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Professional Sweetroll Taster

I finished one of my templates, I'll do the other one later...haha


Master Nightblade
Name: Ava
Race: Bosmer (Wood Elf)
'Class' or Class Description: Freelance Scout, currently employed by the Empire
Relative Date of Creation: March 2012 (I stopped playing for a LONG time.)
Major Skills: Sneak/Archery/One-Handed
Minor Skills: Lockpicking/Pickpocket/Smithing/Alchemy
Level: 46
Factions: Guild Master of the Thieves Guild, Listener of the Dark Brotherhood
What she is up to: Currently amassing a huge sum of personal wealth, buying up properties all over Skyrim and treasure hunting for Daedric Artifacts/Unique Armor and Weaponry
Alliance: None. She's allied with whoever will pay the most gold for the completion of their dirty work.
Back story: Ava was born in the city of Falinesti, a moving city in northwestern Valenwood before she grew tired of the civil wars plaguing the provinces. She eventually emigrated and found herself in Whiterun, the trade hub of the Empire. Willing to overlook the strenous history that has existed between the Empire and her native Valenwood, she has developed a knack for remaining unseen and as such has put her talents to use by scouting for the Imperial Empire during the civil war with the rebel Stormcloaks.
Other Details: Single and ready to mingle. Though she has taken a liking towards Elrindir, the owner of the Drunken Huntsman, which is across the road from her home.


Proud Mer


Well-Known Member
Me again. :D

Name: Jonas
Race: Nord
'Class' or Class Description: Warrior
Relative Date of Creation: Sometime this month
Major Skills: (List the ones you use in combat + armor) Two-Handed, Heavy Armor, One-Handed, Archery, Block
Level (Estimate if you must): 45
Factions: None yet
What are they up to?: Hunting for treasure (have two maps left to do) and more treasure maps; non-faction quests; general adventuring
Alliance: Imperial (finished the CW)

Other Details (Optional):
Goal is to keep all Crime stats at 0, except for locks picked and assaults (even attacking not-yet-hostile animals counts as assaulting, I think).
So far so good, except the Skooma quest in Riften earned a trespass, even though the Jarl gave me the key and asked me to go in that place. -.-

Slaughters all bunnies he comes across. 56 so far.

Armor: full set of Epic Steel armor, switching to Ebony as soon as I get Ebony Smithing and find an unenchanted helmet.
Weapons: Ebony Sword, Ebony Greatsword, Ebony Bow (all Exquisite)
Other apparel: Necklace of Dwindling Fire, Ring of Extreme Archery/Ring of the Wannabe Argonian, Shield of Solitude

Completed the MQ, currently in the middle of the first main quests of the DLC questlines.

Difficulty: Adept (my first non-Novice character)

Currently Thane of Whiterun (ofc), Falkreath, Riften and the Pale.

Picture (optional): Here he is with his faithful steed. Bought the horse over a week ago, and she's seen quite a few battles. From Skeevers to Elder Dragons. The picture is kinda blurry, because Falkreath happened to be misty (once again). :)

Name: Death
Race: Nord
'Class' or Class Description: Sword and Board Paladin
Relative Date of Creation: December of 2012.
Major Skills: (List the ones you use in combat + armor) One-handed, Block, Restoration, Heavy Armor, Archery
Level (Estimate if you must): 371
Factions: Empire, Blades, Volkihar Vampires, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Companions, and College of Winterhold
What are they up to? Side Quests at Castle Volkihar
Alliance: My Alliance lies with all of the ones stated in "Factions"
Back story (Optional): I was born as a Sweetroll and eaten by Ulfric Stormcloak. I was later resurrected by Akatosh as the dragonborn to defeat Alduin and his threat of tyranny, and went on to gain ultimate power to take revenge on the one who harmed my glaze.
Other Details (Optional):
Picture (optional):

Nocte Aeterna

Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Film
Name: Aldaril
Race: Altmer (High Elf)
Gender: Male
Age: 149
Class: Arcanist
Major Skills: Conjuration, Alteration, Destruction
Minor Skills: Restoration, Enchanting
Preferred Weapon(s): Spells, Sanguine Rose, Skull of Corruption, Staff of Fireballs
Level: 47
Faction(s): College of Winterhold (Arch-Mage)
Alliance: Neutral, but defies the Thalmor.
Deities Worshipped: Hermaeus Mora, Sanguine, Vaermina, Azura
Miscellaneous: His swimming abilities are pretty abysmal.

Name: Ruaidhin
Race: Bosmer (Wood Elf)
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Class: Poisoner/Assassin
Major Skills: Archery, Sneak, Alchemy
Minor Skills: One-Handed, Light Armor, Pickpocket
Preferred Weapon(s): Glass Bow, Glass, Ebony, or Daedric Arrows, assorted poisons, Blade of Woe
Level: 34
Faction(s): Dark Brotherhood
Alliance: Apathetic
Deities Worshipped: Sithis, Hircine, Peryite
Miscellaneous: He’s quite a good cook when he opts not to use any toxic ingredients.

