Private The Grand Adventure (IC)

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    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Relyn was standing on the ground, his sword drawn. The Dragon in the sky swooped down, engulfing Freyr in flames. "You'll pay for that, beast!" Relyn shouted as he sent a lightning bolt towards the creature. The Dragon screeched in pain as the bolt hit it, and it crashed into the earth below.

    Relyn charged it, his sword raised. Using his skills as an expert thief, he dodged the Dragon's every attack. Jumping over a burst of flame, he landed on the beast's wing. Leaping as far as he could, he landed the final blow on the Dragon's neck. Hopping back onto the ground, he was congratulated by his teammates. He was given full leadership of the party, and it was time to set course for a new adventure.

    "Oy! Wake up!"

    Relyn slowly got off the ground, feeling somewhat bitter. I was having such a nice dream... He thought, as he dusted off his robes and straightened his hood. Grabbing a muffin out of his satchel, he walked over to where Farth, Elsa, and Tacitus were gathered. Elsa seemed to be marking something down on a map. "Riverwood? Isn't that near Whiterun? Because, we might want to let the man in charge know he has a dragon in his territory." Relyn joined in the conversation. "Well, I'm sure we're the not only ones who saw the gigantic flying lizard. Someone else will tell the Jarl. Someone had to have survived Helgen, right?"


    I swear to drunk, I'm not Talos.
    "Well, I'm sure we're the not only ones who saw the gigantic flying lizard. Someone else will tell the Jarl. Someone had to have survived Helgen, right?"

    "We are probably not the only ones who saw it, but when we arrive in Riverwood we should at least ask if they have sent word to their Jarl," the bard paused in thought, "I still am unsure of what exactly Freyr's objective is in this journey and if it is so important that we not head to Whiterun. I find the lack of knowledge unsettling, for I have read many stories of betrayal and greed which started with a lack of trust for the companions." He leaned his chin in his hand, thinking deeply. "I trust all of you completely, some that I probably should not - but it is Freyr who I fear does not trust us."

    Farth usually trusted his instincts in these types of situations, and his instincts were telling him to be wary of Freyr. He could be leading the group into doing all of the work for him and in the end lead them to their deaths. The man was gone so often too.... it was not in the bard's nature to be so suspicious, but with the new environment new thoughts rushed into his head. Many "what ifs" bothered his creative thoughts about their leader. What if Freyr told them that their mission was too important to warn the hold of a dragon? What exactly was their mission? Why would he not tell the bard about it - or the rest of the companions? Farth did not know what to think because of the supposed lack of trust between the two. He never had trust problems before, and found the whole situation to be foreign.

    "Is that a muffin?" Farth gasped, staring at the baked goodie in Relyn's hand, "I have not seen a muffin since my time in Hammerfell!"

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Relyn stopped eating his breakfast and looked up. "Yes, it is a muffin. Imported muffins from Eastmarch were considered a delicacy on Vvardenfell. I must confess I have a fondness for them. They're harder to find these days, but I can afford to have a caravan import some from Hammerfell. Would you like one?" The elf scarfed down the rest of his food. Looking around he did a quick headcount. "Has anyone seen our leader?" Relyn asked the group. "I've not seen him since he so politely woke us all up."


    I swear to drunk, I'm not Talos.
    "I would love one - only if you are sure about sharing though," The Redguard smiled warmly. The elf was truly beginning to feel comfortable around the group it seemed.

    "I've not seen him since he so politely woke us all up."

    The bard chuckled, "No, Elsa believes he may have wandered off and forgotten about us. I unfortunately agree with her."


    IOK's Token Brit
    Looking up from her map Elsa folded it neatly away and tucked it back into her pack. She agreed that it would be best to warn Riverwood or at least Whiterun about the dragon, but she didn't deny the chances that someone else had escaped and already done the same.

    "No, Elsa believes he may have wandered off and forgotten about us. I unfortunately agree with her."

    Folding her arms over her chest Elsa titled her head to the side, listening for any sign of Freyr. "I'm almost certain he's wandered off. The problem is we can't go anywhere until either he returns or we go looking for him. And considering he's supposedly our guide, chances are we'd get lost before long." Feeling truly perturbed Elsa began planning what she would say once they found the hunter again. She wasn't exactly thrilled with this habit of disappearing.

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Relyn reached into his satchel and pulled out a second muffin. "Here you are, Farth. Don't worry about it, I'll restock on food once we reach Riverwood." The bard politely accepted the food. "Elsa believes he may have wandered off and forgotten about us. I unfortunately agree with her." Farth said in response to Relyn's question about Freyr.

