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    Active Member
    Jt: Well, ignoring the cut, *Starts digging through his bag for a little bit, then pulls out a map* I say we head to whiterun. Very good place to rest up and gather supplies, being in the center of skyrim. Decent sales, but that doesn't mainly come until we get to Solitude, the least prejudice city in skyrim, but the most lustful, I don't know how long it has been since you have been to Solitude, but be careful. Mainly of try not to draw to much attention to yourself if someone rubs you the wrong way.

    As he was trying to figure out a wet map, an arrow whizzed by his face. He turned his head around to look at who shot the arrow, as he did he saw a man and a women were standing there. The woman,an altmer was wearing black robes, giving him the impression that she was a necromancer, the man, a wood elf, was using all elven gear.

    Circe elbowed Jt in the side of the ribs, quite hard, at least he found where the cut was. He turned back around to see a Redguard and a figure dressed in chitin armor, not sure of the man's race. The Redguard was wearing dragonplate armor and and dragonplate warhammer.

    Jt: Didn't I sell you those?

    RedG: Yes, now, would you please come with me.

    W.Elf: What about the girl.

    RedG: She is quite pretty, it would be a shame to let her die or to hand her in to Ulfric.

    Jt: Ulfric, I didn't think he was still mad about the whole dragon. Wishful thinking on my part.

    Alt: You should not have said that, now please, come with us, and no harm will befall you boy.

    Jt: Well, I would love to, but I don't want to get tortured, or die.

    RedG: Suit yourself, more fun for me.

    Circe got ready to take on the mage on the 2 elves, which left Jt with the two in front.

    Jt: So, redguard, want to make this a fair one on one fight?

    RedG: Gladly, I will beat you with the armor you sold me.

    Jt nodded and the other man stepped back. He took out his sword and put his hand on it. Sparks jumped out of his sword as he took his dagger out and got ready to fight the man with the big hammer.

    Jt: *So that mage was right, someone who bought my merchandise would try to kill me. Why couldn't it be someone who bought a basket or a sweetroll or something.

    [you do your end of the fight, I will do mine Daryl.]


    Keeper of the peace
    Wulf was running away from his own friends, friends who were trying to kill him because they were ordered to.

    Wulf was being framed for murder and sentenced to death by his friends who didn't know the truth about Melaran's death.

    He was running through trees and across streams to escape from the soldiers running after him, he was going to try and convince them he didn't kill Melaran, "Guys I didn't kill Melaran, he was dead when I found him!" he yelled, "We would like to believe you, but there was no other bodies and you had your sword drawn standing over him" one of them yelled back.

    After running through the trees for what seemed like hours he was nearing the city of Whiterun.


    The Legendary Conundrum
    They finally had been confronted, they had the advantage, but he was willing to let the target fight fairly. But who was the woman with him? He thought he noticed her eyes glowing. He took particular interest in this woman. He asked himself why would she be fighting? They were so certain she was just some sweetheart of this boy's. He backed up from the target.

    Cindur: Very well......I will respect your request.

    He decided he would watch this strange woman fight the other elves.

    Daryl Dixon

    Circes' instincts had betrayed her, she noticed too late. Before she had time to react an arrow whizzed by, she jabbed Jt in the sides with her elbow drawing his attention. He talked with a few people, they appeared to want to hand him into Ulfric. As they began t attack Circe got ready to defend Jt, but he requested a one on one. Two elves came to fight on Circe though. She flashed a smile, "You wouldn't hurt a woman would you " Circe innocently asked. She asked this and one of her assailants were a woman. Circe looked down, plotting every move in a matter of seconds within her mind. She looked up and her eyes gave a glowing flash as she smiled. She raised both hands and sent a fire bolt at the Altmer, she stumbled back as Circe drew her Ebony sword. The male wood elf had the bow, but he appeared to have an elven sword by his side too. They were much more armed than bandits, probably more skilled too. He had barely enough time to draw his sword before Circe was upon him, he deflected one by as Circe lashed out in a fury of strikes, he was about to meet his maker when the Altmer began throwing fire. As the fire hit Circe unexpectedly she hissed and her fangs were shown, she sent an ice spike into the wood elf and them raised her free hand (left) and put it on the wood elf's face. She lit up her hand with a spell. He began screaming in again as his face was being melted off, he dropped to his knees while dying with Circes hand still upon him. The high elf was watching in horror, The Altmer began sending more fire spells, burning Circes vampiric flesh but she kept running towards the Altmer. During the pain Circe couldn't slow down her speed, her sword pierced the high elf going through, and Circe lifted it and brang it crashing down. Circe went down with it. However, Circe did a quick roll to the side and stood back up. She flicked her sword a little and looked at the man standing back, she sheathed her sword while maintaining eye contact. She raised both of her enemies corpses up from the dead, and they stood on each side of her. Circe wasn't sure if this man was going to fight, but if he was she was ready to transform into a Vampire Lord. She looked over to see how Jt was doing, then back at the man.

