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    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    I suppose my main reason for joining is for the work. I'm not sure if you heard or not but I am a deserter of the war. I fought for Ulfric because I wanted my right to worship Talos. I don't worship Talos myself, but I felt it was only the first step that the Empire was taking towards taking all of our other rights. Don't misunderstand me now, I believe that Ulfric is an idiot. He should not have killed Torygg, but since he did that makes me believe he is simply power hungry. I just thought it would be better to fight under the guise of my homeland than the ones that were imposing on it since I am a native bred Nord woman.

    Arith took a thought for himself. He had never really gave much care about about the war. Mostly because they never really involve him. He took, yet again, another sip of his drink. Azaelia then asked him a question.

    What about you? What is your reasoning for joining the expedition?

    Well I joined this expedition for an adventure. I love travelling and exploring and this was my chance too do so. It's also a chance to make new friends as well. Arith gave a friendly wink towards Azelia when he said this. He then looked at the fire. It reminded him about the situation Skyrim is in. I personally think that the war between Ulfric and the Imperials is a lose-lose situation for Skyrim. I mean, If Ulfric wins he's going to kick every non-nord out of Skyrim. But if the imperials win then we're gonna be at a disadvantage against the Aldermeri Dominion. Arith took a sip of his ale. I don't really care about the war but you hear a lot of things when you enter taverns.

    He threw some sticks onto the fire to keep it going. He then grinned as an idea popped into his head.

    Have you ever played a game of riddles?


    Azaelia listened as Arith explained his reasons. It seemed to be, to Azaelia, that he was just a man trying to fill a void in his life. Adventure was what filled whatever that void was. Possible women also filled that void seeing as Azaelia was one of the first people he had associated with in the Long House, and there was Circe...

    "I mean, If Ulfric wins he's going to kick every non-nord out of Skyrim. But if the imperials win then we're gonna be at a disadvantage against the Aldermeri Dominion." Azaelia felt a little twinge of guilt at this due to her blood. She wanted to tell him that even if Ulfric won there would be plenty of women to keep him here in Skyrim and then add a little wink, but she couldn't make herself and they fell into a small silence. Aggravated she scolded herself during the silence for not saying the witty comment, but she didn't get long before Arith saved the conversation.

    "Have you ever played a game of riddles?" He asked after he had stoked the fire before them.

    "I have not, but I wouldn't mind learning something new." She smiled to him. "Teach me."


    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    I have not, but I wouldn't mind learning something new."She smiled to him."Teach me.

    Arith smiled excitedly at this. He placed his ale down on the ground near him and faced Azaeila. He started moving his hands around in a teaching manner when speaking to her.

    Well you know what a riddle is, right? Well this is basically where we give each other riddles and the one being given the riddles has too figure it out. If the person asked gets it right then they must give the other person a riddle back. We keep giving each other riddles until one of us is stumped. The winner is basically the last man standing....or woman in your case.

    Arith chuckled at this. He then reached into his knapsack and gave Azaelia a book. The book was his "Yellow Book Of Riddles".

    You can use that if you like. Or you can use your own riddles. It's your choice

    He then took his ale back up off the ground. To him, there's nothing like getting drunk and shouting out riddles like a madman. Arith did this once in the middle of the streets of Solitude. He was chased by the Penitus Oculatus after shouting an insulting riddle against the emperor of Tamriel...good times is what Arith thought. Good times.

    He then focused himself back to Azaelia's attention.

    I'm going to give you a riddle first. This isn't in the book so don't bother checking. Arith chuckled and smiled playfully at her. He then took a chug of his ale and proceeded with the riddle.

    I touch your face.
    I'm in your words.
    I'm lack of space
    and beloved by birds.

    What am I?


