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    Child of the Sky
    Ozindyl listen carefully to Rose's story, "Unfortunately, it would seem that it truly is a Dragon. I thought they had went back to Akavir long ago..but I guess some stayed behind. I know not what has awoken this demon from it's ancient slumber, but do know that if it IS a Dragon, it can be slayed by mortals like us." the Elf assured her. "Worry not m'lady, you will have vengeance; The monster must be punished for it's atrocities just like any other criminal or killer." he said scornfully. "I would take you with me and my fellowship to the lair of Glaurung, as the locals have called him, but..what can you offer my team?" the Spellsword asked. "We have a few warriors and a scout, but what of you? what are your specialties?" Ozindyl questioned her in a soft tone, pulling out a wooden pipe, sprinkling some tobacco into it. "You don't mind do you?" he asked just before igniting the plant. He rarely smoked, having to keep his body and mind in good shape, but for lengthy conversations such as this it gave him something to do while he listened.


    High Queen of the Nerds! :3
    “I don’t mind if you smoke at all,” Rose said, smiling. “As for my specialties, I am a mage. I studied in the Arcane University for a couple of years and am quite skilled in destruction and restoration magic. Your fellowship could probably use a mage like me in its ranks, couldn’t it?” They were silent for a moment, nothing but the sound of the guards walking past them and the occasional voices coming from the city could be heard.
    “So...who else is accompanying you on the quest to defeat Glaurung?” Rose asked, trying to break the silence between them.


    Child of the Sky
    "Ha, a mage eh? this is good news indeed." Ozindyl replied, reassuring her. "I myself am proficient in combat and magic, but not on a pure mage's level, and your a healer as well?" he said. "Well Rose, I think you would be a superb addition to our group, welcome to the Fellowship," the High Elf said with a grin. "I trust you can handle yourself in a fight?" the Spellsword asked. "We depart in two days.." Ozindyl informed the Mage,"You may rest in the castle tonight, or you can stay at an Inn and explore Wayrest; plently of things to keep you occupied at this hour," the Altmer smirked.


    Ingvar watched the events take place. After several minutes, he walked around the castle, taking in the sights. Then, with a groan, he sat, on the edge of a balcony, his legs dangling below. He gazed around High Rock, taking in the beauty of its tundra and land. A guard plodded along behind him. "Don't Fall." the Breton muttered. Ingvar looked to the mans face. Ingvar, almost guffawing, spoke in a mild tone. "How did you come a guard, eh? Look like a sack of bones to me!" The Breton snapped his head to Ingvar. Lowering his eyebrows in a scowl."Don't push your your luck either, or I'll send you to your death!' "Haha! Btter run, sack of plops might kill me!" The guard would scowl, grabbing his blade. Ingvar stepped in, his right arm coming up for a upper cut. It jam right into the button of his jaw. He'd fall lip on the ground, unconscious. Ingvar would turn his head, looking around. Seeing no-one, he walked off, leaving the other man asleep.


    High Queen of the Nerds! :3
    Rose nodded and headed out of the courtyard and towards the inn. She wasn’t a kind of person who enjoyed lots of luxury, even though she was born into a noble family. She would choose a tent in the woods to a fancy bedroom in a castle any day.
    The inn was crowded and loud, men drinking and yelling from across the room with mediocre music in the background played by a Bosmer bard. Rose walked up to the barkeep and handed him some money.
    “I’d like a room, please,” Rose said, trying to talk over the noise. The barkeep nodded and pocketed the money, leading Rose up a flight of stairs. He led her to a small, well-kept room and left, closing the door behind him. Rose yawned and lay down in the bed, pulling the blankets around her, falling asleep a minute later.

    Rose woke up in the morning. She lazily trudged out of bed and over to the washbasin and mirror. Her fiery red hair was a rats-nest, different parts sticking up and going all over the place. She pulled her fingers through her hair, smoothing it out with much effort. The water was warm like it had not been changed since yesterday as she splashed it over her face.
    “That’s better,” Rose commented as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She grabbed her staff and walked down the stairs, having some breakfast before heading out.
    The city was bustling with vendors trying to desperately sell their good as people walked aimlessly around. A few kids ran past her, almost knocking the young Breton over. She sighed, regaining her balance. Not wanting anything to do with all the noise, Rose left the city walls and went into the woods around it.
    It was peaceful and quiet there—Rose loved it. She strolled the woods for a while, not running into any trouble. When the sun started to set, the Breton turned around and headed for Wayrest. Something moved in the bush behind her. Rose paused and turned around, raising an eyebrow at the noise. Nothing was there. She shrugged and kept moving. The noise came again, but this time it was closer. Rose grabbed her staff and looked around.

