Now that Ulfric is High King of Skyrim...?

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bulbaquil not Sjadbek, he just runs him.
I really think it might partially depend on the Altmeri life cycle and the relative populations.

If Altmer are like D&D elves, not reaching sufficient physical maturity to fight until 100 (or, heck, even 30), the significantly faster maturation rate of the Nords/Redguards/etc. (assuming it's analogous to humans') means that it takes much less time for the Nords/Redguards/etc. to "replace" a fallen warrior in the population than for the Thalmor. This is probably why they're trying to work subterfuge with the Skyrim civil war (to "reset the humans' timer," so to speak, as they try to replenish their own forces) and why their own dossiers state that either a Stormcloak or an Imperial victory would be detrimental to their plans.
I really think it might partially depend on the Altmeri life cycle and the relative populations.

If Altmer are like D&D elves, not reaching sufficient physical maturity to fight until 100 (or, heck, even 30), the significantly faster maturation rate of the Nords/Redguards/etc. (assuming it's analogous to humans') means that it takes much less time for the Nords/Redguards/etc. to "replace" a fallen warrior in the population than for the Thalmor. This is probably why they're trying to work subterfuge with the Skyrim civil war (to "reset the humans' timer," so to speak, as they try to replenish their own forces) and why their own dossiers state that either a Stormcloak or an Imperial victory would be detrimental to their plans.
I do think that the Mer would have that problem. After all, it is why the Snow Elves attacked the Nords way back in the early days of Skyrim's history. The elves noticed that the men were populating much faster than they could, and it worried them. I think it is something to consider here.

bulbaquil not Sjadbek, he just runs him.
Another two physiological aspects we need to consider:

1. What is the average number of births per pregnancy for Altmer vs. Nords/Redguards/etc.? How frequent are twins, triplets, etc.?
2. Once an Altmer becomes pregnant, how long is it until she can become pregnant again?

Sweet Rolls

True Nord 4 lyf yo
The Thalmor have an advantage when it comes to armour and weapons because they are supreme magic users, although the Nords are supreme weapon users, as are Redguards. And Elven armour is better designed and stronger. I would hope Ulfric would design a better Stormcloak armour if he wanted to fight the Thalmor, the Stormcloak cuirass looks weak.

Also I don't think Altmer reproduction really matters, we know there are a lot of High Elves since they live for 100-300 years if they're lucky.

bulbaquil not Sjadbek, he just runs him.
Also I don't think Altmer reproduction really matters, we know there are a lot of High Elves since they live for 100-300 years if they're lucky.

Right - that's why we need to know the relative populations as well.


Active Member
fluff magicka!

its time for tamriel to join the 21st century!

quick! someone attach a generator to the mills! hydro-electric power! powerful and environmentally friendly! machine guns, napalm, fluff, even nukes, lets just go and get those bastards. id like to see there magic overcome a nuclear bomb!


Are even Ulfric the High King of Skyrim. I mean they say the Jarls going to vote mayby they didnt even vote on him. :eek:

Mayby its Mai'q the Liar that is the High King. :confused:

Check my Orcs diary att:

An orcs long teeth

Rex Prime

Premium Airtcle Writer
Are even Ulfric the High King of Skyrim. I mean they say the Jarls going to vote mayby they didnt even vote on him. :eek:

Mayby its Mai'q the Liar that is the High King. :confused:

MAI'Q THE LAIR FOREVER!!! well, that won't will never happen.

bulbaquil not Sjadbek, he just runs him.
Are even Ulfric the High King of Skyrim. I mean they say the Jarls going to vote mayby they didnt even vote on him. :eek:

The Moot won't be called until the civil war is resolved. If you resolve it for the Stormcloaks, then when you take each hold a Stormcloak-sympathetic Jarl who would vote for Ulfric at the Moot takes the Jarlship. (In other words, they're rigging the election. So is the Empire, if you side with them.)

