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    IOK's Token Brit
    Elsa nodded, a sad smiled crossing her face as her thoughts turned to Relyn. "Yes well...Relyn was peculiar about people. It was his dying wish for me to make an honest woman of myself you know. Part of the reason I'm sticking around really, one last trip before buying a house and...settling down." As she said the last few words her mouth seemed to fill with a bitter taste. "Still not sure if I'm the settling down type of course. I might just blow my inheritance on something ridiculously outlandish and gaudy. But, until then I'm joining Garrus and the others on some kind of quest over to High Rock...or Hammerfell...I admit I wasn't paying too much attention. I was a bit more focussed on the object Garrus is after. He's heard of this artefact that can supposedly raise the dead. So you know....it's something to do right?" Elsa shrugged lackadaisically and frowned slightly. The entire idea seemed outlandish, and considering how much Garrus had been drinking, she wouldn't be surprised if the entire trip turned out to be a fool's errand. But, it was something to do before she decided what she would spend the rest of her life doing.

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Eldric had succeeded in teaching Minette a basic fireball spell. Leaving her to her shopping, the young mage headed back to the Winking Skeever, eager to leave Solitude and resume his journey. He looked around the tavern as he walked inside. It seemed that everyone was awake and ready to leave. Everyone except Farthlion, that was. He was probably still hung over from the previous night.

    The Breton, Jadier was lying, bloodied and unconscious, on a bench. Eldric walked over, and recited a quick healing spell. Jadier's eyes fluttered open, and he groaned as his injuries mended themselves. "I'm not even going to ask what caused those injuries. Just be glad I'm here." Eldric left Jadier and moved on.

    He approached Garrus somewhat cautiously, not wanting to start another argument. "Excuse me, Garrus? I think... I think that we should leave. It's nearly midday, and if we're going to reach High Rock before tomorrow, we best leave now."


    top kek
    "Excuse me, Garrus? I think... I think that we should leave. It's nearly midday, and if we're going to reach High Rock before tomorrow, we best leave now."

    Garrus sighed tiredly and turned to face Eldric. He gazed at him with emotionless eyes that vibrantly showed his boredom.

    "Very well. I'll gather everyone currently present and set off. If someone is absent, too bad. I don't want someone who can't wait wake up in the morning to guard my back."

    Brushing past Eldric, Garrus proceeded to take position in the center of the tavern. He slowly reached for his flask and took a long swig, before capping it and placing it back on his hip. Clearing his throat, he called loudly out into the tavern.

    "All who reside in my group, prepare to quickly leave. We depart for High Rock in 5 minutes. If someone is absent, they shall be left behind. Once you are ready, gather with me outside."

    Garrus groaned as he dragged himself up the slope to the mountaintop. Once on top, he glanced around the large clearing around them. He thought back to the trip they had shared 2 years ago. At least he wouldn't have a vampire at his throat while they stayed on this mountaintop. Taking a look around, he could a few people were absent, namely Pilus and Farth. He disregarded this and called out to the few who were in attendance.​
    "All right people, let's set up for the night. Just so you know, I'm not cooking."
    Maneuvering to a edge of the clearing that was underneath a large tree, he began his slow task of setting up his sleeping pad. Once finished, he flopped down onto the makeshift bed and pulled out a old, tattered book. Daedric writing was written on the front, and with careful inspection, one could tell it was Sorex's old journal from many years ago.​


    International Man of Mystery
    "Wake up, boy."

    Something prodded Pilus insistently in the stomach. Groaning, he turned over, lazily swatting at the curious voice in a half-hearted attempt at resistance.


    Maybe, Pilus thought, if he started snoring, he could convince his body he was still aslee-

    Prod. "I said wake up. You can't shleep out here all day."


    "I know, I know," said the voice as Pilus' eyes fluttered open. "Trusht me, I know."