Name: Dances-With-Dusk
Race: Argonian
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Class: Nightblade
Major Skills: Sneak, One-Handed, Illusion
Minor Skills: Alteration, Destruction, Light Armor
Preferred Weapon(s): Spells, Mehrunes’ Razor, Elven Dagger
Level: 21
Faction(s): Thieves Guild, Nightingales, Volkihar Vampires
Alliance: Apathetic
Deities Worshipped: Nocturnal, Mehrunes Dagon, Sheogorath
Miscellaneous: Probably the quietest out of all of my characters.

Name: Burgash gro-Ogdum
Race: Orsimer (Orc)
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Class: Necrozerker
Major Skills: Two-Handed, Conjuration, Block
Minor Skills: Heavy Armor, Smithing, Enchanting
Preferred Weapon(s): Bound Battleaxe, necromancy.
Level: 18
Faction(s): None
Alliance: None
Deities Worshipped: Molag Bal, Malacath, Namira
Miscellaneous: A cannibalistic Orc that raises the dead is pretty awesome.

Name: Shadir
Race: Redguard
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Class: Warrior/Paladin
Major Skills: One-Handed, Restoration, Block, Heavy Armor
Minor Skills: Archery, Smithing
Preferred Weapon(s): Elven Mace, Elven Bow, Elven Arrows
Level: 16
Faction(s): Companions, Bards’ College, Dawnguard
Alliance: Imperial Legion
Deities Worshipped: Mara, Dibella, Stendarr, Meridia, Akatosh, Arkay, Kynareth
Miscellaneous: Despite his holistic values, he still has a short temper.

Name: Jacinthe Blanchette
Race: Breton
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Class: Elementalist
Major Skills: Conjuration, One-Handed, Destruction, Alteration
Minor Skills: Restoration, Speech
Preferred Weapon(s): Bound Sword, spells
Level: 12
Faction(s): College of Winterhold (Lore-Keeper)
Alliance: Imperial Legion
Deities Worshipped: Julianos, Zenithar, Dibella
Miscellaneous: She may not admit it, but she’s got a lusty side.


Vircus the Virtuous
Oh boy, I'm proly gonna do a lot of these. I'll just post one at a time ^^;

Name: Vircus Stormheart (Vircus the Virtuous)

Race: Nord/Imperial (Nord ingame)

'Class' or Class Description: The typical Paladin

Relative Date of Creation: about 3 months ago

Major Skills: One-handed, Shield, Heavy Armor, Restoration, and occasionally archery.

Level (Estimate if you must): 50 ("lvl 50 in 3 months?! Did you never run ingame?" Lol. Of course I had school and I never fast-traveled)

Factions: Companions (cured of lycanthropy as soon as the option appeared), College of Winterhold, and Dawnguard.

What are they up to?: Currently waiting for the Destroy the Dark Brotherhood quest and on the Dawnguard quests.

Alliance: (I'm sorry but what's the difference between this and the factions? Anyway) Companions, College of Winterhold, and Dawnguard. Unaligned in the Civil War, but basically anti-thalmor, but doesn't kill them onsite.

Back story (Optional):

He is the son of the mighty Great War veterans Vitharr and Fraenis. He is the youngest of two siblings, the other being Kevarr.

He was born 5 years after the Great War and after his primary education, was sent to Cyrodiil for higher education along with his brother. The two became very close during this time and became inseparable. The two parted ways when Vircus applied for the Templar Academy (I ask the lore masters if there is such a school or something close) while Kevarr traveled back to Skyrim.

After many years of training, Vircus finally became a Templar Knight (obviously not the same as their realworld counterparts). But he received a disturbing letter from his mother: Kevarr is missing. Vircus has always been the favorite of his father and it seems Vitharr's constant undermining of Kevarr has led him to a dark path.

Vircus badly wanted to go back to Skyrim to search for his brother but he had certain duties as a Templar Knight. Fortunately for him, he was given several quests, such as destroying the Dark Brotherhood and finding the "Overlord", that involved him leaving to Skyrim. This was exactly what he needed.

He was also instructed by his superior to investigate the Civil War occurring in Skyrim by posing as a prisoner upon entering the province. Thus the story begins...

Other Details (Optional): Lawful Good. He worships the Aedra but has nothing against the "good" Daedric Princes. He is an avid cook and enjoys alchemy. He was taught the basics of enchanting during his time at the Templar Academy and knows its usefulness in battle. He is also a bard.

Picture (optional):Vircus.PNGVircus with Armor.PNG


The Mystic Marksman
Name: Jader



Date of creation:dunno play off and on.

