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    King of Scandinavia
    Jace and Rogga Thorsson walked amongst the road in the Reach. It eained and the air was cold, and there was a wind blowing fiercly, making it even colder. "I do believe there is an Inn further up this road." Rogga shouted and pointed in the direction they walked. "We should stay there until the weather calms down." Jace looked over at his older brother and gave him a short nod in agreement.

    Before they could get mucg further, they were stopped by a small patrol of Stormcloaks. "HALT!" One of the guards shouted and lifted his arm. Jace lifted both his arms before he started talking. "Gentlemen, I believe this is unnecessary. We are just on our way to Old Hroldan to wait out the storm." The guard looked at his friends, exchanging looks for a brief time, then he turned back to Jace and Rogga. "Only true citizens of Skyrim may walk here!" Rogga stepped forward. "Well, we're Nords. We're born in Skyrim. And we do support the true High King, Ulfric. What else do you need?" Rogga lied. None of them really cared about who was in charge. The guard hesitated for a second before letting them pass. "No sir. Have a nice day."

    The brothers entered the Inn, Old Hroland, and scanned though their enviroment. The Inn seemed to be quite busy today. Most of the people who were present looked like fighters. Some were sitting around a table talking, but they couldn't hear what they were saying. "I'll be back." Jace laid his hand on Rogga's shoulder before entering the crowd of people. Rogga however headed over to the bar. "Two of your strongest meads please." He said to the barmaid as he started to spin a coin on the counter. The barmaid nodded, and gave him two bottles.

    After a few minutes, Jace returned and handed Rogga a golden ring and a small coin purse. "Very well, brother." Rogga said with a smile and hid the loot in a hidden pocket on his armor. "But I say we just use this night to have a good time. No working, just having fun. What do you say?" As he finished talking he took a sip from one of the bottles, and handed the other one to Jace. The taske of alcohol was great, and it had been a long time since last they took a drink like this. "I say thats a good idea. Maybe I even can talk to girls without stealing their jewlery and bail out." The Thorssons looked at each other and bursted out laughing.


    Child of the Sky
    Skwitzgarr found his eyebrow twitch up in anger at Dande's harsh words, before he could speak however, Brynn had already began to defend the Nord. Now Skwitzgarr truly did appreciate the woman coming to his defense, but he was one to fight his own battles. Dande walked away towards the fire, waiting to speak with Skwitzgarr alone, which the Nord would gladly grant. Suddenly, more strangers entered the Inn, these ones abit more courteous looking than the Son of Hircine who had exchanged glares with him. One of Skwitzgarr's informants whom he had long exchanged letters with presented himself, "Ah Garrett!" the Nord exclaimed, standing up and embracing the man with a hug. "It is good to finally meet you! please sit, we have much to discuss!" he offered a seat at the table.

    Another man, a Dunmer, also came forward, introducing himself as Jokar. "My pleasure Sera," Skwitzgarr bowed, "Please sit for a moment, I have some business I must attend to..." he said, glancing over at Dande. Approaching the fellow wolf, Skwitzgarr took a seat next to him beside the roaring fire, the heat felt marvelous on his Nordic skin. "Dande is it? I think we got on the wrong foot. I have asked no one to raise a sword in my name, rather I have requested that they fight in the name of Skyrim. Don't confuse me for the swine that sits on the high throne, he is the one that fought for personal glory and power. I simply charge into battle for my people, to end the suffering of my home..." the Nord explained boldly. "Look around, this place is one of the only abodes where these fair folk can at least drown their misery...it isn't right..."

    "I...understand you seek your 'mate' in markarth is that right? Join my cause, I can tell you have skills that would greatly benefit the cause. Soon we will storm the gates of the Dwarven City, and from there you can make your decision: continue to bring freedom to the country, or reclaim what you have sought and live out the rest of your existence in some sort of peace...the choice is yours..."

    With that, Skwitzgarr got up and returned to his table, sitting close to Brynn, who he had already began to take a liking to, "Now, I take It you are all here to discuss the revolution?"