    Azaelia situated herself to where she was facing Arith more directly as he began to explain. Throughout his explanation her eyes twinkled with glee. It was always fun to learn new things, especially with good company. She drank her ale in sips, although she preferred whiskey but she took what she could get. Arith handed her a book of riddles, Now I can read in my spare time...she thought to herself as she rubbed her fingers lightly over the title on the worn cover.

    "I'm going to give you a riddle first. This isn't in the book so don't bother checking." Azaelia smiled broadly before saying, "I don't cheat at games," with a laugh in her words.

    "I touch your face.
    I'm in your words.
    I'm lack of space
    and beloved by birds.

    What am I?"

    Azaelia chuckled and answered swiftly, "That one is easy, the answer is air." She gestured with her hand that was holding the ale to the space around them before returning her gaze to him. She thought for a moment before returning with her own riddle.

    "I've got one for you:

    I am needed in war,
    And sought after by few.
    For I am already held,
    By those you look to.

    What am I?" She smiled smugly as she watched his face sink in her words. She took a big gulp of ale while feeling accomplished by thinking it up on the spot.


    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    I am needed in war,
    And sought after by few.
    For I am already held,
    By those you look to.

    Arith gained a huge surprised expression on his face. He had never expected such a tough riddle. He has heard many riddles in his lifetime but none like this one. Arith looked away to have a think about it. He placed his hand on his chin in a thinking face. He was truly stumped. The only people that have stumped him like this were either pro riddlers or were extremely smart like scholars.

    Arith continued to think about this but every time he thought of an answer, one of the lines will contradict it. He thought it might be multiple answers but he didn't know of riddles that could do that. Even if he's played it for half his lifetime and he didn't know if that's possible.

    Arith took a huge chug of his ale. He thought some more alcohol might help but it didn't, he was still stumped. He then gave up and turned back to Azaelia and decided to admit defeat.

    Wow. I think I'm stumped. He laughed loudly and smiled at Azaelia. That's a very good riddle from someone who's never played it before, said Arith, putting a little emphasis in the last part of his sentence. This didn't bother him. He was just curious. Well, the rule states that the winner goes again in the next round.

    Arith took a sip of ale and gave a friendly wink at Azaelia. It's your turn again.


    Azaelia finished off her bottle of ale while she watched Arith think. I've stumped the man! she thought happily as she went to retrieve another bottle of ale. Arith's face was full of shock and his expression turned into a furrowed brow as his thinking deepened. He took a swig of ale and thought a moment more before he turned back to her.

    "Wow. I think I'm stumped." He laughed loudly and Azaelia joined him in his laughter, she was rather proud of herself right now. "That's a very good riddle from someone who's never played it before." She heard the emphasis and her grin spread even further across her mouth.

    "Well, the rule states that the winner goes again in the next round." He winked at her again and said, "It's your turn again."

    "Very well," she said happily as she took another drink, "see if this one is any easier:

    I am the husband on the ship that set sail.
    The heart as the wife started to wail.
    I am the boy who lost his mother to bane,
    And the bird who wishes to soar again.

    What am I?" She really was enjoying herself right now as she sat by the fire. The night was quiet and there wasn't really anything to disrupt them. It had been a long time since she had relaxed and spoke at length to anyone. She took a stick that was laying near-by them and poked the fire watching as the flaming embers soared up to the night sky. The clouds were still there obscuring the brilliant stars that Skyrim had adorning it's nights but the moons' light still managed to seep through some of the cloud cover giving the opening they were all camped in a bit of a cool glow.

    The fire flickered against the ground and cast fighting shadows against the snow that was further off. Little puddles had formed closest to the fire where there had been snow but was no longer. The land was silent, except for the crackling of the fire, and calm. It was truly nice to enjoy something silent and serene. It had taken a while for the screams of men and women to finally clear her mind when there was silence around her. Her mind was quiet now, and only the mechanisms of her thoughts made noise inside her head. She looked over to Arith, suddenly uncomfortable sitting alone with a man in an open space. She quieted this sudden feeling by taking a large drink of her ale and contenting herself to wait on the mans answer.