    Daryl Dixon

    As he followed the road Daryl pondered on where to go, but he didn't know of anywhere TO go. He'd only been in High Rock for a month, and had only traversed through the forest and plains around and near Hillside. Daryl kept wandering, not paying attention to where he was going, he didn't care. He was depressed and angry at the hand he has been dealt, he felt like his life was just ripped away from him.. By the claws of that dragon.

    He was disoriented, lost and confused. After a while of walking he found himself in a forest, it was dark and he could hardly see. He made a trap from some vine he and collected and a small branch, to make a snare. He saw some jumbled rabbit prints and set the trap. As he slept in a small burrow for the night he listened to the noises of the forest and needless to say, a restless sleep.

    When he awoke, he stretched his arms and put them around his head. He was dirty and felt like crap, sleeping on the floor doesn't do wonders for your back. He got up and walked down to a stream of running water and washed himself off, the water was running fast and he could see fish jump out as they're taken by the current downstream.

    After washing off he checked his trap, a rabbit had been caught. He put the rabbit on the string of 13 he had and put the extra rabbit on the rope and slung them over his shoulder, picked up his backpack and walked.

    Holding his crossbow in his right hand as he had his backpack on, and didn't want to have to take his bag off to draw his crossbow In case he was attacked he walked up ahead and he saw a grizzly bear, the beast appeared to be sleeping.

    Daryl got ready to fire, as he crouched the bear stood up on all fours, Daryl thought he had been spotted but kept calm, and didn't move. Daryl was about 13 metres from it, and it turned diagonally left and started walking, making a rustle with the bushes sending a rabbit to run off in Daryls direction.

    The bear kept going and Daryl began to follow it, the bear occasionally stopped but Daryl didn't see anywhere he could camp after he took the beast down, he had planned on dragging it back to where he'd make camp and didn't want to take it too far. The bear was resting now, but suddenly sat up and began moving away from him.

    Daryl didn't understand why the bear had moved until he noticed a young woman, probably in her early 20's. She had fiery red hair and she was beautiful, Daryl couldn't help but notice her eyes. He had almost forgot about all the pl*ps that had happened recently, he seemed to be taken away from the world a moment, just staring at her face. However Daryl was quickly taken away from checking out the girl when she noticed the bear too, she drew a staff and the bear walked into her sight.

    Daryl ran down towards the woman, he didn't believe she could defend herself and didn't want to have to bury the girl. The bear stood up and began to roar, but it's roar was quickly cut off when Daryl shot it in its left hind leg. The beast roared in pain, and was now slower, but still dangerous. Daryl reloaded his crossbow and dropped his bag for mobility, he shot it again as it charged at him, he got it in the shoulder. It flinched but barged into Daryl as he tried to run around it sending him rolling over its shoulder. The girl rushed over and sent a bolt of fire that engulfed the bear from her staff. This distracted the bear from having another go at Daryl,the bear turned on the girl and made one final roar as Daryl sent an arrow through its head.

    The girl stood there in shock, "what are you doin' out here?" Daryl snapped at her, as he retrieved his arrows from the dead bear. As Daryl bent over to get the arrow out of its shoulder he felt his limbs lock up, rock joint.

    Daryl quickly regained proper movement and he started kicking the dead body of the bear screaming "you stupid disease bearing motherless bastard!" A kick between each word. Daryl looked back at the girl. "Been tracking this bear for miles, was gonna drag it to a camp."
    Daryl walked over to his bag and rabbits, and put the bag on, slinging the rabbits over his shoulder as always and looked towards the girl, waiting for her to speak.


    High Queen of the Nerds! :3
    The bear could have killed the Breton girl if it weren’t for the man who rushed out of the bush and saved her. He killed the bear quickly and picked up his arrows, freezing up and then cursing.

    “What are you doin' out here?” he snapped.

    “What am I doing out here?” Rose said, crossing her arms and looking the Imperial in his eyes, sternly. “I’m wondering the same thing about you?” She was about to say something harsh, but took a deep breath, her agitation leaving her. “Sorry, I…it’s just that I could’ve killed that bear myself without any help.” She rummaged through a pouch on her shoulder and produced a potion, handing it to the man. “Here, take it.” There was hesitation on his face. “It looks like you have Rockjoint, this cures it.” He took it and downed it.

