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    Org. XII Outcast
    Regulus slowly opened his eyes. He'd been resting on the carriage ride after the nasty business with the Khajit. He noticed that they were nearing their destination. The prison looked more intimidating than an angry troll, and Reg had no doubt it was just as dangerous. When the carriage stopped their Thalmor keeper said, "Step out one by one and stand in a line facing me. I shall assign you to your prison blocks and your block Superiors shortly after." The Nord Ardin rushed out of the carriage and made an offer of alliance with the other prisoners. Reg slowly stepped off, feeling the sun's powerful rays. He looked at Ardin and knew he was right. Keeping his voice low, he said in reply, "I'm all for sticking together. I think that we'll need a way to meet up later, becasue the chances of all of us being put in the same area don't seem too high."


    High Queen of the Nerds! :3
    The carriage rolled into a prison in the mountains, far from civilization. The prison looked like a Hell-hole, the prisoners sweating to death in the sticky heat. There were stone quarries on one side of the compound and miles off crops on the other. Everyone worked in harmony, not paying much attention to the chained prisoners walking by led by the Thalmor. Kyne could already tell that this was going to be a living nightmare.

    The Thalmor stepped out of the carriage and addressed the group. "Step out one by one and stand in a line facing me. I shall assign you to your prison blocks and your block Superiors shortly after." The rest of the prisoners filed out soon after.

    "Aye Kyne, this is it. We need to stick together if we want to survive. Care to join me in a prayer to Talos later? We could use his guidance. Plus we need to get to know each other, and our strengths and weaknesses." Ardin said quietly to. She nodded. “We’ll need Talos’s guidance if we want to make it through this Hell hole. But I’ve seen worse.” Kyne shrugged. She listened to the other prisoners share their ideas quietly. They shut up at once as the Thalmor started talking.

    Daryl Dixon

    The carriage rode for miles and miles and they reached well into Hammerfell, or so Daryl suspected. They stopped and paid some Alik'r and kept going. Daryl thought Hammerfell was still fighting the Thalmor not keeping its prisoners, a pretty smart move by the Thalmor.

    They eventually made it to the prison, a god forsaken place. They were all sweaty and dehydrated, the Thalmor provided no food or drink thus far.

    Daryl stepped off the carriage "where can a guy get a drink around here?" Daryl said, sweating. "What block and who's my block superior? I bet he's a lovely fellow." Daryl said, very sarcastically. The heat was getting to him a little and he was losing it just a bit, he'd kill for a glass of cool refreshing water. "Why am I here? What did I do. I mean besides kill a good few of your elves. You wanted me before that right? Maybe because of my brother. What he knew, what you think I know." Daryl was tripping out now, almost collapsing. "You have plenty of workers here what do you need us for!?" Daryl said gesturing off god knows where. "You've made a fatal mistake." Daryl said seriously, changing the subject so suddenly."You've got my brother here, and you've got me. The things I won't do to save my older brother.." His voice trailing off. "We're both Dixons, if this goes alphabetically I guess we'll see each other again before our escape." As Daryl was talking he looked like he was about to faint, you could tell he wasn't in his right mind.

    "You should just kill me now, if you kill me, all I know won't be let out.. I mean that's what I'm here for right? I'm no stormcloak, like my brother is. If you leave me alive I can always tell someone who will escape..." Daryl said looking over to the other prisoners, eyes locking with each of the prisoners who'd already stepped off. "Also if you leave me alive I can always come back and put an arrow in your fl*ffing head" Daryl said as he looked at the Thalmor whom he picked as the leader.

    Daryl went to walk and almost fell over, he heard some prisoners talking over to him, a Thalmor yelled an order out. Daryl couldn't hear a bit of it, he heard a loud ringing in his ears and muffled but loud voices. He didn't know what was going on and he didn't know what he was doing, he fainted.

    Which was very odd to happen to Daryl, it never had before and he'd been in worse climates. This was not due to the heat, rather something else.. Nature hadn't caused this.