    Pilus gaze was greeted by the wrinkled face of his assailant. Or at least, the parts between the eyebrows and the nose. The rest of the old man's face was covered in snowy hair which sprouted magnificently from every orifice on his face. In fact, if degree of wisdom correlated to whiteness of hair and length of bear, Pilus knew with certainty that this man would be deemed the wisest in Skyrim and, possibly, all of Tamriel. As it was, the effect was somewhat offset by the man's roguish eyes and gummy smile.

    "There we go," the man said, pulling Pilus upright and helping onto one of the many crates haphazardly stacked in the alleyway. He pulled up a second crate and sat, his eyes fixed on Pilus.

    "Sho," said the man, his words garbled by a lack of teeth. "What're you doin' in my alley, boy?"

    Pilus considered the question. He didn't rightly know how he'd ended up snoring on the cobblestones. Something about... kidneys. Then the man's words caught up to him. "Your alley? You live here?"

    "Don't be shilly. I don't live here." The old man grinned. "I jusht vacation here. Gotta get away from the wife shomehow, right?"

    Pilus stared at the man incredulously, his mouth opening and closing.

    "Jarl Ingwar," said the man, holding out his hand. "Pleashed to meet you."

    "Jarl? You're the Jarl?"

    "No, no, not the Jarl, jusht a Jarl." Jarl sighed nostalgically. "Old pa, resht his soul, never did quite grashp social climbing." The smile faded. "Neither did the wife, for that matter. You have a young lady, boy?"

    Pilus shook his head. "Er, no. Not... not exactly."

    "Ah," said Jarl, nodding sagely. "A young lady has you, then?" When Pilus didn't respond, Jarl leaned over and gave him a sympathetic pat. "Don't give up hope. I'm sure that'sh nothing a good shave couldn't fix."

    "You think so?"

    "Here, you're a mage, right?" The old man tapped his nose slyly. "I know all about thoshe magic fingers."

    Pilus shifted uncomfortably at Jarl's saucy grin. "You can tell?"

    "My son was a mage, see? Took after hish mother. It's the robesh, they're a dead giveaway." Jarl's expression saddened. "Rather literally, in hish case." Pilus searched for a suitably sympathetic reply, but none came to mind. "People 'round here don't trusht mages," Jarl continued. "Damn foolsh, the lot of them. I said, I said you mages always know what you're doing, 'cause you have to go through yearsh of study, right?"

    "I-I suppose so." Pilus was flustered. Jarl seemed to have an unusual confidence in the wisdom of magic users.

    "Right. Mosht people, when a mage tellsh them what to do, get sushpicious. But not me. Not old Jarl! 'Cause I know you lot know what you're doing."

    Pilus stroked his beard thoughtfully. After some consideration, he quietly drew his surgical knife. "Er... that so?"

    Jarl nodded firmly. "Yes. Ye-"

    Blood spurt from the old man's neck as Pilus' knife punched through it.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

    Several hours later, as the sun drooped in the evening sky, Pilus walked under the stone gates of Solitude. It had taken several hours of persistent questioning but, after some deliberation on the matter, he'd finally managed to garner the direction Elsa and the others had gone.

    The wind howled as he trudged along the mountain road, past cliffs and over crags. If he listened, he could hear a single word echoing over and over in the deafening roar of the weather.


    Another man might have panicked, or searched wildly for the word's origin, but Pilus wasn't crazy. He knew it was just the voices.

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    "All right people, let's set up for the night. Just so you know, I'm not cooking."

    Eldric immediately began to set up a campfire. His years with the Skaal hadn't been for nothing, and his training was still as good as ever. He gathered some branches from a nearby bush, and laid them in a pile on the ground. He flicked his wrist, and the branches burst into flames. He muttered a quick incantation to prevent the flames from spreading, then retrieved some food from his bag and began to heat it up.

    The journey so far had been fairly uneventful. The most interesting thing was the bear that had been blocking their path. Of course, Garrus had killed it before Eldric could even attempt a peaceful resolution. The boy sighed as he took a bite out of his bread. Two days with Garrus had seemed like an eternity. He had no idea how he was going to deal with the man for so long. He wasn't very pleased with the way Garrus treated the rest of the group, either. He had wanted to leave more than anything, but he still felt that leaving Farth and Pilus behind was a bit cold. This journey's rules were going to take some getting used to.