    Hlíf 'Ulfr

    Nothing but a lyre
    Staff member
    "Now, I take It you are all here to discuss the revolution?"

    Brynn looked away from Garett as Skwitzgarr found his place next to her once more. She had seen him speaking with the rather temperamental man she had earlier disagreed with and hoped things were smoothed out. She did not go looking for a fight nor did she think of her quarrel in such terms. She simply had values that she had no choice but to defend. It was as simple and as complicated as that.

    “I assume so.” she said quite enjoying herself now that she had final come to the place she did not know she was seeking.

    “At least that is what we were speaking about, I was just myself explaining, to Garett” she turned looking over at him noticing her hand that still lingered on the upper part of his arm. She let her hand fall away and continued speaking facing once again SkwitzgarrMy reasoning for seeking you out.”

    She beamed charmingly at the man, giddy with the revelation that she was amongst those, finally, that would fight for the same things she herself would. It was a comfort to have those around you sharing some type of similar interest.


    English Yao Ming
    "It is surprising that you openly discuss a revolution…are you not wary of loyalist curs? Or those legions who swore to the High King?" The vampire asked with a hint of curiosity adding to that mixture that was his voice and its undertones - but then again, his compassion had grown him an affinity for the mortal races; oh how they did intrigue him so…

    His hands went to the back of the chair upon which the woman was sitting - pale appendages a stark contrast against the rick and deep colour of oak and, if one was honest and of the observant breed, they would notice that there was an ashen tinge to that flesh - particularly around the joints which had become more prominent with his grip (albeit a lax one) upon the back of the chair.

    Ethereal eyes watched the man's face closely, both with a subtleness (due to the fact it was not just a blatant, unblinking stare) yet also, with a close, direct analysis; weighing up the odds with those eyes that have seen and did see, more than most…

    It would usually be unsettling upon lesser men and mer to have those eyes so keenly upon them - but for some reason, Abel had a feeling that those who were in his company were not generally among the majority of masse…


    Active Member
    Dandre was relieved to know they were actually going to fight back. The Nord was good with words, Dandre would give him that. Dandre and Marc were planning to make Skyrim their home, and Dandre was damned sure that he won't give up his territory that easily. Perhaps he'd join this fight until the bitter end, until he sank his claws into Ulfric and tore him limb from limb. After that then Dandre will decide what to do next, if, no, when he found Marcurio they'd decide what to do together.


    Child of the Sky
    A fair question Imperial, and for that I'll give you fair answer," Skwitzarr replied with a warm grin. "Simply put, the Reach Is the farthest from Ulfric's influence. The Stormcloaks have rarely took mere banter about rebellion seriously, and so they match my words with idle laughter. This region of Skyrim is the most wild, with Guards spread thin due to Ulfric wanting to protect the other holds more closely, he has never been fond of the Reach since the Markarth Incident..."

    "Still, I have had more than one brush with a Stormcloak Axe, but the folk around here are good people, and they've done a divine job in keeping my identity unknown to the merciless pigs," he proclaimed with a sparkle in his eye. "Now, allow me to explain what the situation is: I wish to usurp King Ulfric from the Throne, his reign has been a long and harsh one, and I refuse to let this unjust suffering go on any longer. I have gathered support from many in this region, as well as some support from neighboring holds like Falkreath and Haafingar. Even the previously hostile Forsworn have proclaimed their loyalty to the cause, and I'll be happy to reward their people with land should we reign victorious. I myself do not wish to become High King, I am inexperienced, a warrior with a silver tongue at best.

    "I have come here on this evening to recruit able bodied warriors, wizards, and Rogues to the rebellion. So far, I have recruited many from the hills and Karthwasten already, and Old Hroldan is just another stop before I begin my long assault on the various forts and settlements seized by Ulfric's pawns. I'd be honored to have any one of you fighting by my side, if you'd fight along side me. I won't lie, this will be a gruesome task, and the casualties will be many, nonetheless, I'd rather die fighting for justice than grow old as a slave..."


