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Well-Known Member
Sometimes it seems summons are just another spell, but they're supposed to be reasonably intelligent creatures. How do you roleplay the relationship with them? I imagine that, when I first conjured my flame atronach my Altmer managed to charm her to the point where, if my life was in danger, she'd come to my aid. However, my character respects her. He only summons her in extreme circumstances, and always works to protect her as an equal. When he deals with Daedra, he sees them as more than tools. What about you guys?


Well-Known Member
Well, my characters are generally involuntary psychopaths, so they see their atronachs as tools for combat. If one dies, they're like "More where that came from!"

Treating them as your companions sounds like a good role play theme. Maybe I'll try it out.


I roleplay with them to i pick one or two (frost storm flame) if i have twin souls then i get thrall version and keep them around permenatly and act like there unique such as useing up (dropping) items when i have to re summon it fun actually