OOC (18+) The Clutch of Shadows

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    Free Form Role Playing Guide for Beginners
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    A Friendly Brit
    An Era of darkness has fallen on Skyrim. The Stormcloaks managed to force the Empire out, using the confusion of Mede's assassination to launch their attack, but their grip on their people was weak. The Dark Brotherhood and Thieve's Guild united, with common interest. A land with no rules, where survival at any cost was the goal of every man and woman in Skyrim. A criminal's paradise. Jarl Vignar Grey-Mane fell prey to the illusion of wealth, and so his city fell, a new Jarl on the throne in Dragonsreach. That man was one Granjar Stone-Fist, a man under the employ of this new Criminal Covenant. Whiterun, Riften and Dawnstar were all hub cities for them now. Jarl Korir was assassinated, his only Heir bribed to act under the strict instruction of the shadowy masters, and and soon The Reach followed. Now that five of the nine were agents of darkness, it was time. Ulfric, the High King of Skyrim was murdered in his sleep. At the following Moot, five of the nine voted in favor of Granjar, and so he became High King of Skyrim.

    Madness ensued. Anarchy, chaos. Laws became but a formality as a violent spike in crime caught the residents of Skyrim entirely off guard. People took what they wanted and killed who they wanted. Massacres became frequent, violent demonstrations, but the shadowy grip on Skyrim was absolute. Riots, looting, and not a finger was lifted. This was the world so many had dreamed of, and now it was theirs.

    In this lawless world of darkness and anarchy, those who opposed the shadows do not survive. They are preyed on, bar those choice few. Those strong enough to resist, to survive. They have been driven into hiding, waiting for the right moment to return to seek justice. It is with this group, Skyrim's last true hope, that our story begins. As their constant struggle for justice and survival grows stronger, all of their skills will be put to the test, and there is no room for personal conflict. They must overcome, or Skyrim is lost.

    Not a great intro, I know, but you get the idea, right? This RP is a sort of apocalyptic, but not in the way of humanity's end or hordes of monsters. It's a deep story, and this RP will be centered greatly around character development and focusing quite a bit on the relationship between characters. It will be fairly slow-paced, truth be told, as everyone needs time for their characters to develop, and, well, it's not really a goal the characters can achieve quickly.

    Rules (Should know by now, but hey, it can't hurt to put them on here):

    1) No godmodding or overpowering your character.
    2) Be respectful of your fellow role-players, we're all here for the same reason.
    3) Keep your character appropriate to the RP, e.g a thief or assassin will not fit in here, at all.
    4) This is an 18+ roleplay. That means sex, drugs and rock and roll. But seriously, if you can't handle mature themes, gore, coarse language etc. don't apply.
    5) try to keep posts to a decent length, two paras minimum maybe?

    As for a CC:




    Master: (1 Maximum)
    Expert: (2 Maximum)
    Adept: (3 Maximum)
    Apprentice: (You guessed it! 4 Maximum)
    Novice: (No limit)


    A Friendly Brit
    Yeah, a bio, background, character history etc.

    Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk
    Awesome, I will probably write up a CC tomorrow, I'm pretty shattered right now


    A Friendly Brit
    Yeah my own CC will likely not be up until tomorrow evening

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    Specter of Death

    Omnipresent Moderator
    Staff member
    If I do end up getting a CC up, it will be because I have an opening in my schedule. As of now, I don't have much time as it is, but I am watching the thread to see where this goes. I'll let you know if I can join or not in the future.

    And yes *clears throat* it was indeed...
    What if your character is a hero but is secretly one of the shadows, and they turn on you at the end? Is that allowed?



    Article Writer
    Name: Laine Biir
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Race: High Elf
    Laterality: Left
    Sexuality: Asexual. May become straight

    Appearance: Angelic. Tall, beautiful, toned.
    Height: 5'8
    Hair: White and long.
    Eyes: Green.
    Skin: Human. Tanned but not yellow.
    Attire: Monk robes with Crusader Armor under. Aetherium Crown on her head.
    Weapons: 2H longsword. Holy, engraved with dragon language near the hilt, but on the blade.

    History: She was born and raised in solitude. When the imperials were pushed out, she had moved in secret to a cabin in the South. She spent her entire time practicing her Healing, sword fighting on dummies and creatures, and praying to the Aedra.

