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  • Good lord, what happened to this place? The skin is an abomination, the cbox is gone and it's an ad hellscape.
    how do I start a private conversation?
    I don't see an option for a "private message" or anything like that anywhere lol
    long story short I had a spammer hit my message box, I reported it, but not sure what else to do. And I wanted to learn how to send my own :D

    and failed miserably :D

    also it didn't look like I could just reply to your comment? am I missing more?
    As for PMs, go to 'Inbox' at the top of the page. Hit 'Start a new convo', then put your recipient in.
    gotcha! thanks bud. found them both. For some reason "inbox" just wasn't making sense to me for writing a private message. Just not ow I go about it on other forums I guess.

    No prob!
    Hey I could use a hand with something if you're available. no rush either. Just some SNAFU from my luddite brain trying to navigate this forum :D

    thanks Rex!
    • Like
    Reactions: Rextoret
    Yeah, it's no problem! What're you looking for?
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    Reactions: Rextoret
    Mmm. True, I watched both of their series.
    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass
    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass
    I still believe he was right handed. I also believe he was in a relationship with Ciaran that was left unpursued, due to his extreme sense of duty. I don't like Silver Monts theory about that... anyways, just thought I'd stop by for old time's sake. Cheers!
    Cheers, right back!
    Hey Rex. I need a favor from you. FH is on the brink of dying and i'm trying to revive it. So, i could really use your help. If you can't, then i totally understand.
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    Reactions: Rextoret
    Fading Hope? Sure, I can try and get things moving there if you want. Albeit, I'm a little cramping for time with my work and all. But I'll be over there in a moment to see what I can do to get the wheels churning.
    For some reason, I can find most of my previous avatars currently on other members. Odd, aye?
    This program just came on H2HD, called "Going Medieval" that I think should really improve people's RPing, you should look into it. A lot of insight into the time period, or at least one close to it. It's over now, but it might come on again and you can google it.
    Hey man, I've just seen your reply to my post on Wrath of the Dragon God, 'ppreciate it. Let me know if there's anything else you guys need. Also, you've been doing some good stuff in a few stories, I'd be asking to join in a couple if I wasn't so busy IRL at the moment.
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    Reactions: Rextoret
    Thanks, is there an active story for it at the minute? I don't really have the time right now, but in about three weeks I'll have all the time I want, so would be interested.
    Ahh, I've just read through the OOC for Illusion of Knowledge. I've been reading Pieces of a Heart, actually, handing out Rep like it's going out of fashion.
    Yeah, that one is open. It'll probably still be in a few weeks. If not, I can make another RP at any time.
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