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    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Stilletto was worried the Imperial was leading them straight to her father. This entire reunion could blow up. But she could not act lest she reveal her true identity. How had father said it, Stilletto remembered fondly. Stilletto, the Queen of Knives. She had alwasy loved that title, and had asked her father if she would in fact be a queen. Stilletto was only five when Hides had told her: Before I die you will be...

    ...you will be, Hides thought. I would ensure you became a queen in more ways that in my eyes. Hides felt the twitch at the base of his tail, and smiled the end would soon happen.

    "Men, this is the end. I would like it to be such an end. This maybe the end of me... But not the knives. Stilletto will take over after my death." Cleaver kneeled infront of Hides, his nodd pleadging his loyalty. Next came Scalpel.

    "My old friend I would be honored."

    Razor stood in disbelief as Hides started coughing. This Hides looked weak. Now that Razor knew he was sick it grew more and more obvious. His scales where not shining and the frequent weezing revealed the sickness. Razor stood alone wondering what to do.

    "And so it began... and so it would end... I am in Solitude..."


    23rd President of the United States of America

    At Labry's comment, Jacoby simply chuckled to himself. "Well, I guess that's as good a reason as any." He thought to himself. "Heh, I should probably work on my people skills a bit more. If only the corpses back in Falkreath had any sort of personality, this wouldn't be an issue." And soon turned to Stilletto at her claim. True, he didn't know her, but the fact that of all the maids in the Palace right now, this one wasn't serving at Elisif's dinner was a bit, peculiar. "Good enough for me. Oooh and when we get the chance, can we pick up a random butler as well? I want him to bring me a cup of tea and go: "Your tea, Master Jacoby..." And maybe a chef also!" Sadly, this banter was part-sarcasm at a maid helping them, and part-seriousness.

    As the group weaved through the halls, each became more and more recognizable, Jacoby had surely been near here. Labrys's friend's help and the sudden appearance/recruitment of Stilletto didn't bring any closure to his churning stomach either. Even then, he still had to remain unaware of his surroundings. As they continued on, Jacoby couldn't help but listen on to the conversation between Achilles and Labrys.

    "I'm sorry... did you mention something about an Olyviah?" He was in disbelief. How she could have snuck her way into the palace much quicker than Jacoby himself was astonishing. "How did she breach the Blue Palace so damn quick? No, she's not my main priority now. Come to think of it, where the hell did the red-headed oaf scurry onto anyway?" He soon realized that he trailed off and began talking to himself (which wasn't anything new, quite frankly). He felt she would jeopardize the mission, and he had bigger things to worry about now, like the impending Knives lying in wait at the moment.



    "Not quite the esteemed thief now, are we? No, a man of causes as opposed to riches. Alright, khajiit, I'll help you deal with this little issue of yours. I won't kill, but I'll provide the opportunity for your revenge that you so crave." Bryn then checked one last time to find any spare lock picks for a last minute escape, yet it was to no avail. It was still worth the try. "There is in fact a man I wish to take care of myself. I'll discuss it in a moment, just let me out of this thing, already!" Bryn waited anxiously against the door. He was bent on intercepting Jacoby no matter what, even if it meant aligning himself with rivals.



    The darkenss suddenly turned to light, her eyes wide open, Olyviah was sitting in the middle of an empty room with the man who abducted her. "What the..? Who the hell are..." She inspected the man for a bit longer, she realized who it was. "No way, so he actually got you here didn't he? I hope you know, this isn't exactly how you'd treat a woman."

    The man returned her remark with a smug grin. "I wouldn't exactly wanted you to have been screaming and flailing around. More than likely he's with them now." With an uncertain look on her face, Olyviah looked up at the hooded man. "Where are they now?"


    Active Member
    Labrys paused in step, seeming to breath in surroundings. Living in a small hunting-and-mining town had taught her such behavior skills. After a moment she opened her odd full-grey eyes and looked at them. She looked at Jacoby, who she wasn't sure was friend or foe. She looked at Stilletto, who she was wary of but had to trust nonetheless. She looked at her Imperial friend and gave a slight, sad smile. And then she looked at Achilles, the only one she truly trusted. Even (incert what's-her-Imperial-friend's-name here lol) was more weak-minded than the rest, although she hated to admit it. At Jacoby's surprised comment, she looked at him oddly, suddenly wary of the whole situation and hiding her main emotion of fear behind a smooth, exasperated mask.
    Turning side-by-side with her Imperial friend, she took a right and peered down yet another yet of hallways. "What happened to the hall of doors," she muttered sarcastically.


