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    Article Writer
    As he approached her he said, "Sorry Shade. Here,". She smiled with relief as he walked to her. "Now don't stab me. I swear I'm not going to do anything ill towards you.". "Why would I think that?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. His comment had her a little on edge leaving her timid as he asked for her hand. "Trust me. I wouldn't hurt you." he said. Grasping her hand gently, yet firm; he began the spell. Shade felt a surge of vitality. Although she wasn't fully healed she was ready for the road.

    "You were very brave to help me. I thank you." "It's not bravery, it's simply what I do!" she replied with a smile followed by a low swooping bow. "We do fight quite well as a team, I must say. This is unusual, for seldom do I fight beside another. This is also true for you, is it not?" she crossed her arms over her chest and eyed him for a minute. "I see you are bleeding again. I know there were at least two other people here before we felled the demon. We should find out if they're still alive and maybe one can aid you in your recovery."

    Shade looked around before remembering she too had lost a weapon in the fight with the creature of the Abyss. She scanned the area as she retrieved her loyal companion; dusting it off a bit before placing it in its sheathe. "If you don't mind, I would like to know what it is you spoke of in the Winking Skeever the other night. Something about a 'endeavor'?" she asked.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    "We do fight quite well as a team, I must say. This is unusual, for seldom do I fight beside another. This is also true for you, is it not?" she crossed her arms over her chest and eyed him for a minute. "I see you are bleeding again. I know there were at least two other people here before we felled the demon. We should find out if they're still alive and maybe one can aid you in your recovery."

    Shade looked around before remembering she too had lost a weapon in the fight with the creature of the Abyss. She scanned the area as she retrieved her loyal companion; dusting it off a bit before placing it in its sheathe. "If you don't mind, I would like to know what it is you spoke of in the Winking Skeever the other night. Something about a 'endeavor'?" she asked. He was impressed by her keen observations, it wasn't easy to impress him. Kir smiled slightly. "Your correct, I rarely fight with others. And as for the stabbing comment...well, you are obviously skilled and I didn't want to alarm you." Kir's vison blurred, but he hid it well. "As for the others, I hid the Khajitt nearby, the breton however ran." He started to head to where he had left the khajiit. "And as for the endeavour, well. That is a complicated matter. It has to do with that Dark One we fought and their master. Suffice to say, it would be a gift to all Tamriel to kill them." He shook his head, "But what you heard in the Winking Skeever was a mission to enter a cavern that opens only once every seven hundred years and recover a very...unique gem." He turned and faced those peircing eyes, "I apologize if I'm acting mysterious, but this is extremely dangerous and delicate. I'll make you a deal, when we get to Daran and the others and recover the gem. I'll tell you everything, no holding back. We have very little time before the cave closes for another seven hundred years. What do you say Shade?" He smiled, "Wanna help save the world?"


    Well-Known Member
    "You underestimate me." Olaf replied to Daran with a smile. "I have dodged a lot of fire in my day." He continued, painful memories of Valenwood filled his mind. Olaf shook them out of his mind as Daran started to speak again. "If you would have stayed with the others you would have been able to read the map. We are headed to a cave that only opens once every hundred years." The man answered Olaf's question while casting a magelight. The blue-white light lit up the forest like a shooting star. His mind flooded with more thoughts of his homeland. Daran said something else, but Olaf wasn't paying attention. He saw the vivid images of fire and death. He could almost feel the heat burning hairs off of his arms. "Acardi!" Olaf yelled as he snapped out of it, Daran gave him a strange look as he sat down. "You gather some firewood while I drink some rum." Daran told him. "Yeah, sure." Olaf replied.

    He looked for a slim tree, and spotted a thin birch tree not ten feet away. He pulled Fang and was about to weaken the tree with the sharpened dragon bone when he saw two elves fighting behind a large patch of brush nearby. They were two different races of mer, a Wood Elf and a Snow Elf. They made no sound rustling in the leaves. The Snow Elf had the Bosmer pinned on the ground, when the Snow Elf took a familiar knife out of the Bosmer's armor and put it towards his throat. "Acardi, you dirty traitor!" The Bosmer yelled before the Snow Elf painted the ground with the Wood Elf's blood. As soon as the Falmer slit the Wood Elf's throat, Olaf instantly recognized him. His body filled with rage that came out of nowhere, and he jumped at the elf. He hit the ground, and the two elves were gone. "What in the 9 just happened?" Olaf asked himself under his breath. He stood up and brushed himself off. Olaf returned to the small tree and weakened it with his dagger, then kicked it down and brought it to Daran. "I hope you have an axe, this dagger won't cut the sapling into pieces." Olaf said quietly, putting the dagger back in its holster.


