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    Active Member
    Labrys whirled around to note an unfamiliar woman with fear plain on her face. "I.." She collected herself and began again, "We're searching for a thief." Funny, since the rest of us are all thieves, too. She wasn't sure how much to tell to this stranger. She glanced at their guide(I forgot her name. Is she still posting here?)

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    "A... a thief! Is this a dangerous person?"

    Stilletto reveled in being strong when people thought her weak. Now this was from Hides mental training more than anything. Stilletto had to wonder who this thief was, because if it was her father this would be even more delectable.

    "Ummm. If it is not to much to ask can I stay with you. With all that is happening I don't want to be alone."

    Razor and the rest of the Knives were navigating the halls when they heard a voice they recognized. They stopped and peered around the corner to find Stilletto talking with the newer guild members. Stilletto was latching on to one and Razor saw a note fall into the potted plant by the group. Razor smiled, Stilletto has gotten quite good at this.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    "I am Sadirn-Kelsenellvichilarax Averdavii. Maid of the Blue Palace. Sadirn will serve for the sake of time."

    Stilletto smiled at their looks of disbelief at the complicated name. It was her favorite allias out of the many father made the knives use. Stilletto hoped Razor would get her note.


    Active Member
    Labrys glanced at him, but she didn't look angry. On the contrary, she had adorned her famous expressionless look. She returned to gaze at Stilletto, eyes narrowing slightly. Reuron back at home had said to never trust anybody, and Labrys had soon learned that that applied to family members as well as complete strangers. She turned her head slightly, her shoulder brushing Achilles's seemingly by accident. I don't know what to think. She doesn't look like trouble, but anyone in their right mind wouldn't trust three/two complete strangers. I suppose...best thing would be to keep her close. Until we know more. "Sure," she said quietly, playing on the dull card. "Do you know where we can find the courtroom?"
    (By the way, cool idea with the name. Also, don't be afraid to go hard on my character, unless that involves death of course xD A few injuries wouldn't be out of place if that happened to be the case. Jus' saying)

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    "Yes of course. Come with me."

    Stilletto smiled and latched onto Achilles' arm. Her head upon his shoulder. Razor smiled as the group was lead away. The three knives moved themselves to pick up the note. Razor smiled and the three moved through the castle to find Hides. Even the serious Altmer Scalpel stiffled a snicker as they heard Stilletto down the hall.

    "So what is a hansome warrior like you doing as a guard? Heroics not your thing?"


    Active Member
    Labrys's head turned away slightly and her mouth twisted into an unlikely scowl. For some reason, Sadirn's seeming flirting with Achilles bothered her. She shrugged off the feeling. Let the kid(her term for newbie, which is weird as she's one herself; she used to be one of the Dark Brotherhood, but she decided that the Thieves Guild was interesting too) fight his own battles. She fought the urge to step in and instead, with her elbows half-tense, continued to look around them warily, her grey eyes sharp and odd in the lighting.


    23rd President of the United States of America

    Outside the closet door Bryn could hear the khajiit's proposal to help him out of his current situation. "This isn't some sort of understanding, cat. I'll see what I can scrape up, but until then, just know that you not getting locked up is my offer at the moment" Brynjolf took a deep sigh. "At this rate, I wish I could say the same about your former accomplices."



    Scampering through the halls of the immense palace, Jacoby and the mystery man who aided him caught up with Maven, who had just watched Hides take off with the Jarl moments ago to the crown's room. She noticed neither of the two had returned, the serpent had finally struck its prey, and all the pieces had fallen into place. "With the two gone for now, it's time for you both to take your positions, we've got guards headed up to chack on Elisif now." The mystery man simple nodded and headed back into the halls to undertake his part of the mission. Jacoby, on the other hand, seeked to do what he stated much earlier in the mission, eliminate loose ends.

