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    Active Member
    Tybalt's eyes glazed upon the shine of light that struck a Inn which was obvious to him.Tybalt placed his left hand slightly in front of his forehead which blocked most of the bright like as he approached the tavern he heard some chatter of people who were inside already he then removed his hood reviling a face of age small wrinkles peached the face and a large scar which went from his right eye to his bottom lip.

    As Tybalt entered he was aware of his surroundings he was constantly looking behind him.As he turned to face the tavern he notice a Argonian sweeping the floor "Sir do you happen to have a good ale or drink that's cheap" "well sir we have a large selection of drinks but would you like a speciality wine we have a selection of 3" "No how bout an ale" as they chatter the Argonian passed a small coin purse to Tybalt then Tybalt leaned forward "our business is done hear I might just stay though".

    The Argonian nodded and went to get an ale for Tybalt whilst he did this Tybalt rested his legs from such a long walk to riften.


    New Member
    The doors gently slid open as a scaly claw marked the wooden surface of the door. The Argonian snaked herself through the entrance with an unnatural level of decorum an elegance not native to the likes of Skyrim. Several measured steps later she found herself hovering across the outskirts of the Inn like a predator, scouting out an easy gullible skeever to pay for her lodging; every so often she diligently fingered her pouch, counting her coins subconsciously in case of pesky fidgeting hands, a case more than most seem to annoyingly possess. Elusive whispers struck her Argonian ears as she listened out to individual conversations as she circled around the Tavern once, finally settling herself at the edge of the bar. Her Argonian claw the bar counter twice, sliding a singular piece in exchange for a drink. She was constantly aware of keeping people out from her own personal space, her amber eyes only faintly glowed with the exotic promise of danger to any onlookers at the supposedly grizzled huntress.


    Clever little Bosmer
    Fexon's eyebrow raised up with curiosity, as the strange elf sat beside him. Fexon pulled the short mug of mead from his lips to greet the stranger, but before he could get a word out, the stranger begin his rambling. Fexon happened to agree, it was good to see a familiar face.

    "I want to see you in the morning. There is something important i need to talk to you about" spoke the strange elf, as he got up and walked away.

    "That was....odd." Fexon mumbled to himself while shaking his head. He tipped back the mug, swallowing down the last of the mead. Fexon stepped up from the stool, dropping a few septim onto the counter before walking away. He wasn't ready to return to his room, the night was still young. Instead, he fixated himself against a wall where the light was dim. He leaned comfortably while he monitored the patrons moving about....


    "Drasok Ghett, the Dragon Knight, at your service"
    The day broke out and Drapor got out of bed wiping the rest out of his eyes. "Time to talk to the Elf" Drapor was a little eager to meet him. If he got the final shard from Dorokei, Drapor would be able to become king of skyrim in a instant, but he would never do such a thing. Drapor walked down stairs to see Fexon next to the wall "Good morning" Drapor ordered some food. "what is your name elf. My name is Drapor" he held out his hand.


    New Member
    The Argonian caught wind of the strange elf conversation; drama of another's life had always been music to her ears. A life of someone else's always bared the fruit of rich promises that was devoid of her own in the life of a shadow. She was quick to steer herself from the bar side as she had time to quickly glance over Fexon who smartly surveyed the surrounding area. Her mug was left half empty as the Argonian relaxed herself as her posture became slouched and clumsy. She wandered past the patrons in a sleazy fashion, setting herself on a straight collision course with Drapor. Despite her slow seemingly sluggish movements her deft hands were quick in trying to relieve Drapor of his coin pouch -discretely-, as she tripped on the spot towards him. "I-ah... Sss-Sorry.." The Argonian hissed out in broken common, struggling even to form a single sentence as she glanced down pitifully in a shy manner.


    "Drasok Ghett, the Dragon Knight, at your service"
    "...." Drapor went silent "Get out of my sight wretched reptile, or you'll be my new boots" Drapor looked back at Fexon "Please follow me to a more, suitible spot to talk" Drapor walked to his room Fexon not far behind. "I need your help Fexon, there is a beast that needs to be taken care of. You will be paid handsomely" Drapor pulled out his real pouch on his arm under his cloak. He pulled out 7000 septims "Will this be enough?"


    New Member
    The Argonian naturally yelped as she hurried from Drapor's sight, she picked herself up fleeing from the scene from the harsh man. She soon stowed herself at the other end of the tavern from sight, prying open the false pouch only discovering a sham of small pebbles piled together. Her amber eyes were sent rolling in their sockets, quickly getting a second glance at Drapor as the two ascended upstairs. She naturally followed in pursuit allowing the two men to completely feel secluded and safe behind the closed door as she eavesdropped. Planting the false pouch by the doorside.


    Clever little Bosmer
    "Good morning" The strange elf greeted. "What is your name elf? My name is Drapor." he held out his hand.

    Fexon eyed Drapor briefly as he glanced about his person, he then separated his crossed arms long enough to extend his hand. "Names Fexon. Did you need something?" He said with a furrowed brow. Fexon continued to examine Drapor, cautiously sizing him up should anything arise. At first glance Drapor appeared to be easy pickings for even the most novice of thieves. He had pouch after pouch just dangling about his wears, practically begging to be snatched.

    Fexon stated "You're not from around here, are you?" he smirked as he locked his arms back along his chest.