    "This is all really fun but that was rather pathetic really." Circe began, "Tell Ulfric if he sends someone to kill my client again, I'll come kill him."


    Active Member
    Jt heard Circe getting ready to fight, and he stared at the Hulking man. The way closer, He was at least 1 foot taller then him.

    Jt: * This is starting to seem like a bad idea*

    The man swung straight down, aiming for a quick blow to his skull. Jt sidestepped left, then shot a bolt of lightning at the man. It hit him directly in the center of the chest, but the redguard didn't flinch. Jt rushed in, pulling out his dagger as he was going for him, and slid under the man and started to stab at his back, trying to find a chink in the armor, no such luck. The Hulking man stomped on Jt's foot. Trying to pry his foot out, the man turned and grabbed Jt with his left hand. He tossed him up in the air, just enough to get a good grip on his weapon and smack Jt in the guts, sending him flying. He hit a nearby tree, which resulted in a loud cracking sound. He dropped his sword and dagger, and he left his bow in his bag, which was now under him.

    The best fighter in the land, the redguard knew Jt did't stand a chance.

    RedG: I find it amusing that you tried to take me on. Tickling me with you magic, and itching my back for me with that dagger.

    Walking closer to Jt, he was mocking him and laughing at his failure of trying to take HIM on. He was a walking army, no one could touch him. He turned back at the boy laying at the base of the tree, taking of his helmet to let the boy see why not to really mess with him. Out from the merchant's hand, a bolt of lightning struck his face. Screaming out of agony, the hopped on his feet and kicked him down, holding him there with a branch.

    Jt: Take off the armor or die.

    Fearing for his life, the redguard took of his armor. He handed his weapon to and armor to him, in which in this time, Jt took out his bow and arrows, as well as notching an arrow.

    Jt: Please tell Ulfric that I am sorry for the dragons, and handing the Imperials some information that they probably should not have had at the time.

    The redguard nodded and took of running. He looked up and saw the man in the strange armor getting ready to shoot a fireball at Jt. Right before releasing the spell, he turned around and threw it at Circe.


    The Legendary Conundrum
    Impressive, he thought this woman had single handily kiled their party. She was more vulnerable to fire he noted. He watched her body react more violently then most people. He knew then what she was.....avampire.... He silently laughed at himself. He knew he had seen her eyes glowing earlier in town. He also laughed at the others' stupid greed. However he would not be so prideful. He wanted to watch this vampire try to fight him though. If she got to close he would put a cloak of fire around himself. They also wouldn't escape even if he fell. He had placed many fire runes in the surrounding area. He noticed her watching him.
    Cindur: Come at me girly, you won't even get close enough to harm me.
    He was an master pyro.....he knew all the spells.....save one.......A legendary spell. That was said to erupt all nearby volcanos. And cover the area in ash.
    His reflexes were stupendous. His speed inhuman. as well as his strength. This Vampire never knew true survival. She only knew how to hide. And there was nowhere to hide here. Then he began to wonder what the chances were that she were a Vampire Lord. A fearsome creature capable of killing almost anything. But he diminished the thought because he had never encountered any. He had killed many vampires. Not one a Lord. He prepared a spell behind his back for when she charged. If she charged..... He also noticed that the target had one the duel. He wasn't worried. He just turned to face them. And without hesitation, he started rapidly throwing fireballs at the vampire but also keeping contact with the boy. As he threw the fireballs. He also conjured a cloak of flame to shield him from attacks.

    Daryl Dixon

    OOC: I don't know if you're wearing a helmet or not so I improvised with knowing your race. Also, I tried to imply Circe is a daughter of cold harbor (however its spelt, like Serana) :p

    Ps: I don't know how to end this fight without us dying so I just threw you away and you can think, I didn't want to control the fight too much.