    “Thanks,” he murmured.

    “No problem,” Rose said, walking towards Wayrest. “If you’re looking for a place to stay, I could lead you to Wayrest. It’s not too far from here.” She stopped walking and looked back at the Imperial. “Name’s Rose, by the way, nice to meet you...”

    She looked at the man, waiting for him to say something.


    Child of the Sky
    It was late morning when Ozindyl awoke, the high noon sun cast through his window and shone brightly on his face. The Altmer rose from his bed and looked in a mirror on his dresser, his long white hair was a complete mess. "Ugh, every damn time," Ozindyl mumbled, filling a bucket of water and heating it with fire magick. The elf bent down and dunked his head in the water, pulling his now soaked hair out and drying it with a cloth. After fixing his hair into his traditional samurai ponytail and throwing on his Elven Armor, Ozindyl decided to go socialize, getting a day off before having to leave the following morning. The Spellsword approached Ingvar, the Elf's first recruit. "Aye, greetings Ingvar, I see you've decided to stay in the castle, how fare thee?"
    After Dalamus passed out the night before from drinking heavily of Nordic Mead, he see's that he is still in his armor from yesterdays sparing session, and that he passed out in a local inn. He arises from his bed and checks his belongings, seeing his axe in the corner of the room, and his helmet resting on the hilt of the axe. "Damn, these Breton's know how to keep a full stock of mead... I got to stop drinking so heavily, and what time is it, let alone the day?" He walks down the stairs to the inn keeper, carrying his belongings with him and soon asks "Inn keeper, if it isn't to much of a hassle, what time of day is it?" "About 10 hours past the sun's awakening. You were pretty passed out, so I thought you would like to sleep in a real bed instead of on the streets, I hope I didn't anger you." The Inn keeper was a lovely long, brunette haired Breton, beautiful green eyes, and a cute, kind smile. "You didn't anger me, I'm quite thankful for that actually, but, how did such a nice, sweet creature such as yourself get me into the bed up stairs? I'm wearing more then 90 pounds of armor, and my own body weight itself is at 210 pounds." "Well, I had two of my Inn helpers carry you up. I couldn't see you lay out in the night, so I wanted you to come into the Inn and rest up. My name is Ophelia Kinddsmith, happy to meet one of the warriors that will stop that vile dragon." "My name is Dalamus, and I am happy to meet you too, seeing as how your the one who prevented me from sleeping on the cold earth, not saying that I haven't done that before. Your quite beautiful, if you don't find that odd of a Dunmer to say." "Oh! Why, thank you! Not many people speak to me unless they are in need of food or a warm room." "I see, well, I'll be staying here for about another day or so, so maybe we may be able to talk some more later this day, are you going to still be here when I come back?" Dalamus gave a slight grin, and a smile of joy came unto his face. "I don't seem to have anything planed this evening, so, I would enjoy your company if you have the time. But, if you don't, I understand, adventures like yourself are usually busy." She started to give off a bright smile, and her face lit up like the sun. "Alright then, I'll be back before dusk has set in, we can talk at that point then, but until then, I must meet the other members of the team before they set off, I can't be uninformed of what's happening." Dalamus exited the Inn, waving back to the kind Inn keeper as he left. He looked around as he stood outside the Inn, and vaguely remembers where Ozindyl left to before Dalamus started drinking, and so he set off to meet the others.


    "Morning, Oz" Ingvar exclaimed, smiling briefly. Dressed in a white tunic with a pair of brown gloves, he'd be standing, thumbs thrust into his belt, on a small stage area where a table once was for the party. He looked to Ozindyl, nodding to two figures approaching the gate. "Hopefully their some recruits...and uhh...when shall we set off..by blade grows thirsty." Ingvar glanced at the figures again, and back to Oz.

