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    Vixen Blackbriar

    Call Me Vix
    Lynette frowned at his upfront information. Nothing she was seeking.
    "From what I hear, there was an attack on a Nordic citadel during an execution. Quite the scandal. As far as I know, the rumor mill states it was a giant lizard itself. Rumors can't much be trusted, but my source was adamant. He stated he'd seen the dragon, then offered to secure me passage here. His name was James. Charming fellow, really..." she trailed off, refusing to divulge anything else, like the fact that this scurvy covered source was useless and dimwitted, that he now was floating somewhere outside the town they'd recently run from, and that she had killed him. It mattered very little, she could tell the Akavir wasn't pleased, but she'd promised information, and she'd given it. Coming from her it must've sounded like womanly gossip, which was completely fine with Lynette. She cared little what the man thought of her. From the visible ring on his finger, she knew he was as much hers as his wife's. He had gone from the most dangerous prey to the safest bet. She broke her gaze, mulling over the information he'd given. It was worthless to her. She wanted to know more about the history, the future of dragons, how to control them.
    "Oh," she added quickly. "Don't call me little again. I think you'll find I'm much more capable than I appear. Maybe the same can't be said of Akaviri women."

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Myddrin watched as Glidias and Lynette grew more and more hostile towards one another. The conversation had started innocently enough. Well, as innocent as Lynette could get. She inquired about religion in Akavir, a subject that seemed to displease Glidias.

    The Akaviri man, attempting to change the subject, asked the woman about rumors of Dragons in Skyrim. Perhaps he's homesick, Myddrin thought. Lynette, not one to be brushed aside, proposed a trade of information: Glidias told her of the dragons of Akavir, and she told him the rumors of dragons in Skyrim.

    In his typical fashion, the response Glidias gave was short, unemotional, and almost threatening. "Big. Fast. Strong. Pray to Diabella you never meet one, little girl. They used jungle foliage as a second skin. Mostly ambush predators. Dangerous in open combat. Capable of flight. Cunning. Intelligent. Made little effort to communicate. Extremely prejudice. Merciless killers. They were fighting on their home ground. They almost devoured our race."

    Reciting the facts about dragons appeared to have triggered something in Glidias, and he froze up yet again, stroking the locket he still held in his hand. Not wanting to lose the group's de facto leader, Myddrin spoke up, following a brief recap of dragon-related rumors by Lynette.

    "Look, we've been stuck here for too long now. It looks like everyone's finished with their food," He said, glancing at the empty plates around the table. "So let's get outside! I'm sure Vitus would love to show us around."

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Glidias was furious for a moment, and then calmed down. Just a scandal. Just a rumor. That was good news. Glidias almost laughed at the last comment. He did laugh actually. Glidias roared with laughter. "Wonderful! She's gutsier than the rest of you. Just wonderful." Glidias said after he was done with his laughing.

    She had earned a lot of loathing from Glidias today. But she had nerve. That was something. That earned Glidias's respect. But not enough. Looking at Myddrin as he spoke, Glidias stood and put his gauntlet back on. "Lead the way." He said simply.

    He still resented the smell. Glidias supposed he'd never like the Diabellan. But he supposed he didn't need to. As for capable Akivari women, as with other things, you couldn't judge them all by the same standard. Now, testing his right hand with the gauntlet back on it, re-familiarizing himself with its weight, Glidias caught the look in Lynette's eyes. She was looking at him like he was prey. Glidias thought to himself, Wonderful. Tortured. Exiled. Attacked by a sea monster. Hunted by a zealous religious cult. And now I'm getting hungry eyes from a diabellan. Glidias decided right then and there that he hated Tamriel, and walked out of the establishment.


    top kek
    "Look, we've been stuck here for too long now. It looks like everyone's finished with their food, so let's get outside! I'm sure Vitus would love to show us around."

    Vitus quickly stood up from his seat, just as Glidias began to move towards the door. The man's quick retreat from the table was sudden, although not too much of a shock considering the direction the conversation had been taking.

    "Of course! Just give me a moment to pay the bill, then we shall... follow him." He said, with a finger pointing towards the door Glidias had exited from.

    Vitus progressed to the counter, where he began to pay the bill. As the waiter began to list the price, Vitus began to procure his money from various pockets. The sheer amount of money that was due would have caused an ordinary person to faint from shock, and even caused the waiter to stutter as he said it. But it was no issue for Vitus. He didn't even react, beyond grabbing more bags of coins.