    With everything playing out the way it was, Jacoby took his time to prance down the halls, skipping and singing on his way down to confront the absent Brynjolf. "I drink to my wealth! To days rich and lush! For the age of deception, has just begun... Down with the Guild! The worst of all teams! And to my success, I'll dance and I'll sing...'' He was immediately stopped at the sound of footsteps coming down from the other end of the hall. It was the rest of the Knives. Not willing to walk right into his death, he briskly moved into the corresponding hallway. "Phew... well that was a close..." He turned to see Labrys and Achilles, this time with Stilletto with them.

    "You guys made it! I thought you were goners back there in that mess." Jacoby put on the cheesiest, half-baked smile before turning to Stilletto, knowing well who she's aligned with. "It's... nice to uh, see you've 'connected' with my comrades already." Clearly remarking at how she was latched on to Achilles, he held back any form evidence to knowing her, he couldn't make a scene. Not yet.



    Before she could catch up with the rest, the mystery man with Jacoby snuck up from behind her, knock her out with a chloroform rag. Half-conscious, she only heard faint words. "With you in our pocket, we'll definitely add more fuel to this fire..."


    Active Member
    Labrys paused and looked over her shoulder. She was Jacoby with a huge cheesy grin on his face. Hm. If he knows this woman ... She didn't trust anyone anymore, except for Achilles. She cleared her throat sharply. "To the courtroom already?" She walked forward to take the lead, remembering the path now, and took a right into a small hallway that led down to the main area where Elisif usually sat. If they could find one of the Imperial captains, she could convince him - or her - to guide them to Hides ...As for Jacoby and Sadirn, she just had to put up with the present confusion until whatever was going on clears itself up. She opened the door..
    And came face-to-face with Saelen, one of the Imperial soldiers that she had met on a run to Fort whats-its-name. "Saelen!" she said with surprise, stopping in her tracks.
    He stared at her for a second. Finally, "Labrys? What are you doing in here?" he added quickly.
    "Looking for someone ... listen, Saelen. We've got someone on our tracks and we can't afford to stop here very long-" she began to lie.
    Labrys was cut off by a wry shout from behind Saelen. She winced. "Uh..riot?" she guessed.
    Saelen nodded.
    Labrys cursed under her breath. "Fine. Come with us. Anyone else not fighting each other?"
    He shook his head, looking frustrated.
    Labrys sighed and turned to glance at the others.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    Jacoby watched as the group didn't care much for his bantering, likely so. "Huh, someone's a bit focused. Well if your sure of where we're going, then LEAD ON!" Jacoby was sure the crown had already been obtained by another, but if there was a decoy in place, he would be sure that Maven would know soon enough. After following Labrys through the halls to search for a nearby Imperial captain, Jacoby turned to her to see what she knew about the group he spotted earlier in the other wing. "Well, I sure as hell don't know where we're going, but if I may, how have you found your way through this lavish dumpster? I don't quite see a map on you, missy. Heheh" He let out a small chuckle, he'd best try to get friendly with each of them to win them over.


    Active Member
    Labrys arched an eyebrow at him with a smirk on her face. "I studied a blueprint, O Smart One," she said, shaking her head slightly and taking the lead again.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    By Sithis, Stilletto cursed. This traitor is still haunting the area. Stilletto kept smiling and bowed to Jacoby. Her mind was quickly working through all the factors. Stilletto worked herself as tight against Achilles and whispered.

    "I don't trust him. He acts like he knows me. I have only just arrived from Valenwood. Mistaken identity is dangerous for someone like me."

    Stilletto moved back from Achilles to face Jacoby. A quick bow and Stilletto rose, that smile made Stilletto shudder. The dagger hidden in the folds of her dress ready and waiting.

    "I am afraid I do not know what you mean. I am a maid in the Blue Palace I had the good fortune to find these fine guardmen."

    Scalpel stopped walking and cast a small spell. Razor and Cleaver looked at the mage with a questioning eye.

    "We have been spotted."

    Razor was slightly annoyed. "You tell us now?"

    "Yes for it just happened. Our easedropper has stopped for now."

