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    Fultheim walked into the inn at Rorikstead. He didn't bother with learning the name. He was, for once in his life, too depressed to care about names. He sighed, sat down and yelled at a waitress, "Gimme some ale and a slaughterfish steak!" He laid back and thought about the trip to Rorikstead from helgen. "Talos help me, that walk was so boring!", said the burly Nord, "Too bad the Stormcloaks I was hunting are already dead..." The waitress came over to him with the drinks and he tossed whatever coins were in his pocket at her. Probably quite a bit more than his emal was worth. The waitress scampered away, scared of the Nord. Normally, Fultheim would be quite jovial with anyone he met, but he was in a terrible mood due to his long walk for nothing. Then, he heard someone say, "Any of you who want to come with us, the get on. Any one who wishes to stay, no one blames you. Protect you families from the stormcloaks while you can." The sound was coming from right outside the bar. When Fultheim heard this, he felt heartened. He pushed the half-empty bottle of Nord mead of the table and walked outside to see what all the comotion was, pushing a Nord who wore Stormcloak colors into his own meal. He laughed a little at this, some of his normal composure returning. Throwing open the door, he noticed an old man, a young Khajiit and a few others standing around your caravan. He turned towards the one who had been talking and said, "I'll join your cause. Names Fultheim Frost-Beard, and I've been looking for a group that hates Stormcloaks as much as I do!" He turned to his side and bumbed into another man. An Imperial who was heading towards the tavern. He helped the man up and said, "My apologies, friend. I don't always look we're I'm going." He turned back to the group, waiting for a reply to his earlier statement.

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    Aenar was waiting for the others to join him in the carriage. He wondered if this group would be enough to destroy the Stormcloaks, he had fought during the civil war but was in recovering from a arrow wound when the Stormcloaks attacked Solitude. He had wished he could have died defending it like a true Nord. "Maybe now I can finally sacrifice myself for my home" he whispered to himself. He had always dreamt of dying in glorious battle like his ancestors.


    (OOC:I hope I was correct in assuming that meben was welcoming all to post introductions in the thread.)
    It had been nearly a week since the dunmer boy had tasted anything other than saliva and grass. Yes, a week; a week since he had been in his own home, or atleast the small apartment over the general store in the Grey Quarter. He slowly walked along the road, unsure of his whereabouts. A week ago, he'd have been eating a piece of bread, maybe a piece of cheese. If the day's pickings were really good, he may have even had a swig of wine. While it wasn't much, it was far better than grass.

    His feet ached. He’d have to stop for rest soon, but where? For as far as he could see, there was nothing but open space. He couldn’t sleep like that, and be easy prey for the sabrecats , bears, and vultures of Skyrim. No, he’d have to walk until he found a proper place to lay his head for the night.

    After what seemed like days (but was truly just an hour) of walking, the dunmer happened across a small settlement. From what he could see, there were a few farms, an inn, and a rather large group of bodies, both dead and alive. He jogged over to the scene, quickly robbing the deceased of their belongings. You won’t need these where you’re going. He turned his attention to the living group; a few humes with rather plump coinpurses. He observed his loot. Ninety-two septims, two slices of moldy bread, and a half bottle of nord mead. Not nearly enough to last until morning. He cautiously snuck over to the group, spotting an easy target at the hip of a seemingly drunk nord. He slowly moved his arm toward his target…


    young but able
    Mack hurried the horses. He was growing tired of sitting. He spotted a short man full of armor rambling.
    The man looked bored. Mack thought to himself I have something for him to do. Mack stopped the caravan. He jumped from his seat. Landing on the ground he almost tripped into a roll. he steadied himself on his heels.
    Am I getting to old for this? He shook his head and patted the short man on the back. "come with us friend?"


    Walking over to the officer's dead body, Dargo pulled out the dagger that was embedded into the man's chest. There is nothing left to do except to return to the sanctuary.

    Walking around the camp, Dargo managed to loot the bodies for gold- which acts as his pay for contracts most of the time- and returns to his brothers that were standing in wait for him. "I want you all to scout the perimeter and look out for any more soldiers. Don't kill them, because they are not part of this contract. Just scout the area and let me know who else is around." And with that, Dargo left to return to the sanctuary.

    Upon returning to the guild hideout, he went to Nazir, his most trusted advisor. "Any more death wishes my friend?"

    "Yes actually," said the Redguard, "I have heard word of a group of people near Rorikstead, apparently they just revolted against a group of Stormcloaks."

    "And the army have already noticed and wants me to take care of them," Smiled Dargo, "I personally don't care, but they're fools. Ulfric has already gotten too powerful and there is no way villagers will successfully uprise with so few."