    "Come at me girly, you won't even get close enough to harm me." the man said, she recognized the voice as Dunmer. She was well aware of their ability to cloak themselves on fire and not be harmed, as well as their resistance. The man began throwing fire spells, "What's with everyone's obsession for fire?" she thought to herself. Her minions shielded her as she began to transform, she felt every cell in her body change and transform. Magic took over. There was a loud noise as she finally burst into her new form. Unlike the werewolf, Vampires are always in control of their transformations. By the time the transformation was over her minions were demolished, this didn't worry Circe. Using vampiric grip she lifted her attacker helpless, his struggle was greater than most. It took more magicka to hold him there, she threw him instantly. He was thrown against a tree, he got up.

    Circe was ready.


    The Legendary Conundrum
    [He is wearing he Chitin armor so he is fully covered but yes you could recognize the Dunmer voice]
    He was surprised. She was indeed a vampire lord....He got careless. He, The greatest Pyro ever.
    Cindur: Ok you win.......I surrender. I don't suppose you have a count of mercy. I will reveal the location of my pay that I would receive and you could take it. As a token for sparing my life. Who knows maybe I can be of more use to you two.
    It is up to you.........

    Daryl Dixon

    Circe listened to the mortal beg for his life, he offered pay. She transformed back, wearing the same as she was before. She walked over professionally, and went to drain the life from him with a bite. She had even opened her mouth wide showing her fangs. It was clear what she was going to do. Jt, however, had other ideas.

    "Fine, I will spare you. But only at the mercy of my employer. Consider yourself the lucky one. Maybe you should reconsider being in the service of Ulfric. Look at how he treats your kind? You know that if he ever came to power your kind would be purified from this land, cast out. You are stupid, you are prey." Circe knew this man would have proven a challenge, he seemed to be a very proficient fire user. Her boasting was probably a bit much, but she enjoyed doing it. She waited for more response from Jt and this elf.


    Active Member
    Jt was watching this display of mages that have mastered the arcane arts. He stared at Circe with a stern look, not wanting to let the man die unlike the people she already fought. He walked over and took off his helmet.

    Jt: I don't want anything from you, we will deliver you to whiterun, then, you can do what you want. Go back and be Ulfric's lacky, I don't care, but if you attack me again, I swear to whatever god you worship, you will join them in their hell. Got it.

    The dark elf stared at the nord with emotionless eyes, he simply nodded.

    Jt: Good, Circe, strip him of his armor and and other belongings. Tying him up might not be the best idea to do to a dark elf, but I am sure you can come up with something.

    She nodded and started taking his armor off. Jt, though, went to grab his sword and dagger. He turned around and saw that she had completed her task, he walked over and knocked him out.

    Jt: Let's go.

    After traveling for several days, they made it to whiterun. The got to the edge of the stables when Jt noticed a familiar looking set of tents.

    Jt: You guys go in for a second, I am going to talk to the Khajiit. They make very helpful points of who is in town and what to expect to by and sell. Oh, and before you guys go in.

    Jt opened his personal bag and pulled out a ragged pair of pants and the red cloak. He then threw it to the dark elf.

    Jt: You might want these. I also want the cloak back. Show Circe where the money is, then your done. Circe, When you get the money, give some to him to get a different shirt, I want the cloak back.

    Circe: Ok, if you insist.

    They went on their way as Jt walked to the Camp. A Grey fured khajiit was sitting in one of the tents.

    Jt: Hey there.

    Khajiit: hello there.

    Jt waited till they were out of earshot, taking a look back to make sure that no vampire was listening in on him.

    Jt: Hello uncle, how are you guys.

    Kha: Good, and to you.

    Jt: I am fine. Find any useful information.

    Kha: Ri'saad was not able to find any important information, Ri'saad is not pleased with his results.

    Jt: It's ok, you tried. So, any news in town.

    Ri: Yes, Ri'saad has noticed a hefty amount of nobles in town.

    Jt: I have some fine clothes, but not much jewelry.

    Ri: Do not worry, Ri'saad has seen an Argonian with some fine crafted jewels with him, maybe you can get him to cough some up, for the right price.

    Jt: Maybe . . .

    Ri: So, what about the girl, or the dark elf.

