Why are the loading time so long now?

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Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
That is very strange. I had something similar happened when I first uploaded the DLCs from Sony. I ended up having to completely delete the settings file for Skyrim and installing it then reuploading the DLCs. It actually sounds like you may have an issue with your software on the PS3. I've had to reset to factory a few times over the years and start over. I just make sure to save my games to a stick or an auxiliary drive before I do though (fortunately there's a USB on all of the PS3s).
Let me know how it goes if you decide to do that.

It is strange. Ive had skyrim for like 3 years and I've never had this problem before.I'll try and delete everything again and see if that fixes the problem.
It could also be the old copy. Mine is getting more and more glitchy so I'm going to pick up a new copy this weekend anyhow. Especially as I'm well over 5K hours at this point, I think my poor disc is just tired. :)

I deleted everything that had to do with skyrim again and it fixed the problem. I didn't know that could happen with game disks, or any disks for that matter.[/QUOTE]
Glad it worked. I don't know why it happens, but, when you play as many hours as I have, you run in to this sort of thing. Maybe it has something to do with corrupted scripting. Wouldn't surprise me. :)


lost somewhere
Follow this guide:

Then click the link in my signature and skip to Part V.
Follow that, and you'll be fine.