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    Jo'rak Vandeni

    Jurrrl o' Sweden
    The more I look at the map, the more I feel it's perfect mate, keep it like that! It's great!

    Blackdoom, yeah the southwest could be a bit like a sort of mixture of Mongolia and Egypt! Deserts and mountains in the south, and then vast steppes in the northern part.

    The storyline... Yeah! The Emperor that has conquered most of the North is now real old, and dying, and his son is young and inexperienced with ruling? He sort of looses grip upon his vassals and lands. While the other Houses and Kingdoms of the empire begins expanding their own power and such, and the "mongols" just raid and farm exp down south...

    So for races and stuff: I think we should go for the ES races, maybe not all of them, but still the generic "human/Mer" concept at least, the reason behind this whole thing is to get plopstons of inspiration for a book I'm actually considering writing, and then using the stuff happening in this RP, so too much ES stuff might be a bit hard, but the base concept is still viable! Maybe just other religions for example :)

    I think we'll go with RPing the ruling family, I can't really see any way for 5+ people sitting saying stuff like "Then Awesomia was hurt by plopstyland, and sent in a thousand elite soldiers to fluff plops up", but maybe that's just me that makes it sound extra silly in my mind.

    One thing however: I think we might have to get more people into this RP, if NO ONE is actually interested in being inside the empire, or being the loosing state! We'll need some Houses in the Empire's land, or the Empire will be impossible to destroy: So either we make it that everyone controls a House in the Empire AS WELL as their main kingdom... Or we go looking for some other guys and make them be the kingdoms of the Empire?

    Also: Could you guys write down in single posts where you wanted to be? Just so I can write it down.

    This is giving me a boner already guys, can't wait :)

    Jo'rak Vandeni

    Jurrrl o' Sweden
    Oh! The Empire could be compromised of like three different kingdoms? So three players need to agree over what happens in the empire.. Or just one guy controlling three different families or something, that would nerf the Empire a bit, make them more easy to fall to treason and civil war and stuff :)


    Calibration-Master General
    I'm in that northern island near the "Rome". I think it'd be better if only one or two people RPd as the main Empire, with vast amounts of materials available to them. The rest of us should be smaller kingdoms with specific specialties, that have to really band together to make a mark.

    Jo'rak Vandeni

    Jurrrl o' Sweden
    Hmm.. Maybe we should have the "Romans" just have like a very small foothold in the east? Like the start of the invasion? So that the losing kingdom and the empire can have some epic battles and stuff? As well as saving the need for too many player slots, so we'll just need max 1 more player to play either as the losing or winning side (that is depending on what I choose, if no others join and are interested of either "empire" or "losers")

    You others? What strikes yer fancy?

    Jo'rak Vandeni

    Jurrrl o' Sweden
    Everything correct except the Tamriel part. It's using a lot of ES elements but it's another custom world, with another map and all


    A Friendly Brit
    I would like to claim the two eastern provinces on the south-east continent if neither have been claimed yet :)

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    A Friendly Brit
    If people can start picking areas and colours I can start putting your kingdoms on the map... can we avoid light blue so that rivers and such still show, and Black so that borsers are still easily visible if that's okay?

    Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk

    Jo'rak Vandeni

    Jurrrl o' Sweden
    You're the ruler of a nation yes, or a "House".

    There's two important story-line nations to be taken, 2 spaces are open for the like "empire" sort of nation, the rulers of the game and the expansive conquerors, 2 players maximum will control the empire. Also the smaller kingdo, being invaded by the empire. Who will have to fight a losing battle against the imperial war machine in massive battles and stuff.

    Or you can choose another continent or kingdom to your liking, but the RP cannot start without the empire and the "losers"

    Jo'rak Vandeni

    Jurrrl o' Sweden
    I will pick nation last, if none has decided for the empire, I'll have to take it. So keep me out of any selections yet Blitzz


    Calibration-Master General
    Okay, well if you don't know where I'm claiming by now, you need your damn eyes checking :p I'll take green, please. I also think we should have a colour system for family members and so on. For instance:


    A Friendly Brit
    Sorry if I sound like im taking over but before CCs go up and confuse things I would like to know:

    - empire color
    - provinces and their names
    - cities, locations, river names and mountain ranges if yoi wannt them, deserts etc.

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    A Friendly Brit
    And yeah I gathered where you were going by now Epic :')

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    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming

    If possible I would like this part. (assuming this is the map. And that you will have me.)

    As for Color I prefer. This as it were.



    If possible I would like this part. (assuming this is the map. And that you will have me.)

    As for Color I prefer. This as it were.

    You gon get raided son

    I think another thread should be made for the OOC.


    Calibration-Master General
    The southeast is getting crowded :p If no-one wants the western continent, I suggest having an Americas-like place, the New World, that exists separately from everyone else and doesn't really take part in global politics. My kingdom could discover the land, for instance trying to sail west for an attack on eastern "Rome" and instead finding the New World.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    I just wanted an Eastern section since that would be the "Culture" presented though I would also need land descriptions :p

    You gon get raided son

    Depends on the nature of my people. If we have walls you won't be able to do anything. And if we have a culture used to dealing with such uncouth barbarians... Well. Prepare to be civilized or crushed.


    A Friendly Brit
    Actually, seeing as how the east is getting crowded, I will divide up the north east continent and make my claim there if that's okay?

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