    Daryl Dixon

    "What am I doing out here? " replied the young breton. She then crossed her arms and looked sternly into Daryl's eyes. "I'm wondering the same thing about you?" She then took a deep breath, Daryl knows he must have annoyed the woman, and seeing as he just saved her life and how ungrateful she was being, well honestly he didnt care..
    "Sorry, I..it's just that I could've killed that bear myself without any help." At this Daryl was about to snap at her, but she began rummaging through her bag for something, then pulled out a potion. "Here, take it." She offered, Daryl hesitated, but then took the potion and quickly downed it. She assured him it would cure the Rockjoint the bear had just given him.
    "Thanks," he murmered.
    The woman then offered to lead Daryl to a place called Wayrest, then told him her name, Rose.
    Daryl was going to to let it go, but had to say something. "Could have taken it yourself?" Daryl said as he laughed at the thought. "That damn bear was over twice your size what do you mean you could have taken it yourself!?" Daryl wasn't angry, and didnt sound it either. He was just trying to make the woman understand the danger she was in, not so she'd see Daryl as a hero but so she'd be more careful. He kept his reasons to himself.
    "You know I didnt have to save you" he said as he grabbed an arrow he'd just used and began to clean it with a red rag, "No you aint my problem" He said gesturing to her with his arrow. Daryl didn't mean to be mean, he thought this girl was sweet. She had a sweet voice and had offered him a means to end that pain in the ass disease.
    Daryl thought back to what she said before, and quickly answered her next question. "What am I doin' out here? You heard of that dragon attack yet, or were you too busy prancing about in the woods?" Daryl was holding back on yelling at the poor woman, but had to let it out sooner or later. "My whole life was destroyed by that dragon, The whole town.. Burned to dust. My fathers dead.. My brother.. Well I dont know.. I dont know.." Daryl started thinking back, he sounded really distraught now. He thought back and was heart broken, he felt like his world just split apart, from the middle. The pain was clear on his face. "I'll come with you, if you want." Daryl thought back to what she had said, then to his answer and thought to himself "you idiot".
    "Names Daryl, Daryl Dixon. Moved to High Rock about a month ago.. and to answer your question, I guess im out here because... I guess im out here because my other plans fell through."
    Daryl walked over to the bear, ready to skin it. He crouched down and lunged his dagger into the bear, just as the woman began to speak.


    High Queen of the Nerds! :3
    Rose looked at the man--Daryl—in shock. She was surprised on how she had just treated him, after he had saved her life.

    “Sorry for sounding like an outright b*tch,” Rose said. “And thanks for helping me…I would be dead if it wasn’t for you.” Daryl mentioned something about the dragon attack, saying that his family was killed.

    "My whole life was destroyed by that dragon, The whole town.. Burned to dust. My fathers dead.. My brother.. Well I dont know.. I dont know.." Daryl sounded distraught by the news. Rose looked at him with pity.

    “Are you talking about the Hillside massacre?” Rose asked, gently. She sighed and sat down on the ground next to Daryl as he started skinning the bear. “I just made it out alive from Hillside as the dragon attacked. My whole family died…everything I cared about in ruins…it was horrible. Just know that you’re not the only one that had to live through that.” She stood up, wiping the dirt from her robes. Thinking about the massacre made Rose depressed, so she didn’t really focus on that, finding other mundane tasks to keep her busy. She pointed at the towers of Wayrest that were just visible above the tree line.

    “Wayrest is just down the rad, not too far from here,” Rose said. “We can probably make it to there by nightfall, if we hurry.” Rose waited for Daryl to finish skinning the bear before heading down the road.


    Child of the Sky
    "Oz eh?" the Altmer thought to himself, "heh, I like it." He turned to Ingvar, "We shall depart tomorrow at Sun's birth, for tonight, a lavish feast is being held in our honor before we depart." he announced to the Nord. Just then, Dalamus arrived, looking rather distraught as he inched closer to the duo. "Greetings Elf-kin, I assume you stayed at the tavern last night?" he smirked. "I was just telling our Nord companion here that a feast is to be held here in the Castle, I would hope that all can attend." he informed the Dunmer. "Hmm, I have nothing particular planned for the day except to deal with some Wolf pack that has been terrorizing villagers. Not a Dragon, but perhaps you two would like to come along?" the High Elf asked his two recruits, thinking that this would be the perfect opportunity to learn more about his new comrades.


    Dar'Ja awoke from his chambers in the castle, not feeling like a social butter fly he went to his chambers right after speaking with Ozindyl. Once he put on his apparel, he walked out. He saw Ozindyl, a nord, and a elf. Ozindyle just said something about a pack of wolf's. He walked up to the group. "I hope you don't mind if i came along. Honestly, wolf's are the only things I've ever fought. I think it would be good, if I got some more practice." Dar'Ja finished with a smile.
    Dalamus approached Ozindyl and the Nord, and they soon looked at Dalamus, waiting to continue the conversation. "Wolves? Alright, I haven't killed a wolf in about 3 days, and that's to long for me, so I'm in. But... keep the, eh, "cat" away from me. I've had problems dealing with those tailed creatures, and I don't expect to repeat that situation again. Ah, yes, tell me Nord and Cat, what are your names? I don't believe we have met, or I forgot after dining on some hard Nordic mead." Dalamus let out a slight laugh and grin, and took his axe and set the hilt on the ground, and he rested his head on the top, flat piece of the axe.


