Immortal Words - Saurano Direnni

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Active Member
Oh my god, BIGWooly. You're a friggin' genius. O.O Dead-is-dead switching...what an unusual and wonderful idea. ^^


Well-Known Member
Loredas - Last Seed - 4E 198

Last night I wandered Whiterun in search of opportunity. It was an especially dark night, with clouds shrouding most of the stars. A perfect night.

There were a few lonely souls wandering the streets with me, and I took to following one of them. I recognized her from the day before. She works as the smith's apprentice. I couldn't help but notice she carried a mace, and I assumed she was skilled with it.

Eventually I gave up on her. Given her occupation it's likely she is handy with her weapon, and would probably not succumb to death quickly or easily. And for that matter, Whiterun is full of guards. They are on patrol everywhere, and it is unlikely I would be able to cast a spell without one of them seeing me do it. I needed another way to put gold in my pocket.

So I stuck to the darkest shadows and began testing doors on homes. With so many guards on duty in the middle of the night I was shocked to find most of these nords still lock their doors. One more reason to despise of them.

Finally I gained entrance to a building through a back door. The door opened into a great room with a large table and plenty of food laying about. This was a house of excess. The ideal place for me to look for coins and valuables.

But I heard footsteps and immediately crouched and pushed myself against the door. Another door opened, and a large nord walked out. He wore nice leather armor and had a large blade across his back. Fortunately he didn't see me, and walked across the great room and entered a side room. And as he did I noticed a long chest on the floor next to me. It was the kind of chest you kept large weapons in, although upon opening it I only found a few coins inside.

I decided to enter the room the nord had come from. It seemed logical, since he was no longer inside. There was another present, though. A female, still asleep in bed. I considered feeding on her, but then a potion on a dresser caught my eye. I decided to search the room for valuables first.

I found another potion in a dresser drawer, and then some gold in a nightstand drawer. But as I took the gold the woman awoke, and I had to quickly vacate the room and the home.

There were still several hours left before daylight, and I hadn't made much progress yet. My coinpurse was only heavier by about twenty pieces. So I continued wandering around the city, looking for my next opportunity. I found it a few minutes later.

Whiterun has a large building with an entrance that leads underneath it. The Hall of the Dead. A perfect place for me to loot. There wouldn't likely be any guards present, or anyone for that matter. Not at this time of the night.

Fortunately the door was unlocked, and I found my way inside. After passing through the ceremonial room with the alter to Arkay, I entered the crypts. Inside I found several undead, all skeletons. My flame spell weakened each of them and Saryn's slice and burn finished them off.

Saryn is my sword, named for and used first by my great great grandfather during the Red Year in Morrowind. It has been handed down through my family for nearly two hundred years. The blade had been a gift, given to Saryn by the great dunmer sorcerer Thanelen, who had enchanted the sword himself. Saryn had learned of a plot to seize the sorceror's son to hold for ransom, and the gift was Saryn's reward for the providing the information to Thanelen.

Now the blade is mine, and last night it helped me dispatch of several skeletons. With the undead out of the way, I looted the crypt of everything from pieces of gold to cups and bowls. Early this morning I stopped in at Belethor's shop and sold what I could. He didn't seem at all suspicious of my wares. Either that or he doesn't care. Gold often speaks louder than morals.

Now I'm sitting in the inn, eating some sort of pastry that tastes awful. But one must keep up appearances. I can't be observed sleeping all day and not eating. I've already gotten comments on my pale skin and hungry eyes. Tonight I should probably feed.


Well-Known Member
Sundas - Last Seed - 4E 198

I'm miserable. The sun is shining. Birds are singing. Wretched nord children are running through the streets. But I'll stay out here until I can't take it anymore. After last night it's even more important that I appear normal here.

Shortly after sunset I snuck back into the wealthy home I had entered on the previous night. It wasn't quite late enough yet, and several people were awake still inside. So I hid in a dark corner and waited for an hour or two.

Once things had quieted down, and I had seen one of the women head to bed, I took off my shoes and tip-toed carefully to her room. She was laying in bed, as still as the surface of a lake in the summer. I moved to her, and leaned over her body, sinking my sharp teeth into her neck. Her blood's flavor was glorious, although it had been several days since my last feeding. When I had taken my fill I pulled the sheet and covers back up to hide her neck. With any luck no one would even notice the wound.

But just as I did this another woman walked into the room. For a moment I was worried she had seen me feeding. If that was the case I would have to leave the city for sure, and not come back for a very long time. But instead she just told me, in a tone that betrayed her nervousness, that I should leave. She suspected I was a thief at worst.

I left immediately, and walked over to the Hall of the Dead. If the woman called the guard then that was the last place they would probably look. And if I heard them coming I could maybe disguise myself as a corpse.