    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    I am the husband on the ship that set sail.
    The heart as the wife started to wail.
    I am the boy who lost his mother to bane,
    And the bird who wishes to soar again.

    What am I?

    Arith gave a thought about this. He thought that this one was much easier than the previous one so he can have a better go at it. He placed his hand on his chin like he did before in a thinking expression. He took a sip of ale as an encouragement towards his brain but he felt nothing come out of the glass. He looked into the bottle with one eye to see an empty bottle and nothing more. He chuckled at this and turned to Azaelia.

    Here's a riddle: Why can't ale be everlasting?

    Arith laughed at this and turned the bottle upside-down to show the depleted-ness of ale in his bottle. He took out another one and pulled the cork of off it. He wasn't worried about his supply of ale as he had like twenty bottles in his knapsack.

    He looked at Azaelia with a final answer. He wasn't sure but in his mind it was the most possible answer.

    Is it sadness?


    Azaelia watched with humor as he tried to drink out of the bottle that was empty.

    "Here's a riddle: Why can't ale be everlasting?" He laughed and she almost offered him another out of her supply when he reached into his bag and displayed quite a large supply of ale. A big drinker as well...interesting. He turned towards her and answered with a serious look on his face.

    "Is it sadness?" He asked her. She smiled and shook her head lightly, the ale she had been drinking had made the pain in her head lessen even more so by now. She looked at him taking in his face. His pointed ears, the angular nose, and the high cheek bones all gave him the characteristic look of an elf. His warm eyes is what defined him, she thought to herself. She looked away and instead stared into the fire as her smile faded from her face.

    "It's longing..." Her voice was quiet and her mouth was relaxed in neither a frown nor a grin. She took a drink from her ale absently as she stared beside herself with memories. She shook her head suddenly, snapping out of whatever trance she had been in and huffed a chuckle out through her nose with a dismayed smile.

    "Does this mean I need to go again, or should I be nice and let you have a go at stumping me?"


    Account closed
    Danacia had found herself lost in thoughts once more, coming eventually, slipping back to reality. She looked around seeing the tent she had made herself fully in tact, then Azaelia gone from her side, and Edwin moved back to his tent. She assumed since most had found there way to sleep, to the ones that met her eyes currently, Azaelia and Arith took first watch. Letting out a tired yawn, Danacia stretched, but then her hands quickly landed on her stomach as she felt a large groan of hunger. She sighed, licking her lips as she felt her wolven eyes press forward and the view of Azealia and Arith still were in focus. Shaking her head, she closed them, and sauntered off quietly heading in the direction of the forest unnoticed. She thought for a moment about ignoring these urges and tending to them once morning woke, and even climbing into Edwin's tent, but that was quickly diminished as she remembered how little they knew each other.

    Danacia was at the forest's edge, finally, where she slipped into the shadows unseen by the white snow glowing under the moon's shine. She made her way thick into the forest, her heart picking up with each step, and a lick of her lips added to the lust for something. She could smell prey. Somewhere. But was it prey that she could eat? That was the question. Danacia found herself close to a large evergreen with a thick trunk and enormous branches sky scraping high into the sky. She began to climb it, getting higher and higher, until she reached mid-way into the tree where none could spot her below or above. She sat balanced close to the trunk, taking her gear off as her tan soft flesh met the winter's cold air. Danacia was finally free from all binds, placing each of her thinks secured by leather strips and whatever else she could keep it bound to the tree. She stood, exposing her naked body, and then lifted her head to the sky letting out a long ear piercing Ula howl. This was a significant howl, very high pitched, and it signified the presence of an Aatu daughter. To most, it would only sound like that of a feminine alpha wolf, but to those trained in the way of the Ula it meant more.