    Once the counter was nearly covered in bags of septims, Vitus gave a small bow and turned to head for the door. The waiter was still aghast, no doubt never having seen so much money before in his life. He spoke to Vitus as he walked away. "T-Thank you, sir..."

    Standing in front of the door, Vitus called out to the other 3 who still sat at the table. "Well then, we should go! I must say, I feel considerably lighter now."

    Twirling around, Vitus quickly stepped out of the door and onto the street. His eyes were immediately greeted by Glidias, who stood there. Once the others had gathered outside the restaurant, he began to question Mydrrin as to where their next destination should be.

    "So, where should we head next? I know of a few stores, which all sell fine armor and weapons if that's what you need. Or perhaps I could suggest my personal favorite place in the city, the brothel? Fine women." He gave a quick glance towards Lynette. "And men, if that's your thing. Well, only if you're into lizards, that is."

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Seeming more than eager to agree to Myddrin's proposal, Glidias left the building almost immediately. After waiting through Vitus' little show of paying the bill, the group could finally leave. "Well then, we should go! I must say, I feel considerably lighter now." Rolling his eyes, Myddrin followed the Imperial outside, where Glidias was waiting for them.

    Vitus, acting excited, questioned Myddrin about their next stop. "So, where should we head next? I know of a few stores, which all sell fine armor and weapons if that's what you need." The pirate was surprised, it had been nearly an hour since Vitus had made any kind of overtly sexual reference of any kind. Perhaps the rich idiot was better than he seemed. "Or perhaps I could suggest my personal favorite place in the city, the brothel? Fine women." Or not.

    The Imperial continued, with a quick glance at Lynette. "And men, if that's your thing. Well, only if you're into lizards, that is." Myddrin held up a hand, attempting to stop Vitus before he could go any further. "Just take us somewhere we can pick up general supplies. I'd rather not go anywhere I know you've committed your... deeds."


    top kek
    "Just take us somewhere we can pick up general supplies. I'd rather not go anywhere I know you've committed your... deeds."

    "General supplies, eh? Well, there is one place. Geel's Goods, just down the street. I know his daughter quite well, so I should be welcome. Anyway, follow me."

    Vitus led the group down the street, passing a few buildings before arriving at the storefront. The building itself was nothing special, a small two story home with the first floor converted into a small store. Vitus pushed open the door, motioning for everyone to gather inside.

    Once everyone was inside, he informed them about the store. "It might look small, but he's got everything you need here. Hello, Geel. Having a nice day, I assume?"

    The Argonian man behind the counter showed clear disgust at Vitus, and said nothing in response to him. Vitus looked over to the stairs, where he saw the owner's daughter standing. He gave her a mischievous smile, which she returned with a blush.

    "Anyway, just get whatever you want. You should be able to find what you need here, but I know of a few other stores, just in case."

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    "General supplies, eh? Well, there is one place. Geel's Goods, just down the street. I know his daughter quite well, so I should be welcome. Anyway, follow me." Myddrin grimaced. He had a feeling that this Geel fellow wouldn't be quite as welcoming as Vitus made him sound. Gods, Vitus was hard to be around.

    They passed through the upper class district, leaving behind the luxurious penthouses and expensive establishments. After briefly passing through the somewhat dingy housing area, they found themselves back in the market district, still crowded as ever. Vitus led them down a sidestreet, eventually winding up in front of a small house, the first floor of which functioned as a general goods store.

    "It might look small," Said Vitus, leading them inside. "But he's got everything you need here. Hello, Geel. Having a nice day, I assume?" The Argonian behind the counter shot a disgusted look in Vitus' direction, but said nothing. Myddrin assumed the Imperial paid well. After flashing a quick smile at an Argonian girl, most likely Geel's daughter, Vitus turned to face them once more. "Anyway, just get whatever you want. You should be able to find what you need here, but I know of a few other stores, just in case."

    Myddrin looked around. The store certainly looked to have everything he needed. Walls were stocked with food, drink, clothes, and even a few weapons. More than enough for any future journeys. Grabbing a wicker basket, he began to stock up. Long lasting foods, bottles of mead, and a new spyglass were the first things he picked. Deciding it might please Lynette, he added a bottle of Firebrand wine to the basket as well. He also grabbed a few more shirts for himself, made of the finest Imperial silk. Finally, he grabbed a few throwing knives. Just in case.

    His own shopping nearly done, Myddrin looked around the store, observing the others as they looked through the items.