    Jt: How did you know?

    Ri: Ri'saad has an apprentice that saw you three talking. Also, Ri'saaad never forgets the cloak he made to his favorite nephew.

    Jt:*Tells him the story so far, quietly so no one else can here* That is pretty much it.

    Ri: *chuckles* How amusing, soon, Ri'saad will have a daughter in law.

    Jt: What, no . . .

    Ri: You act so much like your father Jt, your birth father. He was so much like this when he met your mother, but Ri'saad teases. Though do be careful.

    Jt: Why?

    Ri: Ri'saad's apprentice saw Silverhand, as well as members from dawnguard. There has been rumors that a vampire from the second era in High rock as come to skyrim, and these men are looking for them. Ri'saad encourages you to be careful Jt.

    Jt: Alright, I will be careful, goodbye uncle.

    Ri: Goodbye, and good luck, my nephew.

    Jt Headed back into the city to see if he could find this Argonian and Circe.


    Active Member
    It had been a fairly ordinary morning for Gah-Jular. He had met with the Khajiit caravan outside of the city in the early hours before the market opened, purchasing pelts and furs for the day ahead. He did not buy too much, he feared they would take the attention away from his hand-crafted jewelry and home-mixed potions. He opened his stand at 8:30, as he did every morning, calling out to random passers trying to entice them in to look at his goods. He was usually successful. By 2 in the afternoon he had made nine sales, but much to his disappointment only four involved his own handiwork. It was around the hour of 3 that he noticed something strange. As he attempted to tempt an elderly woman into buying herself a new silver ruby ring, he saw over her shoulder the great gates of Whiterun open. A Dark Elf stumbled through, pushed along by a hooded woman. The Dunmer man wore tattered trousers and a cloak. The woman wore a short cloak, and her face was mostly concealed by a deep black hood. The woman stopped him and uttered something, too quiet and distant for the Argonian to pick up. He muttered something in return and pointed in the direction of the Wind District, and so off they went. Curious as he was, Gah-Jular had to stay where he was and finish his sale. As he finished, receiving the 80 septims he charged for the ring, the grand wooden gates opened again, and a tall Nord, shouldering two large bags, wandered into the city. He looked as if he had caught sight of something, off in the direction the Dunmer man and the strange woman had headed, and hurried off in that direction. It was one of the most peculiar things he had seen all week. First the Dawnguard strolls into town, then the Silver Hand, and then this? Gah-Jular stood, thinking, confused and curious as to what may be happening. He was most worried about if it would affect his trading. Whilst the Argonian was daydreaming, the Nord had come back, and as the craftsman returned to reality he found a tall Nord standing on the other side of his stool, his mouth already open to speak.

    Daryl Dixon

    Jt ordered Circe to strip the Dunmer of his armour "Kinky" is all she said, jokingly. After Jt knocked him out Circe asked for Jts bag, he was reluctant at first but handed it to her. "Did ya have to knock him out? Now I've got to carry him." She pulled out some copper wire, "here we are, nothing he can chew through. And if he heats it up its only going to hurt him" she tied him up and led him along following Jts lead. She had to carry him most of the way, but when he woke up she dropped him. When they arrived, Circe was told to find the money and give a few septims for the elf's new shirt. When they were out of hearing range of Jt she remarked "He'll be getting the cloak back, but you can be shirtless for trying to kill me." As they entered the city Circe felt a knot tighten in her stomach, "oh pl*ps Circe said, the Dawnguard were here. "Where's the dead drop?" Circe asked the Dunmer. "This way." He said, pointing toward the wind district. "You so much as call out to the Dawnguard and I will destroy you, do you understand? " She threatened as they walked along. They retrieved the money, and Circe contemplated killing the elf here and now and telling Jt he's gone. "Jt is stupid for wanting to let him go," she thought "he will only come back for revenge and be more prepared next time. He could get the help of the Dawnguard." While the Dunmer was looking the other way, she opened her mouth and went in for a bite. She then saw Jt in the distance, he had spotted her attempting to do it. "Ah, damn." She thought to herself. When Jt got closer she said "Here's the pay, I expect a cut. Also, the Dawnguard are here! I'm going to find out why, bye!" And with that she went invisible, not letting him speak. She didn't let him speak due to him probably scolding her for trying to kill the elf, she hoped he wouldn't tell the Elf about it.