    Active Member
    She sighed and passed the hall, heading towards a door on the left at the end of the hallway which seemed to grin at her knowingly, her spine tingling. She glanced back at the others, expecting a dagger in the back for some reason.
    Pleased that he had finally accomplished something during the course of this mission, Dar'arjo stepped forward, unlocking the door with a turn of the knob. "I'm glad we've come to an agreement my friend." Said Dar'arjo heading back into the hallway with Brynjolf at his heel. "And now, we need to find my associative as quickly as we can, so both of us can get back to our respective guilds."

    As the pair continued down the halls of the blue palace, Dar'arjo holding out his torch in front of him lighting the way, he heard voice coming from down the hall. As they turned a corner, Dar'arjo saw the source, a small group that included the two new guild members, the Dunmer Jacoby, what looked like an imperial guard, and in back of the group, the female member of Hides Knives, Stilletto. "What luck." Thought Dar’arjo, walking forward to join the group.

    “Hello there fellow guild members!” The Khajiit cried, waving at the party, hoping they had forgotten about his attempt to have them locked up by now. As he reached the band of thieves, he saw out of the corner of his eye Brynjolf looking daggers at Jacoby. “I wonder what’s going on between those two. Doesn’t really matter though, as long as these new recruits help me get what I want, Brynjolf can throw Jacoby from the throat of the world for all I care.”


    Active Member
    Labrys's blood chilled. She wheeled around to see Dar'arjo and ... Brynjolf? Her eyes narrowed slightly as she, too, looked daggers at the Khajiit. She wanted to strangle him, both for almost getting them jailed and for mentioning the guild in front of Saeron(no, not LOTF, it's her Imperial friend(whose name I apparently forgot :p)).
    Saeron froze in place and turned slightly to look at Labrys and the group, his expression turning wary. "Guild?" he repeated. "What-"
    "I'm sorry," Labrys told him. As Saeron's expression turned confused, her hand swung upwards in a quick motion, her fingers straight and together, and jagged twice near his jaw. He stood there for a split second before his eyes rolled up into the back of his head and he began to fall. Before he could, Labrys caught him and softly lowered him. "I'm sorry, Saeron," she repeated quietly, straightening. She looked at Bryn. "I think we're close," was all she said before turning, glancing at Stilletto and the others, and opened the door wider, stepping inside.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    "Close to what?"

    Stilletto was growing worried this was close to where she left father and the others. This will be catastrophic, Stilletto fretted. Byrnjolf worried her what if she was recognized. What if father was alone and the rest of the knives where lost. Stilletto quickly composed herself, and kept of the facade.

    Hides sensed something at the base of his tail. He breathed deeply, this was going to be a show. Hides gave a small nodd and the Knives soon prepared for the coming events. Even Razor the only one who did not swear his fealty checked his sword. Hides looked over his associate. Corvo Auditore, Hides mused. Famous mercenary and assassin, deserter to the legion. Why would I be suprised that he is having loyalty issues.

    "Come now do not be so grim."

    Razor turned to fine Hides' eyes flashing with anticipation and that smile across his lips. It seems to be all he wears now, Razor thought.


    Active Member
    Labrys's eyes flashed as she looked back at Stilletto. She lay a hand on the pommel of her long, one-handed ebony blade, infused with poison as was her custom, and paused at one of the doors, tense beyond major recognition. This could be my end, she thought grimly. A small smile cupped her lips. Then so be it. She unsheathed the sword and continued to the end of the hall.


    Active Member
    (Riptide, like from Percy Jackson? ^^)


    Active Member
    (Good series ... I'm reading the Eragon series right now...completely addicting.)

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    (not to be a stick in the mud... we have an OOC thread I believe for this stuff)

    The knife was spinning end over end. The poison gleamed in the candlelight as Hides caught the blade. There were sounds of footsteps, the tingling at teh base of his tail only served to confirm this. Hides was growing impatient, he had even removed his robes and was in his shrouded armor. Everyone was one edge though Hides seemed unaffected by the tension. It sounded like a large group was coming. Hides took out a potion of cure disease. Even if it is still killing me, Hides thought. I will be strong for this great end.