    Why change the past when you can own this day?
    "We have all seen worse. It's the long time here thats going to make or break us. I have been through trials such as this. Funny how they never get any easier. Looks like Daryl isn't taking it so lightly." Ardin said to Kyne, along with the other prisoners. "Oh wait, nevermind, Daryl fainted. Well I guess they want someone to carry him to his block?" Ardin has the tendency to use humor and sarcasm in tight situations.

    " I suppose you want one of us to carry him? Seeing how you elves are all bone. Just point me where to go. Plus who are we being paired with in the cell blocks?" Their hands were bound in front of them, so ardin could easily pick up daryl. Now is the time for comradery. This place alone is going to be hell. It would more of a hell alone, so now would be the time to band as a sort of family.


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    Lucifer just sat in the Thalmor embassy, staring at the bleak grey walls, thinking of home, and the beauty of the Island of Pyandonea, and how far away he was. But still much had happened in the past century, he refused position of royalty, chose to be ambassador for his people, and his father gave him his precious coffer, that is more than anyone could have asked for.​
    Lephisto, his black serpent and companion since childhood, was basking in the shade under him. He stood up, and at that moment Lephisto stopped what he was doing, and moved with him, as one. He moved in an arrogant demeanor, he had been here for a week now, and not once had he done what he was sent to do. He didn't trust the Thalmor, and he showed it.​


    He looked at the prisoners. 'Ardin , is it?' Velaron mused. ' I hope to be assigned to your block! Oh how wonderful that would be.! Well, Ardin... That mouth of yours will get you into trouble soon enough. Soon enough' Velaron shoved Ardin towards Daryl's limp body 'Pick up that ass hole and keep moving, Nord scum!' After smiling at Azrael, he stood back, and waited for the assignment of prison cells


    Why change the past when you can own this day?
    "I would love for you to be assigned to me! Then you will know what it's like to fear for your life, stupid elf. I will break you if you challenge me. Thats if you elves believe in a fair fight, where your opponent is not bound." He said as he picked up Daryl. Ardin would love to break Velaron in half. He was set on it too. Ardin was a monster of a man, so he needed little effort to pick daryl up and to snap this elf in half. He needed to keep his mind and body sharp. He thought he might as well start now.

    The sound of grunting, steel, and foreign tongues swearing in their languages filled the air. It was a hot day, an unwelcomed change from the cool,cold, and comfortable weather of Skyrim. Ardin wasn't looking forward to working in this place and climate but knew he had too. This way, he could figure out the events ahead of time while pleasing his captors.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    Seeing as the prisoners had properly positioned themselves Azrael read aloud the contents of the block list. He completely disregarded what had just happened to Daryl, clearly not wanting to be bothered with the prisoners's well-being. As the altercation between Ardin and Velron ensued, Azrael began to call out names.

    "Block 2-A Prisoners: ..., Titus Civello, ..., Daryl Dixon. Block Superior: Vermarae." Azrael flipped the page of the clip-board. "Block 3-C Prisoners: ..., Regulus, Kynareth Stormcrown, ..., Ardin Wolfs-Bane. Block Superior: Guardsman Velaron." Azrael placed the clip-board to his side and addressed the group for what he thought would be the final time. "Your Block Superiors shall take you to your cells, and order you in the mining and crop fields. They are the law you abide by, and shall remain so until you all wither away in here. Welcome to Hell. Superiors, report back to the Warden's Block at 10 tonight." Azrael allowed the superiors to take the prisoners to their holding cells, as he himself stormed off.

    As he strided past this hell-hole of a prison, Azrael couldn't help but sense a strange presence amongst this group of prisoners, yet came to the same conclusion as any other unlucky group of fellows brought here, all who crossed his way were inferior. He headed back to the Warden's Block to manage day-to-day operations and prepare for the visiting Ambassador's arrival later on.


    The Angry One
    Vermarae bared his fangs in pleasure at the announcement. While the prison was decidedly not a good place to hunt, the large Khajiit would be able to beat down any prisoner, or prisoners, that got out of hand. That was good. The trip had been long, and he was just itching to kill something..or more specifically, someone.


