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    For, Our awesome Quests!
    If you want to join post your character card as a conversation to me! Raurshka.
    We give groups of two or more random quests :D


    Rarga-(White and green) Raurshka-(Blue and Yellow) Geel-Kajin-(Green and yellow)
    it's really long, so you can skip the the end if you want. your not missing much.

    Rarga walks into Dragonsreach with approval after defeating all the Bandits in Lost Knife Hideout as Jarl Balgruuf had requested. He approaches the Jarl with the news and is rewarded with 5000 gold and is told he can stay at the Banned Mare after a hard few days work. Just as he is about to leave he notices another Orc sitting on a bench near the door, *Could that be him?* he asked himself"Raurshka?"Rarga called out excitement lingering in his deep rich voice.

    Raurshka's head snapped up, he was sure he had herd the voice of his cousin."Rarga?"he asked in disbelief, standing up."is it really you?"

    "Cousin!" said Rarga nearly yelling. "It's been too long my friend, too long" he said smiling, "You look good, yes...good." Rarga now on the verge of laughter decided to hug his cousin.

    Raushka hugged his cousin, smiling more then he had in ages. "what have you been up to cousin?" he said pulling away from Rarga.

    Geel-Kajin tilts his head, his scaly brow cocked. He understand little of Skyrim and their people, and soft-skins have hardly been seen in his homeland. However,he knew he would never see his homeland again. The loud boom of a voice addressing that person's cousin attracts his attention,and he turns his crooked neck to look in it's direction. He knew he should leave,for he had been asked to leave twice already by the barkeeper for not having money to order anything. But the laughter of this place was incredible,and he wanted to stay.

    Raurshka put his fists on his hips. "I became the grand high wizard... and a little crazy" he proclaimed."Actually, I could use your help. I recently acquired some information about a Khajiit settlement just outside the city." Raurshka slowly looks at the argonian staring at them. "How would you like to make some coin?" He asked the Argonian.

    Geel-Kajin looks at the two people, and curiosity comes sprouts within him. He is shy to talk,but hates feeling like the odd one out in this town. Ah well,at least the people here were not so racist as in windhelm, so he was able to approach them. He is hesitant, his tail flicking slightly. He was only in Dragonsreach under the pretense of a courier who was delivering a message to a guard here, but had no idea how long they would believe him.
    His Speech is far from fluent,but hopes he understood correctly what the person just said. he nods tentatively and approaches

    Rarga gives the argonian a curious stare but decided that he doesn't look like trouble. He turned to Raurshka,"Well cousin?, Is tomorrow to early?" He said smirking.

    "No not at all. if you two agree we will meet at the gate in the morning and then stage our attack." he announced, looking back and forth between his cousin and the Argonian.

    "Sounds good" Rarga said smiling. "See you then cousin" He turned to leave but glanced back at the argonian giving him a polite nod as he headed out towards the Banned Mare to get some rest before tomorrow.

    Geel-Kajin is rather nervous about the attack, but his nerves are wrecked anyway. He returns the nod and heads to the horse stable outside whiterun,knowing the stable owner never checks the stacks of hay at the back. they will provide a decent resting place for the night.

    After a restful nights sleep in the dragonsreach, i go down to the Whiterun gate and wait for my companions.

    Geel-Kajin wakes early,much due to the pain in his back. he arrives before the sun even rises,and is surprised to see one of them already there. he waits at a distance for the last of the 3. He flexes his fingers,gettingready for what they were going to do.

    Rarga woke
    after a perfect nights sleep in the Banned Mare, he went downstairs drank some mead and ate a meal then sharpened his ebony swords before putting them in their holsters and leaving to meet Raurshka at the gate.

    I nodded to Rarga when I saw him walking towards us. and off we went in search of the khajiits

    Rarga grabbed both Raurshka and Geel-kajin's shoulders while telling them that he had heard something nearby. Rarga pulled out his ebony swords and crept towards the campfire and tents that looked deserted, except for the blazing fire set in the middle which gave away that someone had been there recently. Rarga turned his head "Common" he whispered.

    Geel-Kajin smells the ashes and soot before they even see the campfire. He did his best to remain calm,one of the few things the dark brotherhood tried to teach him before he escaped from them. He heard yet another sound, a crunching snap, as if someone stepped upon the ashes of Red Mountain.

    Raurshka looked around at the camp site. It was quiet, too quiet. He signaled for the argonian to go around the back of the tents. Raushka steps forward, accidentally braking a twig. All of a sudden eight Khajiit's run out of the tents, all wielding weapons.

    Rarga lunged forward and struck the largest and only male of the group hoping that he was their leader. He slashed his sword deep into the Male Khajiit's arm and moaned out in pain after realising he had been struck down the back by a khajiit behind him. He then fought the both of them using both his ebony swords and knocked the smaller one down after a short time fighting.

