Poll: Most Comfortable Area in The House

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Most comfortable room/area in the house

  • Office

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dining Room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Backyard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Frontyard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pool

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Attic

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


In your opinion what's the most comfortable spot in the house? Where do you feel most at ease, most relaxed, and in your prime?

Also, I was thinking about doing a poll of the day. Would it be stupid/annoying?


Dark Mage of Clan Thu'um
I voted for my Bed Room. It's just so peaceful and quiet. Whoever comes into my room and looks around just feels at ease, especially when they lay on my bed for 5 min and are KO'ed by it's soft embrace. My personal realm of serenity.


Admiral Sunna Kyndai
My bedroom as well, although contrary to what Reiji said his room was look people look at my room and immediately want to leave.


Clan Thu'um Guard
Definitely my bedroom. It's incredibly messy, and sometimes you can't walk around straight cause of the clutter, but once you come in there is this feeling of counter-productivity, and you suddenly feel comfy, and sleepy...

This is why I dont like working in my bedroom =))


Am I the only one who picked kitchen? I'm like socially retarded unless I'm in somebodie's kitchen.. Is that normal?


Giving it to you straight since 1869
Definitely living room for me. I have this second smaller living room which I like to go to. No one else really goes there.


Veritas vos liberabit
Errr ... I only have a single room so yeah, I guess “bedroom” then? I’m playing Skyrim on a PC though so obviously I have desk in that room as well.


Actual Alchemist
You need to add garage to the poll. I built a dream garage last year (it's bigger than my house). I spend most every evening out there.

You can see my feet; I'm playing Skyrim.


Living Room for me! Nothing better than curling up on the sofa in front of a toasty fire with Skyrim on the television!
I feel more sociable if I'm the living room too! Even if I've just got my dog at my feet! :p


i voted the bedroom as thats where my pc and xbox are as well as the bed funny enough so i spend most of my time there :D


Time Bandit
I voted bathroom. Do I really need to explain why? Well, one thing I guess I will mention is that I do my best thinking first thing in the morning when I take a shower. I can't tell you how many times the answer to a hard question or how to fix one of my programs has popped into my head while in the shower.