    Dar'Ja didn't like the Dark Elf's Prejudice towards Dar'Ja, but he couldn't blame him, for what the Khajiits are known for. Anyway, the Elf seemed to be acting slightly friendly, like he meant no harm. Dar'Ja shifting uneasily responded "My name is Dar'Ja...and yours?" Speaking to both the Prejudice Elf and Nord.

    Dar'Ja could already feel tension between the Dunmer and himself. Even though the elf tried to be somewhat friendly...Dar'Ja could tell it was going to be quite an adventure with the Grey Skinned elf. Let's just hope that we don't end up killing each other Dar'Ja thought to himself. As he kept his eye on the elf.


    Child of the Sky
    "Ah, good to hear brother Elf," Ozindyl said with pleasure. "As for the Khajiit, his name is Dar'Ja, our scout and archer," the Altmer added upon hearing Dalamus ask about the Cat. "He is perfectly friendly I assure you," Ozindyl reassured the Dark Elf. "Alright you three, we now head for the forest, I have a lead on where the vermins' den is," he informed the trio. "Should be a quick job with the four of us, I suspect there is at least 15 in the entire pack." Ozindyl led the group to the City gates, nodding in respect to the guards posted there. They continued to the large, shaded stretch of trees and rivers, Ozindyl tracking for a trail. After an hour of no such luck, he turned to Dar'ja. The Spellsword sighed, "Alright Dar'ja, it would seem that I can't exactly..find the den. Your a scout no? perhaps you could seek their home out?" he asked the Khajiit, using this as a good oppurtunity to see Dar'ja's scouting abilities. He turned to Dalamus and Ingvar, "So my kin, why don't you tell me abit about yourselves, I like to know a little about my comrades before I venture off to slay a dragon with them.." the High Elf said with a smirk. His thoughts then turned to Rose, "Huh, I wonder where she ran off to, I haven't seen her since last night. I hope she didn't get lost, Wayrest is a big place." He pondered.


    Oz told Dar'Ja to track the den, Dar'Ja wasn't to sure about this. He had tracked animals before, but he was still very nervous. As Oz was speaking to the other members, Dar'Ja trailed off in search for the den. He saw odd marks in the dirt, in a large group not far from where the others were speaking. He followed the trail, he could tell by the way the leaves on bushes and grass was shifted unlike the other plants. He followed the trail away from the city, guessing that the den would be further away from civilization rather than closer.

    It was only maybe 10 minutes before Dar'Ja saw a small cave in a small hill. The cave roof seemed to be made out of dirt, the only thing stopping it from caving in was roots from bushes and trees. Dar'Ja took a moment to take a mental note of his surroundings, and started to walk back to the others.
    Dalamus was hesitant on the question he was given, thinking of the right words to answer with. "Hmm, a little about myself... My name is Dalamus, a two-handed, heavy armored dark elf, with a nice mohawk as you can see. I got myself a slight scar on my left eye if that hasn't been pointed out yet. Ehhhh, I was mainly doing odd jobs before I became a merc, and I never really knew my parents, but that doesn't get to me though. I do wonder who they were at times. I have some experience in fire magic, like launching fire balls, but nothing really beyond that. I do, however, have a large interest in enchanting, and, after some minor tinkering and spells, I achieved my axe, Verknim. If you need anything dealing with enchanting, i'm your guy. I killed, I saved, the whole shindig and all that. Im loyal though, and i'll send my body before I see a comrade fall. The death of a friend hurts more then the blade of the mighty Deadra Molag-Bol himself, and no one deserves watching a fellow friend fall in combat. There's not really much to say about myself though, it's easier for you to ask me questions then me just to explain my self, fellow Elf." Dalamus looked to the shaded sky, and started to ponder the memories of the past.


    Ingvar rested his hand on his short sword, and turned around, looking for trouble. "Aye then, well mines abit of a plain one. I was just a clan warrior...till I went of to do some tourin' " Ingvar frowned shortly. He slid his shield of his back. " Then, well winding down Hammerfell and Valenwood...till I cam along here" "And you know the rest" Ingvar spun to the entrance of the cave, which grew dimmer an dimmer. "I'll drop back, just stick a few yards off...don't want some stealthy hound coming back on our arse, eh?" Ingvar spun, and drew his short sword, walking back wards, looking back every so often.