    "He forgot about me?" Relyn said, in tone of mock anger. "Well, I am absolutely insulted!" The Dunmer laughed as he sat down on a nearby rock, and began fiddling around with a small machine from his satchel as he waited for Freyr to arrive.


    Freyr had made it out of the woods and back onto the main road to Helgen before he slowed his brisk pace. Light snowflakes kissed his face as he pulled his weathered map from the depths of his garments. Squinting throught the crystals Falling on his eyelids he studied the scroll he held in his hands. His finger traced the pathway he planned to take around Helgen and on towards Riverwood.

    He glanced back over his shoulder and scanned the frosty pines for any sign of his companions. It seems that they had not yet gotten a move on yet and Freyr was slightly annoyed. They were not making good enough time. If they were to make it to winter hold on time Freyr would have to get his group to move faster. He did not know what would happen if he was late but he could only assume that it would be bad.

    Shrugging his pack onto his shoulder he began his trek back towards the outpost, scanning the forest for any signs of the party.

    "Elsa believes he may have wandered off and forgotten about us. I unfortunately agree with her."

    Freyr heard his companions before he saw them, he dropped low to the ground and slowly made his way to the edge of the clearing where only a few trees separated him from the group. Years of practive allowed him to be prefectly silent as he slipped through the underbrush. He was interested to see where this conversation was going and did not say a word to his companions.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Laughing at Relyn's reaction Elsa shrugged her pack up her back. "It's ridiculous really. I mean, he's supposed to be guiding us for whatever reason. How is he supposed to do that when he vanishes without mentioning anything to us. For all we know he could be in Riverwood now but he forgot to bring us along!" The young nord was pacing now. Farth's suspicions made her uneasy, and if she couldn't trust Freyr, who's to say he wasn't leading them to the slaughter. Halting her thoughts she cursed her overactive imagination. Of course he wasn't planning anything like that.

    Turning to her companions she sighed. "All I know is that when I next see him I'm going to find out just what is going on." Folding her arms over her chest she had a fierce look in her eyes. Dragons were one thing, but they were nothing compared to a wrathful nord woman.


    I swear to drunk, I'm not Talos.
    The bard took the muffin from Relyn and graciously began consuming small bites, enjoying the taste he had lost since Hammerfell.

    Farth had no idea Freyr had been listening. Even if he was trained to be more aware, he was no match for Freyr's experience and expertise on hiding - he would still be oblivious to the fact that their leader had heard every accusing and out of character word he said.

    Watching Elsa pace from his position where he leaned on the wall, he realized she too shared his worries about Freyr. "All I know is that when I next see him I'm going to find out just what is going on."

    "Aye, I hope he tells us all..." the bard crossed his arms, "I also hope he returns soon, without any harm. I feel as if this bard could use the familiar surroundings of Riverwood's inn.... or any inn for that matter."


    "All I know is that when I next see him I'm going to find out just what is going on."

    Elsas words made Freyr's pulse quicken slightly. It would seem that his loner attitude had caused some damage to his relationship with his companions.

    "Aye, I hope he tells us all..."

    Even the bard was suspicious of him eh!? setting his jaw grimly he slowly backed away from the clearing and began to circle back around towards the main path. He would not let them know that he heard did not wish to damage their trust anymore by letting them know that he had been spying on them!

    Poking his head around a tree and into the clearing he called "You all coming along then?" innocently towards the group.


    I swear to drunk, I'm not Talos.
    "You all coming along then?"

    The bard jolted in surprise. Freyr had been listening in on that. Guilt immediately welled up inside him, but then he realized this may have been the best way for Freyr to have found out his wary opinion of their leader's intentions.

    He was not good at confronting such a situation up front and decided to remain silent, hoping Elsa or another one of his companions would speak up in response to Freyr's spying. His mind was already conflicted enough - confronting this head on would just seem even more wrong than verbalizing suspicions about Freyr to his companions. Farth stood up straight, stretched shoulder, and walked to Freyr without eye contact.


    IOK's Token Brit
    "You all coming along then?"

    Spinning around to face Freyr Elsa narrowed her eyes in suspicion. There was no way he would have missed what they had been saying, his hearing was far too good to have missed their raised voices. Consciously making the effort to control her temper Elsa spoke up when she saw Farth was going to remain silent. "You know I think it's time you answered some questions. Like, why do you keep wandering off to who knows where? Or more importantly, why are we heading to Winterhold? I don't see how we can place our lives in the hand of a man who refuses to tell us anything." As she spoke Elsa had approached the nord, the difference in height apparent as she practically squared up to him, despite her head barely reaching his shoulders. "How do we know we can trust you? And don't act like you didn't listen in on us. We both know you're too good to have missed our little discussion."