    Vixen Blackbriar

    Call Me Vix
    Lynette moved fluidly through the store, catching sight of a mirror. She moved over to it, gazing at her reflection as she did. She picked it up, moving a mesmerized hand through her hair as her reflection returned the gaze. It was an ordinary wooden hand mirror, old and nothing special, but the vision was what had Lynette mystified. She continued to admire herself, delight flashing and mirroring like a dance between twins, equally beautiful and equally enthralled by the other. A flash of a face, even more beautiful, and haunting, came across the twin as Lynette's reflection suddenly withered. Instead of the mirrored, golden woman she knew she was, her reflection was twisted and wrinkled, aged. She shrieked in terror, dropping the mirror and letting it shatter upon the floor. She turned to the rest of the group, very aware of what had just happened. Dibella had shown her the future. Her future. Something was very wrong. Lynette moved to the shattered pieces, picking up a piece and placing it in the folds of her dress.

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Myddrin watched Lynette admiring herself in a mirror. The woman certainly knew how beautiful she was. She ran her fingers through her hair, a gorgeous smile on her face, and then... A flash of something. Myddrin couldn't see what, and it was possible he had imagined it to begin with. Lynette screamed, dropping the mirror onto the floor, where it shattered.

    Lynette moved to the pieces, pawing through them. It looked like she was trying to pick them up. Not wanting the woman to get hurt, Myddrin placed his items on the nearby counter, and grabbed a broom that was propped up against the wall. Walking over, he quickly swept up the pieces of broken glass, making sure they were out of the way.

    "Are you alright?" Asked Myddrin, turning to face Lynette. "What happened?"

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Glidias had been probing the group for weaknesses almost since he met them. Beyond the obvious limitations of being less skilled in direct confrontation than Glidias, he didn't have much to go on. Lynette seemed to be everyone's weakness, except for maybe Vitus. He was amused when, admiring herself in a mirror, she suddenly shrieked and dropped the mirror.

    Glidias couldn't help but wonder what she'd seen, but he did know now that she had a weakness. It had something to do with what she saw in her reflection. Pondering it for a moment, Glidias put himself in the Diabellan's position. With all of that beauty and attitude, and her skills in combat, what was it that made her weak. And then it came to him. She feared she would lose her beauty. That didn't tell him much. So what if she feared losing her beauty? She was still quite young. She had quite a ways to go before she felt the effects of old age.

    Glidias suddenly lost his train of thought. Did she just try to clean up after herself? Glidias almost laughed. Fear seemed to bring out the best in her. But just for a moment, there had been genuine pity in his eyes. Myddrin, a bit more well thought out than Lynette, got a broom to clean it up with. He asked if she was alright, and what happened.

    Glidias thought the answers obvious. Currently, she was not alright. She was not herself. She would probably try to bed one of them today, or maybe hit the brothel if she was feeling like trying new things, in an attempt to get over it. As for what happened? Glidias assumed she'd seen her worsed fear in that mirror. And his closest guess was that she feared growing old, or otherwise losing her beauty.

    Glidias found himself wondering why he needed to know their weaknesses, their fears. Was it really that important to him? He wasn't planning on attacking any of them, at least not with the intent to kill, in the near future. He wasn't planning on betraying them. Their trust would be vital if they were going to survive, and he needed to trust them.

    But it was in his nature, in his very blood, to do such things. He was born, trained, and made for conflict. For fighting. He supposed that impaired his social skills. He'd have to work on that.


    Guess who's back...
    Malik sort of zoned out in the journey to the store, too deep in thought to really comprehend what was going on. Perhaps the reality of the dire situation he was in was just sinking in. He was a fugitive, a twice fugitive, in fact; running from several Hammerfell crime barons who wanted him very much dead, and running from crusaders seeking the death of a wanted Akaviri, who also wanted Malik very much dead. Things weren't looking up for him.

    Malik heard faint mumbles of conversation through his deep brooding. He heard Vitus' whiny voice mention something about stores and daughters and brothels, but nothing too detailed. He was shaken awake by the sound of glass shattering on impact with the ground, following a feminine squeal. The Redguard snapped out of his zombie-like trance and turned, like everyone else, to look at Lynette, the source of the shriek and subsequent shattering. She instantly tried to pick up the shards with her hands, but Myddrin helper her out by using a broom before Malik could.

    After he had swept the shrapnel, Myddrin asked if she was okay and what had happened to cause her such distress, again, before Malik could. He reminded himself to wake up, as he listened for Lynette's response, staring at her in a confused manner much like most of the shop's customers.