    After Killing the last of my opponents, I look over to Rarga, just in time to see him get knocked down. I rush over and Use ice and fire spells to kill the female Khajiit, Then Rarga Plants his sword into the chest of the Khajiit male.

    He is startled by the sudden appearance of the Fur-faces, who had rushed out of the battered tents. Imagining what teasings would come if the dark brotherhood saw him panicking like this,he used that memory and turned it to fuel for his sudden adrenaline, hissing,he landed his first blow upon the Fur-face at the back, before using a spell. Not the skyrim spells of ancient origins, but one from morrowind,taught to him by a trader in the blackmarsh. Firebite was indeed effective, he smelt the singed fur and the snarl of his enemy.
    Looking over the chaos, He saw his companions wiping his enemies easily, as if this was nothing to them,gaining very little wounds in comparison to the numerous scratches he got from the struggling fur-face

    Rarga laughed as the Khajiit fell to the dirt with his sword embedded in his chest, "I'll have that" he said and pressed his boot on the Khajiit's chest and he pulled his sword out watching as the blood slowly dripped off.

    After several more bursts of his spell, his opponent stopped thrashing. He gasped,legs shaking. His back felt like it was on fire. His eyes scanned the many dead bodies, and was impressed to find both the people he travelled with alive and very much kicking

    I Laughed at my cousin only to be interrupted by the sound of grunting behind us. The Argonian seemed to be landing some good blows but so were the Khajiit. he finally got them down, but he didn't look so good himself. Raurshka went to go give his new companion a hand. "Good job, friend," he said Approvingly, helping him to stand. "here's your share of the money," Raurshka handed him a bag of 1000 coins.

    Geel-Kajin was atonished at such a big amount. He had never seen so much money in his life! He accepted the money with more than thanks.
    Looking around, he saw the corpses strewn about. They lay motionless on the floor, scattered on the tops of broken tents and some lay on their backs, face buried within the dry earth.
    He was shocked at the sort of slaughter they created. In blackmarsh, It was swamp leviathans and deer which he killed. In the dark brotherhood, it was only a single mere target. Here, it was like seeing the result of Sithis' work; pools of blood seeping into the ground. He respected his companions for being able to create such chaos. Though he had cut his ties with the dark brotherhood, "hail sithis" was murmured from his lips,as if they had a mind of their own

    Rarga strolls up to Geel-Kajin crosses his arms and says "Sithis?, are you a member of the dark brotherhood?"he said with a curious expression on his face almost afraid of his reply.

    The argonian swallows hard, struggling to slow down his heartbeat. If the Dark Brotherhood was alerted, he was more than sure to die. He tries to think up an excuse-any possible excuse, but none come to him. He shifts his weight uneasily. The only choice he had left was to explain his situaton.
    He told Rarga about his past-or the most he could explain with his limited vocabulary. His voice was gravelly and jerky, but the more he said about his past,the lest tense he became. It was as if all those secrets which he kept bottled up were ever so relieved to come out.
    He spoke of his past-of how he as a Shadowscale went to the Dark Brotherhood. It was a horrible place, and he longed to go. But he was so far from the Blackmarsh,and even if he went back, his kin would drag him all the way back here. He hated it every moment of the day
    When he was given an impossible asassination, he knew he could either flee to the world,or die following those orders. He chose the first, and had fled here,taking different alibis and occupations.
    He was scared now-and looked at Rarga tensely,waiting for him to speak. It was nerve wrecking

    Rarga kept his usual cold expression throughout Geel-Kajin's whole explanation but forced a small half smile as he finished. "Relax argonian i understand your situation" he said.

    "Yeah, You helped us, so we shall help you," Raushka agreed, putting an arm over Geel-Kajin's shoulder. He then leaned in close and whispered. "But know, If you ever double-cross us, I will fry your butt like a chickens. Ok?" Raushka said smiling menacingly

    Geel-Kajin nodded vigorously, full of relief. he felt so thankful they did not attempt to inform the brotherhood."Geel-Kajin say thanks,where we go now?" he inquired, wanting to put some distance between himself and the gruesome bodies of the fur-faces

    "You two go get us some horses from the stable. I'll meet you there soon, I've got some things to finnish up here first," Raurshka told them. after they left, he got out his canteen and started to gather the Khajiit blood into it for his spell.

    Rarga walked toward the stables keeping a distance away from the argonian, he paid the stablemen 3000 coin for three horses and took two by the reins leading them onto the stone path next to the stable. "You can get your horse, argonian" he said in a expressionless tone. He then waited for Raurshka to take his horse so they could travel.