    He gazed up at the night sky, and thought of his home on Solstheim. Right now, there was no place he'd rather be.


    IOK's Token Brit
    "All right people, let's set up for the night. Just so you know, I'm not cooking."

    Elsa couldn't help but smile at Garrus's foul mood. Kneeling down in the dirt she began to unpack a few things and started to set up a small fire. She had some kindling bound together in her pack that would do nicely, the thief taking a moment to whisper a few words into the wind as a small fire ball formed in her hand. Over the years she had learnt to control the small spell, the flames no longer flaring up randomly as they used to when she first discovered she had the ability to cast. Sending the ball of flame into the firewood she smiled and sat back on her heels as the warmth radiated outwards.

    Looking around she noted that they were missing Farth and Pilus, but she couldn't quite bring herself to show any concern. They were grown men, they could look after themselves just fine without her worrying after them. Setting a small kettle over the fire Elsa quietly set about getting something cooking. While Garrus refused she had no issues. Just like old times then. "If anyone needs food I have plenty to share around." Leaving the stew to heat Elsa unpacked her bedroll, her eyes briefly catching on the torn armour that she couldn't quite throw away just yet. She knew it was silly to be so attached to some leather work, but in her defence, the work of the Morrowind smiths was far more appealing to the eyes than the sturdy and no-nonsense work of the Skyrim smiths.

    The OP3RaT0R

    Call me Op. Or Smooth.
    It was evening when the group, minus Pilus and Farth, reached the mountaintop which would be the group's campsite for the night. Tacitus and Arana, who had kept their distance during the day's trek, each found a respective spot to unpack their things. Eldric had set to making a fire, Garrus was being less than agreeable, and Elsa cheerfully offered some food to the group, an offer that went unanswered. "Ah, memories," Tacitus said quietly, laying back on his bedroll and pulling out a bottle of mead. Arana had done the same on her own bedroll on the other side of the fire.


    Your favorite cajun
    "By the Nines...ugh..." Jadier, along with the other members of the group had reached what seemed like their next campsite. The young Breton had barely made it up, while what the mage had done to him had made his injuries less painful, they still hurt nonetheless. He pressed his hand to his forehead, relieved to see the wound was still closed. "That'll be the last time I sleep with a random merchant girl..." Of course, this hasn't been the first time he's said something along those lines.

    Jadier watched in amusement as the group leader, who's name had slipped the young Breton's mind yet again, pulled out a rather large book with odd symbols on it. He was about to ask what it was, but then remembered the cold steel knife the man had placed on his neck the first time Jadier tried pleasant conversation. "If anyone needs food I have plenty to share around." Jadier definitely had no problem taking her up on the offer, but he will wait just a little bit. I wonder if she has any juniper berries. Mmmm those things hit the spot. The Breton hit his stomach with his hand, but only to end up wincing and curling up on the ground. He let out a small yelp. "pl*ps. Forgot. The bastards broke my damn ribs." He slowly got up, brushed himself off, and slowly made his way to the campfire where he sat next to the mage with a grunt. "Thanks for...whatever you did to me in the tavern. It helped a lot."

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    "Thanks for...whatever you did to me in the tavern. It helped a lot."

    Eldric took a sip from his canteen. "No problem. It's what I'm here for. Well, that and the chance to heighten my skill in the mystic arts." He laughed. Jadier didn't. An awkward pause ensued. A minute or so later, Eldric spoke again. "Sorry I couldn't do more to heal you up, but it takes a lot of concentration to fully mend broken bones."

    He reached into his satchel, and fumbled around, looking for the correct vial. He pulled out a large red one with a wooden cork. "Ah, yes. This ought to do it." He handed it to Jadier. "Here. Drink the whole thing. It's strong enough to mend your wounds for good. And as a healer, I would like to remind you that getting into drunken brawls is typically inadvisable if you wish to remain healthy."


