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What Race should I choose?

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Active Member
I am making a new character for a Dead is Dead playthrough. The only 3 races I've ever chosen in Skyrim is Nord, Imperial, and Breton.

I usually do 1H sword/axe and board, but have done one 2H greatsword character and a dual wielding, dagger using sneak thief.

I know I want my new guy to be another warrior class, I simply hate magic. I am torn on what race to choose, and what weapon to use.

I kind of want to try a Redguard, but feel weird choosing this race as weird as it sounds... I more closely identify with a Breton, Nord, or Imperial if you know what I mean... strange, I know.

I am also torn between 1H sword and board or 2H great sword. Thoughts?


When I played a Redguard after playing three Bretons, a Bosmer and an Imperial, I was wow'd by how awesome she was at 1h melee right out of the box. Escaping from Helgen was like "Imma let you finish, Ralof, but first let me put this Imperial down!" **whomp!** She was also much faster than my Breton characters which was nice for change.

I haven't played Nord because they seem too boring or me. I liked my Imperial, but not enough to want to play another Imperial. I love the Bretons, they're easily my favs among the men races (hey, I'm actually studying Breton as well as Gaelic so I have some bias here--my username/character name Saozig is just the Breton name Soazig with the vowels swapped, a personal joke about how badly I spell in Breton). They're also tough and don't get killed as easily--like my first Wood Elf who kept dying so much I almost abandoned her before her hit lv 30.

My last Breton, Saozig a' Dhubh, was the best Shouter I've had, but also was a superb 1h'er and archer and was a total boss of dragonslaying. She actually got so good, the game got too easy. But despite my love of Breton, I still think you should consider Redguard. They are great warriors, as I learned with mine.


Active Member
I am making a new character for a Dead is Dead playthrough. The only 3 races I've ever chosen in Skyrim is Nord, Imperial, and Breton.

I usually do 1H sword/axe and board, but have done one 2H greatsword character and a dual wielding, dagger using sneak thief.

I know I want my new guy to be another warrior class, I simply hate magic. I am torn on what race to choose, and what weapon to use.

I kind of want to try a Redguard, but feel weird choosing this race as weird as it sounds... I more closely identify with a Breton, Nord, or Imperial if you know what I mean... strange, I know.

I am also torn between 1H sword and board or 2H great sword. Thoughts?

Why not play as a Khajiit if you're not comfortable playing as a black guy :D (lol I'm just poking fun at the situation). (honestly, I only play as redguard because I make all my characters in the TES games related to my previous character in the previous TES game, which i started redguard in Morrowind because I am black - also I have dreads and the new hairstyle just made me sooooooo happy).

Also if you really just want to be more warrior, do an Orc =o Pure beastly powerhouse!

Lady Imp

Rabid Wolverine
Go Argonian. Why not?

Zatam Zar

.esrever ni ti daeR
An Orc will not let you down in a dead is dead run.


Grand Magister
A good archer wood elf is my favorite.


Is that fur coming out of your ears?
I honestly believe Orc is what they had in mind from the start of this playstyle.

The old Orc looking for a memorable death.


Well-Known Member
ive tried both argonian and the cat, , does my head in watching that tail while in 3rd person. almost mesmorizing puts me off, as in my sig retirement . :rolleyes:


Glue Sniffer
I am making a new character for a Dead is Dead playthrough. The only 3 races I've ever chosen in Skyrim is Nord, Imperial, and Breton.

I usually do 1H sword/axe and board, but have done one 2H greatsword character and a dual wielding, dagger using sneak thief.

I know I want my new guy to be another warrior class, I simply hate magic. I am torn on what race to choose, and what weapon to use.

I kind of want to try a Redguard, but feel weird choosing this race as weird as it sounds... I more closely identify with a Breton, Nord, or Imperial if you know what I mean... strange, I know.

I am also torn between 1H sword and board or 2H great sword. Thoughts?

