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    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Veridas woke with a start, realizing that he'd dozed off. His hands were starting to go numb and purple from loss of circulation. 'When I get free' he thought murderously, 'someone is definitely going to pay'. Then a movement to the right of him caught his attention. An older man carrying himself like he was used to being obeyed spoke to an Altmer female with a bright red hair and was more than a little comely. She glanced over at him several times as did the ranger and who seemed to be the leader of the rebellion. At least, that's what he assumed, as every rebel that neared the man showed deference.

    Even the ranger that had so cunningly captured him. Veridas was a little dissapointed that the ranger was just another lackey, but not surprised. Most goodly types needed someone to boss them around and make them feel justified about their actions. Then he heard the leader-like man complaining about the death of two of his men "If they're dead, then clearly, they were a waste of resources..." the assassin stated, glaring coldly at the man.


    Well-Known Member
    Eilene came down moments later to see Veridas already in bonds. She sighed and looked at the others. "I can see this has already gotten out of hand." she mused to herself. She continued to study new faces, making sure she knew them by heart. If she were to be the night watch, she'd have to remember faces well. One in particular was an altmer woman, which was a strange sight in Storm cloak's Skyrim.


    The Devil In The Details
    Jen knocked a third time on the door,hoping someone would answer. "Hello,is anyone here?" He asked,hearing a guard walk by,on his patrol. Jen saw the guard and walked up to him. "Excuse me sir,is there anyone on this hall of the dead? I was hoping to join the rebellion. " He said,motioning towards the building.

    The guard waited for a minute,wondering why an elf would want to join the rebellion. But he decided to trust him and nodded,"Of course. I think I saw the leader go in there some minutes ago." He said. Jen nodded,"Thank you good sir." He said,walking back to the door and knocking once more,hoping someone would hear him. Night was already upon him,he looked up and saw the moon shining brilliantly,as usual. He looked all across the sky seeing all of the little white dots scattered across the sky.

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Spinning on his heels, the raging fires of the Hells themselves burning through his usually forest-green eyes, the Hale Loneshadow, in a completely uncharacteristic move, walked over and with nay a word, slugged the insolent assassin directly in his left eye, knocking the still trussed-up man backwards onto the hard stone floor.

    Pulling his longknife out once more, Hale stepped over the fallen scumbag and pressed the sharp end against the man's neck.

    "You seem to be accustomed to torture, my good man," the Ranger spat, his Hell-found fury raising with each word, "Though do you fear death? Hm, I suppose you may soon be a waste of resources to your 'employers'. Though I WONDER who would procure a more painful death for you?? Them, OR ME?! Now, unless you care to immediately test that theory, GIVE ME SOME NAMES!" he finished with a deadly glare.

    "And will someone, PLEASE answer that infernal RACKET AT THE DOOR!"


    The Devil In The Details
    Jen heard the yell and took a step back. He was wondering if he should just leave,stop agitating whoever was in there. And,gods forbid he didnt want any violence. So he pondered on what he should do,then he decided to identify himself. "Hello? I'm here to join the rebellion. I heard it's recruiting and I thought I might join." He said,waiting for someone to respond or at least open the door. He then crossed his arms again,waiting for a response of some type.


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Veridas couldn't deny his surprise as the ranger swung around and launched a heavy blow at his face, knocking him to the ground. He hit hard, and the ranger knelt at his side, that same elven blade at his throat. As to who could procure a more painful death, there was no question. The ranger was furious. A little more provocation, and he'd probably kill him. That would only be a temporary relief. This wouldn't have been the first time Veridas had died, only to be ressurected by the foul magics of the vampires.

    Then the assassin wondered why the ranger wanted a name so badly. To incur the wrath of a vampire, particularly this vampire, would be to die. "Death, in whatever form, would be a relief, fool" growled the stubborn assassin, determined to die with some form of professionalism. After all, he hadn't given out Salthar's name on other occasions, he was hardly going to do so now. "But, I can help you, given you cut my bonds and pay for my services" at the rangers incredulous stare, the assassin fixed him with a hard glare. "And if you're thinking of torturing it out of me, I assure you, I can hold out for death" Veridas meant his offer. He would fight for the rebels, and help dethrone Ulfric. Not because he gave a damn what happened, but rather, because if Ulfric was removed, Veridas could go about his business in relative peace.


