You know you're addicted when...

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Premium Member
when it's 7 cans of Red Bull, and 48 hours later, and you have lost all muscle mass in your legs.


Your Local Bartender
When you eye every chicken you see and think of men chasing you into a river.

Epic Keith

By Ysmir you're going to FREEZE to death!
WHen you name your black cat Alduin

El Fonz0

Active Member
You've read through every single one of these pages.

i K33L n0085

Destroyer Devour Master
When your Xbox says Skyrim is unreadable and you feel like your life is over.
Just happened to me.

When terrible weather happens and you feel like the weather reporters should tell you "watch the skies, traveler." instead of blabbing about the weather. And only you and other Skyrim players get that while your parents look at you like you're insane.

i K33L n0085

Destroyer Devour Master
Just got a new copy of skyrim, and it was worth every septim.

Oh wait...


You know you're addicted when you find a blacksmith forge and try to smith daedric weapons.
You know you're an addict when you search all over your local areas for mines and try to get some ore.