    Upon howling, she saw her wolf spirit running up to the tree. It began to jump from branch to branch until it made it's way up to her naked body. The wolf spirit bound back with her, and then Danacia was instantly covered in a shroud of darkness. She began to twist and turn in awkward directions, growing white hair all over her body, and soon the darkness was cancelled out by a loud roar emitting from Danacia's muzzle. Danacia jumped down from the tree landing gracefully after taking a long fall. She took in the smell of prey close by making sure to use her now heightened smell to determine the difference between her party members and ones she could kill. She ran, faster and faster blending with ease into the snow covered grounds. Her lime green eyes finally fell upon a large orange fire light held by a group of bandits in a nearby clearing within the forest. Danacia's hunger was soon to be sated.


    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    It's longing...

    Arith noticed her staring at him quite deeply before she said this. Arith stared back. The Nord woman had deep blue eyes like sapphire and silver. Arith looked at these. He saw them twinkle like stars in the sky. Strands of fair blonde hair swing past the eyes like vines on a jungle tree. He didn't know if it was the alcohol talking or if he was tired. He thought her eyes were magnificent. She looked at the fire without a smile. She then stopped looking at the fire and turned her attention back to Arith.

    Does this mean I need to go again, or should I be nice and let you have a go at stumping me?

    Arith smiled at this. He was enjoying his time with Azaelia quite wonderfully. He then grinned and spoke.

    I'll have a go then.

    He cracked his shoulders too keep him awake. He then gave his quite long riddle.

    A Bosmer, was slain. The Altmer claims the Dunmer is guilty. The Dunmer says the Khajiit did it. The Orc swears he didn't kill the Bosmer. The Khajiit says the Dunmer is lying. If only one of these speaks the truth, who killed the Bosmer?


    Azaelia pointed her finger in the air as she ran the riddle through her head multiple times trying to figure out who had actually killed the Bosmer.

    "It must have been the Orc. He's the only one it could have been if only one of them is telling the actual truth. Am I correct?" She noticed Arith was looking rather drunken, and it saddened her a little to know that their game was coming to an end. After waiting on his answer she said, "You should probably get some sleep. It's been really nice speaking with you, friend."


    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    It must have been the Orc. He's the only one it could have been if only one of them is telling the actual truth. Am I correct?

    Arith was feeling rather tispy when heard this. He wasn't that drunk that he couldn't hear Azaelia, but he wasn't that sober that he could stand for more than one hour without falling. He then looked towards Azaelia and told her if she was correct.

    You are correct! You have a knack for this sort of thing, you know that?

    Arith started feeling tired. He then give a hiccup too show his tipsiness. The small bench he was sitting on felt quite wobbly. Arith ignored this and listened to Azaelia talk again.

    You should probably get some sleep. It's been really nice speaking with you, friend.

    Arith replied to Azaelia. You too! It was nice of us having a game of- woah!

    Arith lost his balance on the bench and fell off into the white blanket of snow around him. He just laughed heartily and looked around him.

    Look I lost my balance! Ha ha! He then gave a big yawn and slowly closed his eyes. His voice getting quieter as he speaks.

    I'm just going too...I'm just going...too rest my eyes a little...

    Arith then fell into a deep sleep in the middle of the snow. Surrounded by a few ale bottles. He has succumbed too a restful sleep and probably won't be woken till morning.


    Azaelia laughed at the man as he fell over. As her fit sobered, she retreated inside her tent and grabbed some furs. Tenderly she wrapped the drunken man in them so he wouldn't catch cold. She looked over him. The way the ale bottles had formed around him and the way his mouth hung open in his drunken sleep. She was holding her liquor quite well and simply smiled at the man.

    "It was nice speaking with you..." she murmured as she left his ale smelling body to wake Edwin. She entered his tent tentatively and shook him gently.

    "Edwin!" She whispered quietly, "Arith and I are rather tired...would you mind taking your shift now?" She yawned right after the last words had left her mouth and she waited for a response. It would not be wise of her to leave for her sleep without knowing that at least someone was still awake to watch over everyone.