    Then Malik mentally froze. He remembered something, something long ago from his days in Hammerfell, a promise. He couldn't pass on this opportunity. He announced his sudden departure to whoever would listen;

    "plops, I've got something I need to do. I'll meet you at the ship if I don't see you elsewhere in town."

    Myddrin was the closest to him, so he took responsibility for the news
    . Malik weaved between the shop isles and rushed out, back into the time, moving in a combination of walking and jogging towards the slum-ends and the crime-nests of Thorn.

    Vixen Blackbriar

    Call Me Vix
    Lynette gathered the pieces of the mirror, looking to the store owner coldly.
    "I'll buy the mirror," she stated. She removed the pieces from under Myddrin's sweeping, using the skirt of her dress to carry the pieces. The shopkeep grunted, annoyed by the woman's rudeness and scare. Lynette didn't expect him to understand. She flew around, looking to Vitus briefly. "I expect you've got my tab."
    With that, she left the shop, heading in a beeline for the ship. The walk back alone allowed her time for much needed contemplation. Whatever that vision was, it was not a happy one. She opened the dress up, looking at the broken reflection. What would she be if she lost that? Who would she be if she lost her beauty? It was all, all she was. She took the mirror to her cot, stuffing it beneath the hammock-like bed as she moved back off the ship, dodging back towards the store. On her way, a red light caught her eye. The building it emanated from was dirty, brick-red colored, and quite a statement against the multitude of surrounding buildings. The door was large and black, ancient in appearance, with a freshly painted face much like an old woman wearing new makeup. In a word, the building was low. But something about it brought a wave of nostalgia over Lynette as she took in the awful smelling place. It smelled of sex. The sign, clicking perilously over the doorway, had a black painted woman lying on her back, along with the name of the infamous brothel. Smiling to herself, she glided over the steps, heading inside. The people within, men and women alike, turned to face her as she entered. Some stopped their consummation just to stare in awe. There wasn't much like her among the rooms. Many of the women had curled hair and heavy makeup, in contrast to Lynette's own golden and lightly made up face. Many of the men were shirtless or poorly clothed, of all shapes, ages, and sizes as the money and red lighting poured over their sweaty, mortal bodies in waves of effort. The red light had a distorting effect on Lynette's face, causing her to look nearly devilishly sexy, the silken material of her dress shifting and dancing in the darkened brothel. She moved through like she knew the place, heading to a staircase where she climbed over a pair of lovers, one of which who decided to mutter a "Wanna join, toots?" to her as she passed. She climbed to the end of the stairwell, coming to a long hallway of doors, the end of which was opened to a dark room. The room at the end of the hall her destination, Lynette stepped within, taking in the boarded windows and singular desk in its center. The large chair was turned away from the door, and Lynette stepped around to it, facing the woman in its seat. "Are you the madam here?"
    The woman, an aged Argonian, thick in accent and size, turned to face Lynette. She lifted a scaly finger, her hoarse voice annoyed with the stranger in her office.
    "'Course I am. Finest brothel in town," she stated. "My name is Macedin. Looking for work or play?"
    Lynette rolled her eyes. "Information."
    The woman got up from her seat, her face twisting into a sickening smile. She coughed from her throat, the sound of phlegm causing Lynette to cringe. "Information? That's always my favorite kind of visit."
    Lynette refused to return the smile as she eyed the woman. "I have two names, and I need everything you might possibly know."
    "How are you expecting to pay for that?"
    "I tend to trade evenly," Lynette noted carefully. "Two names. Everything you've got."
    The Argonian paced a moment. "Well this is an odd visit. Give me the names."
    "A pirate. Myddrin, he calls himself. And a self-proclaimed romantic. Vitus Liore."
    "What would you like to know first?" the woman countered, recognition at the names more than obvious. "I know quite a bit."
    "Start with Liore. I'd like to know where his money is coming from."


    International Man of Mystery
    Why Captain Lovilian had insisted on chasing the abomination while clad in shining gold armor was beyond Vilos Varyn. As the chief scout and de facto second-in-command, he'd felt it was his duty to warn the Captain that stalking a target in armor that glittered was, generally speaking, a bad idea. It hadn't been his duty to call Lovilian the paragon of bloody idiocy when the Captain ignored his advice, but it had certainly made Vilos feel better. Not that it particularly mattered. Lovilian was dead, along with seven of his men. Vilos' men, now. And then he'd received his orders from Lady Anora. Sabotage, she'd said. Stealth. Vilos had smiled, because those were his elements. And once he heard what, exactly, he was sabotaging, his smile disappeared.