    "Well if you are successful in this contract, then your thoughts will be true."

    Standing up from his seat, Dargo placed his fist on his chest, "For Sithis and Nocturnal." And then left to the roads leading from Rorikstead.


    Protector of Innocent Commas
    (OOC: To the user whose username is very long and complicated *I shall call you Owl unless you specify otherwise* that has the looting Dunmer, are you referring to my character? I think he's the only one that's drunk, but I could've missed something... and the whole seemingly Nord thing (since he's a Bosmer that really tries to appear as Nord as possible). I probably can't refer to the post right now since I'm not sure if you're addressing my character or not. BUT if you are... You have my permission to successfully pick his pocket. You're allowed to have the Dunmer make off with one item (I believe his pockets probably contain a coin purse with 200 septims (yes, the Dunmer could possibly make off with the whole coin purse and not get caught), his equipment *can't steal that, though*, a few jewels like garnets and rubies, two bottles of Nord mead, a few healing potions, and three lockpicks). IF you want your character to be greedy and try to grab more than one item, though... I'll allow that as well, but the Dunmer will end up getting caught (he won't if it's just one, but he will if it's more than one). Not because my character becomes aware of him so much as his erratic, drunken movements will allow him to get lucky in discovering the Dunmer. *LOL* If you go the route of trying for more than one item, be sure to leave it open for me to react. Phew. Long OOC post is long. Time for the real post.)

    Sverr felt someone patting him on the back, and because he was drunk and did actually have some warrior/survival instincts, he immediately whirled around.... or actually did an awkward, quick, stumbling turn. "Halt, fiend! Thought you could get the drop on Sverr the Short-tempered, did you?" His words were barely understandable through his slurring. He saw that Mack was accompanied by friends. "Band of bandits, is it?!" He started to reach for his Nord Hero greatsword, but he seemed to be having difficulty trying to get to it. He turned around once, twice... grunted drunkenly and tried again before giving up and putting his fists up. "If you wish for me not to slaughter the lot of you for your deplorable habit of ambushing innocent passerbys, you would all be wise to make a run for it now!"


    (Yay! I'm involved! I'll be able to get this up tonight, sorry for the wait.)


    Leaving from the secret entrance just outside of Dawnstar to the south, Dargo realized that he is looking at least a 3 hour travel to Rorikstead. The targets will definately not be there if they are somewhat logical.

    Luckily he has his brotherhood at his calling whenever. Looking behind him, he looked at the three assassins in the trees. "All three of you, scout the roads around Rorikstead. Our next contract is a group of rebels trying to resist the army, and we have been called by them to dispatch these uprisors before they start making more noise. Report to me when you find them."

    And with a nod, the assassins disapeared. Dargo really likes the new uniforms for the brotherhood. The one that is inspired by both Sithis and Nocturnal. After the incident with the emperor's official security and the tragedy in the Falkreath sanctuary, it was a time for the brotherhood to start anew and embark with different philosophies. The brotherhood will rebuild and regain its lost honour. The brotherhood will be strong again. The new look is merely a symbol of the new era.

    Climbing to the top of a snow covered hill, Dargo looked at the landscape before him. Observing the area that leads to his destination, Dargo smiled and dissapeared in black wisps of smoke.


    Lord of the Meeblings
    Valrin nodded his approval of the few others who chose to join them. As Mack stepped forward to greet one of them, Fultheim, Valrin spotted a young looking Dunmer sliding through the croud. From all the time Valrin had spent in the Grey quarter he recognized the stride and look of a thief.

    Wanting to stop the boy before he did anything rash the older Dunmer hopped of the cart, calling out to him, "You, boy! Do you need food? A place to stay?" from the looks of it he had no parents, and a lone Dunmer in Skyrim these days was a dead Dunmer, Valrin knew that to well. Ever since the deaths of his sister and her husband he had felt the constant desire to protect others in their place, expecially those of his own race.


    “You, Boy! Do you need food? A place to stay?”

    Plagus caught a glimpse of another Dunmer. The older elf seemed to be aware of the boy’s intentions, and Plagus thought it best to retract his hand before it was found on the ground. He thought about what the elf had just said; Food and shelter? Why would anyone spare such rarities with a small time thief like me? The boy thought back to his last meal; grass, tree bark, and all the spit he could swallow. What did he really have to lose? “What have you got in mind?”


    Lord of the Meeblings
    Valrin gave a thin lipped smile at the boys shrewd response. He seemed quite an inteligent one. He thought quickly of how he could help his fellow Dunmer, and spotted the dagger at the boys side. "Do you know how to use that dagger you have there? Perhaps you could acompany us, we could spare a little food for an extra sword."