    Queen of Evil
    Circe awoke to Tie's gentle breathing as she curled up on his belly and a faint warmth from the fire that kept her at room temperature. After taking a few deep breaths she opened her eyes, they were a dark red crimson and her fangs were visible as she yawned. You're hungry aren't you? She though to herself. Ever since she had become a member of the Ula she had to treat her hunger as two different beings. Sometimes it was hard to tell if it was the Vampire inside her that yearned for blood, or the wolf inside her that craved flesh. This time however, she knew it was both.

    She stood. more silent that any mortal could hope to and looked down at Tie who had began to stir in his sleep. The Vampire took off both of her waist satchels and placed them next to the cats face.

    "You look after them boy, I'll be back soon." She said stroking the thick fur on his back.

    Then, she turned on one heel and began to make her way to the forest. The snow wasn't as deep inside the forest due to the trees that sheltered the ground, but every time a bird flew from a branch it seemed to shake every tree in the forest. Circe had only just left sight of camp when a scent caught her attention. Something she had only smelt a couple of times before, but a smell that she would always recognise. Another wolf, but this one is special. No doubt it is Danacia. In that very second, just by chance, she heard a very distinctive howl come to her on the wind. Definitely Danacia. The Imperial began to take her black-leather set of, which was relatively easy to do compared to the thick armour most people wore, and folded it neatly before clawing her way part way up a tree and leaving her clothes there on a branch.

    Once she was back down on the ground she knew the transformation was soon to come. She could feel her eyes changing from crimson to silver as they always did before she changed, and soon her bones began to bend and crack as her limbs were thrown in impossible directions. Black fog began to surround her as the Daedric prince Hercine pushed her transformation onwards and in a matter of second dark brown fur began to sprout from every place on her body. Her heart beat began to rise, seemingly so fast that it was one continuous beat. Her mouth began to change from her Imperial jaw to that of a wolf and then... it was over. Instead of Circe, there now stood a beast on the forest floor. She let out a howl that shook the snow off of ever tree around her and made the birds flee into the night sky. Blood, I need blood. And I need flesh!


    Account closed
    Danacia didn't hesitate with the pointless stalking. She walked into the came, revealing her fiery lime green eyes, and her thick white pelt. She stood large and in charge, and at the same time quite feminine for a beast of the night. Danacia roared, her large set of jaws blasting drool everywhere as the bandits got up unsheathing their blades and heading in her direction. Quickly she dodged and deflected their blows, and made sure of course to watch out for any silver.

    Danacia grabbed the first one by the neck, squeezed it until there was nothing left as the life collapsed from him instantly, and she threw him hard against the tree while listening to his spine crack in half. The other headed with an axe to her face, she easily swung her large claws into his face and threw him with one swipe to the ground. As arrows from a bow were flying mad in her direction, Danacia leaped out of the way and she landed on the man she threw to the ground tearing into him with her large golden talons. She roared once more feeling a iron arrow "prick" her thick muscular form, pulled the arrow out after sinking her teeth into the man's stomach as intestines hung from her jaws, and then turned her lime green eyes of death towards the archer.

    There were four more men to be had in this large group, giving enough room for Circe to jump in at any moment, and of course keep Danacia busy with the one she had taken down. Danacia's quick regeneration worked instantly on the arrow wound as she began to slowly skulk after the archer dodging me that had came by. In her slow movements, with the intestines hanging from her now full front bloodied chest as she chewed away, the battered corpse dragged along as she walked. She snapped her jaws, cutting the intestines off from the body mid-way to the fearful archer who kept backing up, and she swallowed up the intestines as if it were a spaghetti noodle.