    Active Member
    (I was just waiting for a reply on this ... sorry. Got carried away xD)

    Labrys turned the knob, a conjuration spell in one hand and her sword in the others. The door swung open ...

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    The door opened and the group entered. The small party entered the room, and Cleaver from behind the door slammed it shut.

    "Well now. Aren't you so glad you found me."

    Everyone froze Hides had a pair of knives already out and begane rolling both around his fine fingers. Stilletto saw that he was only wearing his armor and broke formation with the group. She began removeing her dress and found her bow waiting for her. Scalpel stepped forward and cast his spell.

    "That my friends is a Circle of Silence spell. We don't want our voices to carry... Or any pesky magics to be cast now don't we."

    Hides laughed as the Imperial woman tried to summon something. Scalpel was slightly less usefull with magic being nullified, but it was a minor precaution.

    "Now then would you like something to drink?"


    Active Member
    "You must be Hides, the one ive been hearing so much about. Now youve never met me, because im new, but your a tratior, apparently. Now lets calm down and no one will be hurt, not from your group or ours. Just tell us what you want and maybe we will agree." Achilles couldnt beleive his ears. He couldnt beleive he was saying this. But he stood his ground, waiting. Probably waiting to be killed, but he was still waiting.


    Active Member
    Labrys was less calm. She clenched her summoning fist and the blue shadow that had hovered in the midst of her palm disappeared. She glanced at the others of the Knives group, landing her eyes on Stilletto. Should've known, she thought darkly. She then placed her eyes on Hides. By Shor, this man has caused a skeever-shack of trouble. "No," she growled, a cold tone in the background of her smooth yet rugged voice. The Imperial armor suddenly felt tight on her. She ignored it, shifting slightly and gripping her sword, her palms slightly sweaty from what would, for certain, come next.
    She shot a look at Achilles, not bothering to hide her annoyance and even anger at his comment. "And we're not going to set an agreement, either." She looked again at Hides. "We've come for the Crown. We will get it and we will return it to where it rightfully belongs. I'm wondering if Elisif was better with it in her hands than in yours. Personally, for me, it's useless. This is about ... honor." She paused, pondering on that for a second. Is it? Is it really? She shook off the thought. "What do you intend to use it for?"

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Hides stared at the agressive woman. A breton if he had to guess, though she speaks like any legionare. What was I going to do with the crown, Hides thought. Ah I know.

    "Stilletto please kneel."

    Stilletto was confused and looked at her father, and followed his instuctions and kneeled.

    "You speak of honor yet you are a thief. A force opposed to your law and order. Do not SPEAK TO ME OF HONOR!"

    Everyone recoiled from Hides' screaming, he was coughing and they were still agast. Even the veteran Knives where scared. Hides took the Jagged Crown from his pack.

    "I toiled for a girl that I may now call my own. Honor is being a father for children who had none. My final act will be the crowning of a new queen." Hides placed the crown on Stilletto's brow. She shuddered under the weight but was still silent.

    "She may have no lands! No noble blood! But she is a queen! I give you the Queen of Knives."

    Hides looked tired, and Stilletto stood. Everyone looked confused, and they had every right to be. Hides looked at the two knives in his hands.

    "Now that that is out of the way. I will champion for my queen. Who wants to face the legend?"

    What in oblivion, Razor thought. He looked to his left as Cleaver handed him a paper. In Cleaver's fine hand it read: Hides is a fighter. From birth to adulthood. He was a killer. He won't lay down and die. I feel bad for who would challenge him.

    "The winner will earn themselves a place at her side."

    (hope you can make an epic duel Achilles. :D)


    Active Member
    Labrys's face was paler than usual. "Honor is the pit of eternal water that we jump over for fear of poison," she said finally. Thieves may not take honor, Imperials may not take honor, but the Brotherhood does take honor and so do I." She rubbed the ivory piece on the pommel of her sword. "Nobody's life should be worth that to join a stranger," she said after a very small pause. She half-leaned against the wall, next to Achilles. "But if anyone is to fall, it will be he who is to fall soon. And if anyone is to go down with him, it will be she who endangered her companion's lives." She kept her eyes on Hides. "I'll challenge you, but not for a place next to your Queen of Knives." She wondered if he'd fight only with his knives, but knew that the Knives were called such for a reason.
    (Hehehe.. xD She can be as close to death as you wish, as long as she doesn't die. Don't be afraid to beat her up ... how do you plan to have this end???)