What is going to happen to us console players when Online comes out?

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Lady Redpool the Unlifer

Pyro, Spirits Connoisseur, and Soulless Anarchist
Mir, I do apologize if it seems that I'm unreasonable or that we are ganging up on you, it's just a personal thing. I hate bunnies, but all comments or arguments made as such are intended to be in good fun.


Professional milk-drinker
Was going to post a sad face. But no. The bunnehs shall have REVENGE!


Lady Redpool the Unlifer

Pyro, Spirits Connoisseur, and Soulless Anarchist
Fine let them have their revenge, after all, it's you and dagmar comin after me. It shall be a moment of glory that I will hold dear for the remainder of my days, especially if I get to kill a few bunnies while I'm at it

Lady Redpool the Unlifer

Pyro, Spirits Connoisseur, and Soulless Anarchist
Arrangements have been made. Easter is coming so expect a visit very soon...


BRING IT!!!!!!! Where is my dagger, oh where is my dagger. :)

Lady Redpool the Unlifer

Pyro, Spirits Connoisseur, and Soulless Anarchist
The bunnehs stole it. >D
HAHA! Klepto bunnies!!! Little wabbits after my own heart. They I may consider let living, but due to the missing dagger I will have to resort to extreme measures to deal with the easter bunny.
Anyone wanna help make a dual nozzle flamethrower?

Lady Redpool the Unlifer

Pyro, Spirits Connoisseur, and Soulless Anarchist
The bunnehs stole it. >D
HAHA! Klepto bunnies!!! Little wabbits after my own heart. They I may consider let living, but due to the missing dagger I will have to resort to extreme measures to deal with the easter bunny.
Anyone wanna help make a dual nozzle flamethrower?


Smarty, I personally would recommend against doing that, while she may have pissed you off this time, she's usually right when it comes to things in game, and when she sets herself on a rampage in a thread, it's friggin hilarious. Not seeing her posts, would detract from your enjoyment of the forums as a whole.

Then again, that's my personal opinion.

I haven't been here for a long time, but all I've seen from her are rage filled post.

By the way, I wasn't angry, If I was I wouldn't be apologizing. In fact, I can safely say I haven't been angry for about seven years, but then, I almost killed somebody, so that kind of taught me a lesson about suppressing emotions.

EDIT: Bunnies are one of my favorite meals by the way.


Old Fart
In prognosticating issues like the one the OP posed, I like to follow the money.

I found the following unit sales numbers for Skyrim by platform (as of 3/9/13) on the site VGChartz.com. I make no claims about their accuracy, but they seem in the ballpark.

Xbox - 7.1 M
PS3 - 4.5 M
PC - 2.8 M

Given the roughly similar price for each platform, it seems pretty clear that giving up the console market would cost big dollars.

What this means, I'm not sure, but it's food for thought.

Adam Belmont

Active Member
The game companies profits much more with the consoles than with the PC. The game costs more in the console and it's less vulnerable to piracy. Maybe in the future they will launch TESO for X-Box and PS3 (or PS4). Unfortunately I'll not play TESO, Online games are too unhealthy to marriage!


Khajiit shadow walker
omg can you pc fanboys just take a break from console bashing for one day? this isn't a console vs pc thread.. why don't you take that billion dollar gaming computer and shove it up your rich arrogant ass! :rolleyes:
ikr, pc users say console gamers are immature but look at that lol


Active Member
Sorry about derailing this thread, once again. But in this contect, this is too funny not to post.
geez m8.. you don't quit.. you're like a dog with a frizby huh? lol why don't you take stupid on an online trolling spree else where, like youtube.. you pc nazis are infamous in the comments section, why not go pester them? ;)

Invader Vin

No, isn't the last, but no single player game has ever survived while another game in its series is an MMO.

Not entirely true...the Final Fantasy series has had a couple of it's games released as MMOs (11 and 14) and thus far the single player incarnations have continued. After 11 was released as an mmo, parts 12 and 13 returned to single player versions before going back to being an MMO for part 14.

As far as the online version of the Elder Scrolls goes, I don't believe it would have much impact on the single player games. Others here have pointed out some good reasons and sure enough, if the online version is successful then perhaps you might see a continuation of the series there, but Skyrim has proven so successful that we're sure to see single player releases in the future.


In prognosticating issues like the one the OP posed, I like to follow the money.

I found the following unit sales numbers for Skyrim by platform (as of 3/9/13) on the site VGChartz.com. I make no claims about their accuracy, but they seem in the ballpark.

Xbox - 7.1 M
PS3 - 4.5 M
PC - 2.8 M

Given the roughly similar price for each platform, it seems pretty clear that giving up the console market would cost big dollars.

What this means, I'm not sure, but it's food for thought.

Please do not read below if you may be easily offended. Otherwise, just simply highlight the text.