    Active Member
    Dandre stood and put his backpack on. He turned and walked over to Skwitzgarr. "I would like to accompany you on the field of battle." He said.

    Hlíf 'Ulfr

    Nothing but a lyre
    Staff member
    "I have come here on this evening to recruit able bodied warriors, wizards, and Rogues to the rebellion. So far, I have recruited many from the hills and Karthwasten already, and Old Hroldan is just another stop before I begin my long assault on the various forts and settlements seized by Ulfric's pawns.

    Brynn sat, finishing off the rest of her wine as she listened. Should probably slow down she thought reminding herself that she had not had such things to drink in some time and she wouldn’t want to make a fool of herself. She leaned back in her seat, not enough however to disrupt the hands the hands that rested behind her. She glanced at the odd yet charismatic man behind her with a delicate smile before returning to watch the leader of the rebellion speak.
    She knew his reasoning echoed his own and with his last sentence her face once again broke out in a wide smile.

    I'd be honored to have any one of you fighting by my side, if you'd fight along side me. I won't lie, this will be a gruesome task, and the casualties will be many, nonetheless, I'd rather die fighting for justice than grow old as a slave..."

    “If It was not clear before,” she said softly yet loud enough for the man to hear “I am here to fight with for the cause you lead, to stand as part of the rebellion.”

    She looked around at the collection of souls around the table then with one final glace at the inn refocused. She wondered or more so hoped they were all here for the same reasons. Hes a good speaker, compelling.


    Child of the Sky
    Dandre had approached and announced his commitment to the Revolution, much to Skwitzgarr's liking. "Then I welcome you Dandre, May your axe always strike true on the grounds of combat," the Nord bowed in admiration. That's when Brynn spoke up, reminding everyone that she was just as committed to the cause. "Ah, of course love, I wouldn't want it any other way," Skwitzgarr replied smiling. "And what of the rest of you? are you willing to plunge into certain danger in the name of what is pure and righteous?" he questioned.

    Before anyone could answer, a group of Stormcloak Guards emerged from the storm, boots heavy as they trudged over to the Nord's table. "Skwitzgarr Trolls-Blood?" one asked from behind a pointed Guard's helmet. "Aye," the Rebel answered calmly. "Voice of Blasphemous discourse in the Reach? Brother to the Forsworn Outlaws? Lone culprit in the Karthwasten atrocity against the High King and Conspirator of the plot to usurp the true Lord of Skyrim?" Skwitzgarr couldn't help but smile at all the titles he was being bestowed, "More or less ya." Another Guard suddenly boomed into the confrontation, "Traitorous rat! you are wanted for crimes of treason against the High King Ulfric Stormcloak, what say you?" Skwitzgarr was silent for a moment, as was the whole inn. "What say I....?" he uttered, looking back to the group. The Nord stared at the potential rebels, and winked. "I say...FREEDOM!" he exclaimed, quickly grabbing a bottle of mead off the table and mashing it against the Soldier's temple. He wasted no time in drawing his sword, turning his head to Dandre, "You want to see me in battle? then observe!" the Rebel cried as he brought up his shield to block an incoming war-axe. Skwitgarr drove his boot into one Solder's shin, causing him to bend his knee in pain, taking a shield swipe to the face that knocked him into the wild crowd.

    Hlíf 'Ulfr

    Nothing but a lyre
    Staff member
    "Ah, of course love, I wouldn't want it any other way,"

    Brynn winked at him playfully, a devious smile creeping across her face. She watched the other, waiting for a reply from them all. She knew of at least a few of the group that had already voiced their willingness however the others could lend themselves to any decision. It was as she scanned the room that her smile died.

    Towards the wayward band push a group of stormcloaks through the crowd. This will not end well. She placed her hand on one of the two swords slung around her.