    Why change the past when you can own this day?
    "You have no idea what hell is." Ardin said to Azrael with an evil glare and a clenched fist. Ardin has went through hell more times than one, this time it was just a rock and a hard place. He was setting himself up for whatever they throw at him. "If they are the law, then I'm going to be breaking them." Ardin eyed the Vermarae and Velaron hinting his intentions.

    "Where should we start? Seeing how you wouldn't even think about doing physical labor. Us nords are built off of it! Anyhow, might as well start early. Right guys?" He looked over to the other prisoners, as if trying to lift their spirits. They need all the strength they can get, both physical and mental. Even spirtual strength is a must have. Especially in a moment and place like this.


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    Lucifer stepped into the prison, his face as blank as ever. He expected something more of a Thalmor prison. As he walked through he heard the screams of prisons, deep below being tortured. He felt himself being wattched, where ever he stepped, by the Thalmor, making sure he doesn't make any trouble, and by the prisoners, with and air of curiousity.

    "You there!" He said, quickly and sharply to a low ranking Thalmor, "Show me to the Wardens Block. Now. And be quick about it!"
    "Yes Sir Ambassador. Sorry Sir Ambassador." The Thalmor responded meekly. He proceeded to show Lucifer the way, and when arriving in the Wardens Block, scampered away. "Azrael, long time." He said when he caught sight of the Thalmor.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    Azrael sat fixing up scattered papers on his desk, the Nord's parting words still fresh in his mind. "You have no idea what hell is." The Altmer chuckled just thinking about the sentence. Constantly being under Elenwen's thumb while being trapped here to watch over undesirables was hell enough in its own right. Years of the endless routine had more than taken its tole on him, molding and sculpting him into the cold-hearted, tyrant he is today. Knowing this brought Azrael much grief and anger, crunching up the papers he was supposed to be organizing. Azrael's chain of thought was cut off by the mer standing at his door.

    "Azrael, long time." He stood up to properly welcome and address the familiar face. "Indeed it has, Ambassador." Azrael stepped to the side to allow him into the room. It had been ages since the two had spoken, the last time being before the Thalmor had even discovered their "grand solution". Azrael sat back at his desk and offered him a seat. "I trust the trip here wasn't too unenjoyable?" Azrael asked him as he looked for the documents he would be presenting. The Ambassador had yet to know of the Dominion's solution that Azrael held so dear to him.

    Daryl Dixon

    Daryl awoke in a cool dark cell, lying on the floor. Daryls back suggested he wasnt put down gently, Daryl sat up and scanned the room. "Whatcha lookin' for Darlina?" Merle said as he walked over and helped Daryl up. "Merle, I gotta tell you something bro.." Daryl said as he prepared to tell the news to his brother. "I know, I know. Full blown Thalmor prison, we've been captured but dont worry lil brother I-" "Its not that.. something happened..Dad.." Daryl struggled to tell his brother about his dads death. "What? Did something happen? DID YOU LET THEM GET HIM??" Merle yelled grabbing onto his brothers shirt "DID YOU!?" "Things didnt go accordng to plan.. When I made it to Riften things were good, Dad arrived..But without you." Daryl said looking down, looking up at his brother at the last few words. "I was in the tavern when it happened, dad must've been out at the stables, god knows why... I fought em off till they caught me, when I was hauled out the gates dad was there.." As Daryl talked Merles face got grimmer and grimmer. "His guts were hanging out, I-" "DID HE SUFFER? DID YOU LEAVE HIM LIKE THAT? DID YOU LET THAT HAPPEN TO?" Merle yelled, getting angry. "No god dammit leave me alone!" Daryl shouted, "Brynjolf came out and I- we gave him mercy.." "What did he say.. What. Did. He. Say?" Merle asked, desperate for an answer on his fathers dying words. "He said...he said tell Merle im proud of him." Daryl said, trying to be easy on his brother. His fathers dying words were of course, "Help me!" twice before he was shot. "Hmm," Merle said sniffelling pulling back a tear, "What'd he really say?" Merle walked up as they heard footsteps approaching, "I've killed about 3 prisoners since ive started working, one 'accident' and two 'self defenses'. They say one more and im gonna be killed, if it werent for my a 'suave' build I'd be dead already" Merle said as he leaned against the bars. "Merle, oh man. You crazy son of a bitch." As Daryl talked the footsteps got closer, till their block superior came. It was none other than the filthy Khajiit who had slaughtered the young breton girl. "Oh you little bitch!" Daryl yelled, walking towards the jail door. The door was opened and Daryl lunged at the Khajiit , just before he hit the khajiit Merle grabbed Daryl and threw him back. "What are you doin brother!" Merle said, wondering why Daryl had been so stupid, Merle got between Daryl and the Khajiit before saying "Excuse my brother here, he hasnt slept well, hes hungry, thirsty." Merle said, before looking at his brother again, deciding that he should be on Daryls side "Normally he wouldnt want to touch a filthy house cat like you".

    He then told them where they were going and what they were doing, working in a mine to be exact. "What the hell was that back there?" Merle asked his brother as they were escorted. "Out of nowhere an elf grabbed one of us, a prisoner to be used to prove the cat was loyal. She was a young breton, a teenager. He just killed her like she was nothing. Her name was Elynia.." Merle almost laughed, which made Daryl angry. "So you got a thing for little girls now?" Merle asked, torment his brother, "Shut up" Daryl said, walking ahead of his brother.

    Even though they were under heavy lock and key, Thalmor eyes on them at all time, surrounded by strangers. As Daryl thought of it he felt it was right, he was with his brother and things would probably get difficult soon, but he had faith in both their survival. "At least we're not out in the hot sun" Daryl said, trying to raise the mood. "No no no, instead we're trapped under this rock, in the hot mine with no breeze be it hot or cold." Merle said, very much like a smartass. "Pfft.". As they dug away at the rock, both their faces dirty, Daryl felt if he was going to escape, even though he didnt trust them the prisoners he was on the same carriage with were less unkown than all these unfamilar faces. Daryl dug away at the rock in the dark mine, under thalmor watch.

    Him and his brother were going to have to find a way to meet up with his 'carraige ride' prisoners and then let them sort out a plan.


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    "Ah well, you know, the usual." Lucifer responded, "Carriage drivers to talkative. Bored me to death. You know the usual." He thought that something wrong with the Thalmor, but quickly dismissed the thought, as much must be on his mind. "So, what do you need of me here? Am I here just to represent the Maormer, or am I here for a greater cause?"


    23rd President of the United States of America
    "So, what do you need of me here? Am I here just to represent the Maormer, or am I here for a greater cause?"

    The signature haunting grin marked Azrael's face. The Sea Elf already had the right idea in mind, and Azrael enjoyed not having to waste breath on explaining details. "You're correct on both matters. Being the Ambassador to your people makes you the cream of the crop as far as the Maormer are concerned. All Dominion-affiliated nations's highest-ranked officials hold the honor of basking in the glory of the Grand Solution. That is where your greater cause steps in."

    Azrael walks to the door, and signals the two guards on duty to keep anyone from coming inside. Azrael locks the door behind him and walks back to his desk. He places the clipboard and research papers down on the desk for Lucifer to see. "The tower. The Adamantine Tower to be precise. Countless years of research and the utmost study conducted by our fathers and their fathers ahead of them. The mass amount of time spent panning this ages old structure, and at last the time has come. Sitting there on the Isle of Balfiera awaits our gateway back to our forefathers, the Divines themselves. Like an old, withered marionette, Mundus hangs on by just a thread, with the Adamantine Tower being its sole hope of hanging on. It's also what binds us mortally to this realm, you see. The destruction of the tower would spell Mundus's descent into nothing, but will mark our ascent into immortality. Historically, the Altmer and the Maormer have never seen eye to eye, but we're here today to put that all behind us. In the end, we are all elves, the masters and true rulers of this land. So here I am, asking you to aid us in doing away with our broken, tainted world, and prepare to begin anew." Azrael puts away all the papers away back into the desk and stands back up. "This isn't so much a treaty as it leans more toward an invitation. We invite our sea brethrin to become a part of what is to be the single most important event of this entire realm's history. What say you, Ambassador?"


    Why change the past when you can own this day?
    The cell was dark, grimy, dripping of water, and red with blood. It smelled like death, false hope, and sweat. Not to mention it was hot. Not even a breeze blew, nor hot or cold. The bed, if you can even call it that was just hay on stone. Ardin has been through moments like this through training, pit fights, and war prisons. Luckily the elves had taken his bonds off. He was popping his fingers and wrists. He began to get up. "Gah! Damn these ribs. I can't even breath without pain. I need to heal up fast, if I want to keep my body fit and sharp. As for my mind, hopefully they will give books. If not, I will figure out something." He looked up and noticed sunlight. It was now the only source of light. Ardin was grateful. Being in the dark for a long period of time can drive a man insane.

    The rest of his fellow prisoners were either sleeping, pacing around, or lurking and sitting in the dark thinking...


    The fairly crap Pokémon trainer....
    "Simply, you wish to makes gods of us. Hmph. Sounds interesting." Lucifer wanted to probe for more answers, but instead asked "But surely that would release oblivion on these realms? Surely we would rule a wasteland?" Lephisto curled up around his feet, his head down lazily, but his eyes understanding all. Lucifer thought this an interesting idea, but still questioned it. He put his hand out for a shake, to agree on it.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    "Indeed. A wasteland of nothingness would be all that remains. But would you rather keep it as is? Gods have the ability to create new worlds, and can just as easily break them. Our liquidation of Mundus will allow us to place a greater realm in its place. A realm void of the hatred and atrocities brought on by men. A better realm, an Elven one." Azrael shook Lucifer's hand in the hopes of tying up any loose ends with the Maormer at last.

    Azrael then moved to his window and opened the blinds. He continued to address the Ambassador while looking through the glass pane. There were groups of prisoners beginning to congregate to the outside, while some were still in their cells about to be brought out. "In just a few moments, you'll get to lay your eyes on what we've come to know as the "Paramount Procedure". With every prisoner out on the fields working in the mines and on the crop rows, we generate maximum productivity in these sole couple of hours. It's a display of beauty. It allows them all to realize their chained down to this mountain range until their final breaths. Yet, they're only a premonition to what the Grand Solution shall guarantee us. Unbridled power."

    One by one, Superiors began pulling prisoners from their cells, and putting them in position to work. This was by far Azrael's twisted definition of entertainment.
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    Org. XII Outcast
    As they were walking out, Regulus walked at a faster pace to catch up with Ardin. When Reg caught up, he said in a quiet voice, "Wait up! You said your ribs were in pain, yes? I know a healing spell or two. I know I can keep it out of their site. When we begin working, would you like me to give you some help?"


    Keeper of the peace
    After Titus had accepted Ardin's offer the Thalmor leader had started telling people to position themselves, then started reading of of a list.

    "Block 2-A Prisoners: ..., Titus Civello, ..., Daryl Dixon. Block Superior: Vermarae,
    Block 3-C Prisoners: ..., Regulus, Kynareth Stormcrown, ..., Ardin Wolfs-Bane. Block Superior: Guardsman Velaron.,Your Block Superiors shall take you to your cells, and order you in the mining and crop fields. They are the law you abide by, and shall remain so until you all wither away in here. Welcome to Hell."

    Titus was happy to be paired with Daryl, but he also had that murderous Khajiit assigned to be his block superior, when it was late and the prisoners had been told to go back to their cells, Titus had walked into the dark, foul smelling cell and looked at his so called bed, "Hay on the floor, i shouldn't have to be sleeping like this i should be a nobleman in Skingrad, but my traitorous father had me thrown in here, i swear i will kill him!"
    He really didn't want to sleep on hay, but seeing as there is nothing else to sleep on, and he couldn't sleep standing up, he had no other choice, after an hour of tossing and turning, Titus finally fell asleep.