    Danacia jumped into the air landing easily on the archer. She slashed, sank her teeth into, and she tore the archer to pieces. The four other bandits were yelling out battle cries as they so angrily rushed into battle towards Danacia. Taking in the deep scent of the familiar Circe, she blinked once, making her lime green eyes glow bright as lime green astral energies shot out from her within the astral plane and formed around each of the bandit that was left slowing them to a freezing point in time. She did this so they would be frozen in their action so she didn't have to defend herself while Circe was on the way here. And as she waited for the arrival of the oddly unfamiliar Ula sister, she picked up the head of the archer and smashed the skull repetitively into the ground until it cracked open like an egg's shell spilling it's inner contents onto the snow covered ground. Danacia lapped up the brain juices and began to work her teeth into the brain itself. "Come on Circe I can't hold these men frozen in time for long..." She sighed as she called out to her telepathically testing how strong her Ula blood ran.


    Queen of Evil
    Circe sprinted with unusual grace towards Danacia, something that came naturally due to being a Vampire for so many years. While she ran she could feel a connection being made and seconds later a message arrived in the back of her mind. Come on Circe I can't hold these men frozen in time for long... Before long she could see an orange glow in the distance and smoke rising into the fresh night air. Not even three bounds of her giant beast-like legs later she came skidding to a halt in what had once been a bandit camp. She saw Danacia, now a huge white beast, enjoying the brains of an archer in her claws at the corner of the camp.

    This should be fun. Circe ran with arms outstretched towards two bandits that Danacia had frozen in time. Her claws pierced their chests and she lifted one of them immediately to her mouth and began to gnaw on the man's legs while he wailed in agony. With her other hand, she threw the female bandit to the floor. Circe looked back to Danacia with a sickening grin and spoke to her through the astral realm. Feel free to join in whenever you want.


    Lord of the Meeblings
    Edwin woke to Azaelia shaking his shoulder. His eyes snapped open with a start and his body tensed, as it always did when he was woken. Call it habit from many nights on the run. "Of course Azaelia, I would be happy to," He smiled at the woman and crawled out of his tent, grabbing his sword on the way out and buckling it back onto his belt.

    Once out Edwin stretched his limbs and flexed his arms to work the sleep out of them. He looked at Azaelia and then over to Arith, who was laying, fur wrapped, in a snowbank. Edwin chuckled, "Ah, I see Arith as already taken it upon himself to go to sleep. I'm sure he will be having fun tomorrow morning with that hangover huh?" He grinned at Azaelia, "Go ahead and take your rest, I will stand watch now."

    As Azaelia retired to her tent Edwin began his turn on watch, a propper one not a drinking party like Arith had made of his. Edwin slowly paced about the fire, keeping the flames to his side at all times. He did not look into the fire as it ruined a persons night vision if he did. As he walked Edwin heard a long, erie wolf howl. He looked in the direction that it had come from, it seemed the wolves were out hunting tonight. He would have to stay alert so the beasts didn't decide to go bother them.


    Account closed
    Feel free to join in whenever you want....

    Danacia heard her speak, ears pinned back as she dragged her four corpses all in a row lined up by one another. "No thanks, I have my kill..." She snarled, like any wolf would protective of their food as she made her way into one of the corpses burying her head deep into it's chest cavity. She devoured this man instantly, moving to the brain for dessert, and she continued to repeat the same process for each one. She kept this up until she finished them off to a point where there was literally nothing but bones and blood left. Her entire white pelt was covered in blood, and her muzzle dripped in it as she looked over to the feeding Circe.

    "If you were Ula, why didn't you tell me?!" She asked, still standing over her mess, "Would have made you being an vampire a lot easier on me to begin with." The wolf knew she would eventually have to clean up and be quick about their feeding since they were very close to camp. "We will have to burn the entire campsite down once you are finished."


    Azaelia nodded to Edwin as he awoke and got out of his tent. He shook the grogginess from his bones and spoke a little to her.

    "Ah, I see Arith as already taken it upon himself to go to sleep. I'm sure he will be having fun tomorrow morning with that hangover huh?" He had grinned at her when he said this, and she smiled a little shyly remembering her participation in the drunken games.