    "Skwitzgarr Trolls-Blood?" One of the unwelcome guests called out


    "Voice of Blasphemous discourse in the Reach? Brother to the Forsworn Outlaws? Lone culprit in the Karthwasten atrocity against the High King and Conspirator of the plot to usurp the true Lord of Skyrim?"

    Brynn waited in eger anticipation for his response. Her heart began to jump at a more rapid rate and her breath caught in response to the tension.

    "More or less ya."

    "Traitorous rat! you are wanted for crimes of treason against the High King Ulfric Stormcloak, what say you?"

    "What say I....?"

    You have to appreciate his grandeur she smiled, an odd thing to do at a time like this.

    "I say...FREEDOM!

    With that final remark the agile Nordic woman shot forward with an impressive amount of style. With both swords drawn and a ferocious mix of a snarl and grin scrawled across her face she let out a sound of challenge. She found herself in close proximity to a certain axe armed gent, Stormcloak, with a shield who seemed to not appreciate her obvious affiliation with a certain criminal scum. Raising his weapon he let out a yell, A challenge eh? She dodged low in response and in doing so hooked her foot around the back of his own. Heaving away and giving his foot a solid tug she had pulled the storm cloak off his feet. His arms spread as he tried to catch himself however before he had the chance to hit the ground with one joined fluid motion Brynn had driven her swords into his chest.

    Her face was a perfect depiction of pure joy as she wrenched the swords free spinning away.


    Active Member
    Dandre raised his shield just in time to block a Stormcloak's sword. He bashed him over the face, knocking the Nord back. Dandre shot an ice spike at the stunned Stormcloak, the Nord screamed and fell backwards into the fire pit, he couldn't get up and just screamed, flailing his limbs as he burned to death.


    True to the Name
    Malpenar felt for the tears on his coat as he await the barkeep pour his drink, letting his hand pass through the hole on his side. "I tell you, barkeep, people nowadays who are just focused on savagery is just - well savage-like. Can't they be bothered to at least appreciate what is beautiful every now and then?" he said, letting out a sigh as he finally let go of his damaged apparel. All the while, the barkeep merely letting out grunts that seem to agree with the imperial.

    "I mean, there, look at them." hearing of the loud shouty arguments from a black-haired breton towards a man and a woman, he shifted his position to face them before taking a swig on the sweating mug on his hand. "Look at THAT man, shouting when the person he is talking to is right in front of him." he took another large swig from his drink and turned to face the barkeep who was clearly busy with wiping the counter in circles - lazily humoring Malpenar with slow nods. "Who does that? Savages, that's who."

    The imperial simply turned to face the few swirling bubbles on his drink, trying to keep to himself as he await for the person who leads the rebellion to speak up and call upon those who wishes to join. I want to kill me some stormcloaks already. he mused - his thoughts to himself, some form of peace, peace that the loud breton keeps interrupting. Hah, he said 'mate.'

    It wasn't long til the angry complaints (or at least, Malpenar thought of them as such) dulled down and all that could be heard from where he is sitting is the crackling fire of the hearth, squeaking of chairs, murmurs of some who carried conversations, and footsteps - footsteps he assumed to be that of the arguing trio. He turned to look at them and saw that their small group grew in number, making their way to the unattended table where he saw the paper which he signed his name on.

    Malpenar stood from his seat and grabbed the stool he was on, waiting for a while to examine them further. After a few moments of watching their mouths move straight - it was clear that they are not a group of friends who were catching up. He dragged his stool towards the table as he watch the group continue to carry serious looks on their faces. They must be the freedom fighter lot.

    Before he could open his mouth to introduce himself, a loud bang came from the door - steel clanking as armored men barged in, looking for someone named 'Switzgarr Trolls-Blood' who possesses many titles. Highly dramatic, this stormcloaks.

