Weird or Wonderful things Dragons have done?

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ChicN Freak

Chicken of the Third Reich
I was at my mates place a few days ago, and their was this Black Dragon cowering in the distance. My friend shot some lightning at it but it still decided to cower ._. After a great many spells, the dragon came down towards the ground behind a few large rocks. It then started convulsing and we figured it was eating something. My freind moved up steathily towards the rocks, having both a frost a lightning spell ready. The antincipation for an awesome kill had us racked. My friend prepared to leap and then jumped out from behind the rock! Only to see that the Dragon's body was glitching and a Giant has bashed it over the head :sadface: It would have been fine if there was only 1 Giant. BUT NO, there had to be 4. My friend lasted 3 seconds before it was all over... didn't even get the soul...


There's a skeleton of a dragon on the path to the College. So it's like blocking the entrance with the limbs and bones dangling and swaying to the inclement weather. It's funny in a morbid way; Faralda was like "Whatevs." as she passed by.


On the wonderful part.

A Dragon crashing and carving a path on the ground... it never gets old no matter how many times I see it.


New Member
So these three ancient dragons ambush me by solitude. I'm totally destroying with my mace and fire spell. while I'm trying to kill the second one the third one picks me up and throws me! When i land i lose most of my health, of coarse i used several healing potions. I went sprinting up to the dragon that threw me and bashed it over the head with my mace then continued with the last. after i absorbed all 3 dragon souls i got bored so i started messing around. I shot a firebolt spell at one of the dragon skeletons and to my surprise it went flying to who knows where! i fast traveled to dawnstar and the next thing i know a dragon skeleton falls from the sky into the water in front of me!