    Well-Known Member
    Aliah was about to protest against the rough treatment of the bound man, but realized it wouldn't have done her any good. They probably would ha e seen her interference as hostile, and she would probably end up killing one or more of them. ' It's not as if the Thalmor treat their prisoners much differently.' Still something about their treatment of the man seemed more than a little uncalled for.


    Active Member
    Titus opened the door and grabbed the man behind it, pulling him in quickly.
    "Shut up! Do you want the Stormcloaks to discover us!?" he said in a hushed but somewhat harsh tone. "You will have to talk to our General, he's right over there." Titus pointed to Simus. "I'm sorry about my attitude, but you must be more secretive. I'm Titus Marius." Titus said as he extended his hand to the newcomer.

    The OP3RaT0R

    Call me Op. Or Smooth.
    Jailani decided that she should get to Simus before Nachael, or worse, a confidante of Simus' who might warn the man. Luckily for her, the assassin's interrogator was creating enough commotion to keep the others away. She put on an idly content face and strode over to the slightly aged, and yet fit commander.

    "You, sir, must be the Simus about whom I've heard so much. I'd like to join this rebellion. I have combat experience which some would attribute to being beyond my years, and I assure you that I can be the greatest of assets to this cause." She extended an elegant hand, wondering in amusement whether this was a strict disciplinarian who would gruffly give it a shake, or a man who tries too hard to bring every woman he meets to bed (unsuccessfully) who would kiss it. She found that both these types were prevalent among the races of men. She found both distasteful.


    The Devil In The Details
    Jen gladfully took his hand,introducing himself. "Jen Arcshot. Forgive me for nearly leading this uprising to discovery,I just assumed the guards here supported you. Apparently I was wrong,but that is besides the point,I've come here to join." He said,studying the scene.

    There was a man bound to chains and what looked like a ranger interrogating him. He saw what looked like two knights watching the bound man from afar. He turned and saw the general Titus pointed out,he looked weathered and stood firm,the look of a true leader. He was talking to a soldier,who seemed somewhat,unsettled. And then there was a stunning altmer woman,guessing she was the unexpected visitor. He turned back to titus and said,"Mayhaps I have arrived at a bad time." He said,having a grasp on the situation.


    An Excellent Site Member
    Simus watched as the Altemer woma, Aliah as she had introduced herself to Hale, signed up and changed without complaint. Hale did the same and Simus was happy to see such cooperation after this morning's disruption with Alice and Alex. He prayed that those two girls could find a way to get along because neither of them would back down. Alice had shown her ability to compromise and that was good but she allowed Alex to get under her skin too easily.

    As he was discussing some administrative matters with Hadvar, Simus tried to block out Hale's "interrogation" of their prisoner. Hale was laying into him as hard as he could and the Breton's lips did not loosen. He was very good at his job. If he really was working for Thalmor Vampires as Hale said, then they had a problem that Simus severely wanted to solve with his boot. He had to remain professional however.

    "Hale!" Simus called. "That's enough. Give him some time to let the pain soak in. That'll make him more willing to talk. We're going to start sparring soon, why don't you do some push-ups to vent all that energy. Do as many as you can."

    Then a redguard woman who clearly had a sordid history with Nachael came up and introduced herself.

    "You, sir, must be the Simus about whom I've heard so much. I'd like to join this rebellion. I have combat experience which some would attribute to being beyond my years, and I assure you that I can be the greatest of assets to this cause."

    Simus accepted the elegant chocolate coloured hand she offered and shook it firmly but gently. He gave her a welcoming, professional smile as she introduced herself.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Redguard." Simus said. "I'm happy you've decided to help us and I welcome you to our cause. As for your combat experience you'll have plenty of oppertunities to demonstrate it."

    Hadvar handed him a blank set of enlistment papers which he held out to her.

    "I should let you know that you are, for all intents and purposes, joining the Imperial Legion. You'll be spending the next two weeks learning how to fight, eat, sleep, and work like an Imperial Soldier and I expect you to conduct yourself as such at all times."

    Simus then raised his voice so that all else in the room could hear him.

