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    Tiaz Raydari

    Champion of Khorne
    That last post of mine was a ahem..., invitation for you all to come inside.

    I don't think it applies to me, Che'anni ain't no Idiot and the guard is already showing her the way in.


    King of Scandinavia
    I might just be able to write a post tonight. Have to study for a test tomorrow, so I don't have so much time to be on here. :)

    T. Rakinson

    A Brute among Beasts
    I might just be able to write a post tonight. Have to study for a test tomorrow, so I don't have so much time to be on here. :)
    tell me about it.
    You dont have to worry about being too descriptive, just achknowledge that.


    Confused Khajiit
    Who is Leo talking to?


    Confused Khajiit
    Alright, I thought you were talking to Varian.


    Hero of Time
    Ok I edited my last post. If everyone could just reread the last couple paragraph of it that would be great. Thanks:D


    Active Member
    Is there still room for one more?
    Not my first RP, but my first one in a long time. I know the story has already started, so I weaved my character an additional reason to be in the right place at the right time; if that's alright!

    Name: Brynne
    Race: Nord
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight:175 lbs
    Build: Thin and frail (for a Nord)
    Appearance: Grey eyes and dirty-blonde hair, just above common on the handsome scale. His hair is unkempt and shows the abuse of his recent exploits.

    Clothing: Once an innkeeper, his garments have been torn and ripped by his time in searching. The hold together well, but show a desperate need for repair.

    Magic Schools: Illusion, Conjuration (Necromancy)

    Personality: Brynne is focused and determined; he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He has little time for friends, and his morality has been severely hampered by his ordeals.

    Bio: When the vampires first took power, in the weeks following the death of sunlight, they fermented their hold with the capturing of 'cattle'; simple humans enthralled by their power and forced into lifelong subjugation. Among their numbers was a bar maid named Saray, stolen in the dead of night while her husband was working with vendors to secure as good to sell to his new masters to secure his wife from exactly the fate she'd befallen. Brynne was devastated by her loss. We worked night and day to make the contacts needed to find the trader who now 'owned' his wife.

    Once he found the man, another servant to their cruel masters who enjoyed his trade far too much, a bargain was struck. The gold was more than he'd ever earned, but Brynne was able to sell his inn for just enough. He met the trader aboard his ship, and gladly paid his entire life's savings for his wife. As he turned to guide his still spell-struck wife from the ship, a heavy blow landed across the back of his head.

    When he awoke, he found himself chained to a barrel by the edge of the ship, which was now far out to sea. The captain smiled cruelly to him, explaining that Brynne had bought her freedom but now they'd simply captured her again. The thrall traders mocked him for the blood seeping from his head wound, screaming their masters didn't want damaged foods. With that, they pushed the barrel overboard, and Brynne along with it.

    He should have died. Talos knows the waves should have swallowed his life in their darkness. Yet the barrel's lid was loose enough for him to scrape it open, emptying it and allowing him to have a makeshift float. The tides worked with him, ushering him back to shore. Whether it was hours, days, or years, he could not tell. When his barrel smashed across the stony rocks of shore, shattering his left arm in the process, he knew what his options were.

    He needed to break the control these monsters had on his wife. He needed to break them as they had broken her. He needed to wield their own magics against them.

    Though he'd never been a mage, he knew many innkeepers kept small books of magic in their stores; just in case someone came buy looking. Though his own inn was out of the question, he knew of one that the vampires wouldn't have control of yet. True, it was as likely destroyed by the dragon's attack so long ago as to have survived to be pilfered by bandits, but Helgen was as good a place as any to start.

    T. Rakinson

    A Brute among Beasts
    This intro was very good Nachyochez. welcome aboard. what will your dialouge (bryne speaking and thinking) colour be?


    Active Member
    This intro was very good Nachyochez. welcome aboard. what will your dialouge (bryne speaking and thinking) colour be?
    I took the liberty of coloring the post in the chosen color (all the good ones are taken, lol)

    Will 'Illusionist Purple' be alright?

    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

    T. Rakinson

    A Brute among Beasts
    As long as you only use it for thoughts & dialouge, then yes.

    T. Rakinson

    A Brute among Beasts
    There is 1 more space left in this RP, potential joiners!

    T. Rakinson

    A Brute among Beasts
    If everybody could do as Tdatapina has and have their chars make their way to the torture chamber.


    Insanity at its Finest
    Are you still recruiting? Sorry I didn't see that message jtlman sent me until today. Let me know then I'll post my CC


    Insanity at its Finest
    Name: Amy
    Race: Nord
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female

    Appearance: About 5'9 with red tattoos around her eyes that go down her cheeks and on to her neck. Her eyes are dark blue. Her dark hair is styled into a mohawk with a small braid on the left side that hangs down.
    Clothes/Armor: Ebony armor, bone hawk amulet, typically some type of circlet, ring of Hircine, black leather boots, since she prefers to sneak. Her light armor looks like vampire royal armor.
    Weapon: Ebony mace, ebony shield. also an ebony dagger
    Religion: Hircine, some reverence for the Daedra Nocturnal, but Nocturnal is not a Daedra that is generally worshiped.
    Afflictions: Werewolf

    Master: sneaking, one-handed
    Expert: block, lock-picking
    Adept: heavy armor, light armor, speech

    Bio: Amy grew up in Helgen. She ran around with a group of rebels within the town when she was a teenager. Her father was killed when she was 4, and her mother became an alcoholic after that. She became a mercenary after she left Helgen and eventually joined the Companions, which is why she is a werewolf and a worshiper of Hircine.
    When the Vampires took over, the Companions were either killed or they fled. Amy has been living in the wilderness and survived by staying hidden, hunting in her werewolf form, or stealing as a last resort. She goes crypt diving every once in a while, too.


    T. Rakinson

    A Brute among Beasts
    Nice CC khaotic, glad to see a werewolf (natural enemies of vampires) on the scene. I presume you know the story so far (If not then ask me or read through the main thread, which is accessable from my sig).

    Unfortunatly, recruiting is now closed. (this is aimed at everyone else khaotic, not you). Feel free to carry on watching us as the story progresses though!