    One day, when she was 21, a figure appeared to her. It granted her the sword and armor she wears into battle. It also gave her the powers of Healing herself and others without casting a spell.

    She traveled back to solitude to live in her house again, but she found her parents dead. She traveled through Skyrim, practicing her combat on the Necromancers that crossed her way.

    Became a crusader when she left to make a pilgrimage in Cyrodil, and came back to Skyrim to banish necromancy. She has an Aedric Follower named Basire. He follows her around and fights with her. He is from Akatosh and she got him when she finished her pilgrimage.

    The story would start with her just retuning to Skyrim.

    Master: Healing
    Expert: 2H, Heavy Armor.
    Adept: Conjuration.

    Laine's text Basire's text.


    New Member
    Name: Alasa Geryon

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Race: Breton

    Sexuality: Asexual

    Appearance: Short, tan, white hair down to the shoulders, and light purple eyes.

    Height: 5'3"

    Hair: White and short (sorry ShadowMage, our characters have same hair color)

    Eyes: Light Purple

    Skin: Tan

    Attire: Master Robes of Illusion

    Weapons: Orcish Dagger when melee.

    History: she was born in Whiterun before the Stormcloak uprising and when the storm cloaks took control she was captured for her natural talents with magic. They trained her to be very persuasive and intimidating if need be to do undercover work. Whenever Alasa realized she was just being used, she used her Illusion magic to force the guards to let her go. Luckily for her, she left Whiterun right before Granjar became Jarl. She has since travelled around Skyrim staying out of sight and using her magic to get her out of sticky situations. She started to worship Julianos because she is thankful he granted her her magical talents; she believes he watches over her and tries to protect her.

    One day she decides to visit an old shrine of Talos to look for any valuables (She does not consider him a god, so she doesn't feel bad about taking from his shrines) and she gets ambushed by necromancers. Since she was not prepared she had to use the brute force of destruction to defeat them. (Her story starts with the battle having just ended, if that's aloud. Sorry, this is my first roleplay)


    Master: Illusion

    Expert: Speech and Conjuration

    Adept: Destruction and Restoration


    A Friendly Brit
    Guys, just wondering, you know Asexual isn't a sexuality right?

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    A Friendly Brit
    Asexual reproduction is like, in plants and cells, reproduction without gametes and without fertilisation, so when you guys are saying that your sexuality is asexual, your saying your character can make exact clones of themselves without having sex...

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    A Friendly Brit
    And ShadowMage, what do you mean by an Aedric follower?

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    Specter of Death

    Omnipresent Moderator
    Staff member
    Asexual reproduction is like, in plants and cells, reproduction without gametes and without fertilisation, so when you guys are saying that your sexuality is asexual, your saying your character can make exact clones of themselves without having sex...

    Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk
    Thats Asexual Reproduction actually. Being Asexual is a sexual orientation, or rather none at all. If somebody is Asexual, they simply have no sexual feelings or desires toward others. It's quite common now days. Asexual Reproduction is what you describe, which is essentially reproducing by one's self.

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    A Friendly Brit
    Thats Asexual Reproduction actually. Being Asexual is a sexual orientation, or rather none at all. If somebody is Asexual, they simply have no sexual feelings or desires toward others. It's quite common now days. Asexual Reproduction is what you describe, which is essentially reproducing by one's self.

    Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk
    Ah, right, thanks :) sorry for the misunderstanding and jumping to conclusions there :/

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    Specter of Death

    Omnipresent Moderator
    Staff member
    Ah, right, thanks :) sorry for the misunderstanding and jumping to conclusions there :/

    Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk
    No issue. I just wanted to save you the trouble of running into someone who takes offense to dumb things like that. Its some4hing I've dealt with on occasion, and its not fun. :)

    Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk


    A Friendly Brit
    So an Ayleid? I was just worrying because the Aedra are the Eight Divines, so having an Aedric follower is to have one of the Divines with you :/ But if you're trying for the whole "I have an all-powerful god thing with me" I have to say I don't like it, I'm not a fan of you having a Daedric Prince as a companion in Winterfall, because, whilst it's an incredibly creative idea that should be accredited, it does seem a bit too overpowered, even if his powers are riddled with drawbacks, still just having a made up Daedric Prince follow you just oozes overpowered :/ Still, not my place to say on that one, but I'd rather there was no God-like entity following you on this one :)