ego. But watching Elsa move towards the tower was clever thinking. He hated seeing her volunteer to infiltrate the tower but if she must do it then so be it.

    Zhar took sight of the archer standing on the cliff side across the river. The archer only watched as the men on the bridge were brawling. But out of the corner of his eye Zhar saw movement at the top of the far tower and his head snapped to catch it. What ever caught his attention was gone. He continued to watch the battle and the surrounding area in case any other changes occur


    Well-Known Member
    Staff member
    Kjorvir had assured himself the tower was empty, and was preparing to wave Sander to his position, but as soon as he peered back through the door, Elsa had somehow made it to the doorway. Kjorvir jumped and exhaled deeply as Elsa relayed her thoughts.

    "I don't know what Dar'Saie's playing at. If you need me to go ahead and clear the tower you say the word."

    For a second, Kjorvir just stared at Elsa, and noticed how little she was panting considering the fact she'd just climbed a tree, killed a man, and ran through bushes.

    "How in Gods... Kynareth is by your side, Elsa, I'll grant you that. I don't know what Dar'Saie is doing, but it's working."

    They both glanced out to see the Khajiit frantically loosing arrows at the bandits. Although his shot wasn't as precise as Elsa's, he was certainly keeping their attention.

    "I have another idea, a test of trust as it were."

    Kjorvir grinned at Elsa, he was about to try something he'd only ever done with a few of the best archers he'd ever worked with, something he'd been taught by a Dunmer older even than his wispy white beard told of him. Let's see how you handle this, hotshot.

    "Let me go first, but you'll be no more than half a step behind me. I'll have my shield raised, and if we come across any archers in the tower, I'll drop and let you shoot over me. If they shoot, they'll miss out of confusion, and I'll cut them down before they have chance to again. Anyone wielding a blade, same again, shoot over my shoulder. I know neither of us need to do this now, but it may come in useful later on."


    IOK's Token Brit
    Catching her breath Elsa laughed at the look on Kjorvir's face. Winking cheekily she licked her lips, "As I said before, I'm much more than just eye-candy. Though I'm pretty certain I've got that mastered as well." Elsa had already nocked a second arrow, her bow down as she awaited the warrior's instructions. In a way she was much like the arrows she so dearly loved. A wicked and sharp tool, ready to be fired wherever it was seen fit.

    "I have another idea, a test of trust as it were."

    Nodding her assent Elsa focussed on his words, running through his plan in her mind's eye. It was unlike anything she had tried before, but then again she was more used to fighting alone. "Alright, I'll stick close to you. I've got your back."


    Well-Known Member
    The knight witnessed Zhars spell silently take hold of the bandits patrolling high above the churning waters.

    Next the deadly whisper, as quiet as the fluttering wingbeats of a moth, as Elsas arrow took flight and fluted over their heads. The bandit in the road at the towers entrance dropped like a stone.

    A second arrow came almost immediately after the first with a throaty thrum as Dar'Saie rashly loosed; it too found its mark in the midriff of one of the brawling trio on the bridge. None could deny the skill of the shot, but the Khajiits wanton action had swept the original design into disarray.

    Sander heard Kjorvir swear loudly and spring into motion. As he did so the knight too exploded upwards in a burst of vigour, boots gouging into the dirt as he powered forwards into a sprint. He thundered towards the tower, armour enhancing his momentum as he gained speed.

    Dimly aware of a body plummeting from the viaduct and into the raging foam below, he careened into the stone base of the tower, bearing the brunt of the impact on his shoulder. Immediately whirling, anticipating an attack, he found Kjorvir by his side, and, to his dismay, Elsa bringing up the rear.

    The Nord swiftly drew her arrow from the body of the bandit she had slain. "I don't know what Dar'Saie's playing at. If you need me to go ahead and clear the tower you say the word." The unscrupulous Khajiit archer had remained on the hillside, Sander realised with a dull fury. His ill-timed stunt might have cost them dear. However, while the cat lingered there he provided a welcome distraction, fixing the surviving brigands attention on him, and away from the three companions stooped at the foot of Valtheim.

