Private To Be Equal [=] story thread

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    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    L'oke nodded at the argonian. " Thank you I will follow and assist if necessary, my name is L'oke by the way."
    Said L'oke now looking at the troll wondering if what L'oke said made since to the troll.


    Runs-with-phoenix glared at the orc, she had never heard anyone offer something so nice.

    "The people of Riften are corrupt. Why would anyone want to be loved by corrupt people." She looked him over, "You can only trust them as far as you can throw 'em." She turned to go again but stopped and looked back at the orc with his weapons sheathed.

    "Just follow and I will decide after we have made our destination. For now, move."

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    L'oke inderstood what the troll was talking about. " The law is meant to be broken, the vampires will feast upon this city , becuase you are afraid to break the law." Said L'oke walking with the group.

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    L'oke heard the Argonians words. " I don't think you understand how far a troll can throw someone" Said L'oke jokingly. " even corrupt people will appreciate a kindness as great as stopping a vampire legion devouring their souls." " Where are we even going?"


    The Armored Troll
    "But Phoenix! What if vampire come after us while we not expect? Garashbur want be accepted by others. I want help city and defend it!" Said Garashbur. The troll was thinking of what it would be like in the Bee and Barb.


    Phoenix just continued only offering the words, "Be patient, you will be." She hoped they would just follow and stop asking questions. It was throwing her off her concentration.


    The Armored Troll
    "Phoenix, where we go?" Garashbur asked, unable to understand human emotion. He could not tell that Phoenix was irritated with them.

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    L'oke continued to follow the group. He restrained himself from asking a million questions.He simply thought to himself. The vampires will attack whiterun first, Riften will be second, Isnar will will probably stop them again, he's done it before.


    The Loner
    Tera, without thinking, answered, "You may not want to go anywhere if the orc says is true." She stepped out of the shadows. "If vampires are coming you may want to gather your forces and defend the city. If my hunch is correct, the guards don't even know they are coming."

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    L'oke turned and and looked at the speaking stranger. " Who are you?, how do you know about the vampires?"


    The Loner
    Tera slightly smiled, "I ease dropped on your converstation. If you want to talk something private don't do it on the roof. Especially when a khajiit is around. Who I am isn't really none of your concern now is it?" She turned to Phoenix, "Listen, you may want to run fast to catch the person you are trying to catch but be warned if vampires are back think what else might be still around? Think how this place will turn to. Vampires will reck seige and theses..things want know what hit them. We would be ruled by vampires."


    The Armored Troll
    "We won't have people catch if vampires kill all them." Garashbur said. "Come, Garashbur know where we can talk private." He led them to a small, rusted over shack near the city walls. "We need know when they going to attack." Garashbur said.


    Searal still clung to the shadows behind the argonian and troll, wondering if this job would pay at all. Perhaps he decided to stay simply because he loved adventure, but more likely he stayed in hopes of scoring a barrel of gold he could buy a mansion with. He only listened to the group as they met several people, never a sound coming from him besides the occasional cough. He was hesitant to follow the troll to the shack, but not following him would mean a very low chance of leaving Riften without a jail sentence.


    Runs-with-phoenix huffed and let go of Garashbur's furry hand.

    "I don't have time to play 'What's going to happen next' with all of you." She shoved past the Khajiit and out of the shack. "I'm leaving Riften after I intercept the other straggler. If anyone else wants to live then I suggest you follow the one that's been in Riften the longest." She turned her head back to the roof top and began to sprint away. She jumped, tumbled in the air and was gone over the side of the roof.