what's the best thing about the skyrim combat system?

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what do you think is the best thing about the skyrim combat system?

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well known member
Take my poll please everyone and let's chat about this.

I just love having an infinite way to gain more damage points,in my combatives,like bows and swords and etc.


I really enjoy archery. Skill archery shots to take out rabbits and birds etc.


Defiler of the Dead.
Smithing <3 makes my Claw of Hircine sword the best damn weapon anyone will see before it wipes them out.


I couldn't care less about Smithing. The whole Lets-See-How-Powerful-I-Can-Make-My Weapon-To-Make-The-Game-So-Easy-I-Instagib-Everything doesn't appeal to me.


Defiler of the Dead.
To each is own. I like it but it's not for everyone :D


Active Member
I like how it feels so physically realistic. It doesn't feel like my arrow is being auto-aimed and is just a graphic; my arrow requires real aim and it is a real physical object in the game world.


Thalmor 3rd Emissary
I like the magic improvement they made from Oblivion- they took out spell creation but I find how it works when using it better. The Master spells are beast.

I could not possibly disagree more, whilst I still always play a mage I'm hugely disappointed with most of the magic. Taking out spell creation was a massive mistake, the master level spells are useless they take 2 long to cast, enemies can stop you casting them, the magicka required is ridiculous and the damage is low, 150 for fire storm??! you could cast 20 incinerates before you managed to cast it.
Also destruction starts off perfectly but because the damage doesn't increase with your level, like one-handed/archery etc it becomes underpowered, the magicka costs are just ridiculous though, 1 dual cast incinerate is like 500 magicka.
It reaches the point where the only viable method is decreasing your destruction costs by 80%+.
I will say though that I am mainly a necromancer/conjurer and with the dlc's I think conjuration is still a very good school of magic, much more efficient than destruction.

sticky runes

Well-Known Member
Archery is a lot of fun in this game. I was a little disappointed with crossbows because they take out the need to hold down the R1 button. I started dawnguard with a character who was already in his 90s with archery, so I might try using a crossbow with somebody who has rubbish archery skills some time to see how it goes.

And magic offers a lot of versatility. Using different types of spells to deal with different enemies, depending on their distance and proximity to each other, etc. Only problem I have with my mage characters is a tend to fave too many spells and I forget which ones I wanted to try out, so it's still taking me a while to get the hang of it!


well known member
The most best thing about this game, is there are so many diffirent kill cam modes.
I love kill cam,whether I am using a bow or a sword to totally cut an enemies head off.

that's a great combat system, because your not just slicing enemies up with max amount of damage.
In other words you are flaming them to pieces with the kill cam affect,it's so frikkin awsome!!!!:D
I like all the options. You can build for one thing, a combo, or as much as you can pack in without ruining you focus. In the old games, you couldn't really do a Spell/Sword combo (Meaning one in each hand) effectively like you can in Skyrim. Of all the changes they made, in Combat, this is my favorite. If you get your 1 Handed, Block, and Destruction up, you can't do all 3 at once, but decide to go in with Spell/Sword, Sword&Board, Shield&Spell, or double up any of them (Except shields.)

I like the new Dual Wield too. Not as much for the Double Attacks, which are stompy, nor even the requisite Perks (Also Powerful) but the fact that it effectively gives you 10 distinct types of attack, depending on the situation. You can Critical Charge (with either hand), Power Attack (with either hand) regular attack, offhand attack, sidestep power attack (good to dodge a charge, and spinning backhand them when they pass you) and backstep Power Attack (Possibly with Paralysis!) With a Blades' Sword, and Skyforge Steel Waraxe, you can offhand Riposte' with the Sword for massive reach, then step in to hack them with Bleeding Damage while they're staggered while your Stamina recovers, Dual Power Attack for another Stagger, and finish them off with a Double Attack if you even have to! If you time it right (Before they close enough to hit you first) they don't even get a chance to counter, though for a variation, you can Critical Charge in first. (I love the offhand Blades' Sword backhand for this.)

Or, you can swap between a Bow, and Greatword (Or any of the 3 combos listed above) Or cast Duration spells, and wade in with weapons. Or summon a tank, and cover it with you bow. Or order your follower foreward... Yeah, that's another thing. If we can't do Coop, or Online PVP (yet) at least give us some friendlies to practice Mixed Unit tactics with! I love playing dressup with Eola, or Jenassa to make a Power Couple capable of taking Anything on between us!

