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    "Why is he here?" Orlek was wondering to himself. He was continually watching the Justiciar in the corner, surprised he hadn't stepped in as soon as the fight broke out.
    Watching as another Altmer entered the tavern, immediately making contact with the Thalmor agent.
    "Whatever is supposed to happen, it's about to happen soon." Orlek thought as the two Justiciars stood up, and started making their way to the private rooms. Orlek watched realizing, "there's about to be an assassination."


    New Member
    Bronenwith heard footsteps, whispering and the faint noise of a blade being drawn from its sheath. She got out of her bed and grabbed her dagger, from the whispering it sounded like two people, who weren't light of foot either. She climbed up onto the cupboard and onto the rafters until she was above the door. She readied her blade and conjured another one.
    The stepped in, it was two Thalmor Justicarsone had a blade and the other one had magic at the ready.
    "Where is she?" said the one with the blade.
    "I don't know," replied the other
    She watched them silently and dropped down behind the one with magic, making no noise thanks to a Muffle spell and slit his throat. The other turned around realising and swinging his sword wildly in the air. She dodged, like water around a rock, and parried the next swing. She ducked beneath the overhead swing and stabbed with both blades in the abdomen.
    "I have to get out of here and quickly," she thought to herself
    She searched the bodies and found a note. She'll read it later, on the road.


    Active Member
    Tralan entered the tavern only to see a women running past him he quickly walks to a end table careful not to draw any eyes soon two men walk in they look like guards they soon sit next to Tralan.
    Tralan carefully pulls out what looks to be small bottle of a faint white drink "how much" the guard says
    "350 for 12 or 105 for 1" Tralan said quietly "Dam your prices are steep but its the best in all of tamrial right"
    the guards next to him studded "J.. just by the DAM! thing" "calm down" the guard pulled out a small bag of coins "there's 350" "thank you" Tralan soon pulled out a large knapsack "be careful with those wouldn't wont
    to get caught with that would we" Tralan said "I am always careful" the guards quickly left and Tralan ordered a drink he began sipping it with caution keeping his eyes out
    Watching the women running downstairs and towards the door, Orlek realized she was the target of the elven assassins. Quickly getting up, he he made his way to the door as well grabbing the women's soulder right before she could leave. "Are you in trouble" he asked. He always was the unselfish sort, especially when it came to women and children in trouble.


    Active Member
    Tralan saw the two at the door as one had his hand on the others shoulder he turned back around and just remand calm


    New Member
    She started as the man touched her.
    "Are you in trouble?" he asked
    "No, I just got a fright when you touched my shoulder. What is your name?" she asked
    "My name is Orlek, I am a mercenary, a former companion. Listen, those elven assassins, they are Justiciars of the Adlmeri Dominion. There will be more coming for you. If you want I know a safe place you can hide." He knew if he helped this woman, the Thalmor would hunt him too, yet he could not resist. He had to atone for the past.


    New Member
    "Thank you, I will accept your offer"she said "I you could show me the way I will follow. I have heard of the legendary prowess of the Companions and I have no doubt that i will see it soon, if what you say is true,"
    She followed him out of the inn, wondering why he would help a stranger. She had no idea unless he was expecting payment.


    New Member
    They arrived at a remote cabin in The Reach, far from prying eyes and with a well concealed path up to it.
    "I believe this is the perfect place to hide from the Thalmor," Bronenwith said
    She sat down at the table and put her things next to her, glad to sit down after the days hike, she was fit but the climb up took it's toll on her.


    Active Member
    Tralan was sitting at the table minding his own business when he was approached by thalmor they threw him to the ground he tried to fight but was ambushed by more they grabbed him and took him to the far back
    room of the tavern and screams and shouts were herd from behind the wooden door blocking the way but
    only bloodied elves exited the room while one guarded the door and let no one pass but only the members
    of the thalmor assembly people started a rumour that Tralan lives but was beaten to near death Tralans crew began to worry but had no idea if he was alive they tried many times to get to him but failed not even an element of surprise could get pass the high elf


    Endarius walked into Silver-Blood Inn, his nose currently pressed into a book. He was reading a book about the infamous Siege of Markarth. "Intriguing...Yet highly disturbing..." he mused aloud. Sitting at a nearby table, he was greeted by the barmaid, who asked him if he wanted anything. "All I would like at the moment is a sweet roll, thank you." he replied, still not tearing his eyes from the book. Huffing loudly, the barmaid went down to the kitchen to fetch his treat. Content, he was startled by the sudden screaming that originated from the back room. Lifting his head from the book, he saw the entrance to the room that the scream came from was being watched by a Thalmor Justiciar. Paling slightly, he gulped loudly and slowly closed his book.


    Active Member
    Tralans Screams could be heard but no one new if he would live a another day Later that day some of Tralans men from his ship arrive only then noticing where he was all this time they soon left quickly trying not to draw any eyes towards them Tralan was near his death he knew it he began praising the nine people could barely here him scream no more but all they herd was the clunks of the latches of the doors people
    soon where leaving saying this tavern is for the dead now


    The Devil In The Details
    Baroth trudged into the inn,blood still fresh on his blade and shield. He saw the few people here,hmm,he thought,place must be haunted. He walked over to the keeper and handed him a small box. The keeper proceeded to open the box,smile humbly, and close it. Baroth nodded,"Tell the Yarl, he won't be hearing from that bandit anymore." He said,as the keeper raised a huge coin purse onto the counter. Baroth shook his head and pushed it back to him. He then turned,hearing a faint scream coming from the back of the room. He also noticed a Thalmor Justicar guarding a door with great vigilance. He sighed and approached the Altmer,hoping to find the origin of the scream.


    Active Member
    The altmer drew his word and 3 more thalmor appear from the inn rooms "leave filthy Nord" 1 of them said
    Tralan began to scream as loud out he could with blood pouring out if his mouth nose and from his deep cuts
    "stay back Nord"


    Endarius couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't stand the screams anymore. He was about to walk over and beg to let Tralan go when he saw a big brute of a Nord walk in and head towards the Justiciar. Curious, he grew alarmed as one of the Thalmor drew his sword. Endarius was slightly conflicted. He didn't really like Nords, but he couldn't let this man be murdered. Standing up, he walked over to the Thalmor and the Nord and spoke. " Easy there, sir. There's no need to be violent here. My friend here is just a bit worried about the screams. If you would be so kind as to inform him, I'm sure he would gladly leave you alone.


    The Devil In The Details
    Baroth was about to draw his sword,when the Altmer stepped between the two. "Easy there, sir. There's no need to be violent here. My friend here is just a bit worried about the screams. If you would be so kind as to inform him, I'm sure he would leave you alone." He said,humbly waiting for a reply. Baroth nodded,"He speaks the truth. Come,tell me of the screams in the back room there," He said,squinting at him in suspicion,"Lest i believe your up to some foul business." He said,crossing his arms and waiting.


    Active Member
    "Listen Nord we don't care and" The thalmor called for more men and a large group came from behind the large door covered in blood "If you are worried then don't be he will be dead soon will string him up by his insides" there was a large group of thalmor in the tavern


    "Oh dear...I believe we're surrounded. Damn, I really hate having to fight..." Endarius muttered. Saying a silent prayer to Auri-el, he turned to face the Thalmor that were behind him and activated Chain Lightning, preparing to fight.


    The Devil In The Details
    Baroth drew his sword and brought up his shield,"As do i freind,as do i." He said,looking around at the Thalmor that now surrounded them. He whispered something under his breath,the Altmer couldn't hear exactly what he said,but he did here the name, Julianos.