    "That goes for the rest of you!" he said loudly. "So long as you're in this rebellion you're to remain in uniform and conduct yourselves properly at all times! Now find a sparring partner and get in formation once you have one! Each pair is going to come up front and duel each other and the rest of you are going to watch and analyze. I expect any one of you to be able to tell me why the fight ended up the way it did, why the winner won and why the loser lost and I will be calling on you randomly so this is not a time to check out! Anyone who hasn't enisted yet get your arses up here and do so! We've got a lot to do and I've got no patience for layabouts! Go! Go! Go!"


    The Devil In The Details
    Jen saw the soldiers rushing and looking for partners to spar with. He then decided to introduce himself to the leader,as he might not get another chance to do so.

    He approached the general and began to talk,"Excuse me sir," he said,grabbing the generals attentiion,"My name is Jen Arcshot,Archer of Valenwood.I won't claim to be the best archer of my homeland,but I try,nonetheless. I've come to join your rebellion,as I see so many already have. I know now isn't a good time for introductions,but I see this as my only chance. As for this sparring,I am skilled with a blade,somewhat,and can handle myself well. But,I won't keep you,I know you have pressing matters to attend to,as we all do." He said,extending his hand. "And what,might I ask,is your name,as I have not caught it yet." He asked,giving the general a firm but humble look.


    An Excellent Site Member
    Simus accepted the wood elf's handshake and smiled. Redguards, Altmer, Dunmer and now Bosmer. This platoon was getting colourful.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you Jen. General Simus Psyrakon, Commander of the Central Skyrim Ground Force and Thane of Whiterun, but you don't have to call me all that. Simus will do. Or General if you're in a pinch."

    He gently broke the handshake and folded his hands across his chest.

    "And yes, I'm afraid we don't have much introductions. We've got a schedule to keep you understand. Go ahead and fill out your paperwork, then get suited up. Talk to Hadvar if you have any questions. Once you're done, we'll pair you up with whoever's left."

    Simus paused for a moment, then had another thought.

    "Also." He said. "How exactly did you get in here? We're deep in the chambers under the Hall of the Dead and it's easy to get lost. Sort of the reason we're meeting here.


    The Devil In The Details
    Jen nodded acknowledging the question. "Well,simus, I have been through many crypts,barrows,and just plain old caves. I have once been through windhelm's hall of the dead. After that,I believe I caught on entirely. Anyways ill be off,I still have to sign up and put on the armor." He said,walking off to Hadvar. He was handed the form and he filled it out.

    Name: Jen Arcshot
    Date of birth: 4E 103
    Place of residence: The wilderness
    Sweetroll Schedule: Once a week.

    Then he headed into the armory,and put on the light imperial armor. He left the armory and went back to the hall. Then he gave hadvar his belongings and looked for a partner to spar with.


    Well-Known Member
    Aliah spotted the interesting Bosmer. The man was certainly fit, and looked like he'd be a good match, at least sparring wise. Maybe even as prey. Strolling up to him, she gave him her best smile, without revealing her fangs. "Aliah Stormwind.You interested in a match?"

    Dabiene Caristiana

    Your friendly neighborhood weirdo
    After the obvious dismissal, Soldin told the Commander his name and status, "Name is Soldin, Knight. Sellsword for the good, monster and fearmonger for the evil. Work for the Dawnguard. But I'm accepting to all kinds of life... Even vampires." He knew there were vampires around. And again, not that he cared. Or worried. He had friends in 'High Places' who had told them about their affliction, to give him a better understanding of it. Besides, if the Vigilant or the Dawnguard knew of his Werewolf powers, they would chain him up and most likely torture him for backstabbing them or keeping a secret.

    Turning he listened as Baroth offered to spar with him, then gave the man a short nod. "Alright then, I'll just go get signed up and outfitted. Be back in a moment." He grinned, he was definatelly going to enjoy this! Walking over near Hadvar he looked at the form and raised a brow.

