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    Active Member
    Labrys gave a slight nod, her eyes softening slightly and then returning to her normal thinking, impassive expression at the mention of Jacoby being a bit 'off'. She slid the helm back onto her helm, muttering something. Her hands lit with blue orbs. Her familiar disappeared.
    As the Breton woman exited the kitchen while being followed by Labrys and Achilles, Dar’arjo stepped out of the shadows where he had been hiding while Olyviah introduced herself to the two thieves. “Jacoby has a servant as well; this does seem to complicate things now doesn’t it.” Dar’arjo quickly exited the kitchen, making his way through the almost deserted Palace corridors. It seemed that most of the guards had headed out into city where he could hear the sounds of some sort of riot taking place. As Dar’arjo checked a couple of the larger rooms, searching for the crown, he heard shouting coming from a small side door within one of the Royal chambers. As the Khajiit got closer, he recognized the voice as that of the old thieves’ guild member, Byrnjolf. “Well well, what do we have here.” Said Dar’arjo, speaking through the doors keyhole at the trapped Nord. “It seems that you are in need of a little assistance, which Dar’arjo might just be able to provide; given you have something suitable to offer him in return.”


    Active Member
    Labrys glanced around them as they walked, obviously a little out of place in her uniform. "D*mn if Tullius is here," she growled softly.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Stilletto saw her father approaching with Elisef. She didn't know this part of the plan, and honestly it made her more uncomfortable than the corset. Father is going off the deep end, Stilletto fretted. She trusted her father, but riots might be to much.

    "Dee Jamba was it what is happening?"

    "Nothing to worry about the peasants are in an uproar. Likely just a Burning of King Olaf party grown to rowdy."

    Elisef spoke with a distant voice. "Yes, just some drunkards getting violent."

    Stilletto looked at her father, she never reallly understood his thought process. She fell behing her father and the Elisef. Hides was now leading the High Queen by the hand, and his smile was equivelent to ear to ear. They made thier way through the twisting halls with barely a murmur.


    Active Member
    Shoulders tense, as they walked Labrys turned her head to look into one of the hallways, her elbows causing her arms to be half-bent as if ready to defend herself or attack if necessary, trying to hide her sudden wariness. She was never a sneaker, she wasn't suppose to be in here...but she had to, so she had steeled herself and followed.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Elisef soon lead Hides to the vault's of the Blue Palace. Hides was walking arm in arm with Elisef, and Stilletto watched them with an odd eye. She had know Hides all her life yet never seen him with anybody let alone a woman that close. The three were soon inside the vault and in the center of the room was a podium, with what appeard to be the crown on top.

    "My fair lady would you kindly get me the real crown..."

    "Oh course my... friend."

    It was only a second but Hides knew Elisef was fighting his potion off. She walked past the podium and opened a small chest. She handed Hides the Jagged Crown. Hides smiled and tucked it away. Now to see who comes for the fake on the podium. Hides had his inhuman smile for this job was going quite smoothly. Stilletto walked up to her father and whispered in his ear about Brynjolf. The smile only grew, and Hides stabbed Elisef in the tigh. As she screamed and fell dagger left in her leg. Hides and Stilletto were halfway down the hall. The iron dagger didn't his anything important Hides made sure of that, but the paralysis poison paired with the slow acting hallucinogens in her dinner. Needless to say Elisef would have interesting memories, if any. Hides wondered where the rest of his Knives were.


    Active Member
    Labrys cursed under her breath. "We must be too late! We've gotta get out of here before the guards.." Her eyes flashed. "Or we can find whoever did this...I think I understand finally...and twist his scrawny little neck.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Hides smiled as he made his way through the halls. This plan was going well, Hides mused. The riots would soon overwelm the guards. Stilletto followed her father silently. She finally worked of the confidence to ask.

    "Father what is the plan. This is anarchy."

    "Simple now we wait for the best offer."

    Razor, Scalpel and Cleaver entered the Blue Palace. The entire city was tearing itself apart, and Hides had caused it. What madness has he fallen into, Razor was worried, he could find no logic his master, his friend, his old comrade was known for. He decided to hold his tongue, though he had to wonder if Selia was right and he would have to take her offer.


    Active Member
    Labrys wheeled towards the mysterious woman that had gotten them into the Palace. "What now?" she demanded. "If we get out of here we'll never get Hides, but if we stay here we'll probably get our necks slit anyways."


    Active Member
    "I could try.." Labrys bit her lip. "But they'll ask who you guys are."

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Hides looked out the window of the room that he and Stilletto were old up in. It was the old abandoned part of the Blue Palace. He saw his vetran knives entering the palace. He waved his daughter over.

    "Stilletto go get the rest of the Knives. The game is getting even more interesting..."

    He started playing with an elven dagger as he watched his daughter leave his side. Stilletto moved through the Blue Palace, sticking to the shadows.


    Active Member
    Labrys scowled. "I'm going to find Hides and I'm going to wring his sorry neck. After we secure the crown for the Guild. Come; if we can get to the main court chamber, I can convince Tullius - wherever he is - to help us out. He has to believe this. Come," she growled, heading down the main hall and then making a right, the map of the Blue Palace ringing in her head.


    Active Member
    "I haven't really met him yet," Labrys admitted relucantly. "He's part of the family, though, one more 'important' than the main part" she said, giving him a sharp glance to keep him quiet. 'Don't mention the Guild, or we'll get ourselves killed' she mouthed, then looked forward once more. "But I suspect that he's behind this whole heist. Either the guards have gone insane, they've finally realized how bad their guarding really is, or there's magic at work. But the riot isn't too much of a deal, unless they've taken it indoors."


    Active Member
    "Oh," she said in a tone so soft it was almost a whisper, "I have a feeling that we'll know when we see him." She made a left, then paused and peered into a room. "Darnit. We're probably on the wrong floor. I wish I had more time to study the blueprint!"

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Stilletto moved through the Blue Palace. She was wearing the fine dress Hides got for her. He step was still measured as an assassin's was. She was striding through the palace when she noticed a small collection of people going through the halls. They look familiar, Stilletto thought. Yes father had dossiers on them. They didn't know her so Stilletto had a plan. Stilletto was quite the actor, and her exspression of fear was impossible to not believe.

    "Who are you people? What is going on?"