    She appeared around the market district, she hadn't been to Whiterun in a very long time. She approached an Argonian at a stall to blend in, she kept her head down and her hands on the counter. "Do you know why the Dawnguard are here?" Is all she asked. The Argonian didn't, much to Circes disappointment. If he did, he wasn't telling her. Not wanting to draw too much attention to the subject she purchased an amulet with a red jewel and gold chain and moved on. It was a little pricey but she had used her own money. "There's imperials outside, there's Vampire and werewolf hunters here alike, not to mention the vampire lord, The pyro and the merchant who lets dangerous pyros live. She was walking into the Tavern when someone called out to her, she cursed under her breath. She kept walking and made it into the Tavern, she just walked through and was about to open a door toward the back when she heard voices inside. One sounded like an Orc, the other was one of the human races. "We aren't going to kill the companions for you, they're good people. We're here to kill an ancient and powerful vampire, if you're not going to help I'm done talking." The Orc said, the door began to open and Circe would have been revealed but it closed shut. "Wait wait, we'll help. Just give us details." The other man said. "Here's a book with all the information we have on her, we have reason to believe she's a daughter of coldharbour. If this is true, you cannot take her on alone. We're securing city by city but it's going to take a while, they aren't too keen on having us in their affairs. You should keep a presence in Markarth, I suspect they'll welcome you there." Circe crept upstairs and watched the man leave, she thought about tailing him but she had to know what was in that book. She walked into the room, and shut the door. She sat on the chair next to the mans. "Excuse me, I need privacy." He said in a disgruntled voice. "So do I." She said, referring to the book. Before he had time to react she bit into him, draining his very essence. She continued until he was dead, making sure he wouldn't come back a vampire lord. She slit his throat just to be sure. She opened the book, flicked a few pages. It horrified her. "No..no no no..." She was saying to herself, it showed the clan, the parents, the siblings, the locations of interest. Most of her past life is in here, the daedric lords she helped. She took the book and walked out, opening it just enough to get out and closing it immediately. She left the tavern and was greeted by a swords being drawn at a woman. "I saw you watching me as I left the tavern, you filthy vampire." Circe almost giggled, the woman they had at sword point was Saadia. In the book it said I was Nord, what are they doing?" She thought. There was a scream and the tavern owner came rushing out, "someone's been killed!" She yelled out. One kept Saadia at sword point and a few other ran past Circe and into the tavern, as they were running the book was knocked from her grasp. The Orc holding Saadia noticed the book on the ground, and saw Circe pick it up. "Wait a minute," he started, "where'd you get that!"

    Circe went invisible, and she ran.


    Active Member
    There was definitely something odd going on in Whiterun. As Gah-Jular stood surveying the market square, looking for someone to sell to, the strange cloaked woman he had seen earlier scurrying off with the Dunmer came storming back to the square.The Dawnguard had gathered on the opposite side of the square, just outside the Bannered Mare. The woman came forward, planting her hands palms-down on the desk. She kept her head down, preventing him from seeing anything above her lips. She had a strange air about her, and the Argonian recognized the all-too familiar stenches of death and blood. She uttered a single question, in a voice that was harsh and brittle. "Do you know why the Dawnguard are here?" She practically spat the word "Dawnguard". Slightly unnerved and unsure of what she expected as an answer, Gah-Jular simply said "No, I'm afraid not, but information like that can normally be obtained from someone in the Bannered Mare, or if you have some influence in the city, the Jarl's steward. However, what I do know about is jewelry, and I can see that someone as beautiful as yourself must be in the market for only the finest." The woman, still facing down, raised her head slightly, but still no so that her face was in view. She decided on a wonderful Ruby and Garnet gold necklace. He recalled crafting it, just two days ago, using Adrianne's forge by the gates. He charged 400 septims, maybe slightly overpriced, but he had expenses to cover. She took it and moved on swiftly in the direction of the Bannered Mare, dumping a plump bag of coins on the stool.