    "What do you mean it won't burn? It's great hulking mass of floating wood! Just drop a torch on the damn thing!"

    His lieutenant, Casara, took a deep breath. "Yes, sir, but it's not that simple. Most of the wood is thick, sir. And damp, because, as you may have noticed, it's floating in water. Sir."

    Vilos gestured at the center of the ship. "What about the, the... thing? You know, the tall log going up and down."

    "The mast, sir?"

    "Yeah, that. The mast. Burn that. And those... white, billowy things. They look flammable."

    "Er, the sails?" She tried to keep the expression of exasperated disbelief off her face, but Vilos caught it before it disappeared.

    Frowning at Casara, he said, "Yeah. Those, burn them."

    "It won't do anything, sir. The rest of the ship won't catch, not until the hull does."

    "So how in the hells do we burn it?" Vilos tried not to shout, but he couldn't help it. He'd never felt at home on boats. It was the way they swayed, like the wood itself was drunk, constantly threatening to send its crew into the sea. And if there was one thing Vilos disliked more than boats, it was the sea; that vast abyss which swallowed men and spent eternity digesting them. Nevertheless, here he was, standing in the last place he wanted to be, 'sending a message'. He grimaced at the sheer stupidity of it all. Of course, what did he expect from an organization that thought subterfuge was a kind of instrument and subtlety meant charging from behind.

    Finally, one of the others managed to set the deck alight. Breathing a sigh of relief, Vilos ordered his disguised men away. They disembarked as fire spread through the ship, sprouting from the ports along the hull and licking at the sails. Once Vilos' feet touched solid ground, he turned and dropped a sheaf of leaflets in the dirt. On each one was a crude sketch of the abomination above the words:

    Glidias the Weredraco
    25,000 Septims
    Then, as a convenient gust of wind caught the leaflets and carried them through the city, Vilos faded into the gathering crowd.​

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Soon enough, with most of the shopping done, Glidias thought they'd finally be able to leave. But no. There was always something else they needed to buy. Something or other for some random damned scenario. Malik had left a few moments ago, and Lynette shortly after. Glidias had been suspicious, and considered following them since this shopping was so boring.

    Finally, not able to take anymore, Glidias snapped. "Preparing for the end of the world, are we?!" Glidias smelled smoke, very faintly, but he dismissed it. Whatever it was didn't concern them. Right now Glidias just wanted out of the damned store.

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    With Malik and Lynnette now both gone, it was just Myddrin, Glidias, and Vitus. The shopping trip seemed to have taken it's toll on the Akaviri. "Preparing for the end of the world, are we?!" He snapped, looking terribly uncomfortable.

    Deciding not to risk another outburst, Myddrin had Vitus pay for the supplies, and the three men walked outside, starting the trek back to the ship. It was now mid-afternoon, and the wind was picking up. As Vitus led them back out into the Market District, the streets were oddly empty. Only the odd straggler was walking about. "Wonder what all this is about?" He mused aloud.

    He received his answer just a few seconds later. A strong gust of wind blew through the city, carrying a small leaflet on it. Curious, Myddrin reached out and grabbed it as it flew past. There was crude sketch of a man, and underneath it were the words:
    Glidias the Weredraco
    25,000 Septims
    Myddrin turned to face Glidias, and handed him the leaflet. "It seems the Crusaders have caught up with us," He said, his brow furrowed. "But I have to ask, what in Oblivion is a-" He sniffed the air. A faint smell of smoke had been in the air, but he had assumed it was just a street vendor cooking a meal. But the scent had grown stronger, and there were no vendors to be seen. Following the scent, he turned his gaze towards the docks. A thick black funnel of smoke was rising over the rooftops, emanating from the ship's vicinity. "No!"
    He dashed through the streets, Glidias and Vitus right behind him. As they approached the docks, he was greeted with a terrible sight: The Scorpion, up in flames. It was nearly gone now, no way to save it. A very large crowd of people was gathered around the burning ship, many of them holding leaflets like the one Glidias still held in his hand.​
    "Yep," Myddrin said, bitterly. "They've definitely caught up with us."

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Glidias, finally on the way back to the ship, was disturbed when he was handed a bounty poster by Myddrin. It wouldn't have been so bad, if they hadn't identified him as a Weredraco. That would be tough to explain, and Glidias wondered how he should react, and how everyone else would react. "Indeed." He responded to Myddrin's deduction about the Crusaders. He was considering killing them and taking his chances on his own when Myddrin began to ask the question. What is a weredraco? How would he explain that.