    The Redguard listened with growing apprehension as Kjorvir shrewdly suggested a further improvisation to the plan. The Nords strategy was daring, reckless even, but with the aptitude and capability so far demonstrated by his comrades Sander suspected they might yet succeed.

    The knights keen intellect detected a flaw in the proposition. For the two to prevail, the rear tower they now found themselves in must be cleared of enemies, so that they were not fighting on two fronts, leaving themselves exposed. Shields would not protect against an arrow from behind; Sander doubted even Kjorvirs broad back could shrug off such an injury.

    His sword sang softly as he drew it free from its scabbard, and advanced wordlessly up the tower steps.


    xDoctor Bob
    The three members of his company had entered the first tower, but the brawl on the bridge was declining rapidly. The larger of the two archers had pinned the other to the ground, his head was off the edge of the bridge. The one on top continued to punch the other in his abdominal, the will to fight was draining from the unlucky bandit on the bottom. Then with one motion the larger bandit flipped the smaller one foot over head over the edge of the bridge and watched until he was satisfied that his opponent met his fate in the water of the White River.

    If the larger bandit entered the tower he might give his allies some added difficulty, although he knew they were more than capable of dispatching a few bandits he didn't want the plan to fall into complete ruin. Clenching his right hand into a fist Zhar created a small blue-white orb in his palm, static could be seen coursing through his fur. When the spell was at full strength he released it towards the surviving archer; a steak of lightning came bursting through his palm and struck the bandit in his chest, causing the bandit to fly off the bridge and join his former comrade in the depths of White River.

    Zhar gave a smirk after what he had done, it was never boring to watch his magic be put to combat. He then turned to spot the archer on the cliff side. The archer had stood up and had his bow drawn, he saw the bandit on the bridge get hit by lightning but there was not a single storm cloud over head. He feared a mage could be around and scanned the bank of the river in hope to find the assassin. With one effortless motion, Zhar sent forth another bolt of lightning toward the cliff side bandit but he missed by inches so he produced another bolt in his left hand and sent it barreling toward his target, this time it was a hit. The bandit was startled by the first crack of lightning so he starting running towards the tower but Zhar had hit him in mid stride and the bandit immediately fell to his face.

    Seeing that Dar'Saie was will behind with his bow Zhar did not want to progress forward into the towers, instead he hung back and kept an eye on the towers and the other on the Khajiit thief


    IOK's Token Brit
    Sander wordlessly climbed the tower, his sword drawn. Elsa belatedly realised he was clearing the tower, proving a defence from behind. Muttering under breath she vented her growing irritation "Well this plan hasn't exactly worked out. New mission: Try not to die." She should have taken the tower, allowing the muscle of Kjorvir and Sander combined to assault the bridge. She could only hope the young redguard would't face anything too risky.

    Once Sander was out of sight Elsa opened her mouth to speak but a crack of lightening stopped the words in her throat. Frowning she peeked her head out of cover to look along down the bridge. Where there had once been an archer there was now a fading scorch mark. Raising her eyebrows Elsa nodded at Kjorvir, encouraging him to move forward. Their attack seemed like it would be well defended. Nocking her arrow and drawing back the bowstring, ready to fire when needed.


    Well-Known Member
    Reaching the top of the stairwell, the first of the outlaws flung himself at the knight with a savage warcry.

    The raider was a fierce-looking Nord with a braided mane of hair, and almost of a size with Kjorvir; he barreled towards Sander swinging a war axe, his face a twisted snarl.

    What the attack lacked in finesse it made up for in speed and ferocity, but the Redguard stepped into his foes swing. Deftly turning his torso he managed to evade the blow, and, as the Nord drew back to recover from the powerful stroke, swung his own blade in a shimmering silver arc, biting deep into his opponents shoulder, where the sinew and muscle bound arm to torso.

