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Friday is My Day!

Well-Known Member
How's it going guys? I apologize for not updating the journal but I've been at the beach since yesterday. I'll be back home Friday evening, so be expecting an entry either then or Saturday morning/afternoon.

Happy 4th of July, guys! God bless Amerrrrica!
How's it going guys? I apologize for not updating the journal but I've been at the beach since yesterday. I'll be back home Friday evening, so be expecting an entry either then or Saturday morning/afternoon.

Happy 4th of July, guys! God bless Amerrrrica!
You too! Though we really need some PC diarys. Laptops are portable, so we can have entries all the time :D.

Friday is My Day!

Well-Known Member
You too! Though we really need some PC diarys. Laptops are portable, so we can have entries all the time :D.

Well, I would have lugged my Xbox down here with me, as I have on many vacations, but my girlfriend insisted I leave it at home. Can you blame her? :)

Friday is My Day!

Well-Known Member
Soooo... its been a month. We can has entry? Or have you given this up?

It's definitely not over, I just can't really find any time to write. As soon as I do, Cidius' adventure will continue. :)


Well-Known Member
Am entering level 3 withdrawal (mouth begins to foam and eyes turn a shade of red) must... have... Cidius post...

Friday is My Day!

Well-Known Member
Am entering level 3 withdrawal (mouth begins to foam and eyes turn a shade of red) must... have... Cidius post...

Alright guys, I'll do my best to get a post in next week, probably Tuesday or Wednesday! Get that treated, alright man? :D

Friday is My Day!

Well-Known Member
...Hello? Are you even alive? A post would be really wonderful right now.

I know man, I know. I really hate to say this, as I've been playing video games since I was a kid, but I think I've just lost my interest in them. Lately I've been spending a lot more time with my friends and family, partying and just hanging out. Since school's about to start, we're trying to squeeze the most out of our summer as we can.

I've also taken an interest in electronics.


My first successful circuit. :)

The only time I really pick up an Xbox controller anymore is when my dad or friends want to play some Battlefield (amazing game, btw.). I don't know. Now that Sleeping Dogs is out, I might give that a go.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry. I've never been the guy to give up on anything, but I'm afraid I just can't keep this going any longer. If things cool down someday, I might pop Skyrim in for another go, but we'll just have to see how things unfold.

I truly am sorry guys. Hey, if any of you guys have Xbox Live, I'd love to play with you whenever I can to make up for turning my back on you guys. Just hit me up, FridayXD.

Have a nice night everyone. :)

The Turkey

I realize this was 2ish years ago, but now that i finished Filim and Cidius's journal, i just don't know what to do anymore.