    Towards the end of the day, Gah-Jular liked to look at his remaining stock and think of its other uses. He could turn the remaining wolf pelts into leather, and make some nice clothes and armor. The furs could be used again tomorrow, as could the jewelry. Potions he tended to flog to the Khajiit Caravan in exchange for more firs, or the same value of ingredients. As he gathered his things, he heard shouting. An Orc, and two other men outside the tavern. The Orc turned away, but was stopped as one of the men handed him a book. The other stayed completely silent. The Orc entered the Bannered Mare. Gah-Jular stuffed the furs and pelts into a bag, and flung it over his shoulder. He put the jewelry in a box with a handle for one hand, and the potions and elixirs into a rack to be carried in the other hand. He stepped slowly around his stand, being careful of the potions. His moist scales meant he had to be extra careful not to drop anything. He was stopped in his tracks as he heard more shouting. He looked across the square. A woman was being held at sword point. Gah-Jular tended not to learn names. Names meant attachment. Attachment always lead to trouble in his history. Now he saw the cloaked woman exit the tavern, and he though he saw a sickly grin break out across he ghostly pale face. Screams followed her out the door, the shout "Someone's been killed!" Gah-Jular dropped the potions, several of them smashed on the floor, as his now free hand went straight to his dagger. The Orc confronted the woman, shouting something. The book fell to the floor, and the woman disappeared. Gah-Jular gathered what was left of his potions and headed towards the Bannered Mare. From what he could see, He'd be sleeping under his furs on a bench under the Gildergreen tonight.


    Active Member
    Jt sent the dark elf on his way, after getting his cloak back, and decided to go check out the Argonian. He was close to him, when suddenly . . .

    Woman: Someone's been killed!

    The Lizard ran toward the tavern, leaving Jt alone and annoyed. He faced palmed and decided to head toward the edge of town.

    Jt: *Quietly to himself* Call me childish, treat me like a kid, at least I am not wanted in an entire town.

    He stops for a sec and thinks of windhelm.

    Jt: Never mind, I am.

    As he was walking, he bumped into a man in studded armor with a war ax.

    Man: Excuse me boy, are you lost.

    Jt: I am not a boy.

    Man: Of course your not, how could you be a boy and a traitor.

    Jt: What?

    Man: Yes, no boy would deliver a letter right to the Imperials that was suppose to go to Ulfric, giving away vital information that was used to destroy several stormcloak squads.

    The man took his weapon and put it right by Jt's neck then shoving Jt up against a building.

    Jt: You won't kill me, there was already one death here. Besides, they would know if it was you, your the only one here.

    Man: True, but, if you leave town, you are open game, just like bears, wolves . . . Or even cats.

    Jt put his hand up to the man's face.

    Jt: Don't touch them.

    The man laughed while he let Jt down and walked away. he quickly got his bag out and pulled out a book, which was in it's own pocket in his bag.

    Jt: Let's see here, Riften, Winterhold, Solitude, here, whiterun. 2 families, ya da da da da, Battle born and gray mane's, ya da da da da, gray mane's are loyal to Ulfric. Well crap.

    He put the book back in the pocket, and continued toward the gate's.

    Jt: First thing's first, is my favorite little undead bodyguard a wanted criminal. She is just like me, wanted in a hold. Children grow up so fast.


    The Legendary Conundrum
    He wasn't going anywhere without his armor. He was going to get his armor back one way or the other. Even if he had to burn down the whole town
    Cindur: Give me back my armor..Or you will not leave this town alive. I just want my armor back. You've already taken most of the gold I needed......At least give me my armor back.

    Daryl Dixon

    OOC: We can't leave whiterun just yet, I need to include Wulf. I know Kyzie in person so when I overly control his character he's given me permission.

    Circe ran, clutching the book to her chest. She saw Jt get threatened, she was running in their direction and halted behind the man. She opened her mouth yet again, brang her fangs inches from his neck when the man let Jt go and walked off. "EVERY TIME" Circe yelled, this startled Jt. The man paid no notice. Circe grabbed Jt by the shirt and dragged him around a corner, a little rough. "Listen Jt, we need to leave." Jt already knew abut the commotion as it would seem, "Would you like me to kill that guy?" Circe asked, gesturing to the man who had threatened Jt. Jt refused and gave his reasons, to which Circe replied "You're no fun at all."