But no guards came, and so I examined the rest of the crypt. After purchasing food and another night at the inn I was back down to half the amount I needed. And as it turned out there wasn't much left in the crypt to take. I took what I could, a few goblets and a nice plate, and headed back to the inn to get some rest.

Now it's morning again, and I'm playing the part of average citizen. I don't know how these rubes do it every day. Living a life of monotony and nauseating bliss. It turns my stomach and pains my mind. But I'll do my part to fit in for now.

This journal is a nice distraction from the sunny sickness all around me. Interesting that I almost feel compelled to write in it. It's as if the pages call to my soul all day long ... every day. Definitely some powerful magic is bound to this book. I'll have to think of a way to track down it's creator.

But enough of the book for now. I need gold. While I sit here in the square cursing the sun on my skin the Avani reside in peaceful darkness and lay claim to the shrine. This must be remedied. They must be removed.

Perhaps I should make use of this bounty paper after all. The letter describes the location of the bandits, and there's nothing to say I couldn't go there and take what they have without bringing them to justice. Bandits generally have some gold, or at least some valuables. I don't know how else I'm going to fill my pockets.


Well-Known Member
Tirdas - Last Seed - 4E 198

The bandit hideout wasn't far from Whiterun. There was no sentry posted outside the door, so I expected minimal resistance inside. And I wasn't disappointed.

Just inside I spotted a single bandit and his dog. I looked for a way around them, but the fetcher was walking back and forth throughout the room, and his dog seemed fairly alert. I didn't see anyone else in the room, and decided these two wouldn't be an issue for me.

I elected to use a fury spell against the dog. It would humor me to see the confusion on the bandit's face when his own hound attacked him. But I fouled up the spell and missed the mutt. Now both he and his master ran to the passage where I was doing my best to conceal myself.

But it was in vain. The flea-infested dog spotted me, and I had no choice but to unleash fire on them. With its hair ablaze the dog lasted only a few seconds. The bandit backpedaled and produced a bow. This was good for me, as I knew I could keep him ablaze while he tried to hit me with arrows. In a few moments he too was a smoking corpse.

There were many barrels and sacks in the room, but most were empty or just contained apples and potatoes. I needed gold. The bandit had four pieces on him, and I took them despite the fact that they were hot and had bits of burnt flesh and clothing on them. But I needed more gold than that.

In one corner of the room I found a table and a chest. There were a few pieces of gold on the table, which I took, and then I turned my attention to the chest. To my dismay I discovered it was locked. And there was no key on the bandit.

I had no other option but to leave the chest and continue ahead. The next passage was short, and opened into a small room. There were two more bandits in this room. One was walking around and the other sat by a fire. I decided to try my fury spell once again.

And again I missed. In fact, I missed several times, but luckily the passage is dark and the bandits couldn't figure out where the spell was coming from. Finally, on my sixth or seventh try, I successfully cast the fury spell on the woman by the fire.

She jumped to her feet and I sunk back into the passage out of sight. I heard shouting, and then weapons unsheathing, followed by the sounds of a brutal fight. The heavy sound of a body hitting the ground let me know the fight was over, and I only had one more bandit to consider.

I waited a few minutes to make sure the remaining bandit was calm again, then snuck quietly into the room. The survivor was the female bandit, and she was back at the fire warming her hands. She carried a mace and a shield, and I very quickly got the impression I should leave her alone. After all, she had just killed a much larger male bandit wearing full armor and brandishing a heavy warhammer. And she had done it quickly.

There was a large chest in the room right next to her, but it was far too close to the bandit for me to try and get to. Not worth my life. I'll find my gold another way.


Relaxing on Revis Island, with Revis and Holmes :(
It's a really good idea, this dead and pass the buck and book on, I thought that was it yesterday.....My only concern is that if this Vampire gets killed by a Troll, the standard of the diary entries may plummet considerably ;)


Well-Known Member
Middas - Last Seed - 4E 198

That worked quite well. After getting some sleep I awoke this morning with an idea. As part of my .. abilities .. I sometimes have the power to seduce another, assuming I've gone a few days without feeding. Which I have.

So today I returned to the bandit hideout and made my way to the second room. The bandit leader was still there, no doubt considering how she was going to replace her underlings. The scum was also likely pondering why she had attacked and killed her right hand man the day before. It is fun to play with the minds of the weak.

And regarding that, I approached the bandit leader from behind, and when I was directly behind her I used my charm on her and she couldn't resist. There is always the risk one could resist the charm, and that could prove to be a fatal error. But bandits are generally weak-minded and easy to manipulate, and considering I had done so the day before I had confidence to do it again today.