    The bandit staggered back, howling and clutching at the wound, before the knights sword flashed again, the point opening his throat. A crimson tide gushed forth and the man fell, silenced.

    Sander was possessed of a grim sense of satisfaction as the body hit the floor. It was brutal work, but how many travellers had been waylaid at the roadside by these brigands, how many innocents butchered at their hands? At least it felt like justice.

    The knight turned to the next flight of stairs just in time to see a bowman at full draw framed above him in the doorway, before the point of an arrow found its mark in his chest.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Elsa could hear the sounds of battle from above and she found herself edging towards the stairs. The bridge could wait for now. Dar'Saie and Zhar would be able to provide a distraction for now. Right now the priority was the tower Sander was now climbing and the idea of the young redguard going it alone didn't sit well with Elsa one bit.

    Slipping her nocked arrow back into her quiver Elsa hitched Ulfvindr on her back, unsheathing the matching ebony daggers she had hidden at her hips. Motioning to Kjorvir that she was leaving to provide Sander some support she began to move up the stairs. Just as one bandit fell Elsa's eyes widened as she heard the familiar hush of a flying arrow, her blood running cold when she saw it had pierced Sander's chest armour. Raising her head to the source of the shot Elsa spotted the archer and with renewed energy threw one of her daggers at the man. She was out of practise, the blade hitting him in the thigh, but it was enough to immobilise him long enough for her to stalk over to him, her second blade easily cutting across his throat. As the bandit fell to the floor she ignored the soft gurgling sounds as she quickly returned to kneel at Sander's side.

    Elsa focussed on removing Sander's helmet so she could wager how he was faring, her fingers trembling as she lifted the mantle and placed it beside her. "Hey, hey how bad is it. Tell me what to do Sander."


    Well-Known Member
    The knight pushed her roughly aside as he saw the archer she had merely wounded struggling to regain his feet. Although Elsa had temporarily incapacitated the man, he would soon draw the blade from his thigh and turn his attention back to them. Already his fingers, bloody from the gash that had not quite severed the artery at his throat, were reaching for his bow.

    Pulling the arrow from the juncture where it had lodged between his shoulder pauldron and armoured chest, he tossed it away, revealing to his friend he was unhurt.

    The impact from the arrow had forced him a step back, however, causing him to drop his sword. This rendered him ill-disposed to deal with the crippled, but still dangerous enemy.

    Stretching out an arm, he shuddered as power gathered at his finger tips and discharged in the form of a gout of fire, immolating the brigand where he stood.

    Feeling faint from the energy it had cost him to perform this feat, the knight sunk to the floor, his vision dimming at the edges as the after-image of the bright flames he had unleashed swam before his eyes.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Sander was quick to rise, a fire in his eyes as he roughly pushed Elsa to the side. About to yell at him she quieted as she followed his gaze, paling as she saw the bandit she had attack was still trying to attack. Hm, slit throat and a dagger in his leg but he keeps on trying. His conviction is almost admirable.

    Quickly standing up Elsa was again lost for words when she saw Sander unleash a burst of flame. Though he was unhurt from the arrow she didn't miss the way he swayed on his feet as the bandit burnt away. Stepping closer she reached out her hands as if to catch him should he fall, despite knowing that there was no way she would be able to support his dead weight. As he sank to his knees she gripped his shoulders, his eyes sightless as he recovered from the vast expense of energy. Kneeling in front of him Elsa rested her hand on his cheek, trying to gauge how he was feeling. "While that light show was very pretty I need you to tell me how you're feeling. I can't have you passing out on me you hear? Besides, if I find out that fire damaged my dagger I need you fully conscious so that I can kick your sorry redguard behind for damaging my things." Her voice was gentle and joking, hiding her concern. The plan was in chaos. She had no idea what was going on below this room and now she found herself trying to keep Sander awake and aware.