    Your favorite cajun
    "Here. Drink the whole thing. It's strong enough to mend your wounds for good. And as a healer, I would like to remind you that getting into drunken brawls is typically inadvisable if you wish to remain healthy."

    Jadier gave Eldric a puzzled look for a second. He then remembered nobody actually knew what had happened to him. "Uhh. Yeah, a 'drunken brawl'...yeah." The Breton stared at the oddly colored vial and took a sip, immediately dulling the pain in his ribs. He gave a relieved sigh and drank the rest. To his amusement, all pain in his ribs had subsided. "By the Divines this is amazing!" Jadier jumped to his feet and began to bend side to side, testing his healed ribs. "I think I'm beginning to like you, kid. Even though you use bigger words than I would care to understand.." Jadier clapped his hand on the mage's shoulder then returned to his seat. "So. Since you're the only one I've actually managed to hold a conversation with this entire time...tell me about yourself."

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    Eldric thought for a moment, then went ahead and told Jadier his story. The Breton was more... boisterous then he was used to, but at least he was treating him with some respect.

    "I was born the son of merchants. My mother and father sailed all over Tamriel, and I rarely saw them. When I was still quite young, they were killed in a storm. Orphaned, I lived off what little food was left at the family home on Solstheim. Eventually, I was found by a hunting group, who were from the tribe of the Skaal. They took me to their village, I was adopted by their shaman, and I recently left to find a teacher who could further my studies. I found Relyn, but... well... I'm fairly certain you heard about what happened." He paused. "Or saw, considering your penchant for barging in on things that don't concern you."

    The OP3RaT0R

    Call me Op. Or Smooth.
    "That'll be the last time I sleep with a random merchant girl..."

    "Ah, even more memories," Tacitus remarked to the bruised Breton who had taken a seat next to Eldric. "Oh, I'll bet," Arana thought. Thoughts of her past with Tacitus were quickly being soured in the Dunmer's mind, and already she was looking for a way to strike back at her ex; the Breton seemed a viable option. Tacitus certainly wouldn't like losing his love to essentially a younger self. The Breton would not mind the possible perks of being a spark of jealousy. "The perfect storm."


    Your favorite cajun
    "Or saw, considering your penchant for barging in on things that don't concern you."

    "Yeah...I tend to get myself involved in matters that I shouldn't get involved in..." He felt his ribs and returned his gaze to the young Nord. "Sorry to hear about your parents. At least you can live hoping your parents actually cared for you...And I didn't mean to barge in on what happened in the elf's house. I was just following the bard." Jadier gave a slight chuckle at the thought of how that could make a nice song; Following the Bard. He laid back, and looked up towards the sky, taking note of a shooting star that zipped by. "It must be cool being good at magic. Not getting all bloodied up. Just cast a few fireballs and that's the end of it."

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    "Just cast a few fireballs and that's the end of it."

    Eldric gave a Jadier a rather pitiful smile. "It's not that simple for me. I don't believe in killing, you see. It goes against my training as a Skaal mystic. That's why I study frost magic. It can be used in combat without killing for maiming my enemies." He spotted a torchbug flying near him.

    "Watch this." He waved his hand, and a small wave of frost passed by the bug, encasing it in ice. Eldric held out his hand, and caught it before it hit the ground. He showed the frozen bug to Jadier. As the Breton watched, the mage waved his hand, and ice vanished. The bug instantly took to the skies again, as if nothing had happened.


    Your favorite cajun
    Jadier watched as the mage simply froze a torchbug in mid-air, caught it, then defrosted it...completely restoring it to health. His eyes grew wide and his mouth opened up. "Man, that was really impressive." He watched as the torchbug flew away, like nothing even happened. "I guess I can respect your beliefs...I mean...how could I not? If you can do things like that, you probably would never have to kill."