    Article Writer
    "Your correct, I rarely fight with others. And as for the stabbing comment...well, you are obviously skilled and I didn't want to alarm you." he said. Shade tried to hide a smirk, Is he trying to sweet talk me? She thought. She had a hard time seperating those who were being sincere and those with alterior motives. It was easier for her to assume the latter, so that's exactly what she did.

    Putting her emotions to the side she listened intently to Kir's half empty explaination. She understood that he couldn't tell her everything at the moment which made it all the more intriguing.
    "I apologize if I'm acting mysterious, but this is extremely dangerous and delicate. I'll make you a deal, when we get to Daran and the others and recover the gem. I'll tell you everything, no holding back. We have very little time before the cave closes for another seven hundred years. What do you say Shade?"He smiled, "Wanna help save the world?" She sat and stared blankly at Kir for a moment weighing her options before replying, "I'm in! Now lets go find someone to help you...." playfully she asked, "do you need me to carry you?".

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    Kir smiled brightly, "As much as you would love to, I can stand." In his head he was examining the conversation and her body language. She had become a bit on guard after he had elaborated on the skill remark. Damn, he tought to himself. I'm bad with people and certain social conventions. Don't make a fool of yourself. He started of towards the clearing where the khajiit should be. "This way," he said smiling. But as he started to walk he heard that all to familiar voice in his head. "If they follow you...they will die...all mortals will die soon..and you can't save them...any of them...the world will burn because you failed..." Kir's thoughts turned dark and he remembered that horrible night. He knew his face must be showing some of his inner pain and turmoil, so he quickly masked it and smiled. "So, tell me abit about yourself Shade."

    Arthur Swift-Sword

    Swift. Like a Sword.
    Kestrel was hidden and intently listening in. "oh...interesting a gem. probably beyond valuable..." he thought quietly to himself. "Perhaps i can gain their trust, and take it for myself." Kestrel could practically feel the gem in his possesion. he then walked over to them (Kir and Shade) "Greetings, travelers. I couldnt help but overhear your conversation, and i would like to extend my services to you." He then smiled and said, "My name is Kestrel".


    Article Writer
    "As much as you would love to, I can stand." She had a good laugh as she followed Kir. Shade noticed his expression go from a light-hearted smile, to troubled in a hurry. Thinking maybe he sensed some sort of danger she began taking a closer look at their surroundings. He soon interrupted her thoughts saying, "So, tell me abit about yourself Shade." she stopped suddenly grabbing his arm and drawing him deep into her stare. "Are you sure there's not something you wish to tell me before we continue?" she asked sincerely. Shade never liked to pry for she understood all too well the reserved nature of their profession. She herself hated to be poked and prodded. But she sensed a certain gravity of this particular situation and felt an unrelenting urge to pry. "I feel like whatever it is you're holding back could potentially cripple us in the long run. Perhaps it would be wise to give me a bit more to go off of so I know what to prepare for." she released his arm and continued to study his every move.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    "Are you sure there's not something you wish to tell me before we continue?" she asked sincerely. Shade never liked to pry for she understood all too well the reserved nature of their profession. She herself hated to be poked and prodded. But she sensed a certain gravity of this particular situation and felt an unrelenting urge to pry. "I feel like whatever it is you're holding back could potentially cripple us in the long run. Perhaps it would be wise to give me a bit more to go off of so I know what to prepare for." she released his arm and continued to study his every move.

    Kir looked deeply into her eyes. He almost said nothing or some light-hearted comment, but for some reason he couldn't fathom he trusted her. "I am the last of an order of protecters of the Profane Tools who were established after they were recovered and used by the Nevarine hundreds of years ago...and the last of my family alive. Years ago, my family was slaughtered like animals after being tortured in the cruelest ways, by the foulest magics. I don't know know the name of the man who command the Dark Ones, hell, I didn't even find out about the Tools or this order my family belonged to before three years ago." Sorrow over his family and guilt washed over him, "In truth? I don't even know much about the Tools, the order, or this Dark Stranger. Thats why I need the gem. It is called the Gem of True Seeing. I do not know what the Dark Stranger has planned, but he's sword to kill everyliving person. And this burden falls upon me of all people...I tell you now what I've never told anyone..I'm afraid..afraid I will fail and be the reason this world ends..." Kir looked away, not knowing if she would call him a liar or insane. He hadn't meant to tell any of the adventures this untill far later.