Orc, hands down. If you are looking to stay alive as long as you possibly can its a no-brainer.

-Most enemies are going to be melee so you won't benefit that much from the Breton racial powers and the 25% resist can be made up by getting the Lord Stone and Enchanting. I find Breton's only good with mage characters, because with those types other Mages are your biggest threat.

-Nord's are decent, personally I hate their War Cry fear racial power, I'd rather kill my enemies not make them harder to kill.

-Imperials are going to be hard to do on a perma-death build, especially if you are on a higher difficulty. Imo, racial powers mean life and death on Master Diff sometimes and Imperials certainly don't have any that will help you.

-Redguards racial power may seem good at first, but it can be rendered irrelevant completely by simply using vegetable soup. You only need 1 stamina point per second to do a power attack with every click. (which is the main selling point of that power)

-Now Orcs have the Beserker racial power, and let me tell you it has saved me so many times on Master. Inflict double damage and take half, it just seems like a perfect fit for a warrior build. Not too mention, they look bad ass as fluff.

Go Sword/Board, trust me. 2H can be good, no doubt, but it takes a bit before you get there and you will be extremely vulnerable in the mean time especially if you manage to miss a swing. Shield allows major damage resist, extra enchantment slot and the block perk which allows you to make 50% of incoming spell damage obsolete is completely invaluable. Specialize in Enchantment, Archery (you'll def be needing long-distance), Smithing (don't put more then 2 perks since you can reach the armor level cap without them) and a bit of block and you'll do fine.

This is my exact same character build I am playing right now, I've died maybe twice (my own stupidity though, really, spacebar spamming up a mountain) and its powerful, even on Master. I'm comparing racial powers and basing my opinions on that because its literally the only thing that makes each race different from the other. In the end, any character of any race is going to be powerful. So, if the racial power is something you don't care about or never use, then just go with whatever looks the best.


Active Member
Never. Never will I play an argonian or khajit. Feel completely ridiculous playing one of these races.

._. honestly I feel like you're asking for a lost cause. If you're getting bored with your usual characters then try to do something outside your comfort zone. if you can't then you're stuck with your usual three =/

There's nothing anyone can do about it =o - unless you get the pc version and get some modded races


John Murphy

New Member
For first tier classes for master difficulty I would either choose Breton, or Orc. In my opinion these are the only two races that really benefit a character for playing on master difficulty. I guess I am basing my opinion on those "oh crap" situations. Not only does the Breton's passive ability call for 25% magicka resistance. Notice at the loading screen it says 50% but the correct amount is 25%. This really helps for all of the different types of characters, because magicka is really going to kick you in the balls. Orc is also in this tier because his racial power is basically changing the difficulty from master difficulty to adept for 60 seconds, which is really going to help you with those boss fights, and dragon fights if you manage to get dragonrend to make him land. One handed is going to let you wield a shield which is going to give you an extra frost, fire, shock, and magicka bonus while blocking. The 2 handed is going to give you extra damage, I am going to try running a 2h heavy armor, maybe even light armor on master difficulty and still having a difficult time choosing between orc and breton. Breton will really help with the two handed since you will have that magicka resistance.


When I play TES I usually pick an Orc, Argonian, or a Dark Elf. If I was you I would choose an Orc because they are so tough looking if you look at them they'r big and very strong.

sticky runes

Well-Known Member
So, by your own admission, you hate magic, normally use a certain set of skills and are completely against playing as a humanoid race. Seems like you're basically shutting yourself off from the many other possibilities that this game has to offer. I say take the plunge, and play as a race you've never used before and work your skills in a completely new direction. Otherwise, you might as well just be playing any old RPG that has you on a set path with only a limited choice of characters.


Active Member
Well I did end up making a Redguard dual wield assassin. Adrenaline Rush + dual wielding attacks = pure devastation.

I've played a dual wield assassin before but never a Redguard. I like it. If/when I get bored I may try some sort of mage character... maybe a battlemage? Not sure. We will see.