There's all kinds of stuff in the Character generation system I love too. (Combat is my second favorite thing in Skyrim) but that's a subject for another thread...


Sweetroll Kleptomaniac
I like Skyrim because of it's realistic combat. As a lower level wearing Light Armour, it's hard to deal with power attacks since they can deal an enormous amount of damage and the armour does not absorb that much of the damage that has been dealt. You need a strategy before you can take out an enemy efficiently and without taking too much damage.

It's too bad that I didn't started with Light Armour in the beginning I started playing Skyrim as this would make combat a lot more interesting than fighting with Heavy Armour. Heavy Armour makes combat a lot easier and more dull since your armour reduces the amount of damage that you're taking.

Edit: I also like the perks that improve your combat performance. Dealing more damage when dual wielding or a higher chance of doing critical hits etc. It's great :)
I like Skyrim because of it's realistic combat. As a lower level wearing Light Armour, it's hard to deal with power attacks since they can deal an enormous amount of damage and the armour does not absorb that much of the damage that has been dealt. You need a strategy before you can take out an enemy efficiently and without taking too much damage.

It's too bad that I didn't started with Light Armour in the beginning I started playing Skyrim as this would make combat a lot more interesting than fighting with Heavy Armour. Heavy Armour makes combat a lot easier and more dull since your armour reduces the amount of damage that you're taking.

Edit: I also like the perks that improve your combat performance. Dealing more damage when dual wielding or a higher chance of doing critical hits etc. It's great :)
You can always re-start, there's no reason to play the game once, with one character, and assume you've done it all. I personally wouldn't characterise the Combat as "Realistic", not just because of the Magic, Dragons, Giants, and Trolls, but also due to some experience in real historical weapons, and fighting techniques. All right, I'm not old enough to have practical experience in a true historical melee, but I have played with Re-enacters, some of whom work professionally as Historians, Achaologists, and Paleotologists. I'm a spear-fighter, most of all, and realistically, even in a fantasy land, there really should be Spears. It's a long Rant I've done repeatedly on this forum, but the short answer is, in our entire history, and pre-history, more people have killed more people with Spears than any other weapon, probably by an order of magnitude.

Beyond that, in a real sword fight, the #1 advantage isn't Damage, or Speed, but Reach. It's in there, but the priority is inverted (Those three were in Order.) Also, there's no Body Hit Location. Armor Rating isn't realistic, in any way, especially when you have 1 Armor Rating for the entire body. If you wear just a Daedric Armor, and someone shoots you in the bare foot, it does just as much damage as if you shoot them in the center of the breast plate, or the Spike of Villainy sticking up over the shoulders. This is not realistic. There's lots more, oh so much more, but that's just a few simple obvious examples...


well known member
These are the basic combat procedures on skyrim.
armour no 1 pro...

2:Sheilds, or magical barriers or armour and etc..

3:not getting seen before you get a kill in combat, or eg "sneak kill"

4:your weapon, eg.../bow/sword/dagger.and melee attacks with bow and sword.

5: two handed weapons or magic combat.

6: bolts and crossbow melee attacks.

7:sword and bow critical and cam attack.

8: extra damage and so many different ways to obtain massive amounts of damage.

9:crafting and enchanting and alchemy-eg, placing poison in one's pockets for a sneaky pickpocket kill.

and not to forget backstab attack, assault and suppressing force kills..

infiltrate- sneak kills, like backstab and slit throat, and bash attack with sword.on your own situations.

assault-bash attack or critical dasarm bash with sheild. or shoot arrows and bolts by quick force.3 on 1 situations with follower.

full on unarmed punches.
suppress: when you are with an army, just go full on with whatever, but prepare to take hits.
and etc,etc....those are the many diffirent ways of combat in skyrim, anymore???
These are the basic combat procedures on skyrim.
armour no 1 pro...

2:Sheilds, or magical barriers or armour and etc..

3:not getting seen before you get a kill in combat, or eg "sneak kill"

4:your weapon, eg.../bow/sword/dagger.and melee attacks with bow and sword.