    I swear to drunk, I'm not Talos.
    Farth carefully watched the young Nord girl, amazed by her bravery to speak up as she had. After she spoke and awaited Freyr's answer, the bard crossed his arms and gave Freyr an intense look, filled with guilt, confusion, and a need for an honest answer. He wasn't sure if the Nord could read all of that, but he hoped he had some insight to know that Farth did not dislike him, he just was wary for the new friends he had made.

    The bard was ready to step between the two in case Freyr got irrationally defensive for her straight-forwardness. He may have not been much of a fighter, but he could be protective of the young girl he had been seeing more and more as a little sister.

    "We will glady follow you, Freyr. We just need to know the truth," he explained, attempting to repair some damage that his words earlier had caused.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Sighing in frustration Elsa backed away, still irritated but aware that the group needed to keep moving. Waving her hand dismissively she made move to head to the main road, "You know what? I don't care. Let's just go."

    If worst came to worse she was sure she would be able to navigate for herself as long as she kept close to the hold towns. She felt shame creeping up her neck as she walked, embarrassed that she had let her emotions overwhelm her. She wouldn't apologise for holding up the group with her accusations but she would make an effort to hold her tongue in the future.


    top kek
    Sorex saw his companions bickering, and decided to ignore it. A man's motives are his own, he thought. Whatever reason Freyr wanted to have this adventure for, it was none of Sorex's business. He got up off the bench by the now dead fire and started to walk after everyone else as they left. He sighed and pulled out his journal. He began to write in it about the day's occurences.

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Relyn heard the sound of Freyr's voice. "You all coming along then?" Relyn hopped up excitedly. Stuffing his gadgets into his satchel, he was ready to go when Elsa started shouting at the Nord. Relyn simply turned away, trying, and failing, to ignore the argument.

    Looks like the group is falling apart. On one hand, this gives me a chance to try my hand at leading he group, on the other, I have no idea how to navigate. Hope this gets resolved soon. After a minute or two, Elsa started walking away from the group. "You know what? I don't care. Let's just go." Relyn awkwardly moved past Farth and Freyr, and began walking as well.


    I swear to drunk, I'm not Talos.
    Farth said nothing and followed Elsa and Relyn. He would stay by his companions and hope that their suspicions were for nothing.

    He thought back to the day before, the bandit attack fresh on the bard's mind. This time it was not killing the men that bothered him, it was his lack of usefulness in combat. Freyr ended up having to save him. Somehow, he needed to improve, and real battles were too dangerous to seek training in. He would have to ask one of his companions.... perhaps a certain mysterious Imperial?

    The Redguard went to walk next to Sorex. He look up for a moment before finally speaking, sounding a tad nervous about asking the Imperial if he would fulfill his request. "You are quite good with a blade.... would you be willing to teach me how to use them in battle? I can give you compensation - perhaps forge you a new weapon or even a few septims?"


    "You know what? I don't care. Let's just go."

    The nord girl spun away and stompped down the road leaving Freyr standing awkwardly next to the group. He reached a hand up tp this back of his neck and awkwardly mumbled something before taking out his pipe and chewing on the end and turning down the road.

    Farth shot him a meaningful look as he passed and guilt shot throught Freyr. "Look im sorry" he said out loud. "I mean no one any harm...I merely get lost in the journey and forget sometimes.." His words seemed to bounce off the angry nord girls back as he sauntered down the road. Meanwhile Relyn slid by Freyr and into the leading role in the group


    IOK's Token Brit
    "Look I'm sorry, I mean no one any harm...I merely get lost in the journey and forget sometimes.."

    Slowing her pace Elsa growled to herself. Her temper had gotten the better of her once more and if she was to make it through this journey she knew it was stupid to cause problems between herself and others. "For what it's worth...I'm...sorry I yelled at you. I don't like being lied to and...well let's just say I have a bad track record with trusting people. I'll try to keep a hold of my temper in future." Wincing as if the apology had hurt her in some way Elsa did her best to swallow her pride and keep walking.


    top kek
    "You are quite good with a blade.... would you be willing to teach me how to use them in battle? I can give you compensation - perhaps forge you a new weapon or even a few septims?" Sorex turned when he heard Farth's voice. "Training?" He thought on it for a moment and then said, "Sure. And I don't need compensation. It's enough for me to know that what I teach you might save a life one day." Sorex turned to the Redguard. "When do you want to start? I can teach you a few few things on the road, but we'll need something to swing at eventually."