Here is a link that says different. I couldn't find the page those stats are from either. Sadly, I couldn't find raw numbers/graphs on google.
I don't where that site get their stats, but they are a a lot more PCs sold each year than they're could possibly be consoles. There's also very few accurate ways to measure how many PCs are sold each year with the specific intent of gaming, and even it they would be very costly (studies). Measuring how many gaming PCs are sold will do little justice since many are custom built. Measuring the number of high end video cards neither because of clusters. If you could post the specific link where you found this I would be very much interested in reading it.

Where is that spoiler thing when you need it?


geez m8.. you don't quit.. you're like a dog with a frizby huh? lol why don't you take stupid on an online trolling spree else where, like youtube.. you pc nazis are infamous in the comments section, why not go pester them? ;)

Oh sorry, did you miss the part were I was apologizing? Because that's clearly what trolls do. Read my posts carefully, did I expect this much controversy? I'm new to online forums in general, and I honestly thought my opinion would be respected instead of being made fun of. But then again the standard seems very low on these forums. So saying that people lack judgment for paying more for their console plus computer than buying a gaming pc to play same the same game makes me a pc nazi? Please don't bring up that argument about context, this is skyrimforums, and it's getting very childish.


lost somewhere
Not entirely true...the Final Fantasy series has had a couple of it's games released as MMOs (11 and 14) and thus far the single player incarnations have continued. After 11 was released as an mmo, parts 12 and 13 returned to single player versions before going back to being an MMO for part 14.

As far as the online version of the Elder Scrolls goes, I don't believe it would have much impact on the single player games. Others here have pointed out some good reasons and sure enough, if the online version is successful then perhaps you might see a continuation of the series there, but Skyrim has proven so successful that we're sure to see single player releases in the future.

That is actually good to know.
I never followed the FF series, and the people that I know don't follow that game series either.

Oh sorry, did you miss the part were I was apologizing? Because that's clearly what trolls do. Read my posts carefully, did I expect this much controversy? I'm new to online forums in general, and I honestly thought my opinion would be respected instead of being made fun of. But then again the standard seems very low on these forums. So saying that people lack judgment for paying more for their console plus computer than buying a gaming pc to play same the same game makes me a pc nazi? Please don't bring up that argument about context, this is skyrimforums, and it's getting very childish.

I bought my console a few years back, and built my computer within recent months, so how would that be a lack of jugement?
I spent about $400 for my Xbox 360 and $700 for my computer (including having to purchase the OS, and got lucky that it was around $60 at the time, even got Office 2013 Pro for $10, but that is all besides the point), and I don't think I would have had the patience or aptitude to build a computer those years ago when I purchased the Xbox.
Then there are the exclusives to both consoles that PC will never get (and there are exclusives to PC that consoles will never get).
I also see the consoles as a more social gaming platform than the PC, as it is very simple to communicate with people, and don't need any 3rd party software.

With my computer being a gaming system, I have actually been using my Xbox solely for its party system, and even purchased Dead Space 3 for it, despite having a computer that can run it quite well, and the main reason is to be able to enjoy it with friends, as not everyone can run a game on their computer.
Also, I purchased Dead Space 3 for 360 partially for the sake of having a complete series as I own DS1 and DS2 for the 360 as well.

My thoughts exactly. I don't want to even imagine what console online gaming is like.

It is far more social than PCs, as everyone can have a mic (it comes with the system), and (depending on the game) most people can communicate quite well with each other. There are the annoying little kids and immature adults out there, but that is true with every game on every system.


That is actually good to know.
I never followed the FF series, and the people that I know don't follow that game series either.

I bought my console a few years back, and built my computer within recent months, so how would that be a lack of jugement?
I spent about $400 for my Xbox 360 and $700 for my computer (including having to purchase the OS, and got lucky that it was around $60 at the time, even got Office 2013 Pro for $10, but that is all besides the point), and I don't think I would have had the patience or aptitude to build a computer those years ago when I purchased the Xbox.
Then there are the exclusives to both consoles that PC will never get (and there are exclusives to PC that consoles will never get).
I also see the consoles as a more social gaming platform than the PC, as it is very simple to communicate with people, and don't need any 3rd party software.

With my computer being a gaming system, I have actually been using my Xbox solely for its party system, and even purchased Dead Space 3 for it, despite having a computer that can run it quite well, and the main reason is to be able to enjoy it with friends, as not everyone can run a game on their computer.
Also, I purchased Dead Space 3 for 360 partially for the sake of having a complete series as I own DS1 and DS2 for the 360 as well.

It is far more social than PCs, as everyone can have a mic (it comes with the system), and (depending on the game) most people can communicate quite well with each other. There are the annoying little kids and immature adults out there, but that is true with every game on every system.

Obviously in this case, it is not a lack of judgment on your part.
Then it is much better than I thought, that's good.