    "Go ahead and take your rest, I will stand watch now." She nodded again to him and retreated to her tent only to surface out in the air again.

    "I'm too anxious to sleep..." She began as she fiddled with some leather that was hanging off her hip.

    "Knowing that soon I'll be underground for two months has made me want to wander a bit. Feel the air on my skin, you know?" She started to leave, her only weapon the axe on her hip as she had left the rest in her tent, and she then turned back to Edwin before getting out of earshot.

    "I will be back in a little while. I just want to be alone for a little bit." She smiled to him to assure him that it wasn't for any bad reason and then took her leave of the campsite. She halted when she heard a wolf's howl. Shivers made their way slickly down her spine as memories flashed through her mind in a small instant. She squeezed her eyes shut again them and then continued on her small personal mission. She knew that there was a river nearby, and she also knew that it would be cold and refreshing and blissfully numbing.

    As she walked she heard tree limbs crackling and the wind slowly dying down to a whisper rather than the roar it had been earlier in the day. The moons were shining brightly down on the snowy white landscape as she trekked down a slight slope towards the sound of running water. A fox jumped as she stepped on a twig and scurried away back to its' den as she continued down the slope to the bank.

    Gently, she began to strip away her armor after looking cautiously around. The brisk Skyrim air was bracing against her wan flesh but it was also invigorating. She stood for a moment letting her skin bathe in the moonlight letting her hair brush against her mostly bare back and chest. For this moment she had left her under most clothing on and she closed her eyes as she breathed in and out enjoying the free weight on her chest. Slowly, she moved her hands to the sides of her helmet and removed it gently from her head. She let the helm fall to the ground with a soft plop into the mud alongside the river bank. The sound of the water running over the smooth pebbles was surprisingly soothing and soon enough, she found herself beginning to wade into the frigid waters.

    Her long hair looked white in the moonlight and paired well with her pale body. the long strands of hair swayed and swam through the current as she felt her tight muscles begin to loosen in the cold water. She leaned her head back and began to work her fingers through it freeing the soft strands from the sticky brown blood that was splotched against it. She washed her face, the dirt and residual blood coming free and letting her face shine like the moon's above her. Her fingers outlined a few special spots on her face that she purposefully hid from others out of shame and the need for secrecy. She gasped despite herself as she ran the tips of her fingers along the worst of it.

    After all her menial tasks of cleanliness were accomplished, she simply anchored herself in the river bed and allowed the water to flow around her body. Her skin was covered in goose flesh but she didn't mind at the moment. Her thoughts were clear for once and she enjoyed the sound of the river movement filling her mind. She smiled as she swam her hands through the waters in a graceful way and opened her mouth letting out a quiet but strong voice in the manner of song.

    "I am the warrior...I am the spirit...I am the survivor and all that comes with it..."


    Queen of Evil
    "If you were Ula, why didn't you tell me?! Would have made you being an vampire a lot easier on me to begin with. We will have to burn the entire campsite down once you are finished." Danacia spoke in the back of her mind while she continued to devour her prey.

    Circe was in a similar position, but had decided she would gnaw off any flesh around the limbs while the bandits were alive, and then rip open their insides. She had blood across her muzzle but had managed to keep the rest of her body relatively clean, unlike the Werewolf beside her who was now coated in a thick layer of sticky crimson.

    "I didn't tell you because we had only just met. I hardly knew you and the last time I met a member of the Ula was when I was with your sister. I was also aware that you had been banished from the sanctuary, and I wan't sure how things stood between you and others of you kind." Circe ripped the arms and legs off of the female bandit she now had in her grips and threw them into the bushed so they didn't get in the way of her meal. She then proceeded to bury her face inside of the woman's belly, much like Danacia had. "Yes we will need to burn the campsite down, but won't the fire draw the groups attention? Won't they connect us with it seeing as we have been gone for a while?"