Japan and Hojo Tokimuni Enter Civilization VI
Japan, the land of the rising sun, steeped in tradition and history, and a country held in high esteem to this day, has returned for combat and glory, and will get its chance in Civilization VI. They will be led by Hojo Tokimune, and have many unique aspects of Japanese culture as a part of their gameplay:
“Unique Unit: Samurai
Samurai, or known as Bushi class, existed for nearly a thousand years in Japan. Bushido (“the way of the warrior”) was a codified set of rules and way of life adopted by a large number of noble clans throughout Japan. The samurai class wasn’t officially abolished in Japan until 1868 and, to this day, remains one of the most identifiable Japanese cultural touchstones.”
“Unique Building: Electronics Factory
With the invention of consumer electronics in the late 20th Century, Japan quickly became home to the largest electronics industry in the entire world. The first modern electronics factory was built by Sony in 1946, and Japanese innovations since have kept the country most profitable in what is easily the most competitive consumer landscape mankind has ever seen.”
You can see the video preview of Japan below:
Civilization VI arrives October 21st, 2016.