So while she sat there in a joyous stupor I avoided the trap and opened the large chest. Inside I found more than I had bargained for. This bandit leader was well off for such a brainless twit. She had stockpiled a number of valuable items, including a circlet, a silver necklace, a spell tome, nearly seventy septims and a small folded paper that had seen better days.

I took each item out and placed them all in my sack. The redguard scum just sat there next to me with a stupid smile on her face, looking on as I took it all.

By the time she snapped out of it I was already outside and on my way back to Whiterun. When I was certain she wasn't following me I took a moment and stopped by a bridge to examine the paper I had taken. It was a map, and as far as I could tell, it described the location of another chest. This was quite a lucrative venture it seems.

For now I'll head back to the city, and sell what I can. Then I'll take another look at the map and see if it's worth pursuing.


Well-Known Member
It's a really good idea, this dead and pass the buck and book on, I thought that was it yesterday.....My only concern is that if this Vampire gets killed by a Troll, the standard of the diary entries may plummet considerably ;)

That's a very 'trollist' thing to say. d;-p


Active Member
xDD That thought occurred to me as well - what if a character dies by an animal? Or a named NPC?


Well-Known Member
Turdas - Last Seed - 4E 198

What well-deserved fortune. On the way back to Whiterun I was gazing up at the mountains and of all things I thought I recognized something from the map. I quickly pulled the map out and compared. It looked promising. I needed to view the mountain from another angle to be sure, and a half hour later I was. The chest marked on the map was buried right outside Whiterun's front door. Now that is convenience.

I decided to head up for it at night, when I was not weak from the sunlight. There could be any number of deadly obstacles on the way, and I wasn't going to take any chances. I also knew I needed to feed. It had been several days and I was in danger of a full transformation, not that I personally mind it, but those around me generally act as if I'm a conjuration from some plane of oblivion.

So after a few hours of rest and the setting of the sun I was back to roaming the streets of Whiterun. I tried the wealthy household first, but in the only room where I found someone asleep I could see someone else in the room with them ... awake. So I made my way upstairs, and after a few minutes of poking around a large nord showed up and got testy with me. He was ordering me to leave and yet blocking my path back to the stairs. Stupid fetcher. How is it these nords have their own land?

When he started yelling for the guards I decided to make my own exit, and hopped over the railing. I dropped to the first floor as the nord continued yelling for the guards. A moment later I had slipped out the back door and found a nice dark corner along the main wall to hide.

I waited for a bit, but no guards showed up to look for me, so I resumed my search for a meal. I gained entry to another house, but it was well-lit and there were several nords still awake. It was impossible to make my way inside.

Then I made a wonderful discovery. I came across a temple, the kind of place I would generally never venture into. But my hunger was insistent, so I decided to have a look.

Inside I found a man in agony on a bed, and healer was giving him relief. On the other side of the room lay a woman, also in pain. Beyond that was another small room, and after walking over to it casually, I quickly slipped inside and crouched down.

There was a priest asleep in his bed, and he was going to make an excellent meal. I worked quickly and sank my fangs into his neck. He stirred in his sleep but didn't wake, and in a brief moment I was finished. I brushed my hand across my lips to remove any excess blood, then walked calmly out of the room as if I had gotten lost. The priestess asked if I needed any assistance but I just ignored her and walked back out the door.

Then it was to the mountain, and to the chest. The hike was challenging on my legs, but not all that far, and I didn't encounter any beasts or monsters like I expected to. The chest was easy enough to find. Whatever bandit cur had hid it there had not a very good job. Inside I found some gold, a jewel, a circlet and a large orcish sword. I took everything but the sword, which was too heavy for me to carry.

I've now sold all that I could and still I'm about twenty pieces short of affording the mercenary's fee. If I can't find the rest of the gold by tonight I'll have to rent a room at the inn again and that will bleed a bit more from my pockets.


Well-Known Member
Fredas - Last Seed - 4E 198

Last night was a lesson in fruitless plans.

As I came back into town I noticed a khajiit caravan had arrive and was setup outside the main gate. My blood boiled as I walked past the wretched vermin. Nireli flashed into my mind. I wanted nothing more than to light them all on fire right then and there. But there were four of them, one of which looked like a capable fighter in his own right. Not to mention the numerous Whiterun guards on the walls above me.

So I decided to rest for a few hours and return after dark. This way I could use my fury spell to make the cats kill each other off and the guards would never be the wiser. But when I left the city after the sun had set the caravan had packed up already and moved on. Lucky for them.

With my night free again I decided to sneak back into the wealthy home and see if I could find some more gold. After purchasing a room for rest I was now about thirty pieces away from where I needed to be. So I crept in through the back door and was happy to see the nords were all in bed for a change.

I snuck into the first room and found a nord woman asleep in bed. The same one I had fed on previously. I couldn't resist and tasted her blood again. It was just as sweet as before, and felt like honey in my veins.