    Not long did the man Switzgarr cried out and for battle to ensue after. My my, such an angry troupe this lot are. He placed the stool as is, taking a seat upon it and grabbing his sheathed sword to his side - cross-legged and enjoying the show, most especially the brown haired woman who charged at the soldiers with ferocity. "Brava, shieldmaiden. Go at them!" Malpenar cried out from his seat, clapping for a short while, allured by the woman's great combination of beauty and lust for blood which he saw from the grin in her fair face.

    A grand show of blood - cut short after a stormcloack stumbled besides him. Shaking his head from the blow he took, he looked upon Malpenar and noticed his appearance. "You! Black coat, long katana. You murdered my comrades in an encampment in Whiterun!" The soldier brought himself up to take a swing of his sword at the imperial, Malpenar reacting quickly and kicking the man away. "Such bold accusations! Of which you only made through my clothing and my blade. Were you not told of my ravishing looks and graceful form?" The soldier let out a bloody scream and brought himself towards Malpenar with great fury in his face and on the motion of his arm, bringing a sword down on the imperial.

    Malpenar brought his sheathed katana up to block the attack, gripping the scabbard on one hand and the handle of the katana on the other. "You take me for a murderer?" he said, face looking as innocent as a babe carried by his mother. "I demand a trial!" a request to which the soldier responded with a bellow. Malpenar released his grip on the scabbard and let his shoulder support it, putting two hands on the grip of his blade. He kicked the soldier away and unsheathe his long katana. Before the soldier could recover from the blow, Malpenar quickly slashed at the man - his rusty blade slicing through his leather armor, into his body and only stopping at his spine. "J'accuse -- a monarchy unfair and clearly uneducated in fashion!" the imperial said loudly in a lousy snooty tone, imitating a man of high class.


    She seemed quite happy with Garrets response. He was never one to judge people, and most of the time he would get along with everyone.
    “Know me? You know my morals I suppose I am my principals. Don’t fool yourself however, there's much more to me than that. My names Brynn, Brynn Ráðúlfr”
    Garret smiled upon hearing her response. She was definitely someone worth knowing.
    "Don't you worry lass, for we will surly get to know each other by the end of this rebellion." Garret said with a playful smile.

    A dozen of new faces joined the table and offered their names. Garret was surprised by how many individuals joined the rebellion. They all sat down as Skwitzgarr explained their battle forces.

    "I wish to usurp King Ulfric from the Throne, his reign has been a long and harsh one, and I refuse to let this unjust suffering go on any longer. I have gathered support from many in this region, as well as some support from neighboring holds like Falkreath and Haafingar. Even the previously hostile Forsworn have proclaimed their loyalty to the cause, and I'll be happy to reward their people with land should we reign victorious."

    Falkreath, Haafingar and the forsworn? It's a right army he's building, he should have told me that before... Garret thought to himself, for he wasn't expecting such a large force to be under his care. He didn't have the necessary resources for a job this big. Garret frowned upon hearing the new information. He would soon have to talk to Skwitzgarr about it.

    "And what of the rest of you? are you willing to plunge into certain danger in the name of what is pure and righteous?" Skwitzgarr asked the group. Garret didn't hesitate and spoke up "I am, mate, but yo-" only to be interrupted by a group of stormcloaks that approached the table, asking for Skwitzgarr. He was calm at first, answering with confidence, but soon a fight broke out, and everyone from the table had to defend themselves, including Garret. He calmly raised from his chair, drank from the mead, and crossed his arms as the bottle was falling on the floor.

    A rather large, heavy armored stormcloak, wielding a battleaxe charged at Garret. This should be fun he thought to himself. With his hands still crossed, he skillfully dodged the large battle axe of the nord giving him a weak kick to the side. That did nothing but to fill him with rage, he turned to Garret as he swung his axe horizontally. Garret crouched, and pushed the stormcloak with all his might. A chuckle crossed his face as the battleaxe met the chest of his comrade. "Come on, mate, you can do better than that!" Garret exclaimed. The angered stormcloak dropped his axe, as he turned to grab a chair. Before he could turn back to Garret and throw it, the breton was already next to him, and his unsheathed sword next to his neck. "Mercy!" he cried, but Garret payed him no mind, and sliced his throat with elegance. Most of the stormcloak warriors were already bested, as the rebels fought with pride and skill.

