Question about graphic card

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So I'm not a complete noob when it comes to the hardware side of a PC, but I had a question.

I currently have a GeForce 210 graphics card with 1024MB DDR3. Now when I go into my Nvidia control panel and check out my graphics info, I noticed something I never saw before.


It says: Total available graphics memory: 4,095.

Now I know when using an on-board video card you have to do shared-memory with your graphics card/RAM. But I didn't think you could share your ram with your PCI cards, or am I just being dumb? Need a little advice here. Also, if you can do this then would it help at all? The only real problem with my current hardware is my processor, I think.

Here are my specs:

AMD Athlon(TM) II X2 250 Processor 3.00GHZ
8GB DDR3 (Whatever is the lastest as of 2 months ago when I got it)

And the graphics card represented above.

The reason I am asking is I can only run Skyrim flawlessly on the bare minimum detail, and I would like to play on higher quaility. I'll probably have to just buy a new processor, but I thought I'd ask :)
