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    OG Forum member
    Caesar glares at Kivuli, 'does anyone really appreciate what I do for them '

    Caesar, having a sneaky hand reclaims his pouch of septims from the belt of the Capitain and replaces it a pouch of pebbles. 'Pretty inconspicuous if you ask me, but to be fair he asks for too much' he says internally, chucking in his mind.

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    Archer Drake

    Parkour Enthusiast
    Windhelm bustled with merchants and peddlers as the crowds of prospective buyers swarmed through the streets, eyeing the various goods displayed before them. A young Argonian wound his way through the crowds, his spiky blue feathers fluttering in the cool breeze. He bore a cool, indifferent gaze as he strode up to a merchant and handed him an amulet wrested from the hands of a flithy bandit. The merchant's eyes brightened at the sight of the amulet as he paid the Argonian, bidding him farewell and giving his thanks.

    The Argonian grinned and thanked the merchant for his generous payment, turning back towards the local inn to retrive his belongings. He strode into the lower level of the inn and walked into his room, closing the door behind him. The Argonian changed out of his simple tan armor and into a long sleeved blue shirt with a tall collar, rolling up the sleeves, a pair of gray pants, a black belt, a tan leather vest, fingerless blue gloves, and a pair of blue and tan footwraps. The brown-scaled Argonian finished off his outfit with a simple tooth necklace and a long black coat.

    He strapped a simple steel sword to his back and fastened a small utility knife to his belt, a reminder of the many years he'd spent in the fishing industry.

    The Argonian grabbed a simple canvas bag and filled it with various odds and ends, including his armor and a black lute with golden-colored designs etched into its surface.

    He tossed the bag across his back and strode out of the inn, paying the clerk for his room.

    He quickly wound his way out of the city and down to the docks, scanning for the Northern Maiden with cool blue eyes. He had already paid his fare, but the Capitan insisted they wait for a day. Mumbling something about a delayed shipment he ended up receiving three hours later.

    Rydar casually strode over to the ship and stepped aboard, paying little mind to the strange group speaking with the Capitan. He glanced over his shoulder and counted three men, two Khajiiti, and some other creature that seemed like a Khajiit but didn't quite fit the profile.

    Rydar descended below deck and found the small room he rented, placing his bag on the bed, and returned to the deck. The group had finished speaking with the Capitan and turned back to themselves.

    Boy are these guys a strange sight. Grab six random people and they'd fit together better than this group.

    Rydar chuckled to himself and strode over to the ship's main mast, quickly scaling it. He sat himself on the upper cross-beam, enjoying the cool air and the picturesque view from his perch.


    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    Kivuli eyes Rhydar, curious. She climbs up the mast as well and sits next to him to get a better look at the Argonian. Staying silent, and just looking him over. Wonder why he's travelling with us.


    OG Forum member
    Caesar looks the Argonian in the eyes, looks him up and down. 'Must me some sort of merchant, but it there's something about him.. That's just too ordinary' he thought..

    The imperial was suspicious of Ryder and kept watch on him at all times.

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    Archer Drake

    Parkour Enthusiast
    The strange Khajiit-creature climbed the mast not long after Rydar settles himself, opting to sit next to him. He noticed her eyes scanning over him as he peered out over the snowy slopes of the hold, his black coat and blue feathers waving in the breeze.

    The Khajiit - well, she was close enough to the real thing be called that - decided to break the meditative silence, asking who Rydar was.

    I suppose that question would've come up eventually. But could she have let me enjoy the view for a bit longer? Gotta hand it to her though, not many people have the guts to climb up here.

    Rydar sighed and threw his upper body back, gripping the mast with his legs. His momentum carried him all the way around the mast and back to his original position, his feathers coming to rest a moment after he stopped.

    "Me? I'm Rydar."

    Rydar shifted uncomfortably when he eyed the Khajiit's armor. Dark Brotherhood armor. Assassin's armor.


    OG Forum member
    Shortly after Rydar had arrived.. Another man had set foot onto the boat. He had a full suit of chain mail, crafted from steel and shaped finely like ebony armour, finished so well that it seemed as if he was wearing a mirror. He had 2 scimitars on his hips. He looked at the Penitus Oculatus agent, The Khajits, The Argonian, the imperial and finally at the captain.

    His eyes furiously fixated onto the captain, he pounced at him and grabbed him by the collar

    "You will take me to Solthsteim" he commanded and threw him on the floor, like a worthless rag.

    (This is Vlad the impaler by the way.. Add him to le list.. Yellow shall be his colour.. If not then I don't care what the colour is.. I'll be back in the morning.. Night)

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    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    "Name and buisness, brat." Zaraji snarls, arms crossed as she glares at this new stranger. At least she had the decency to pay people SOMETHING for their time.

    Kivuli hops down next to him. "Name's Kivuli." ^_^
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    Wauten Dayhil

    Demon Hunter and Wordplay Extraordinaire
    Rhyfalim sighed, having watched all of the proceedings happen so quickly, he'd had no way to take part. He could have gotten them a ride for free, without needing to fool and thieve their way aboard. What did they think a Redguard was good for, if not sailing? Even he, a warrior that had spent much of his life on land, had excellent sea legs, and captains would have been clamoring to have him work aboard their ships.

