Now that Ulfric is High King of Skyrim...?

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ulfric has no chance fighting the aldmeri dominion. first of all compare the thalmor soldiers with the stormcloacks, the elfs you emcounter in the roads can summon daedra an cast destruction spells, plus they also use superior weapons and armor. the stormcloacks use iron weapons and their armor is very weak. just use console commands and make 10 stormcloacks fight 6 thalmor, and see what happens. second of all the greybeards would never participate in a war, the max that they would do is defend high hrothgar. then lets just imagine that the dragonborn enters the fight. do you think that he could fight thousands of elfs at the same time?

then lets take the case of hammerfell. they didnt win their war, they just manged to drive a way the dominion of their territory, plus the dominion was also fighting in cyrodiil, elsweyr and valenwood.also many times in the game it is said that the redguards are better warriors than any other race in tamriel, and that hammerfell is much more powerfull than skyrim that at the time is in a huge crisis.

with that said, the only way to defeat the thalmor is to fight as a united empire, not as separeted nations.

p.s: i hate the the aldmeri dominion as much as you, but only that i am being realistic
ulfric has no chance fighting the aldmeri dominion. first of all compare the thalmor soldiers with the stormcloacks, the elfs you emcounter in the roads can summon daedra an cast destruction spells, plus they also use superior weapons and armor. the stormcloacks use iron weapons and their armor is very weak. just use console commands and make 10 stormcloacks fight 6 thalmor, and see what happens. second of all the greybeards would never participate in a war, the max that they would do is defend high hrothgar. then lets just imagine that the dragonborn enters the fight. do you think that he could fight thousands of elfs at the same time?

then lets take the case of hammerfell. they didnt win their war, they just manged to drive a way the dominion of their territory, plus the dominion was also fighting in cyrodiil, elsweyr and valenwood.also many times in the game it is said that the redguards are better warriors than any other race in tamriel, and that hammerfell is much more powerfull than skyrim that at the time is in a huge crisis.

with that said, the only way to defeat the thalmor is to fight as a united empire, not as separeted nations.

p.s: i hate the the aldmeri dominion as much as you, but only that i am being realistic
But, you forget that the dominion's military is very weak. What they do have arr just a collection of combat spys. However, they and the Empire have the advantage of conscription, something the Stormies lack.

true nord

New Member
Many people seem to forget that the Nords have always been one of the most powerful military forces in Tamriel (if not the most powerful). Before Tiber Septim, the Cyrodilic army didn't even control all of Cyrodiil, but with the battle hardened Nords in their ranks Tiber Septim was able to conquer all of Tamriel. Also an average elf may have 1-3 children in his/her lifetime which can be up to 1000 years (most elven women will only have 1 child, 2 if there fortunate and 3 if there lucky), while a Nord can have like 5 children in a 60 year lifetime, which means in a single year there would be more nords turning 18 than elves.