    Article Writer
    After hearing all that he had to say she paused for a moment to digest everything. Before she spoke she laid a comforting hand on his shoulder and lifted his chin with her fingertips, "It is not always bad to be afraid," she said softly as she looked him in the eyes, "it shows that you take matters seriously. Were you to think it easy, would put you at a disadvantage. Fear puts things into perspective and keeps you on your toes. You're not alone, my friend!".

    "Greetings, travelers. I couldnt help but overhear your conversation, and i would like to extend my services to you." came an unexpected voice. Shade immediately drew her weapons, "Who are you and give me one good reason not to slice you from groin to gullet!!" she snarled.

    Arthur Swift-Sword

    Swift. Like a Sword.
    Immediately finding a joke in the bad situation, Kestrel quickly responded, "Well because I enjoy my groin AND my gullet and wish to continue using them" Kestrel smiled "But all joking aside, i mean no harm to you." Kestrel then held out his hand. "My name is Kestrel, I seek only adventure, and wish to accompany you"


    Well-Known Member
    Olaf sat next to Daran on a log and watched the campfire they created. The embers warmed Olaf, the forest they were in was lush, but it was a chilly night. They sat there, quiet. All the sounds came from the crackling fire and animals in the woods. Olaf stared deeply into the fire, heat evaporating the very water off of his eyes. Orange and yellow flames had him in a trance-like state. The fire twisted into images of Olaf's mind, the very thoughts that almost drove him to insanity replicated themselves in the fire and taunted Olaf with their grueling images. He saw a Thalmor soldier in elven armor putting a sword to his throat. He saw a figure run out of a door ablaze, then falling to the ground. Then he saw the same event he saw earlier while he was collecting firewood. Olaf blinked, and the images were gone. He was shaking, and realized the fear he had just went through. "When are those damn elves and cats getting here." Olaf thought out loud, starting to wonder why he bothered to come along. "Oh yeah, the gold." He thought, in his head this time.


    Article Writer
    Shade let out a frustrated grow and slapped the fool on the wrist with the flat of her dagger. "What's the meaning of you eaves dropping on such matters? Most people would've cut you to pieces without asking what your intentions were! Honestly, I still don't know why I haven't." she looked to Kir as if to justify her actions. "FOOL!!!!" she sneered and stormed off in search of the Khajiit cursing the Breton, and herself, with every step.

    Arthur Swift-Sword

    Swift. Like a Sword.
    ( =( Why you do dat )

    Kestrel rubbed his wrist and was mumbling curses of his own. "I didnt mean to..." he started to say untill he realised she had left. he sighed loudly. "Well sir, I suppose your going to hit me with a dagger now too right?" Kestrel said, turning to face Kir.

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    Lyle was halfway asleep when he began to slip from his tree. He fell landing on his butt. He stood up and rubbed his bum. Something is seriously wrong with me. thought Lyle worried about his own well being. Lyle then began to walk towards a bush blocking his path. He went through the bush and saw a woman coming at him. Lyle put his hands up " I'm friendly, not hostile my name is Lyle" said Lyle looking at the woman coming at him. She looked pissed , Lyle really hoped she wasn't gonna attack him.


    Article Writer
    She was startled as a cat came walking through the bushes. She quickly realized it was the Khajiit they had been looking for. "I'm friendly, not hostile my name is Lyle.". "Ah yes! You must be the lucky Khajiit that almost got himself killed amidst a battle with a denzien of the Abyss!" she paused as she studied him, "What in the hell were you thinking my friend?". As Shade stood there awaiting his response, she couldn't contain her laughter when thinking back to his comment to her attacker that night; "Are you a bounty hunter?".
    Lucas sat in the shade of a large tree, blocking himself from the early morning sun. He watched a pair of deer inquizitively as they danced around eachother. Beautiful creatures, he thought, and they wouldn't judge me for my affliction. Lucas nearly stood and walked over to them, but he knew better. It would only bring rejection.