    "Great... Let us find Hides."

    They where all proffessionals and as they wove through the halls they felt like they were lost when they opened a door to find Hides, alone spinning a dagger. His inhuman smile basically ear to ear.

    "Hello men. This is a good day, is it not?"


    Active Member
    (Those last three lines just gave me the jitters! xD)

    Hm..Maybe I should pull him off, talk to him real quick..no, too obvious. Ugh, I hate being in the dark! Labrys paused and glanced back at them, like 'you're really going to do this now?' She tried to catch Achilles's eyes without causing any unwanted attention.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Hides looked out the window, his three men watching him. Scalpel walked up and whispered into Hides' earhole. Hides nodded to the elf and stopped the knife in his hand. Cleaver took position behind the door, and simply watched with those blue eyes. Razor was the only one uneasy with the current events.

    "M'Lord. If i may be so bold what is happening?"

    "Simple, Razor we are stealing a crown."

    Razor's jaw was set in iron, and Hides let his laugh slip. Razor saw the erratic pattern as a bad sign.

    "We are showing our strength. I want Tamriel to know who we are... This guild is to the old Thieves Guild as we shall be to the Dark Brotherhood."

    Such ambition when did Hides fall so far? Razor was worried, but stayed his blade. Hides saw the confilct and had to laugh internally. His mind was soon distant as he thought of Stilletto. A new world for my daughter, Hides mourned. There will be no place in her final gift for me. Hides coughed, and looked at the silk handkerchief to find the small red spots of blood. Alchemy is not magic, one can only delay for so long.


    Active Member
    Achilles was quiet as Sadirn latched to his arm. He wasnt really sure what to say. So he just shut up. He followed the group as Jacoby appeared. Then one of Labrys friends appered. This group is getting bigger by the second, not so good for stealth, Achilles thought. Then Sadirn whispered to him then unlatched herself. She was acting sorta suspicious, but there was something that made Achilles beleive her. Labrys caught his eye but didnt say a word.
    Dar’arjo listened to Brynjolfs offer, but was hardly impressed with his attempt at intimidating the elder Khajiit. “I think you miss understood my question Nord.” Said Dar’arjo, checking the bedroom door in case any of Brynjolfs accomplices decided to come to his aid. “I don’t want your stolen money thief. No, what I really need is some help getting even with a certain member of the guild.”

    As he spoke, Dar’arjo walked over the highly decorated bedroom wall, and removed the torch that was lighting up the now dark room from its sconce. “This particular member happens to have a small array of bodyguards that are almost always with him.” Continued Dar’arjo, walking back over to the side room door, holding the torch out in front of him. “I have little chance of defeating them on my own, and since I doubt the other guild members will help me in this task, I have to turn to my rivals instead for assistance."

    "And as for your reward…well…considering the fact that Hides has probably already obtained the Jagged Crown, you can feel free to take it for your own. I won’t try to stop you; the crown has little value to me.” Dar’arjo took a few steps back from the door, holding the torch with one hand while griping his iron dagger with the other, awaiting the Nords response.


    Active Member
    Labrys paused again, then headed down a hall that began the long length to near where Hides was. She had no idea where he and his Knives were, but she had to try and follow her instincts. Her bound bow gleamed forgotten on her back.


    Active Member
    Achilles followed Labrys. He felt like he had no choice. She was the only one he trusted, and he had his doubts about Jacoby. Although, he was the one to recruit Achilles. Suddenly he realized their "guide" was gone. "Hey, Labrys, wheres Olyviah?" Damn, another question, i probably sound like a little whiny kid.


    Active Member
    Labrys had known that Olyviah had been gone for quite some time now. She shot him a look - she wasn't annoyed with his questions, but she didn't trust many others other than him right now - and shrugged. "She's been gone for awhile. Not sure where she went.." She turned and continued to lead. Closing her eyes momentarily and then opening them again. The scar on her forearm tingled underneath her armguards.