    While he didn't really like the idea of forcing the boy into such a nasty war, he didn't really see any other option. If they left him here, he would steal from the farmers for food and that would undoubtedly lead to his demise. Besides, the group may be able to use a thief if they were going to sneak into cities and sabotauge the Stormcloaks.


    Fultheim turned and saw the Dunmer crouched on the ground. “What have you got in mind?”, asked the boy, standing up straight. The Nord turned back to the older Dark Efl and saw him crack a smile. He looked down at the boys side and said, "Do you know how to use that dagger you have there? Perhaps you could acompany us, we could spare a little food for an extra sword." Fultheim was glad that his new allies were accepting the child into their group. He looked good enough with a dagger. Fultheim would've tossed him his rations anyway, but he was glad that they were gonna get a new conscript. "Yes, we could have use of someone with your apparent talents. Very few people can sneak up on me!", said the Nord, a smile spreading across his face. He had been trained in the art of sneaking by his adoptive ex-Shadowscale father. Over the course of his lessons, he had become quite adept at detecting someone trying to sneak up on him.


    Lord of the Meeblings
    Valrin nodded gravely to the boy, "Murder? No, I wouldn't call it that. Not with Stormcloaks." He looked up, his eyes glazed over slightly, head turned to the north were the Island of Solstiem lay. "The lives of those who have fallen to injustice will be avenged." He wispered the remark to himself before snapping back to the situation at hand.

    The Dunmer placed a hand on his younger compainons shoulder, "Good, now lets get moving. I think enough time has been wasted here." He looked to the boy, "Stay close to me friend and I will ensure your saftly. I am Valrin." As they came back to the cart, Valrin extended his hand to the boy, as well as the other, Fulthiem. Then he looked to Mack saying, "Ready to go?"

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    Aenar glanced around getting anxious, he was never the impatient type but he was anxious to kill some more Stormcloaks. Aenar smiled when he saw Valrin tell a dunmer boy to join them. He looked the boy over and thought back to when he was his age still being trained buy his uncle in Cyrodiil. "oh the good old days" he said alout reaching for a bottle of wine in his bag.


    "The name's Plagus," said the boy excitedly. He jumped into the carriage, sitting next to a nord. He watched as the man managed to procure a bottle of wine from his bag. For a moment he thought about asking the man for a taste, but saw that it was nearly empty. A Nord would never give up the last of his wine, especially not to a dark elf. Instead, the boy opened the half bottle of mead he had found earlier, drinking it in a matter of seconds. He examined the moldy bread, and eventually decided to toss it. Hopefully they'd feed him soon.

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    Aenar looked at the boy and smiled, he had never really liked kids but saw something different in this one. "so when are we leaving" he shouted anxious to be on the road, it was never to good to be in one place for to long especially when you knew someone was after you.


    young but able
    Mack laughed at the man's attempt to fight. He turned and walked to the carriage. "Come if you like."
    He then hopped on the reins and started the caravan once more. They reached his cabin during a snow storm. "Welcome to my home. it will be our forward operating base.Sleep where you like eat what you like. There is a freeze storage room in the basement. There should be a month's worth of moose in there. I suggest you take a coat with you before you enter." Mack climbed up the side of the house. He stood on the roof and drew his blade. He stabbed the roof and plied open the top plank. He dropped down and lit the fireplace. Afterwards he unlocked the door and let the group in. "I have no key" He then left the group downstairs as he went up to his room. He left his door open as he reviewed his most current map of skyrim.


    "Master, I believe I have found the targets."

    Dargo turned around to see one of his recruits. "Where?"

    "They were spotted on the way to some cabin, around Rorikstead. It's a small group, some are even armoured and one looks like an Imperial."

    "Armoured and an Imperial? Guess there are still some small groups on the run and are making a last effort. Good work; return to the sanctuary."


    Dargo climbed countless trees and mountains for the past hour, until he saw a wooden cabin. "Finally."

    The cabin was small and the group was tightly packed.The were barely any trees and the cabin had no cover around as it was on plains of grass. He would need to take them out from afar. Seeing a ledge on the mountain side, Dargo immediately made his way to the ledge there and situated himself between two boulders and pulled out his bow. The group looks to be setling in for now. It is better to start when they split and least expect it.

    Aligning his shot, he sees that one of the people was standing in clear view in front of the doorway outside the cabin alone. Seeing his chance, Dargo released the arrow, and without any doubt, the arrow had pierced into the generic man's chest killing him.

    One down, a few more to go. Thought Dargo as he readied another bow. He would only have room for one more shot before he would need to leave his spot and attack the group up front.