Satiated, I looked more closely and noticed her coinpurse. I quietly slipped it open and began to take the coins from it. As I retrieved the last one the lady awoke, and our eyes locked. She screamed, and called for the guard, and I flew from the house.

To my surprise the woman gave chase, and with her all the guards of Whiterun. I had no choice but to run for the gate before the guards there knew what was going on.

I burst through the gate just in time and leapt over the wall. With guards and lady siren in two I slid down the rocks and landed on the road below. I wasted no time in heading into the mountains, leaving Whiterun and it's guards behind in the distance.

Now I'm in a small village called Riverwood, and it looks like I'm going to have to hand out another ten septims for a room. I'm in a foul mood.


Well-Known Member
Loredas - Last Seed - 4E 198

While in Riverwood yesterday I noticed a tower up on a hill on the other side of the river. So after getting some rest and allowing the night to arrive, I crossed the river via the nearby bridge and made my way up to the tower.

A short walkway extended from the tower over to a trail, and a bandit patrolled back and forth on the walkway. Another bandit kept an eye on the path, while giving his legs a rest by leaning against a tree. Inside the tower i could hear at least one more inside the tower itself.

I didn't care to fight the thieves. I just wanted their gold .. their valuables. So I cast a spell of fury against the bandit on the walkway, and then slipped back into the shadows of the tower. There was shouting, and then clashing of weapons, and then silence. One bandit was surely dead.

I snuck back up and saw bandit on the path was back in his spot, leaning against the tree. His companion lay dead in the snow at his feet. I tried the same spell again but this time the bandit came after me. He chased me back down the hill and across the rocks before I finally lost him in the night.

For the next several hours I tried again and again to use the fury spell, but to no avail. The bandit always came after me. So I switched tactics and went with fire and that did the trick. I had no desire to take on whoever remained inside the tower, and instead took what I could from the bandits outside.

Now I head out from Riverwood with exactly two more gold pieces than I need to hire the mercenary. The only problem is can't show my face in Whiterun right now. I'm going to have to head somewhere else. Windhelm is probably my next best choice, although the nords there are the worst in all of Skyrim. I will have to try and remain on my best behavior.


Well-Known Member
Sundas - Last Seed - 4E 198

Windhelm .. a city full of scum nords. No sooner had a rented a room to get some much-needed rest than some dim nord had to run his ignorant mouth on me. I've heard it all before, but most of these fetchers know when to stop. This one didn't.

I'm upstairs in the inn now, my eyes weary from a full night of travel. It's a long way from Riverwood to Windhelm, and to make the trip on foot overnight requires a great effort. And the last thing I needed at the end of it was some puffed-up nord talking my people down. So now I sit here and write instead of sleeping in the room I paid for. And as I write I keep one eye on the loudmouth oaf. His death is coming.


Well-Known Member
Morndas - Last Seed - 4E 198

I've had to retreat to some abandoned cabin near a wood mill. I discovered the cabin on my way down to Windhelm. It's just off the side of the road, and I initially checked it hoping to find some gold inside, or someone to feed on. But instead it was dark, empty and full of cobwebs. An ideal place for me to be right now, though.

Early this morning before the sun had risen I followed the brash old nord out of the inn. He was half-drunk, and didn't even notice me as I slipped out the door behind him. He was louder than ever, and proceeded to make his way into the grey quarter to taunt the dunmer there.

I followed from a distance, evaluating his state and keeping an eye out for guards. It seems the guards don't much care for keeping the grey quarter safe at that hour. I didn't see a single one. Figures. The guards are all nords too, so why would they care about some filth-mouth cur shouting slurs in the streets.

When I'd had enough of the oaf's tongue I snuck up close and lit him on fire. He spun around and drew his dagger, pain and shock written across his face. I kept the spell going as he came for me. I tried to keep space between us but I was also trying to minimize the movement of the battle. The last thing I wanted was for guards to see us fighting.

But before I knew it the old man was besting me. His drunken state didn't seem to inhibit his skill with a dagger much .. or enough .. and soon I had to sheath my sword and fumble for my health potions. Even then, as the fight raged on and I subsequently down one potion and then the other, I saw my fate. If I stayed to stand against this hateful brute I was going to lose my life. So I did what I had to do, and and I ran.

At the gates the guards tried to stop me, but I managed to make it through. And outside the city walls the guards continued to pursue me and send arrows after me. If even one had struck I wouldn't be writing this right now. But they did all miss, thanks in part to me running like a frightened pig.

So now I'm in a real bind.

I can't show my face in Whiterun. I can't show my face in Windhelm. Which means I can't hire the help I found. And I can't bear the thought of leaving that wretched, foul-mouthed nord in Windhelm alive.