Open Rise of the Falmer [ROF] Character Cards & Rules

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    The very model of a scientist Salarian
    Well, as I said before, I plan on keeping posting too. :) I mean, yes, I'm having kind of a pessimistic outlook on the situation, but I'm not ready to completely give up. Not yet, at least.


    Well-Known Member
    What can I say?
    I hope we can continue, but we need a new leader. We can't carry on unless we have somebody who gives us a small idea on what'ts to happen. I shall keep on posting here, for since there are still people alive in this thread, I shall stay. But let me put my view: We need a leader. I suggest we all vote on one, someone who will hopefully put us on the right track.
    Pern, you seem motivated, but if anything u post too rarely. I suggest u and Origin continue to lead. What do you all say?
    (I think we need more members!)


    The very model of a scientist Salarian
    Only problem is, my brother and I are already in charge of another RP on a different site, and it's a bit more complicated than this one, so it's a lot of work :-/ Otherwise, I think we would be more than happy to help "lead"

    Although, if you just mean that we could come up with a bit of direction for the story and help "push" us there, we could probably do that. Only thing is that both of us have been really busy lately, and have kind of strange work schedules, so we would only be able to post a couple times a day, likely with some days where we can't post at all. If that's not an issue, I'd be willing to help try to move us along. And I think I could coerce my bro, long as I can convince him it's not as much work as the other RP :p

    Hermano, if you're reading this, what do you think?

    Gemini Sierra

    Pre-emptive Salvage Specialist
    I never said anything about giving up your "life" for the RP... that would be silly and stupid of me. Melee hit the nail on the head "it is a little discouraging when you post, and then after two days of checking, no one else has posted." That's the way I have felt many times. I know we are not the only ones either. If you're going to be on the boards, why not post something. It doesn't have to be a big long recapping post or a small chapter. It could be a quick note on how your character feels, what he/she/it is doing, or something along those lines.

    The problem I see with "making it up" is that you will more than likely change the original intent of the original leaders plan. Which then will either piss them off and they won't ever return or they'll basically turn the story over to whomever is leading it at the time. Throwing side quests in is sometimes handy to flesh out a character but inevitably it prolongs the story and at some point someone has to put it back on track.

    I was (and to a point still am) willing to lead the story since I have a position where I can keep a window open all day (unless work shuts it down) and can post more often and lurk on this thread and answer questions.
    If I did that I'd have to spend a bit of time researching this "Lorhkan" (sp?) and the "voice" to figure out how to tie things together again.

    However, in my opinion, we'd have to come up with a ruling on frequency of posting. Once a day would be nice but I know life doesn't allow that sometimes. Leave a message here if you're going to be out for an extended period so that others can know to "drag" your character along and allow for them to "use" your character if needed. IE if a battle erupts and your needed or you have some ability the others don't...
    I wouldn't set anything into concrete...

    anyway, I could easily come back and if others are willing (or startup a new character), move the story along to cover the days that it would take, although I'd need some guidance with regards to Emberlynn and Sempronius and maybe a little bit of the story and then maybe try to recruit some more players.

    So, I leave it up to you fine folks on what you'd like to do.


    I'm back, bitches
    I think you were doing a good job of leading, Gem. And honestly, I'm fine with people only being able to post maybe once or twice a day. I think the thing that was really bothering me was the inconsistency. There were just too many long breaks where NO ONE was posting. But as long as the posting is pretty stable, and things keep moving, I can restrain myself from being too impatient.

    I agree with Geel, that we might need a few more members to get this thing going again. However, if everyone were able to post when they can, even if it's just a short post like Gem mentioned, then we might not need that many more people to get involved in it. I don't know.

    And Gem, I say you have your character abandon the Knights and come back to our group because you like us too much. :D (Just kidding, you don't really have to do that. But it would be kind of cool.)

    Gemini Sierra

    Pre-emptive Salvage Specialist
    And Gem, I say you have your character abandon the Knights and come back to our group because you like us too much. :D (Just kidding, you don't really have to do that. But it would be kind of cool.)

    LOL... get out of my head! :p

    I was thinking something along that line... however it would require that the rest of the group move along to Dawnstar for young Einarr... unless he's disappeared :sadface:


    I'm back, bitches
    All righty, I would have posted more but I'm leaving to go home for the weekend. :D I'll try and check in over the weekend and see how things are going.


    Well-Known Member
    Let's all get back on track then~
    Hey, can we all go on a side quest? I really want do something extra!

    I have an idea for a sidequest~
    Do yall want to do a murder mystery? Like Sherlock Holmes. Everyone can give clues, and there is no need for a chosen murderer!


    I'm back, bitches
    Hmm. Can you give a bit more information about it Geel? What exactly would we be doing and where/when/why would it be taking place? I think it's an interesting idea, I just want some details. :p

    Gemini Sierra

    Pre-emptive Salvage Specialist
    Hey there,
    Not to be nitpicky, but I am :D , Geel, I rode off on the horse at a gallop, before Melee came outside. I wouldn't have seen or heard your shout. :sadface:
    As for the murder mystery, interesting idea, however you're in the middle of no where at the moment and the party is all kinds of in a mess. I'd hold off on that until, maybe you got to a town. Oh and I bet it was Rale :p

    Anyway, still no word back from anyone else about rejoining or leading or where anyone else is... even though I know some were online and using the shoutbox to coordinate playing ME3 on xbox. That makes me believe they don't want to continue this RP anymore. Sad because I was going to research this Lorkhan some and put together a plot line this weekend. Oh well, so much for that idea.


    Full-time Skeever King, TaliWhacker, Cheeseman
    He does have a tendancy for killing things. I'm not sure in rejoining this rp if everytime it hits a slight inactivity patch, that everyone assumes its deceased. wonder who could have organised that ME3 multiplayer on the shoutbox :rolleyes: I'm keeping "a certain new user" from getting bored so im kinda distracted right now :sadface:

    Gemini Sierra

    Pre-emptive Salvage Specialist
    Okay, well, hadn't realized you'd dropped out too.
    It seemed that without the leader there was a lot of waiting to see what happened...
    Get her playing the game and then she can join the RP when she knows what's going on :p


    Full-time Skeever King, TaliWhacker, Cheeseman
    LOL, ill make sure to ;) I'll join back in if we get a certain grasp of the plot, or make a cool side-story as we wait.


    I'm back, bitches
    Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!


    The very model of a scientist Salarian
    Gem, can you please stop making negative comments about me? First you accused me and my brother of killing the RP by starting our ME one, and now you're once again jumping to conclusions, and following my conversations in the shoutbox. It's really pissing me off, so stop.

    Emberlynn is in a conversation with Einarr, and I'm still waiting for a reply from him. I'm stuck as to how to randomly leave the conversation, and not have Ember just run away, since that is what she's planning on doing. My hope was that he would try to stop her, or that someone else would see her. She's too tempted by the blood to want to willingly approach Sempronius, and she doesn't just wanna pop out of the woods and say hi to everyone. I'm trying to think of a way to improvise that doesn't result in my character staying separated from the group.

    Anyway, Happy Easter to you too, Melee, and anyone else who celebrates. :)


    Active Member
    Wow now, I am not involved in this roleplay but I have read a lot of it and let me say it is great so get some more members and start it back up. I mean it is a great story so it should go on, for a start if you want I will join as I like roleplaying and maybe someone post something in the recruiting thread? Just a suggestion and if you all dont want to dont but I and I'm sure you want this to go on. So just a suggestion maybe someone should start a new thread to clean up a bit and go from there. Just a suggestion so dont have a go at me. ;):cool::)

    Gemini Sierra

    Pre-emptive Salvage Specialist
    Origin, First, I'm not making negative comments about anyone. Merely stating observations. Those being that some folks involved in this RP have been, for lack of better words, ignoring it. Sure, some folks haven't been around in some time because of personal obligations or some other reason.
    I never accused you or your brother for killing the RP because you started the ME rp... but since then, well, it has severely dried up. If it came across as accusatory, well, I apologize. I am merely calling it like I see it.

    As for your character, do as your brother suggests, make it up... Dareth hasn't been around in a week. Have him not hear or see you and move over to Geel and Semp (and Alistar, if he's going to come back), or carry him along for the moment. Go catch Rale, who is technically still hanging out amongst the Falmer, or slip up to the tavern and catch Melee who just stepped outside...

    Unfortunately, in my opinion, due to the state of your character and the likely reaction of the others to her being full blown vampire now... you either have to feed often (and the allowance of any kind of blood would have to be made) to try to hide the affliction from the others... or you'd have to come right out and tell them you like the power and don't want to give it up... to which the others will have to decide on their reactions.

    As for the others, well, Mr SD was last seen on here on Wednesday asking about my write out and over a week ago in the RP... Rale, his last post in this RP was over a week ago and at the beginning of the battle, and has since said he'll rejoin if we can get the plot moving, which with work can be done.

    So, if we want to keep this story running, we need to rethink the plot, get more characters, regroup and request more activity (YES, I know personal life/responsibilities come first).

    As for side stories, I think we've got a lot running in the story at the moment, let's take a look:
    - young Emberlynn going vampire and trying to decide if she want to stay that way or get cured, and try to life up to her expectations of what her grandfather was like.
    - young Einarr, wants revenge on the Falmer for killing his would be girlfriend has tapped into magic abilities that only a Master Mage would have along with some other dark powers.
    - Semporanius, multi personalities melding into one from touching/seeing some ancient device and gaining all their knowledge. (I think that's close)
    - Geminus, off to Cyrodiil, but could potentially come back (I have a story in the works), is a collector of artifacts for a mysterious Order.
    - Rale, an assassin that possibly wants to break out of that existence and be more, has a contract to kill the Dragonborn.
    - Alistar, actually I'm not sure he has any side story
    - Geel, newly cured of skooma addiction and blindness, seeing the world in a whole new light, no known side story though.
    - Melee, no side story that I can remember.

    Okay, so we have the main quest which needs some fleshing out... Emberlynn's issue... Einarr's issue... Semporanius' issue, which can tie into the main one... and Rale's contract.

    Wow now, I am not involved in this roleplay but I have read a lot of it and let me say it is great so get some more members and start it back up. I mean it is a great story so it should go on, for a start if you want I will join as I like roleplaying and maybe someone post something in the recruiting thread? Just a suggestion and if you all dont want to dont but I and I'm sure you want this to go on. So just a suggestion maybe someone should start a new thread to clean up a bit and go from there. Just a suggestion so dont have a go at me. ;):cool::)

    I think if we can work things out here, we probably will post in the recruiting thread and then talk to the RP mods to see if we can lock this and start a new one up. Keep your ears open you never know.


    Well-Known Member
    some of us will be disappointed if Rise of the Falmer RP ceases to exist.


    Well-Known Member
    Skyrim beast, we would be pleased to have you. I enjoy your enthusiasm, it's a big change here. Yes please, heck be a werewolf too! We need more cool characters! Hope you can join us.

    Alright, I'l write the sidequest in a seperate post.