Xbox 360 screen size

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ok in looking for a solutuion to my prob i can help here :)
log out the game Ok all you have to do is go to the Xbox dashboard, go to my Xbox, then go all the way over to the settings. Next go to console setting and then display. Change it to widescreen. Problem solved
.My problem is tat i can not see any of the dam writing as its too small evn close up to a 42 inch tv cant read inventory or items to pick up let alone wether to ask the right question in convo with npc, Any ideas ?
AND the quest lone to the love triangle has been ruined now dammit


I have a similar problem on my ps3. I could never know how much damn gold I pick up or am given.. Bethesda needs to add that HUD adjust thing.. I can only dream.


other than than that i,m loving it by the way :) [dont wish to b seen as a miseryguts] the dertail and interaction in thus one are superb i just wish i could see what i,m saying or read whats in my inventory:bluedragon: