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    The Angry One
    Vermarae breathed in the prey scent through nose, and let it out through his mouth, in a billowing cloud of steam. The prey scent, a mix of men and elves, was strong. Stronger than it had been back at the embassy. He was on their trail, but the exact location..."SILENCE! SILENCE I SAY."An elven voice bellowed.The hunters' ears twitched forwards, locking onto the voice, and more importantly, the location of the prey. Scooping his ebony ax out of the snow at his bent knee, and straightened to his rather impressive height.

    He hoped that there would be prey worth hunting among the prisoners. His last prey had been a Nord hunter in the wilderness near Solitude, who hadn't even fought back before fleeing into the forest. His yells for help and thudding footfalls had lead Vermarae straight to the man. And then the man had been dead, after the Khajiit had wrung every ounce of fear and pain he could out of the furless weakling. Now he was bored again, and, as luck would have it, one of the prison caravans was heading out from the elven embassy just as he'd arrived.

    Now he could see the wagon clearly, along with the elf guards. He decided to not just ask for the prisoners. Instead, he'd offer his services to the elven officer on the wagon, beside the driver. His impressive resume was represented by the dozens of different coloured foot long skin strips hanging from his belt. If the elf refused well...these wouldn't be the first elves he'd killed. Breaking into a soft jog, he easily caught up to the wagon, and stepped in front of the horses, holding out a black furred hand, encouraging the horses to stop. Once they did so, he walked around them to the leader of the elves. "This one offers his services for your expedition.This will be the deal. You let this one join you, and he defends your...cargo" he nodded to the wagon, " If you refuse..." the Khajiit hunter chuckled, a low, menacing, sound deep in his throat. "You will become this ones' prey"

    Daryl Dixon

    Daryl was sitting along, he was the first on the carriage so he was right next to the driver. (Not literally sitting next to him but the part in the back closest to) There was a hearty Nord who wasn't afraid of the Thalmor, who mocked them. Daryl isn't one to care but seeing as how life is now, Daryl liked this Nord, he could be useful. Daryl didn't really see anyone who might get on his nerves, there was a quiet imperial sitting on the carriage with them too.

    The carriage stopped twice, Daryl didn't pay attention till on the second time a Khajiit popped out. He made an offer to the Thalmor, he would guard us prisoners or he would treat the Thalmor as pray. "Stupid cat" Daryl thought to himself. The Thalmor are rich and could hire the most trained of professionals, have a legion army out here if they wanted to. Yet this Khajiit wanted to make an offer AND threaten them. Daryl peeked over eyeing the Khajiit, he didn't look completely defenceless, he could probably handle himself. Daryl thought however he had no chance against the Thalmor, and if this was Daryls only guard escape would be near guaranteed.

    Daryl was carefully thinking about when it would be time to make a move, and what he'd do in certain situations, he didn't really look out at the beautiful land out and around him.

    "The next twenty four hours will be eventful" he said to carriage passengers, his fellow inmates , not expecting an answer.


    High Queen of the Nerds! :3
    Kyne laughed and started tapping her foot against the carriage quietly. “I think we’ll become good friends, Ardin.” She smiled. “A plan, huh? To escape, I’m guessing. Well I’ll help with that because I’m not bowing down to the Thalmor anymore. Plus it’s fun to make the Thalmor p*ssed off.” She laughed, tapping her foot louder. The Imperial man sitting across from her said something quietly to himself about the sudden stop of the carriage and the Kajiit’s presence. “The Kajiit must be in cahoots with the Thalmor or else they would’ve attacked him already, just saying."


    Why change the past when you can own this day?
    "I think we will indeed. The Khajiit might be in it for itself. Gods know that if we try to escape now, we will be striked or shot down. We need to do it when they least expect it. Why is it the thalmor are talking to him? They could hire anybody out. I never got your name miss...?"

    He looked around while looking around, observing the interaction between the elves. Observation like this can teach you a lot. What the soldiers think of each other, potential escape routes, how many soldiers are active, patrols, etc. Unfortunately, some of those are out the window. There was obviously no patrols out because they are not stationed or camping. The soldiers are on the side and the front and back of the convoy for obvious reasons. Escape would be quite hard like this. They would either have to jump off a moving convoy and hope they can run for it. Of course it would to be around a forest or woods so the trees and foliage can be used for cover. A another option would wait until they stop at their destination and run for it or try to overthrow their captors. The last option Ardin thought of is try to survive in the prison until they have a solid plan. Ardin assumes there will be a battle pit so the prisoners fight against the thalmor. He hope that was the case so he could rip apart the carriage driver and any other thalmor soldiers.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    "This one offers his services for your expedition.This will be the deal. You let this one join you, and he defends your...cargo. If you refuse... you will become this ones' prey."

    Azrael rose his hand to signal the driver to stop. A few things things caught the Altmer's eye about the Khajiit standing in front of him at first glance. The first being how much larger this one was to the average Khajiit. The second was the wide array of severed skins hanging from his waist. What drew his attention mostly was the insignia the wanderer bore on his chestplate. Azrael stood up in the carriage, but didn't leave it and addressed the khajiit.

    "Hah! Now this is just rich. If you were expecting me to be afraid of your little threat at the end there fur ball, your highly mistaken. But I can't help and applaud at the amount of fortitude it must take to make your presence known, and in such an informal manner might I add!" Azrael stepped down from the carriage, and pointed to the symbol on the wanderer's armor. "That. That is the reason why you still have my attention. I'm open to your proposal, but that's only after you've proven that you bear that mark proud. Those who let emotion cloud their judgment aren't welcome on this convoy."

    Azrael marched to the back of the cart, forcibly grabbing a young Breton woman as a few of the guards stood up to prevent the other prisoners from intervening. He yanked her back to the front of the carriage as she screamed and fought, dropping her on the ground in front of the khajiit. Azrael then takes a look at the list once more. "Elynia Leboux. 19 years of age, 5'5", 123 lbs, was imprisoned for having a blood relation to a stout worshipper of Talos. Says here something about acute shyness and anxiety. The most silent and obedient one on the convoy, might I add." With tears in her eyes, the thin-built girl attempts to run, but is quickly surrounded by the guards. With a sly chuckle, Azrael looks back up at the khajiit. "Go ahead. Prove your colors and give this trouble-maker the gift of sweet release."

    "Kill her."


    The Angry One
    The elf tossed a young girl at the hunters feet. Then he proceeded to ramble about what her crimes were, and how 'well behaved' she was. The elf obviously didn't get it. Vermarae had no moral qualms about massacring some girl, and the fear scent coming off of her was...intoxicating. Kicking the girl onto her back with an armoured boot, he placed his foot on her chest, and swept the blade of his ax across her throat, removing her head. Scooping it up by the hair, he tossed it to land at the elf's feet, and opened his maw in the Khajiit equivalent of a smile.


    Why change the past when you can own this day?
    "You bastards! Why don't you pick someone your own size cowards!" Ardin was infuriated. This act to him, was dirty and cowardly, and wrong. "You think you're so tough for killing a young girl? Ha!" He was moments away from jumping out and trying to kill this new enemy. But he felt something holding him back, or rather someone. It was for the best, he would get slaughtered by the guards, and he was no use dead over a small but dirty sight like this...

    Daryl Dixon

    Daryl was disgusted as the high elf threw a young Breton girl, not even out of her teens towards the Khajiit. She was here because she was RELATED to someone who committed a crime, a crime that wasn't even a crime in Daryls mind, Worshipping Talos.

    As the Khajiit took the young girls head off and threw it to the High Elf Daryl raged. He went to stand up but someone held him back, he struggled to try escape without hurting his fellow prisoners all while screaming "I'm gonna kick your nuts up in your throat!" Daryl looked towards his prisoners "They just killed a little girll!" Daryl looked out trying to get out "this kitten furball piece of pl*ps! This little bastard and his little bastard pointy eared knife chinned elven friends!" Daryl yelled out really loudly as he thrusted forward pointing towards the Khajiit "IM GONNA STOMP YOUR AAASSSS!!!" (OOC: here's some sound http://www.hark.com/clips/rmsqjcdvqt-im-gonna-stomp-your-ass )


    High Queen of the Nerds! :3
    Kyne laughed at forgetting to tell Ardin her name. “Sorry! My name’s Kyne…” her voice trailed off as the High Elf stepped out of the carriage and walked over to the prisoners. He pulled out a young Breton girl and told the Kajiit to kill her. Everyone was deadly silent as the Kajiit decapitated her and threw her head towards the Altmer. Ardin and the Imperial prisoner started to get all worked up about it, the Imperial stating "IM GONNA STOMP YOUR AAASSSS!!!" Kyne was p*ssed off at that, but she didn’t know what to say. She grabbed Ardin and the Imperial prisoner by the arms and pulled them back into the cart before they attacked the Kajiit and/or the Thalmor. “You guys are idiots!” Kyne snapped. “If you attack them, you might end up like her.” She pointed to head on the ground. She sighed. “I just wouldn’t do anything you might regret.”


    Org. XII Outcast
    Regulus watched in horror as the elf proceeded to literally throw a young Breton girl to the lions. The Khajit hunter that had just appeared mercilessly killed her. Reg wasn't sure if this was simply a display of power or a message directed at the more troublesome captives. Most likely both.

    Reg also shared the sentiments of his fellow prisoners. While he wanted to take revenge for a pointless death, hge also knew the girl- Kyne?- spoke the truth. If they were to ever have a chance at escaping, everyone had to keep their heads cool and collected. "She's right." Reg said to the men. "No good ever came of rash fighting. And even less good came from challenging a Thalmor."

    Daryl Dixon

    After getting a small lecture from a small female Nord Daryl said "she was defenceless, her death proves nothing!" Daryl pointed towards the altmer who ordered the girl be killed, calling out loud enough so he could hear it. "This elven piece of pl*ps right here just ordered a little girl be killed." Daryl calmed down a bit, realising this wouldn't help. He just wanted them to see why he was so angry. Daryl made a vow then and there that if he ever got close to someone who this Thalmor cared about he would murder them in cold blood, if he ever got the chance to kill this high elf he would do so. "Elynia..." He whispered quietly.. He would not forget this name.

    "We gonna get moving again or what?" Daryl tapped the carriage, "c'mon I ain't got all day!"


    23rd President of the United States of America
    Azrael witnessed the khajiit finish off the girl without an inch of remorse, tossing her head to the Altmer's feet. The sadistic grin re-assured Azrael this individual's presence would help instill fear into any prisoner who dare escape. Before he could address him further, Azrael was interrupted by the rowdy reactions of the prisoners in the back, a couple of whom were very vocal in their distaste for the Elder Wizard's decision, while others attempted to calm them down. He turned to them with the usual coy look on his face. "You'll all have to pick up the pace. You're supposed to be making me angry, remember?" He got back on his seat in the carriage, still looking forward like before. He responded to Ardin's and Daryl's threats, and how both Kyne and Regulus were trying to ease the tension. "Such petty threats. I wouldn't listen to your jail mates if I were you. Make all the noise you want if you'll think it will help. Where your going, you'll be begging for death to take you in it's cold, empty embrace. Sadly, death will never come."

    He motioned for the guards to dispose of the body blocking the road. He looked ahead at the khajiit, then at the empty spot in the back of the convoy due to the removal of the girl, and back at the khajiit again. "Well what do you know! Looks like a spot just opened up. Hope you don't mind a bit of the hostility back there. Guardsman Velaron and the others don't seem to be phased either way." Azrael motioned for the wanderer to climb on-board, before realizing he never asked of the warrior's name. "So to whom do I owe the pleasure of inviting onto this carriage?"


    The Angry One
    Vermarae swept his pale blue eyes over the prisoners, and he snorted contemptuously. He wasn't worried about any of them attacking him. If they'd been true warriors, they would have already attacked him, instead of screaming their heads off. Regarding the leader of the Thalmor group, he responded: "You may call this one Vermarae" he knelt by the headless woman, and, using one of his elven daggers, sliced off a strip of skin, fastening it to his belt. Then, propping his ax onto his shoulder, he turned and made his way to the back of the caravan.

    Daryl Dixon

    No sooner had the Khajiit stepped aboard had Daryl lunged himself over Kynes lap to attack the Khajiit, she pushed him back "Are you out of your mind?" Kyne snapped at him.

    "Sorry, quick temper." Daryl said unenthusiastically. Daryl eyed the Khajiit with anger, suddenly growing a hate towards its race. Daryl tried to keep a level head, he thought about torturing the Khajiit, cutting off its tail. These thoughts calmed his nerves a little.


    Why change the past when you can own this day?
    "I would rather die a warrior than cower! But I see your point Kyne. I will avenge that girl eventually. It's just a matter of time. Thank you for pulling me back. I swear I will butcher these animals in the end." This act made Ardin want to rush out there and rip his captors apart. That however, would be unwise. He needed to think and play it safe. If he wanted to escape and help his fellow prisoners he needed to be calm, even in the worst situations. "I have a feeling this is going to get worse. I'm not looking forward to seeing it get worse. I just want to get where we are going so I can calmly think out a plan."


    High Queen of the Nerds! :3
    As soon as the Kajiit boarded the cart, Daryl basically threw himself over Kyne’s lap to get to the Kajiit. Kyne pushed him back without much effort. “Are you out of your mind?” Kyne snapped, annoyed. “Sorry, quick temper,” Daryl replied flatly.

    “I have a quick temper, too, but do you see me trying to attack people? No. Now just stop it before you make things worse for all of us.” Kyne’s fellow prisoners had to be smarter about their actions in order for them to escape. Kyne didn’t care if half of the prisoners died because of their actions; she just needed some help making a plan and actually escaping before she stabbed them in the back (literally).

    "I have a feeling this is going to get worse. I'm not looking forward to seeing it get worse. I just want to get where we are going so I can calmly think out a plan." Ardin said, calming down a bit. Kyne nodded, agreeing.


    Why change the past when you can own this day?
    Ardin brushed his hair back out of his face and sat back down. He was going to need a calm mind as well as a calm heart, especially now. His binds were tight, and so was the security around the carriages. Everytime he breathes it hurts thanks to his two broken ribs. So running isn't an option. If they get to the prison he will have time to heal, sleep, work out his body, and train. Hopefully the little food they will probably get will suffice. He looked to the other prisoners. They weren't in the best condition. So the only option is the prison, heal up, train, eat, and think of a plan.

    "Are we done here yet? We're wasting daylight." He said towards the elf and the khajiit. He just wanted to go, maybe rest a bit on the way there.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    With all matters now delaying the convoy having come to pass, it carried on its voyage south-bound. That chilling bite in the Skyrim air had now been replaced with a muggy, heavy warmth. The foliage and green had literally turned to reddish dust. By this point, the endless road was the only thing unchanged since the carriage's departure.

    It continued on, until coming to a halt brought on by a couple of garbed Redguards. Instead of any confrontation, the three men were paid handsomely and allowed the carriage to move forward. It was obvious by now the convoy had crossed somewhere into Hammerfell. The men were paid to smuggle the convoy in, seeing as Thalmor involvement in the province was strictly forbidden, it was likely the group had been bought out by the Dominion a long while back. The carriage avoided crossing into any major cities or towns to avoid trouble and keep the location a secret to the prisoners. A hour or two in, and the carriage had made its way into a vast mountain range, almost completely cutting it off from the outside world. Not a soul could be seen or heard beyond the hills and slopes that seemed to span for miles, just the way the Thalmor would like it.

    It passed through a gate manned by a couple more Thalmor soldiers. The convoy was let through without question into the prison yard. It consisted of miles and miles of stone quarries and lined crops. Prisoners already here were diligently mining the quarries in complete harmony, every time the Thalmor Justicar in charge of that group gave the signal to drop their pickaxe. Others were kept in their bunker while another group was being hauled away in chains. Chains left and right, the sound of clanking metal was a common one, and more were soon to be added.

    Once the cart stopped, Azrael was first to step off it. He moved behind it as the guards at the gate opened the back of the carriage. He spoke to the prisoners. "Step out one by one and stand in a line facing me. I shall assign you to your prison blocks and your block Superiors shortly after."