Class:Sabatoure(not sure on spelling)

Major skills:all stealth,illusion,archery,one hand.


Faction:Thieve's guild and dark brotherhood

Alliance:to his brothers and sisters of crime and murder.

More to be updated as I continue


Very Dangerous Nobody
Breton female. Dabbles in magic, mostly in the healing arts. Trains her thieving abilities to make sure she can take care of herself. Swings a mean blade and has a deadly shot. She mixes potions to coat blades created at the forge. Seeking no path but her own, associations strengthen her, though she does not intend to lead.

Follow her adventures, and read her backstory @ Pendalyn's Ponderings

Jo'rak Vandeni

Jurrrl o' Sweden
Name: Jo'rak Vandeni
'Class' or Class Description:Sellsword and Battlemage
Relative Date of Creation:20 days ago or so? Bugger checking the date, it doesnt matter too much
Major Skills: (List the ones you use in combat + armor) Heavy armor, 1-handed, restoration, destruction, illusion, alteration, also smithing and enchanting outside battle
Level (Estimate if you must): maybe 40-50 now?
Factions: Thieves guild (for the fencing, due to lack of perks to unlock it in speech), companions, dark brotherhood, Imperial legion
What are they up to? About to butcher the emperor, thinking of tearing him apart with raised undead imperials?
Alliance: He's a sellsword..
Back story (Optional): Coming up soon..


Silence, my brother...
Name: Urdu
Race: Bosmer
'Class' or Class Description: Archer / Assassin
Relative Date of Creation: I don't know xD
Major Skills: (List the ones you use in combat + armor)
Level: 25
Factions: Dark Brotherhood, Thieves' Guild
What are they up to: Assisting the DB.
Alliance: N/A
Back story (Optional): Born to Thalmor parents, Urdu was kicked from her home for being rebellious.
Other Details (Optional): She strongly distastes liars and traitors. Urdu will also gouge your back out if you look at her the wrong way.
Picture (optional):


It's a big hammer.
Here's the character I recently started. Sword and board Redguard.


  • maelona01.jpg
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I brake for blue butterflies
Dark Elf Assassin/Mage/Poisoner Lv 40

Bound Bow, Zephyr, Mehrunes Razor

Ebony Mail, Aetheruim Crown w/Atronoch (Steed Stone active), Carved Nordic Gauntlets and Boots

Schools- Conjuration, Illusion

Main Crafting interests- Alchemy and enchanting

Currently residing in Sinderion's Field Laboratory trying to make friends with the Falmer (not working out so well) while he wins favor with the College at Winterhold so he can take control and corrupt it. Casual member of the Thieve's Guild. He was just a simple murdering bastard until he traveled to Solsthiem to try and bend Miraak to his will, instead he took his place and gained favor with Hermaeus Mora and along with Neloth from house Trevanni, plans were unhatched to 'liberate' Skyrim and Solsthiem under the rule of the new unholy trinity. Both he and Neloth became addicted to the Black Books and have lost a marble or two. Once the College is ours, we will take over the Thieve's Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. We've decided to let Alduin live as he will make a perfect diversion to the real threat that the unholy trinity poses. Neloth is currently trying to convince the Dragonborn that becoming a Vampire Lord will further the cause but the Dragonborn is struggling with the decision.


Proud Mer
My lady's Forsworn Red Guard:
Breaking out of Helgen

Blasting a bandit

Killing her dinner

A merchant treating her like scum

Wore a cowl for a long while to keep eyes off her face and can't identify her

Finally in her attire after getting the preparations needed

Took back Markarth


Thane of Solitude
Name: Anja the Fair
Race: Nord
Class: Archer, Thief
Major Skills: Archery, Sneak, Light Armor
Minor Skills: Speech, Pickpocket, One-Handed
Faction: Thieves Guild, Nightingales
Creation Date: June 2013
What she's doing: Restoring the Thieves Guild

Sorry for the terrible picture quality, I'm on console and my iPod sucks with taking decent photos.


Semi-professional cabbage collector
My lady's Forsworn Red Guard:

(assorted awesome stuff)

Hey Benthos: did you use any mod to help in developing the character as a Forsworn? I have been considering building a Forsworn, and saw a mod that make them a playable faction through a quest, or another which makes Forsworn a playable race from the start, etc. Just curious if you had any info about that sort of thing. Thanks!


I brake for blue butterflies
Name: Anja the Fair
Race: Nord
Class: Archer, Thief
Major Skills: Archery, Sneak, Light Armor
Minor Skills: Speech, Pickpocket, One-Handed
Faction: Thieves Guild, Nightingales
Creation Date: June 2013
What she's doing: Restoring the Thieves Guild

Like the Stalhrim Light with circlet look. Stalhrim Light is my favorite armor that isn't fur or forsworn. I usually wear it until I can perk/improve fur enough to be viable.