    "Take this book," Circe said "Guard it as I have guarded you." Jt asked why, to which Circe said "It has a lot of information on me, Albeit some of it is inaccurate, it is important I know what they know. I will share it with you when I am ready so please, don't read it just yet. I'm trusting you Jt." and with that she left. She was walking up and around the buildings looking for the Dunmer, to which she succeeded. Before she could approach him she was approached by a man in imperial armor. He put his hand on her shoulder and spun her around, she lifted him up and slammed him into the side of the building. "You're the one they're looking for" he said cooly. "why are you following me?" She asked angrily. "If you help me escape I will help you." he offered. "I need no mortals help." She sneered at the man. She put him down, and heard what he had to say. "My names Wulf, the imperials think I killed my best friend. They're waiting for me-" "Cut the crap" Circe rudely interrupted . "I need your help getting me past the imperial soldiers outside." He said, he seemed annoyed that he had to ask her for help. "Im not exactly a free woman myself" she muttered. "Alright, I'll create a distraction and you run out in the confusion. Meet me and my group at the watchtower." Circe commanded, she headed over to Jt again. Dark elf found, there was a charred corpse near the gate. Jt appeared to be in no threat, so as the dark elf was talking to him she pulled out a small piece of crumpled up paper and began scribbling on it. She threw it at Jt, it bounced off his chest but he caught it. The note said "Jt, I have sent a man to the watchtower. I am going to create a huge distraction to get out of this mess. You are not wanted, stay as long as you wish but be there by dawn. -Circe" the note was scribbled hastily, but readable. Circe transformed once more, and fought her way out. 9 dawnguard had died before she escaped to the watchtower.


    Active Member
    Gah-Jular was leaving the Drunken Huntsman, his salmon dinner in a bag in his right hand. From what he could hear inside the shop, things had been settling down a bit in the city. As the door banged shut behind him, the Argonian headed for Arcadia'a Cauldron. He was well aware of the Imperial presence outside the city walls, and after the day he'd had he didn't want the hassle. This meant that if he was going to sell off his potions and stock up on ingredients, it would have to be there. He had just ambled his way over, but when he reached out for the door he heard a large thud to his left. He didn't look, but out of the corner of his eyes he could see someone, a man, pressing an ax up to someone's throat. "Great," he thought to himself, "just nothing can be normal today, can it?"

    Arcadia seemed please to see him, which was definitely odd. She happily bought his remaining stock and used it to fill an empty shelf. He took her money and put it in a pouch on his belt. He left the shop, edging back towards the Gildergreen, taking note of everything and everyone. "Maybe it'll all be better in the morning?" he though hopefully. He sat down on a bench, diving into his bag of fish and taking some salt from his other. As he coated the salmon is salt and peppered it with nirnroot, ready to be cooked, everything kicked off again. First shouting, loud noise, weapons being drawn... and a roar. Startled, Gah-Jular wheeled round to see what was causing the uproar. He could not believe his eyes. There, in the middle of Whiterun's market district, a mighty Vampire Lord floated about a foot from the ground. The Dawnguard rushed in, ready to bring it down, but she grabbed one in one hand, hurling him back towards the gates, where landed near another charred corpse. "Must've missed that one," he said to himself quietly. The Argonian watched as it powered its way towards the gate. Imperials rushed in, but could not get around the doomed vampire hunters, swarming around what was to become their killer. It was a massacre. Nine Dawnguard killed, and a whole detachment of 'fine' Imperial soldiers terrified into fleeing.

    Gah-Jular knew what this meant. Investigations. Guards. There was no way he would get to Ri'saad at the caravan without being stopped and questioned. "Thanks, that helps. Stupid vampire." He noticed others. A black-haired Imperial, in legion armor but with no other legionnaires, made his way out of the gates as well. There was no way he would be able to stock up for tomorrow now. Unless he went now. The Argonian sneaked his way around the dead, out of the gates and to Ri'saad's caravan. He made most of his usual purchases, furs and pelts, as well as two bottles of skooma. It had been a long time, but he was going to need it to sleep. It was then that he noticed a woman. Running. The Imperial was not too far behind, and both were headed the same way. He looked closer, studying her, trying to recognize her. Then it hit him. The cloaked, hooded woman. She was the vampire.

    Gah-Jular could not contain his curiosity. He began to follow. "Curiosity killed the cat," he thought to himself, "but I'm not Khajiit." She stopped near the Western Watchtower, but the Argonian continued walking towards her.


    Keeper of the peace
    Wulf had lost the soldiers, but they would soon find him in Whiterun seeing as he had nowhere else to run he would hide out there until he could find some help, he ran through the gates and was looking for a place to hide out.