    Why change the past when you can own this day?
    "Step out one by one and stand in a line facing me. I shall assign you to your prison blocks and your block Superiors shortly after." The carriage stopped with a rock. This was it, they were finally here. The sun was beating on the prisoners like a mad slaver. The stone prison blocks looked harsh as a arena lion, this was a place that made kids start from a wad of cookie dough turn into a blood thirsty savage. The prisoners needed to band together for themselves, and against the other band of prisoners. Ardin jumped out of the carriage, brushing his hair back, and started stretching. "This is it, eh? Stone, blood, and the beating sun? I have been through worse." He said in his husky voice. He turned back to the prisoners and began to speak quietly. "Aye Kyne, this is it. We need to stick together if we want to survive. Care to join me in a prayer to Talos later? We could use his guidance. Plus we need to get to know each other, and our strengths and weaknesses." He looked at the other prisoners to see their confirmation.


    Keeper of the peace
    Titus was now running back the Dwarven ruin which had taken him hours to explore, but he had found a full set of Dwarven Armor and a Dwarven Greatsword which he was now using. Titus was running back to his home the city of Chorrol in Cyrodill, because a courier had somehow tracked him down in the middle of a Dwarven ruin to give him a letter from his father, Count Vantus Darellion of Skingrad which read " Story: Titus was born to Count Vantus Darellion of Skingrad and Ysabel Civello the Count's Head Servant, who were having an affair when Ysabel fell pregnant, when the Count found out Ysabel was banished from Castle Skingrad and out of the county completely. Years later when Titus was 23 he was on an expedition where he had found his Dwarven Armor and Greatsword, a courier had made his way through the ruin to deliver a message to him the message saying the Count had a chance to deal with his mother, after an hour of running he was home and found his beloved mother dead.
    Titus walked out of his ransacked house to a group of Thalmor Soldiers accusing him of worshipping Talos, which Titus replied " I'll worship whoever i want and there is nothing you pointy eared bastards can do to stop me!" with that statement he hoisted the greatsword off his back and with one swing, had cut down one of the soldiers, but Titus had not seen the Soldier behind him and was smashed over the head with a chair he was unconsious. He woke up in a carriage full of prisoners and soon was recieving orders from a Thalmor "Now would be the part where I call you up to escort you on-board. This is going to be a bit different though. See, we already know who you all are, how you got here, so on and so forth. So instead, you tell me your name as you move up the line. You lie to us, and your head lies rolling on the ground. Understood?" Titus heard the other prisoners say there names and get on the carriage now it was his turn " Titus Civello" and was the last person on the carriage.
    Titus was just sitting there watching and listening to the other prisoners exchange stories but wasn't talking, he didn't know these people but he had a feeling he soon would.
    The carriage soon stopped, Titus looked over to see why and there was a Khajiit talking with the leader of the Thalmor, he heard the khajiit say,
    "This one offers his services for your expedition.This will be the deal. You let this one join you, and he defends your...cargo,if you refuse, You will become this ones' prey", the elf pulled a young Breton girl out of the carriage, she didn't look much younger than Titus and the elf said "Elynia Leboux. 19 years of age, 5'5", 123 lbs, was imprisoned for having a blood relation to a stout worshipper of Talos. Says here something about acute shyness and anxiety. The most silent and obedient one on the convoy, might I add. Go ahead. Prove your colors and give this trouble-maker the gift of sweet release. Kill her" with that said Titus felt enraged but didn't move just watched as the Khajiit cut off her head in a single swing and tossed the head at the Thalmor's feet, that made Titus feel sick to the stomach he saw the prisoners get enraged trying to attack the khajiit but a Nord women held them back saying “You guys are idiots!” she snapped. “If you attack them, you might end up like her.” She pointed to head on the ground “I just wouldn’t do anything you might regret.” after that the khajiit got on the carriage no sooner than one foot landed on the carriage the Imperial launched himself towards the khajiit but was pulled back by by the nord.
    Soon they had arrived at their destination, a dark miserable prison, the elf started giving more orders, "Step out one by one and stand in a line facing me. I shall assign you to your prison blocks and your block Superiors shortly after."
    Titus walked over to the other prisoners and heard The Nord who was calling himself Ardin talking to the Female Nord called Kyne "Aye Kyne, this is it. We need to stick together if we want to survive. Care to join me in a prayer to Talos later? We could use his guidance. Plus we need to get to know each other, and our strengths and weaknesses." He looked at the other prisoners to see their confirmation. Titus nodded his head at Ardin and said " I'll join you for sure, im not gonna let these faithless dogs stop me".