    Garret went to the bartender, wanting to ask for another drink, when he recognized two familiar faces - Jace and Rogga Thorsson. They were always a good company in the flagon. "Well well, if it isn't the infamous Thorsson brothers! So this is where you work tonight eh? Earning honest coin, no doubt!"Said garret, with a large smile painted across his face. He took a bottle of mead from a table nearby, and as he drank, his mind was stuffed with the glimpse of the old days, when he was younger and he earned so many riches by stealing. That was probably the best time of his life. But he didn't think too much about it, as sorrow will soon follow if he would remember how all of that was taken from him. He looked at the thief duo, and they looked rather changed from when they were in the guild. Garret was looking forward to talking to his old friends.

    Jo'rak Vandeni

    Jurrrl o' Sweden
    The Stormcloaks were massacred instantly more or less, Jokar did not bother even watching the fight, a small group of Stormcloaks versus an inn filled to the brim with warriors of all class? It wasn't hard to expect the outcome of the fight.

    "I thought you just said the Stormcloaks take the rumours of you with idle laughter, no?" He shouted to Skwitzgarr, as he rose from the table and turned to face the man, over on the other side of the inn, he extended his arms wide, to gesture towards the dead, bleeding Stormcloak soldiers littering the floor, some already scavenged of their arms and inventory.

    "I think your information is outsourced, these men were not laughing I can ensure you that." A very few laughed at this, but Jokar meant for it to be serious, a rebellion needed a leader, this man had so far only shown promise of speech, which meant nothing to Jokar after his words turned hollow as the Stormcloaks attempted to seize him. True, Skwitzgarr was a formidable warrior no doubt, but warriors alone were not enough, especially while commanding a rag-tag army such as this one, versus a far more formidable, larger and wealthier force of well-armed Stormcloak soldiers.

    His last words were his challenge, plain to the eye, for all to see:

    "Why would we follow you?"



    King of Scandinavia
    "Well well, if it isn't the infamous Thorsson brothers! So this is where you work tonight eh? Earning honest coin, no doubt!" A familliar voice spoke to the Thorssons. Rogga turned around and looked straight at Garret Rendon. Garret had a large smile on his face. Both Rogga and Jace remembered him from the thieves guild. Well, before Mercer Frey decided he was no longer one of them. They had allways liked Garret and what seemed to be a lust for trouble, just as themselves.

    "Garret!" Jace said out loud, lending out his arm to his old friend."Long time, no see, old friend!" Rogga smiled almost as widely as Garret. Then he dragged a chair out and signaled for Garret to sit down next to them. "We're not working tonight. Just enjoying the evening." Jace said and lifted up the bottle to show that they were drinking. "We're allways sober while working you know." The brothers smiled. "So Rendon. What have you been up to all this time? And what are you doing at this place?" Rogga asked and looked around at the small battle going on further in the room.

    Hlíf 'Ulfr

    Nothing but a lyre
    Staff member
    Soon, too soon it seemed to her. Her sink still tingled with the electric excitement of battle and her breath had yet to catch up with current events. She resheathed her swords and leaned against the table and survey the work the rebellious band had accomplished. She was not surprised however it was good to see that they had worked well together.

    “J'accuse -- a monarchy unfair and clearly uneducated in fashion!"

    Brynn almost doubled over in laughter, the smart comment truly lightened her mood and brought her back to a calm state. She looked over at the man and gave me a bright smile before looking back around the room. Sighing she brushed her hair away from her eyes and began weaving through the crowd Nothing like a cool drink to celebrate.

    Finally reaching her destination she placed both hands on the counters edge and leaned over its surface. Her lips parted slightly as she looked about for the bartender. Her head turning from one side to the other she spotted a newly familiar face. With the same winding grace she had used before she placed herself next to Garett.