    The argonian had little experience with horses. They never had it in his homeland, and the Dark brotherhood never had one. He only knew there was such a thing when he saw it at whiterun stables. . Turning to his companions,he double-checked that the thing truly was a horse by watching Rarga before getting it

    Raurshka put the canteen back on his waistband and walked over to his cousin and took his horse and climbed on. "We'll be going to Riften, I've got a contact there, and we need his help with a potion I need,"Raurshka explained.

    Geel-Kajin nodded, and got onto his black steed. He fell off the first few times, mainly due to not ever having ridden a horse. With a smirk, he remembered from his fragments of memories that if a horse came to Blackmarsh,it would be turned to stew. Eventually,he found out how to get on and ride the 4 legged thingy,following the other two

    "Simple Enough" said Rarga dryly and his climbed upon his horse. "We probably won't get there before dark so maybe we could stop at Shor's stone the inn there should be comfortable enough." Rarga suggested.

    As evening came, the howl of wolves filled the air. It rose like a crescendo,chilling the bones of all who listened. The horses nickered, clearly disturbed by the signs of a predator. The atmosphere changed considerably, and the howls grew ever closer

    "Fine but we ride at dawn," Raurshka said. He set off with his companions. It had been a while since he had ridden a horse. He remembered when he was a child, his father would take him hunting, he was terrible but his father always supported him, no matter what. His hands tightened on the rains. The sound of wolves bought him out of the memory.

    "Fine but we ride at dawn," Raurshka said. He set off with his companions. It had been a while since he had ridden a horse. He remembered when he was a child, his father would take him hunting, he was terrible but his father always supported him, no matter what. His hands tightened on the rains. The sound of wolves bought him out of the memory.

    Rarga leapt off his horse immediently and gave the reins to Geel-Kajin. Then pulled out his ebony swords in a swift motion as he saw the four-legged beasts emerge from the shadows. "YAAAAAAAHHH" Rarga shouted as his sprinted foward and attacked one of the wolves as the other focused on the horses. Rarga grabbed the wolf by the neck and slashed at it's throat.

    Raurshka set the wolf on fire. He pet his horse making shore it was ok. "We all good? can we keep going?" he asked them.

    " Yeah, i'm fine" Rarga said wiping blood off his face. "We may need this though" he grunted as he picked up the wolves lifeless bodies and slung them onto the horses back. "Let's go."

    The horses took some time to calm down, but they shouldnt be in danger as long as they were with the people who rode them. The night truly was Hircine's domain though,he thought as he looked at the blood splatters on the floor behind them of the battle they just had.

    "Your very quiet Geel-Kajin.....Cat got your tongue?" Rarga said smiling at his own humor.

    "Cat's! Where?"Raushka said panicked, Throwing a ice ball into the trees.

    Geel-Kajin grinned "if a cat bit Geel-Kajin's tongue, Geel-Kajin's stomach is its Sovngarde".

    "Ha ha" Rarga bellowed, as they approached the small town of Shor's stone, by then it was just on midnight.

    as the three men entered the inn, everyone went silent. then the scream of a woman peiced the air."DRAGON," someone screamed. the three of them leaped into action, running out of the inn to fight the beast.

    dragon?probably yet another foreign beast. HE rushed outside with them,keen to glimpse it. But as soon as he did, he wished he hadnt even stepped out of the door...and he thought swamp leviathans were big

    Rarga runs out ready for battle then realises he has nothing but swords to defend himself with. He runs over to a nearby dead guards body and takes his imperial bow and 120 steel arrows which he then slings onto hisback. "Get out there argonian!" yelled Rarga a flash of madness in his eyes. Rarga climbed to the top of a roof and got a bow and arrow ready.

    Raushka summoned his flame antiock and then used flame and ice duel wielding. Rarga shot an arrow through the beasts eye and it fell to the ground, Raurshka got on top of it's head and delivered a final blow through its skull

    Rarga jumped off the roof and dropped the bow and arrow to the floor "Very nice, cousin" he said smiling.

    Incredible....to slay such a beast. The argonian had never seen anything like this...."by the twin moons"should be the appropriate phrase, even if he did learn that from a fur face.

    Rarga walked away as he pasted the argonian he tapped him on the shoulder "Good workout, eh?" and then kept walking until he got to the inn.

    "Geel-Kajin, tomorrow we shall start you're training," raurshka announced. "but first we must sleep." he then got a room at the inn and fell asleep


    Well-Known Member
    (ooc: wow, does rarga know of this thread?)
    (We need to make something like a main quest line once we get 1-2 more people lol)


    Yeah, she knows about it and I put a reply on role play recruiting thread so we should get some people soon. :)


    Formerly known as Arillious
    Very very good RP, the best one i've read so far (I'm still new, however). I would love to have my character join you guys.

    Arillious, Ari, for short. a young Imperial soldier and Blades member who uses a sword and shield, hates the Dark Brotherhood. Loves to slay Dragons. My character card is in my signature. I hope I'm picked.