    Date of Birth:
    Current Address:

    At the last part he had to try really hard from not bursting out and laughing. He doubted Simus would think that very manly or soldier like. Sighing in amusement he began the first part. 'Name? Well, that's easy.' He filled that in. Next was Date of birth. He couldn't exactly remember, so he had to do the math in his head... After figuring it out he wrote that down too. 'Nationality? Simple enough.' After filling out where he also lived he put down when he liked sweetrolls. The form then looked something like this:

    Name: Soldin Snowknight
    Date of Birth: 15th of Evening Star, 4E 178?
    Nationality: Nord - Born in Skyrim
    Current Address: Fort Dawnguard
    Sweetrolls: Only one after dinner, on weekends.

    Smiling slightly then frowning he honestly couldn't remember his birth year. He could remember the day he was born, but not the year. Looking at the ceiling he thought long and hard. Then he remembered his age. He was 23! He felt a bit older though. Soldin wondered though how he could forget his own birthday. Perhaps there was something to do with Vampires and their hypnotic powers. Along with them draining life forces. Perhaps that could also affect the brain. After all the powers also connected with the fact of them reanimating the dead to do their bidding. Which alter the brain function as well. He rubbed his chin.

    Or he could just go with the fact he had been hit on the head by bandits too many times... Shrugging he filled out the correct date.

    Date of Birth: 15th of Evening Star, 4E 179

    One year off. He seemed to be a good guesser. With a grin plastered on his face he moved to the room that had the equipment and armor. Looking through the choices he found what he was looking for. Heavy armor that could weigh down all the light guys like a sinking ship. Checking the armor he examined its condition. It seemed well enough, but could do with a few more improvements. Well, he could worry about that later, for right now it was time to spar! Stripping himself down and putting on the armor in record time, Soldin came out and walked over to Baroth. "Well, I guess we're both ready now!" Folding his arms he then walked to the main group to get in formation.

    (OOC: So sorry for the late reply. I'll post Dabienes part soon. :) )

    The OP3RaT0R

    Call me Op. Or Smooth.
    Jailani was a little surprised when Simus shook her hand gently. The way he acted and spoke, she was almost a little disappointed; she had not wanted to like him.

    She went over to the Legionnaire at the registration table and set to filling out the form.

    Name: Jailani Fira
    Date of birth: 1st of Rain's Hand, 4E 175
    Nationality: Redguard
    Current Address:

    Jailani wasn't quite sure if she should write the home of her parents. They hadn't spoken in a while. But she would do it.

    Current Address: The Fira Estate, Sentinel, Hammerfell
    Sweetrolls: Only if I'm at the Bronze Hearth Inn in Cyrodiil.

    She loved the chef there, old Bassius. He was one of the few of the men-races who she liked. He was too sweet for even her cold heart to love, and he made the best pastries in Tamriel. Her mind had wandered. She brought it back around, gave the soldier her bundle of armor and possessions, and headed to the wall of equipment. A shining Imperial longsword caught her eye, and Jailani picked it up. It felt well enough. She took a steel dagger as well, and a set of light leather Imperial armor, and headed to put them on.


    The Devil In The Details
    Baroth nodded as soldin walked off to sign up. He looked at the wooden sword in his hands and chuckled. He had fought with many weapons,dwemer,orsinium,daedric even! But never with a wooden sword. But he knew safety was required when sparring with another
    So,accepting his weapon and his opponent, baroth headed to an open spot and waited for soldin.

    Jen saw the altemer approach him and request a partnership in sparring. He saw how she was built,clear look of an adventurer,and if not that,a hunter,such as himself. He smiled and accepted her request. "Jen Arcshot," he said,extending his emerald gloved hand. "And sure,I'm up for a match. Been too long since I've been in melee combat,it'd be nice to get back into the swing of it. Do you know where I can find the wooden blade?" He asked,feeling his empty sheath.


    Formerly known as Arillious
    Arillious was in darkness. He was no longer stiff from his long run, and he had no recollection of his current location. He could see nothing, he couldn't even taste the saliva in his mouth, nor smell the the cool air that the Skyrim tundra.

    "Come in." said a voice. It was low, but demanding. There was no kindness in any part of the command.

    Suddenly, a door appeared. A worn door, dark brown - with a bright golden knob. Arillious grasped the knob - freezing cold, almost numbing the boy's hand.

    He twisted and pushed the door open.