    The Breton thought back to when he first came to Skyrim. He had been attacked by two bandits, who were completely inexperienced. Jadier fought them off rather easily. That was the first time he'd killed a human being. Before, it's just been deer, bears, and even a wereboar at one point with his father. "I myself have had my fair share of killing. Nothing major, just a few bandits every now and then. All in self-defense. At least that's how I cope with it."

    He returned to his seated position and looked at the mage in curiosity. "How long does it take to learn something like that? I mean, I'm not gonna want to learn myself, because I just enjoy my bow and blades... I'm just curious."

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    "How long does it take to learn something like that? I mean, I'm not gonna want to learn myself, because I just enjoy my bow and blades... I'm just curious."

    "Just for the freezing spell? It took me three years to master it. I've been training for eight." He sighed. "And at this rate, gods know how long it'll be before I'm finished. At least I'll be able to join the College in a few years." As with any Nord mage, his first choice for an education in spellcasting had always been the College of Winterhold. Unfortunately, they were strict about their age restrictions. No one under 18 was allowed inside.


    Your favorite cajun
    "Eight years? Three years just for that one spell? Damn. Yeah, the College might be your best bet. But hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere, right?" Jadier remembered the first time he had used a bow. His cousin had crafted it for him as a 5th birthday gift. It wasn't much, but as five-year-old, it was the most amazing thing ever. "So yeah, the College will be great for you, I'm sure. It'll really speed up your progress as a mage...so I've heard."


    IOK's Token Brit
    Elsa listened in on the conversation going on between Eldric and Jadier. The pair seemed decent enough. The breton seemed a bit arrogant even by her standards, and she hardly agreed with the apprentice's view of killing, but she figured it was good to have some young blood in the group. Better than just a few weathered and bitter travellers lumped together on a quest that may not have an end.

    Looking around the group she spotted Garrus reading a torn and battered looking book. A closer glance revealed it had familiar markings on the front cover. Even now Garrus was still poring over Sorex's journal? She had to admit, she had often wondered what Sorex had scribbled in those ageing papers, and she realised she had never even thought to ask Garrus what he could garner from the text. It had always seemed a private matter, a line Elsa was not willing to cross. She would leave it for now, there was still bad blood between her and Garrus and she was not in the mood to deal with him quite yet.

    Instead she filled two bowls full of stew and went to sit beside Tacitus, kicking the sole of his boot before placing a bowl beside him. "I mean, by all means just get drunk, but you are eating something. I'm not going to be the one dragging you up the mountains when you pass out from lack of food." She smiled at her old friend, before looking back to the rest of the group and sighing heavily. "This is dire. At least if we had Farth here he could sing a song and perhaps the mood would lift."

    Gentleman Adventurer

    A True Gentleman
    "So yeah, the College will be great for you, I'm sure. It'll really speed up your progress as a mage...so I've heard."

    Eldric nodded. "I certainly hope it will. With the way things have been going for me, it would be nice to find a stable environment." The boy reached into his satchel and retrieved another book. As the night progressed, he continued to read, ignoring the others. Eventually growing tired, Eldric put down his book and prepared his sleeping mat.

    It had been a tiring day, and things had not improved much in the way of morale. As he fell asleep, Eldric found himself wishing he had stayed in Solitude. He hoped the next day would be better.


    top kek
    Garrus flipped slowly through the pages of the journal, seemingly searching for something. Clearly not finding it, he shut the book with a small motion. Sliding it into his pack, he grabbed his flask and took a gulp from it. Once done, he slid that back in as well. Garrus looked around the clearing, seeing a few people already nodding off into sleep. Garrus saw no immediate reason to not follow as well. Leaning back, he got comfortable and found himself drifting off in a few minutes.

    As Garrus tightened the straps to his pack, the others went about gathering their things in preparation to leave for Jehenna. Sipping from his flask, he stood by the exit from the clearing. Ready to leave, he called out the others. "Once everyone is ready to set out for Jehanna, gather here. We'll leave soon, so don't forget anything."