    He went to the market district and had a look around and then proceded to walk up the steps to the Bannered Mare he stepped inside and was greeted by the usual sounds of a tavern he walked up to the bar, "Can i get a mead?" the barkeep looked up and said "Not without manners you can't" he sighed, "Please" he muttered "That's better" she said sliding a mead down the bartop.

    After he drank it he decided to check if the Imperials were coming, he walked outside and was questioned by a member of the Dawnguard "You there soldier, have you seen a woman wearing a hood and cloak?", "No I haven't, now if you'll excuse me" Wulf said pushing past the vampire hunter, the hunter grabbed his shoulder and spun Wulf around "Hey!, Im not done questioning you yet!", Wulf look at the hand on his shoulder "Get your hand off of me before i break it!" he said snarling, "How dare you threaten me!".

    Wulf grabbed his wrist and snapped it, the man screaming in agony fell to his knees clutching his broken wrist, "I warned you" he said, ready to fight off the Dawnguard running up to him, until he heard a woman scream "Someone's been killed!", the Dawnguard ran into the Tavern, he turned and saw a woman wearing a hood and cloak running around the corner, Wulf approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder and span her around, she lifted him up and slammed him against the wall.

    "You're the one they're looking for." he said cooly, "Why are you following me?!" she asked angrily, "If you help me escape, i'll help you." he offered, "I need no mortals help" she snarled at him, "My name's Wulf, the Imperial's think i killed my best friend, they're waiting for me-", "Cut the crap" she rudely interuppted.

    "I need your help getting past the Imperial Soldiers outside" he snarled, annoyed at the fact he had to ask her for help, "Im not exactly a free woman myself" she muttered "Alright, i'll create a distraction, and you run out in the confusion. Meet me and my group at the watchtower" she commanded, releasing him and running off, "How dare she command me what to do" he snarled, but grudgingly accepted knowing that she was his best hope of escaping.

    He heard screams of agony, he ran out and saw the Dawnguard getting ripped apart by the vampire, who had now transformed into a vampire lord, the Legion soldiers were now fleeing, the city getting away from the being who slew 9 Dawnguard members.

    Amidst the confusion, Wulf ran through the gates and out of the city, he was running across the Tundra following the vampire torwards the ruins of the Watchtower, They arrived at the abandoned tower and walked inside "So, what now?" (OOC: SonofSkyrim91, im wearing Imperial Legion armor due to me being a Legion soldier)


    Active Member
    Jt sighed and decided to give his armor back to the dark elf.

    Jt: Here you go, now go.

    The dark elf nodded, he walked toward the gate and followed an Argonian as Jt walked into town. A man was crying, so Jt walked over to see what the problem was. He had to push threw a crowd of people to get to him.

    Jt: What is wrong sir.

    Man: My wife, she was killed in the midst of things, she was just getting food for tonight's meal when she was hit with a stray arrow.

    Jt: I am so sorry for your lost sir.

    Man: How am I supposed to feed my children now, I don't know how to cook.

    Jt: You have come to the right place, I just happen to be a merchant with a nice cookbook for beginners, and I think you might be interested in it. Free of charge.

    Man: Really, thank you so much, this really helps.

    Jt: No problem sir.

    Man: Do you have anything else that could help, I will be willing to pay.

    The crowd started talking, and as Jt started naming his ware, more people started coming to by his merchandise. By dawn, Jt had sold most of his merchandise. He was feeling proud, and went to see what Circe was up to. Getting to the broken watchtower, he saw Circe, the dark elf, an imperial, and an Argonian.

    Jt: . . . Circe, try not to pick up so many hookers next time you get board, ok.


    The Legendary Conundrum
    Jt: Try not to pick up so many hookers next time.
    Cindur: I wouldn't go for her anyway.....not after she threw me into that tree for trying to burn her.....No way. Besides from what I've seen. You need all the help you can get. The roads of Skyrim are really dangerous after all. There is more than just Bandits out there. You could also use someone of my skill and potency. Your lady friend here is a novice with pyromancies compared to me.
    Even if he wasn't wanted, he would help. Nobody would even notice him if he followed and wished to remain unseen. Besides he couldn't go back to Ulfric. He started to think about what Circe had said. "Ulfric doesn't like your kind. He is just using you. When he comes to power your kind will be purged from the land." He realized that she spoke the truth.