5: two handed weapons or magic combat.

6: bolts and crossbow melee attacks.

7:sword and bow critical and cam attack.

8: extra damage and so many different ways to obtain massive amounts of damage.

9:crafting and enchanting and alchemy-eg, placing poison in one's pockets for a sneaky pickpocket kill.

and not to forget backstab attack, assault and suppressing force kills..

infiltrate- sneak kills, like backstab and slit throat, and bash attack with sword.on your own situations.

assault-bash attack or critical dasarm bash with sheild. or shoot arrows and bolts by quick force.3 on 1 situations with follower.

full on unarmed punches.
suppress: when you are with an army, just go full on with whatever, but prepare to take hits.
and etc,etc....those are the many diffirent ways of combat in skyrim, anymore???
I don't even know what you're trying to say there? Those are your favorites? You exhaustive list of all the kinds of Combat? I don't even understand it enough to correct the grammar into something intelligible. What's your point? There's more different ways to go about Combat that can list in even one of my notoriously long posts. it would take a whole thread just to detail the ones I know, and I'm sure there's more...


well known member
I don't even know what you're trying to say there? Those are your favorites? You exhaustive list of all the kinds of Combat? I don't even understand it enough to correct the grammar into something intelligible. What's your point? There's more different ways to go about Combat that can list in even one of my notoriously long posts. it would take a whole thread just to detail the ones I know, and I'm sure there's more...
My point is... there may be more diffirent kinds of ways to fully kill an enemy whether it's by stealth or suppress.
I am just interested to hear other people's point of view on combat in skyrim.

So I made a list to show people hear, all the different kinds of ways to kill people on skyrim. and my main question about my list, that I made is....

How many more combatives can you count? the options are infinite, because you can kill anyone any way you want. So the reason why I made that list is to ask you guys about how many ways can YOU!!!yes YOU kill an enemy??give us a brief description detail. And that's why I wrote that list.:)forgive me for my punctuation, do you understand my point now?
My point is... there may be more diffirent kinds of ways to fully kill an enemy whether it's by stealth or suppress.
I am just interested to hear other people's point of view on combat in skyrim.

So I made a list to show people hear, all the different kinds of ways to kill people on skyrim. and my main question about my list, that I made is....

How many more combatives can you count? the options are infinite, because you can kill anyone any way you want. So the reason why I made that list is to ask you guys about how many ways can YOU!!!yes YOU kill an enemy??give us a brief description detail. And that's why I wrote that list.:)forgive me for my punctuation, do you understand my point now?
Yeah, sorry. I found it a bit unintelligible the first time. The short list is:
Archery, Weapons (1/2H pretty much the same theme except for scale) Destruction, Summons, Zombies/Furied Allies (I.E. NPCs turned Allies) Followers, Poison, Hand2Hand, Falling Damage if you can FRD them off a cliff. I guess you can Bash them to death, but even maxed out, it's not enough damage for a main tactic. It works better in combination with one of the others, but that's where it gets complicated.


well known member
Because it all depends on what class your into...

Whether you are an assassin?, you go for sneak kills, but is there much more to it???

Whether you are a theif?. You go for warrior kills still? But is there more to it then that?

If you are a warrior type , you go for all sorts of other armour builds like, crafting as in... enchanting, magical weapons,or magical protection, or magical damage in hundreds of diffirent ways to improve character combat.

The main question is.........what do you know if there is more ways to improve combat performance? what can you do? to combat an enemy and win the fight? That's my point.get it??


well known member
Yeah, sorry. I found it a bit unintelligible the first time. The short list is:
Archery, Weapons (1/2H pretty much the same theme except for scale) Destruction, Summons, Zombies/Furied Allies (I.E. NPCs turned Allies) Followers, Poison, Hand2Hand, Falling Damage if you can FRD them off a cliff. I guess you can Bash them to death, but even maxed out, it's not enough damage for a main tactic. It works better in combination with one of the others, but that's where it gets complicated.

And yes!!! again I did not know that what you just said!!!!! About a staff is another magical combat weapon!!!
amazing weapon because it has a charging affect, alike a enchanted weapon. But the only diffirence is, the weapon known as a staff makes impact like a wand. It does not make physical contact alike a magical weapon, where you have to slice people up.