    Clever little Bosmer
    "I hail from Silvenar in Valenwood. These days however, I call Riften my home." While responding to Drapor Fexon tilted his head slightly to its side, peering over Drapors shoulder. He could not help but notice the Argonian was making her way in this direction. Bringing his attention back to the conversation at hand he spoke again "Get to your purpose friend."

    Not a moment later the Argonian stumbled her way into Drapor "I-ah... Sss-Sorry.." The Argonian hissed out in broken common.

    "...." Drapor went silent "Get out of my sight wretched reptile, or you'll be my new boots" Drapor looked back at Fexon "Please follow me to a more, suitable spot to talk"


    "Drasok Ghett, the Dragon Knight, at your service"
    "I need your help Fexon, there is a beast that needs to be taken care of. You will be paid handsomely" Drapor pulled out his real pouch on his arm under his cloak. He pulled out 7000 septims "Will this be enough?" "That Argonian could help us also" Drapor said with a smile opening the door revealing the girl standing there. "You can't outsmart me" Drapor smiled and allowed her in.


    New Member
    "Am I also to be rewarded as -handsomely- as him?" She hissed tease-fully with a genuine shark like smile of her own with the outlines of her lips marked a deep bloody red. She spoke in a more refined state, speaking adequately as her Argonian voice was still quite groggy and rough, yet with a distinctive pitch which was oddly feminine and bearing an exotic accent from Morrowind. "Insurance fees and such, yadda-yadda" She mumbled a loud as she snapped a claw out mimicking her words like a mouthless puppet in the thin air. She examined the flexible plated tips across her fingers crafted for their flesh piercing purposes.


    "Drasok Ghett, the Dragon Knight, at your service"
    "Yes, if you get the job done, I don't know if i can trust you." Drapor knew that if he gave the money now chances are she would leave them. "Morokei is going to be harder then a regular dragon priest, are you up for the challenge you to?"


    New Member
    "Oh a Dragooon Priest?" The Argonian purred out as a elongated claw brushed the underside of her snout in a thoughtful gesture; truth be told she knew nothing of Dragons nor their inherited priests, she was a woman of Morrowind, how bad could one priest be she's had worse with hidden Daedric worshipers. "No interest in advance, such a poor business proposition, surely you don't wish to win me over with the promise of a life threatening task like this?"


    "Drasok Ghett, the Dragon Knight, at your service"
    "The payout will be 7000 septims" Though she was true the bribe was quite weak "Ill give you.... This" Drapor started to chant "Drakopro ze dekravay!" Then in his hand was a sac filled with Jewelry. "this will be split between the two of you" Drapor said panting from the chant.


    New Member
    She clamped her hands down upon her hip as she pivoted upon the spot with an elegant twirl. "Tsk, tsk... Pass." She took several steps forward before a dark sinister thought had crossed her mind. She came to a sudden halt her own scaly tail swishing to and fro' curving itself up across her left thigh once again. "I suppose it can't be helped, I doubt there is any other better job in Riften. But I'll need more details."


    Clever little Bosmer
    "This will be split between the two of you" Drapor said panting from the chant.

    Fexon squinted his eyes together and furrowed his brow. He looked closely at the sack full of jewelry. Fexon held his hand out with his palm up and slightly waved his fingers inward. "Im going to need some form of a down payment." He glared at Drapor briefly with his pitch black eyes. "To be blunt, I dont trust you." Fexon then proceeded to motion towards the Argonian "Give her a cut too..."


    Active Member
    Tybalt revived his drink with a slight smile and the words or "thank you" "you don't have to thank me sir" "fare enough" the Argonian left Tybalt to sit in what look to be an old chair and an uneven table that moved left or right when you put something on it.

    Tybalt's eyes looked around with the mourning breeze ease him he saw many faces and races in the inn it shocked him how they could all be together with not one single brawl or argument."Must be a day of peace" Tybalt thought to himself he began to study what went on around him as if he was planning something within a few moment he had stopped looking at the things around him and he started focusing on what he was going to do.

    With his reputation against the law he was to be careful of what is around him he can not alert any one of his true presence at the inn.Due to the crowd that was already starting to brew he thought he would stay awhile before he moved on to another town or inn with ease he finally relaxed his body being as calm as he can.


    The Simple Traveler
    The door to the Bee and Barb Inn opened revealing the form of a shapely woman in banded iron armor, a shield slung on her back, and a simple iron sword on her side. As she entered the inn she glanced around the simple cozy place while making her way over to the bar. A deep, tired, feminine voice escaped from her lips as she sat herself on a stool, "Meed...please..." A simple tankard was placed before the woman as it is obvious that she can barely keep her eyes open. Slowly she reached for the metal object to which her arm raised to allow her to drink the sweet contents. The raven haired woman with her hair tied in a pony tail, though it seems to be offset to the left and a tight braid over her forehead, sighed finishing the meed in a few not very lady like chugs. She placed the tankard down on the counter again while giving the woman a nod silently requesting a refill.

    "Rough night?" The barmaid asked while pouring more meed into her tankard which the statement caused the quiet woman to smirk a little, "I wish, the little thieves that keep trying leave like a beaten dog with their tails between their legs..." She chugged the meed down again to which she placed the tankard on the counter sighing a sigh of satisfaction with the taste of the meed after a "dawn" shift. The barmaid chuckled a little, "Damn, that is the first I have actually heard more than, 'Meed please' from you." This caused the obviously tired, and heavily armored woman to just roll her deep blue eyes.