    Behind the door was no darkness - In fact, the room was quite bright - so bright it was nearly blinding him. There was long table, as worn-looking as the door, looked as if it were hovering on this light. Seated at it this table were 11 men. All of these men had a certain gloom and discoloration about them. Except for one - one very recognizable man. His father, sitting at the very end. He didn't get up, he didn't change the expression in his face, he didn't do anything a normal, loving father would do when he sees his son. He simply stared - he stared at Arillious as coldly, just as the 10 other men were.

    "You called?" Arillious asked - to no man in particular, for he knew not which man invited him.

    "Yes" replied the same man. He was the man at the head of the table, the furthest away from Arillious.

    "These are all your ancestors, Arillious." his father began, "This table is full of successful Imperial Warriors - men who have served Cyrodill, and have died heroes. Everyone here in one way or another has done something of use with their lives as soldiers." He began to point, one by one, at each man sitting at the table, starting from the men nearest all the way to the back. His father sat across an empty chair, but next to him was his father - Arillious' Grandfather, and across from him was Arillious' Great-Grandfather, and so on. This moved all the way up to the head of the table - easily knew who this man was. The one who started the family legacy - Arilles. A soldier who had helped fend off the Daedra in the Imperial City the day Emperor Martin Septim had died.

    "You have yet to prove your worth, Arillious - will you be able to do something of use to the Empire before you die? hunting Vampires and killing a few Dragons aren't going to help." said Arilles, ending with a slight pause, then continuing, "Just because you aren't pure doesn't mean you can excuse yourself from the line."

    His mind was racing at these harsh words - he had ignored his other side since he left those mountains just a few short years ago. The Nords taught him how to be a Nord - how to fight like his other half. Arillious wanted to be an Imperial, he wanted to be like his father, and like all the men that were sitting before him. The gloom of death had hid his eyes from recognizing them before, but they became clear and alive once his father had pointed them out.

    "That chair - the one across from your father, that chair is for you. But you must earn it. You must prove your worth, show us how you bear the Peleus name. Your father had you in training at the age of 6 - for 10 years you lived in seclusion in order to prepare yourself. Why have you abandoned what you have learned? Stop shutting half of yourself down Arillious, some may still consider you a young boy yet you have tasted more battle than most men do in their 30s - whether you are full Imperial or half does not matter, you are part of this family and you will continue on this legacy."

    Arillious was staring back at the 11 staring at him - he could comprise no words, because the men immediately disappeared, followed by the long table and chairs - then the light turned to darkness.

    Arillious shook his head out into reality, and watched as suddenly all of his comrades ran right past him and into the gates of Whiterun. He to lay his arm up against the gate, panting - he was tired. After giving himself a quick 10 second break, he ran back to the Hall of the Dead with the others.

    He didn't know what it was - hallucination, day-dream, epiphany, or some sort of magic - but whatever it was, it scared him.

    Arillious knew that making a name for himself was important to the family, but only until now did he really start to feel the pressure of fulfilling it. Arilles was correct - since leaving that mountain Arillious never picked up a battle-axe, the weapon that the Nords had him specialize in. He had donned a Sword and shield his entire time here in Skyrim, in order to fit with the Blades uniform. It was time for a change, time to use the skills he had so keenly enhanced.

    He rushed into the Hall of the Dead and into the Armoury - He swung his shield off from his back and threw it across the room - it hit the wall with a bang. Arillious then ripped the sheathe from his waist, still bearing the sword, and dropped it on the ground. On the opposite side of his waist, he grabbed the hand-axe he had yet to use and casually tossed that as well. He stopped to fasten the bag that held Tullius' sword tighter on his back, and continued to the wall. The wall with the big rack of Great Swords, War Hammers, and Battle Axes. He grabbed a Steel Battle-Axe from the wall, it weighed virtually nothing to him - even after not touching one for 2 years, he still had a feel for it as if he just trained with one hours ago.

    Without even taking a few swings, he quickly slung the Axe on his back and walked out of the Armoury - it was perfect timing too - for just as he walked back out to where the others were, he heard Simus yell, "Peleus!"

    Without a word, he went to where his Commander, and friend was - he followed him back to the house with Alice. He didn't say a word the entire trip there, the entire time at Breezehome, and the entire time back. He didn't notice anything, because he was too busy thinking. When they returned from Breezehome, he found somewhere to sit, and continued to think about what transpired, and what he was going to do with his life.