    But something interrupted Myddrin mid-sentence, and Glidias suddenly realized the smell of smoke had been getting stronger. He looked up and saw "The Scorpion" burning, and shortly after heard Myddrin shouting a dramatic, "No!"

    There were others around the ship, all reading the fliers. Wonderful. Not only was the ship burning, but the civilian population might come after them at any moment. "Quickly, is there anything on that ship you desperately want to save?! If so, tell me where! Then we need to get out of here." That was Glidias's response to Myddrin confirming the worst. He'd had to shout to be heard above the commotion from the people and the fire at this point. Glidias could deal with his companions later. If they hadn't immediately turned on him, he supposed there was hope yet.

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Myddrin turned to look back at Glidias and Vitus. Glidias, acting in manner that suggested true herosim, shouted out to Myddrin over the roar of the fire and crowd. "Quickly, is there anything on that ship you desperately want to save?! If so, tell me where! Then we need to get out of here."

    He shook his head at the Akaviri, a look of remorse on his face. "There's no time. Everything on that ship can be replaced, and we have enough supplies. I know someone, Nix, he calls himself. A Dunmer forger who lives in the ruins of a city called Narsis, up in Morrowind. He used to work for the Imperial records office. We give him enough, he can change our records, spread false info. It'll be enough to throw the Crusaders off our trail for months, at least."

    The pirate looked towards the city. "First we have to round up the others! Let's go find them."

    Vixen Blackbriar

    Call Me Vix
    Lynette looked down at the body of the Argonian, now draped over the desk in a pool of blood. Lynette took the knife in her hand and wiped it on the Argonian's dress, depositing it in the front of her dress, finally smiling since the reflection had broken. Myddrin was untrustworthy, Vitus was a criminal, the woman had more than fulfilled her usefulness. Whatever Lynette had bargained with didn't matter, as the woman wouldn't be talking to anyone anytime soon. She left the room, shutting the door and exiting the brothel. The authorities, if they existed in the hole of city, wouldn't suspect much from a murdered madam. She moved down the hallway, past the movement and forms of fornication, and out into the streets, where her nose was immediately greeted with the smells of fire. She turned towards the smile, her eye catching a paper flying through the breeze. She lept from the stairs, snatching it and unfurling it.

    Glidias the Weredraco
    25,000 Septims

    Glidias the what? She looked at the word a moment, ignoring the burning smell and signs of smoke. Weredraco. Were as in were-wolf, draco as in dragon. Weredraco. Was that even a thing? She shook her head adamantly, refusing to believe there was any merit to the word, or the sketch. She then turned, seeing the billowing smoke eerily close by. Moving towards it, she began to find hordes of people crowding near the docks. As she moved closer, she found herself standing near the ship, now lighting the docks in a torrent of flame. Gasping back, she delved through the crowd towards the shop, hoping to find the others and combat the flames. She'd be damned if she were to spend one unnecessary minute in this hellhole. She grabbed hold of people in the crowd, using them like posts to launch herself forward, much to the dismay and anger of many within the group.
    "MYDDRIN!? VITUS!? MALIK!?" she shouted, wisely ignoring using Glidias' name as she searched through the people, noticing the frequency of leaflets.

    The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

    Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
    Staff member
    Glidias nodded. He would need these people's trust in the future, and the offer had been a calculated move to gain just that. The fire, the huge crowds, the smoke, all of it exhilarated him. This was his element, or at least felt like it. A game of cat and mouse, fire, destruction, chaos. Glidias was so distracted by these feelings, that he didn't stop to think if what he was about to say sounded weird. "I smell Lynette down there, among the crowd."

    Glidias was sure he'd be able to smell her from a miles off, the way her adaptive perfume thing stood out. The scent seemed like an act of mental warfare, the effect it had on him. As if on cue, she began shouting their names, and thankfully, didn't say 'Glidias'. "I don't know where Malik went. We don't have the time to search for him. It would be best if we trusted him to find us." Turning to Vitus, Glidias half shouted to be heard above the noise, "What about you? Are you coming with us still? Or have you lost your nerve?!" He challenged.


    top kek
    "What about you? Are you coming with us still? Or have you lost your nerve?!"

    Vitus stepped a bit closer to Glidias, in order to be heard easily over the crowd. "Of course I am! This is all very fun, so what would be the point in leaving?" Vitus grinned widely as the words left his mouth. "I suppose we should work on locating the others, then!" Vitus stepped back again, ready to follow Glidias.