    “Would you mind telling me who and where the elusive individual from which you got that may be? ” she questioned refering to his drink. The owner must not be used to such large amount of customers. She understood their reasons for being unprepaired.
    She had placed her hand once more on his shoulder to alert him to her presence.



    Active Member
    Dandre put his hand down, and dropped his other arm to his side, he put his shield away and looked at Skwitzgarr. "Yes, Nord, those now dead men didn't seem like they were taking you for a joke. It seems like the Reach isn't as safe as you once thought." He said, agreeing with Jokar. At the back of his mind, the scent of burning flesh was driving him to hunger again, even though he was full. He bet that all the blood in the air was maddening to the vampire in the inn too. He could smell the undead creature from a mile away, figuratively speaking.


    "Garret!" Jace said out loud, extending his arm. Garret shook his arm moments before Rogga spoke as well, smiling "Long time, no see, old friend! They were just like how Garret remembered them to be - playful and relaxed.

    Garret did had some second thoughts about talking to the Thorssons, for he wasn't sure of their reason to be in the inn. They could have been assassin, working for the guild to get rid of Garret, they could have been there to collect information about him. He thought of many things, however none of them seemed logical when coped with the personalities of Jace and Rogga. And so he didn't bother thinking about such things too much.

    Apparently the brothers weren't working that night, as even the most busy of men must spend some time enjoying himself. "So Rendon. What have you been up to all this time? And what are you doing at this place?" Asked Rogga.

    "Well mate, as you probably know already, I'm no longer doing all in an honest day's work. You might have heard of the name - The Cold Benefactor, that is no other but myself. I find myself in this inn not for pleasure, but to help the rebels in their task to replace the tyrant that's now indirectly sabotaging me with his racist laws and border reformations"

    He took a brief pause to drink. He might have seemed overly serious to his old friends, however there was no reason in hiding his reasons anymore. "I think you two lads would make some good rebels, why don't you talk to that man for joining in?" Garret pointed at Skwitzgarr "There's plenty of coin to be had here." Garret smiled, and awaited their response, as a warm familiar pat on his shoulder grabbed his attention. It was none other but Brynn, the fair maiden that he talked to a while back.

    “Would you mind telling me who and where the elusive individual from which you got that may be? ”
    Garret let out a fast chuckle, realising she saw when he took the bottle. This lass has sharp eyes, not many people notice my hands. He placed the bottle on her side of the table "I would guess that would be you? If not, feel free to take it lass, they will never know."

    Hlíf 'Ulfr

    Nothing but a lyre
    Staff member
    Brynn winkled at Garett impishly her ivory fingers wrapping around the bottle. Taking only a sip she replaced the cold glass bottle near to the red haired nord with the nimble hands. She shook her head at him teasingly before turning her attention to the others at the table.

    The two men seemed to be in sync in some fashion or another. A type of comfort only found with familiarity or family she remarked. Then quickly realizing her absolute lack of social grace an apologetic look washed across her face.

    “My apologies,” she said looking in Garett’s direction “ I am interrupting you, arnt i?”


    King of Scandinavia
    A woman came towards them and started to chat with Garret. They seemed to talk about the bottle Garret had in his hands. While the two had a short conversation, Jace looked at the girl. She had grey blue eyes that caught his attention at once. Her hair hung down in soft brown curls and the skin was rather tan. She turned over and looked at both him and his brother. “My apologies,” she said looking in Garett’s direction “ I am interrupting you, arnt i?”

    "Not at all." Jace answered before Garret. He got up from his chair and walked over to the woman. "My name is Jace Thorsson." He lended her his arm. "And this is my brother Rogga. We're old friends of Garret." He pointed at Rogga and Garret as he said their names. "And who is this fine lady?" He looked at her with a look of interest.

    Rogga however remained seated. "This rebellion you speak of... Well you do know none of us are fighters." He said to Garret as he peaked over at the man who supposedly was leading the rebels. "But we do like to create trouble... Maybe we'll join in. For old times sake."