    Finally, he turned to Smutticus, and answered his earlier question, "We should at least stay with them until Solstheim. No doubt, it's safer than here in Skyrim, considering only Mora has any sway there," he paused, bemused by the actions of the newest passenger, a hulking brute of a man in chainmail, and continued, "If worse comes to worst, we can always be rid of them at night. No doubt they could try to track us, but we could always join up with some of Solstheim's famous reavers, and tell them this group's got a hefty bounty. And, of course, leave before they - the reavers - all die."

    Sighing again, Rhyfalim strode over to the brute, as he tossed the captain away, and brought his sword to bare. With one fluid motion, Rhyf hooked the edge of his blade on the man's feet, and threw him off balance, causing him to land on his stomach and knocking the breath out of him. Planting a boot on his back, Rhyf lowered his blade to the raucous man's neck, making a calm, but easily identifiable, threat. And waited.

    Archer Drake

    Parkour Enthusiast
    Drayce had been following the others through Windhelm after being stuck on the demon horse for hours. He kept quiet, too tired to bother with conversation.

    Once they made it aboard a Nordic ship and Ceasar fooled the Capitan, which brought forth a grin from Drayce, things got interesting. An Argonian with a definite liking of the color blue showed up, remaining silent until Kivuli met him high atop the ship's main mast, where he gave his name with nothing but friendliness. Which struck Drayce as strange. He seemed to ordinary, too friendly to be hanging around in Skyrim. There was obviously more to this daredevil Argonian. I wonder if he's a Champion.

    Shortly afterwards, a man in absurdly shiny steel chainmail showed up and tossed the ship Capitan to the ground, demanding to be taken to Soltitude. Drayce reached for his bow and readied an arrow as Rhyf tripped the newcomer up and put him in a compromising position.

    "I'd suggest you stand down before my friend with the big two-hander cleaves you in half."

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    "Kill him and save everyone the trouble," Smutticus growled at the group. Everyone here is mental, Smutticus shook his head. If I stay here I am likely to die... Smutticus look at the commotion and found his face in his palm. These people were acting like idiots. especially this new guy.

    Smutticus stepped off the boat. Keeping a look out for guards, and he did in fact see a few guards making their way to the boats. Smutticus held his hands up. "Hello, there!"

    Smutticus would need to use all his skill to keep this from turning into a complete plops show.

    Archer Drake

    Parkour Enthusiast
    Rydar nods as the Khajiit next to him gives her name. Kivuli? Hm, that's an interesting name. Rydar was about to say something when a man in mirror-like chainmail walked aboard and threw the Capitan to the ground. Definitely one for flair, that one.

    Rydar was too far away to catch the conversation, but the newcomer was quickly put on the ground, another man holding a sword to his throat, while the two Khajiiti drew bows and aimed them at the newcomer. Another man hopped off the ship to try and stall the approaching guards.

    Rydar swore under his breath and quickly descended the ladder. He strode up to the man holding the sword and leaned in close to his ear, keeping his voice low.

    "Look, I don't know you, but I assume you don't want to end up in jail. Let this guy go before the guards see and arrest us. We can sort everything out once we leave port. Just let the guy up."
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    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    "Zaraji won't fire until he gives her a good reason to." Zaraji assures Rydar, not moving an inch.

    Kivuli follows Rhyf off the boat. With her status in the Stormcloaks she had a good chance of getting rid of them.

    Archer Drake

    Parkour Enthusiast
    Drayce noticed the Argonian speak to Rhyfalim as two guards approached. Moments later Rhyf removed his sword and joined Smutticus, obviously not caring much for whatever the Argonian had said to him. Drayce quickly put his bow and arrow away and sat down next to the ship's railing.

    Whatever was wrong with this man definitely was not worth going to jail for.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    "Thank you for coming so quickly." Smutticus was bowing to the guards. Making sure to keep his own identity safe. As Rhyf approaches Smutticus points towards the man with the two swords. "That man with the two swords threw the Captain to the ground and we stepped in to help the honorable captain."

    "Why would somebody do that?" The guard seemed suspicious.

    "You should ask him." Smutticus puts his hands up in the air. "I don't know why anyone would think they could get away with assault in a city with some of the finest guards."

    "You can ease up on the compliments." The guard sends two men to grab the newcomer and the leader held his hand out. Smutticus sighs, and pulls out some money.

    "Thank you for you time. And you're welcome for helping your quotas, too. Tell you wife thank you for the food last time I was in Windhelm."

    "Yeah, I can imagine. Why are you in town anyway? Since there isn't much reason for you to be working in Skyrim right?"

    "You would think, unfortunately I am stuck on a side job." Smutticus gets close to his friend. Whispering into his helmet. "What happened here anyway? You are actually letting Argonians and Khajiis into the city... Did I miss something?"

    "Yeah, rumors of magic infecting the minds. It seems a lot of folk suddenly changed their minds about other peoples..."

    "Blessings of Mara on you then." Smutticus pats his friend on the shoulder and let's his guard friend go on ahead. Smutticus notices he drew his sword and gestured for his fellows to do the same. "Well stay safe my friend, that doesn't bode well at all."