    Well-Known Member
    Feeling a cool hand against his face, the Redguards sight cleared as his brown eyes found her green.

    Albeit unsteadily, he managed to get to his feet, retrieving helm and weapon as he did so.

    Smiling shakily, he replied, "I had it covered, until you took it into your head that my swordplay would be far outshone by your knife-throwing tricks. I'll try not to drop it next time, though."

    "Didn't Kjorvir require your aid in some ill-conceived scheme?" he quipped, sheathing his sword, and moving to retrieve the burned mans bow. "Go! I'll cover you from the rooftop."

    She couldn't know how feeble he really was, how even attempting to draw on magicka was a tremendous effort, how the simplest spell left him nauseated and utterly debilitated. Struggling to remain conscious after this most recent expenditure, he was exerting every asset at his disposal to remain on his feet; consciously working to marshal his wits and muster the words to formulate a coherent sentence.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Elsa narrowed her eyes, standing up to remove her dagger from the bandit's thigh. Sheathing her blades once more she removed Ulfvindr from her back, along with an arrow she elegantly pulled from her quiver. "Well you see I figured you might have needed my help considering the arrow knocked you down and you dropped your sword, but I understand if next time you'd rather I let you deal with it."

    If there was one thing Elsa was very good at, it was reading targets, and right now she knew Sander was in no fit state. Before heading down the stairs to look for Kjorvir she turned, pointing a finger at the spot where the arrow had hit Sander's armour. "Don't get yourself hurt again. That is not a request." Clenching her jaw Elsa turned her back on the redguard, hurrying down the stairs and nodding at Kjorvir to begin their passage across the bridge. Sander was right to call it an ill-conceived scheme, but in all fairness, those were usually the most fun.


    xDoctor Bob
    A few minutes passed and Zhar saw no sign of his comrades crossing the bridge. Fearing the worse he sprinted to the base of the first tower and looked into the door. He immediately saw Kjorvir standing at the ready and Elsa moving down the stairway. She had some blood on her skin but she seemed to be untouched, this brought peace with Zhar and he gave a smile "Oh I see you are fleeing from battle after getting a little dirty. Most uncommon for a Nord." This was said light heartedly and Zhar gave a chuckle. But he noticed that Sander was nowhere to be found. Smile fading he asked "Where is the Redguard? Tell me he isn't dead." He looked at both Nords hoping to receive an answer that did not lead to a burial.


    Well-Known Member
    Staff member
    "He's fine, should walk it off. I doubt he's much good for fighting for a few hours though. We need to move, the big one on the bridge has started heading this way. He's carrying a battleaxe."

    Kjorvir had felt somewhat responsbile for Sander's injury, in truth he hadn't expected the courageous young Redguard to go first, that was the idea for the two Nords. No matter now, he's still alive.

    "Be a dear Elsa, and soften him up for me.."

    With that, Kjorvir shot a playful smirk at Elsa and turned the corner out onto the bridge, sword raised and hair flying.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Elsa smirked as she heard the familiar rumble of Zhar's voice. "Please, I'm just getting ready for round two. Most common for a Nord, ain't that right Kjorvir?" Grinning she cocked her hip to the side, subduing her concerns for Sander and choosing to resume her usual cocky attitude.

    "Where is the Redguard? Tell me he isn't dead."

    "Sander isn't dead. He's cleared the tower though. To be honest he could use a hand. He was struck by an arrow and then wiped himself out by setting some guy of fire. It was pretty impressive but he's trying to act like it hasn't worn him out. Like he could fool me." Scoffing to herself Elsa went to stand behind Kjorvir, her bow ready to fire when called upon. "You should go up and make sure he's okay while we do something highly stupid and very impressive." Winking at the khajit, Elsa followed Kjorvir out of the tower, her blood rushing and heart pounding.