Just a random noob...

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New Member
Hello everyone...
I just got the game last week. I originally got it for my PS3 popped it in and some questionable thougths went throught my mind. Lucky for me I was able to get it exchanged the next day for the 360 copy and I am more than happy with that version of the game, it does look like the PC version will be the one to have in the end because of the lack update screening. Anways I love the game. But I'm somewhat new to open world RPG gaming though I do have some experience with Morrowind, Oblivion and and have minimal experience with MMOs from the dawn of WoW. I'm somewhat tempted to play to play Daggerfall though now but I think I can resist that for that time being. Anyways I just wanted to say "hello" and in advance a big "Thank You" to those of you who post tips...Thanks..


Premium Member
Hi, and welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your time here.