Rex Prime

Premium Airtcle Writer
i know this thread is pretty old but i wanted to say something.
I rewritten the timeline i wrote in page 4, and made for research for it to be better.
  • Ulfric has defeated the Imperials in Skyrim, he wants to get rid Tamriel from the Thalmor, and he decides to start pushing on Cyrodiil.
  • The Stormcloaks are unable to get push more forward into Cyrodiil despite having the Dragonborn on their side and the Imperials are fiercely defending the north of country, The Nords ask the greybeards for assistance but they refuse.
  • Ulfric forms an alliance with Hammerfell, who accept helping in fighting the Thalmor, and with the assistance of the Redguards the newly formed Alliance conquered most of western Cyrodiil.
  • The Alliance thinks that they don't have enough power to conquer the rest of Cyrodiil, they invite High Rock into the alliance, as Orc and Breton assistance is invaluable but the Bretons refuse, and think that they must solve the Forsworn problem before even discussing joining the Alliance.
  • After weeks of thinking Ulfric gives Markarth to the Breton and the Forsworn problem has been solved, and thanks to the Orc and Breton support the Alliance now controls Northern and Western Cyrodiil.
  • The Alliance needs the eastern sections of Cyrodiil before they could assault the Imperial City. They need experts in Guerrilla Warfare, the Argonains who have both Morrowind and Argonia (Black Marsh)
  • The Alliance ask the An-Xileel (The Faction that rules both Morrowind and Black Marsh, you know, like the Thalmor who rule the Aldemiri Dominion) and they refuse at the first but eventually they accept joining
  • The Alliance have conquered Cyrodiil and the empire is no more.
  • The Alliance has it's eyes on Elsweyr, and start attacking the Thalmor there.
  • The Khajiit aid the Alliance in freeing Elsweyr from the Thalmor
  • The Alliance freed Cyrodiil from the Thalmor
  • The Thalmor Retreat to Valenwood, and try to force the wood elfs to fight against the Alliance
  • A few months later the Thalmor lose Valenwood to the Alliance and escape to Summerset Isle, The Alliance prepares to attack Summerset Isle.
  • The Battle to Conquer Summerset Isle has began, the Thalmor are using everything they got against their foes, but after a year the Alliance destroyed the Thalmor.
  • Remaining Thalmor escape to Pyandonea
  • Now that all of Tamriel has been united into a one big Alliance, peace roams the continent, for now...and the Fifth Era begins (i think)


Active Member
ulfric asking for help? giving up land im skyrim? lol. he has no reason to leave skyrim. he isn't the offensive type. he fought in skyrim because he felt his way of life was being threatened. if he doesn't feel threatened, he isn't going to fight anyone. once there are no thalmor in skyrim, that's it, he isn't going to march on any other province, especially since he won't have nearly enough troops, and he's too proud to ask for help from anyone who isn't a nord.

The Hungry Orc

Master of the Pyre
If I was a Stormcloak, I'd much rather let Skyrim die fighting other than 'bending their knee' to the Dominion. It's a matter of honor: if it is seized, then we might as well die with it with a blade in our hands.

Just my Stormcloak perspective.


A Mage that loves a Templar
I support Ulfric and his rebellion, but I do not support his military tactics. His deep hatred for the empire is going to be his downfall. To that respects Ulfric needs the empire just as much as the empire needs Ulfric and his stormcloak army. If both parties work together and become a temporary alliance their would be so much more resources and manpower to take down the Dominion, which happens to be the real threat of man kind.

The Greybeards will not get involved in this war. They do not believe in using their shouts as a weapon, they strictly uses it for worship. They don't care who runs the show as long as they leave them alone.

The blades is a different story. I'm certain that they will get involve in the war as the Thalmor is their enemy.


Hero of the defenceless, Champion of mankind
Depends....if the Greybeards get involved, it's over. Those old men don't play! And I'm pretty sure the Thalmor assholes would come knocking at their door.

The greybeards are non violent and probably wouldn't fight back. But the thalmor wouldn't dare attack them.

Non of this matters as I am a true empire supporter. Ulfric would be a terrible high king and would not keep skyrim safe.


Must be my Nord blood......
The greybeards are non violent and probably wouldn't fight back. But the thalmor wouldn't dare attack them.

Non of this matters as I am a true empire supporter. Ulfric would be a terrible high king and would not keep skyrim safe.
The one thing that led me to the conclusion that the dominion wouldn't care for the Greybeards are the in-game effects. The amulet of Talos and praying at a shrine of Talos help to "augment" thuum abilities. Talos-> thuum-> Greybeards. And the dominion is definitely arrogant enough to try and knock off a symbol of Skyrim.


Hero of the defenceless, Champion of mankind
The one thing that led me to the conclusion that the dominion wouldn't care for the Greybeards are the in-game effects. The amulet of Talos and praying at a shrine of Talos help to "augment" thuum abilities. Talos-> thuum-> Greybeards. And the dominion is definitely arrogant enough to try and knock off a symbol of Skyrim.
They would either be highly hated or highly dead depending on how the greybeards react

Rex Prime

Premium Airtcle Writer
ulfric asking for help? giving up land im skyrim? lol. he has no reason to leave skyrim. he isn't the offensive type. he fought in skyrim because he felt his way of life was being threatened. if he doesn't feel threatened, he isn't going to fight anyone. once there are no thalmor in skyrim, that's it, he isn't going to march on any other province, especially since he won't have nearly enough troops, and he's too proud to ask for help from anyone who isn't a nord.
If you finished the Stormcloak Quest-line then you know that he said himself that he will lead Tamriel to defeat a great Darkness (The Thalmor)


I agree that Skyrim should eventually carry out plans to help defeat the Dominion, I don't think it can be done right so quickly after the civil war. It didn't come cheap. Ulfric might be able to sustain Skyrim for the time being but he doesn't strike as someone who has a broader vision of what can be achieved or how.

If Skyrim is to be great again the one that can do that is the dragonborn. Its the main reason I dislike the the end of the dragon quest. No one seems to care. I wanted a parade.

Other problems still persist and can't be ignored. Barren Winterhold, the thieves guild, the Forsworn, the Falmer.