    Memories of his father swam in his mind as he began to feel the familiar tingle of a ray of sunlight on his face. He wasn't a kind man. But he had shaped Lucas into the person, or shell of a person rather, that he was today. Lucas looked up at the three slivers of sun that were shooting down at him through the leaves of trees, sighed and moved over a bit to rid himself of the annoyance. Perhaps I should go see if the Bards' College has anything worth reading today.

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    Lyle smiled as he put his hands down. "I'm really not sure what I was thinking, I seriously thought the guy who stabbed was a bounty hunter, he smelled like dirt and death." Explained Lyle pointing at his nose. He no remembers everything now, The stupid question, his curiosity , and the stabber. " You said something about that man being a denizen of the abyss?, What,where is the Abyss?" Asked Lyle curiously, he then remembered what his curiousity got him into last night. Lyle shook his head as if too say Forget I asked. " Are you going to the cave with the group?"


    Article Writer
    Lyle smiled as he put his hands down. "I'm really not sure what I was thinking, I seriously thought the guy who stabbed was a bounty hunter, he smelled like dirt and death." Shade raised an eyebrow at him, shaking her head in disbelief. So you often go confronting those smelling of dirt and death? It's a wonder you still live! she thought to herself. "You said something about that man being a denizen of the abyss?, What,where is the Abyss?" Shade started to explain when she was cut short, "Forget I asked. Are you going to the cave with the group?" "Yes, it looks like I am! And I think we've found another to join us!". Shade crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes as she turned to face Kestral and Kir. Reluctantly, she started in their direction. "Common then Lyle, we had better join the rest of the group. My name is Shade." she said with a smile.

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    Lyle followed shade. He let his thoughts float off. How will this adventure turn out, will there be treasure and bounty, or sadness and death. Lyle then spoke up " I'm rather curious soo sometimes I just go up to random people, my father said I get that trait from my mother" Said Lyle smiling, at the end of the sentence the smile faded to a sad frown, Lyle remembered his mother. She was nice and selfless, she always helped Lyle catch fiish, she made everything look easy. She died 3 weeks ago from a disease known as Rotea. The disease came from little bugs that hide in bread. Lyle vowed to never eat bread again.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    After hearing all that he had to say she paused for a moment to digest everything. Before she spoke she laid a comforting hand on his shoulder and lifted his chin with her fingertips, "It is not always bad to be afraid," she said softly as she looked him in the eyes, "it shows that you take matters seriously. Were you to think it easy, would put you at a disadvantage. Fear puts things into perspective and keeps you on your toes. You're not alone, my friend!". Kir smiled softly. He felt something in his chest and his heart felt strange. He looked into her eyes and saw the sincerity of her words. He had never had anyone speak to him like this and he breifly entertained the thought of ki-

    "Greetings, travelers. I couldnt help but overhear your conversation, and i would like to extend my services to you." came an unexpected voice. Shade immediately drew her weapons, "Who are you and give me one good reason not to slice you from groin to gullet!!" she snarled.

    The stranger quickly responded, "Well because I enjoy my groin AND my gullet and wish to continue using them" Kestrel smiled "But all joking aside, i mean no harm to you." He then held out his hand. "My name is Kestrel, I seek only adventure, and wish to accompany you."

    Shade let out a frustrated grow and slapped the fool on the wrist with the flat of her dagger. Kir nearly burst out laughing. "What's the meaning of you eaves dropping on such matters? Most people would've cut you to pieces without asking what your intentions were! Honestly, I still don't know why I haven't." she looked to Kir as if to justify her actions. Kir smiled at her and she turned back to the man. "FOOL!!!!" she sneered and stormed off in search of the Khajiit cursing the Breton, and herself, with every step.

    Kir felt abit sad at her storming off and happy she had defended him. Kir turned to the man, Kestrel who was already speaking. "Well sir, I suppose your going to hit me with a dagger now too right?" Kestrel said, turning to face Kir. "Maybe later," Kir said jokingly. "I recognize you now. The vampire hidden in the back of the Winking Skeever. Don't be suprised, knowing things and making observations comes with my profession. As long as you keep your fangs to yourself, I won't have to da anything drastic." Kestrel was about to respond when Shade walked back up to them. She was still clearly angry with the man, so Kir flashed a smile. Putting all of his unsaid thanks and gratitude behind it. She had supported, defended, and saved him in the last twelve hours. She did things to his emotions and his defenses, that he wasn't used to. But he wasn't sure it was a bad thing. In fact, he felt great.